• Title/Summary/Keyword: Internet learning

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Animation Generation for Chinese Character Learning on Mobile Devices (모바일 한자 학습 애니메이션 생성)

  • Koo, Sang-Ok;Jang, Hyun-Gyu;Jung, Soon-Ki
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.33 no.12
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    • pp.894-906
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    • 2006
  • There are many difficulties to develop a mobile contents due to many constraints on mobile environments. It is difficult to make a good mobile contents with only visual reduction of existing contents on wire Internet. Therefore, it is essential to devise the data representation and to develop the authoring tool to meet the needs of the mobile contents market. We suggest the compact mobile contents to learn Chinese characters and developed its authoring tool. The animation which our system produces is realistic as if someone writes letters with pen or brush. Moreover, our authoring tool makes a user generate a Chinese character animation easily and rapidly although she or he has not many knowledge in computer graphics, mobile programming or Chinese characters. The method to generate the stroke animation is following: We take basic character shape information represented with several contours from TTF(TrueType Font) and get the information for the stroke segmentation and stroke ordering from simple user input. And then, we decompose whole character shape into some strokes by using polygonal approximation technique. Next, the stroke animation for each stroke is automatically generated by the scan line algorithm ordered by the stroke direction. Finally, the ordered scan lines are compressed into some integers by reducing coordinate redundancy As a result, the stroke animation of our system is even smaller than GIF animation. Our method can be extended to rendering and animation of Hangul or general 2D shape based on vector graphics. We have the plan to find the method to automate the stroke segmentation and ordering without user input.

Speech Recognition for the Korean Vowel 'ㅣ' based on Waveform-feature Extraction and Neural-network Learning (파형 특징 추출과 신경망 학습 기반 모음 'ㅣ' 음성 인식)

  • Rho, Wonbin;Lee, Jongwoo;Lee, Jaewon
    • KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2016
  • With the recent increase of the interest in IoT in almost all areas of industry, computing technologies have been increasingly applied in human environments such as houses, buildings, cars, and streets; in these IoT environments, speech recognition is being widely accepted as a means of HCI. The existing server-based speech recognition techniques are typically fast and show quite high recognition rates; however, an internet connection is necessary, and complicated server computing is required because a voice is recognized by units of words that are stored in server databases. This paper, as a successive research results of speech recognition algorithms for the Korean phonemic vowel 'ㅏ', 'ㅓ', suggests an implementation of speech recognition algorithms for the Korean phonemic vowel 'ㅣ'. We observed that almost all of the vocal waveform patterns for 'ㅣ' are unique and different when compared with the patterns of the 'ㅏ' and 'ㅓ' waveforms. In this paper we propose specific waveform patterns for the Korean vowel 'ㅣ' and the corresponding recognition algorithms. We also presents experiment results showing that, by adding neural-network learning to our algorithm, the voice recognition success rate for the vowel 'ㅣ' can be increased. As a result we observed that 90% or more of the vocal expressions of the vowel 'ㅣ' can be successfully recognized when our algorithms are used.

Text Filtering using Iterative Boosting Algorithms (반복적 부스팅 학습을 이용한 문서 여과)

  • Hahn, Sang-Youn;Zang, Byoung-Tak
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.270-277
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    • 2002
  • Text filtering is a task of deciding whether a document has relevance to a specified topic. As Internet and Web becomes wide-spread and the number of documents delivered by e-mail explosively grows the importance of text filtering increases as well. The aim of this paper is to improve the accuracy of text filtering systems by using machine learning techniques. We apply AdaBoost algorithms to the filtering task. An AdaBoost algorithm generates and combines a series of simple hypotheses. Each of the hypotheses decides the relevance of a document to a topic on the basis of whether or not the document includes a certain word. We begin with an existing AdaBoost algorithm which uses weak hypotheses with their output of 1 or -1. Then we extend the algorithm to use weak hypotheses with real-valued outputs which was proposed recently to improve error reduction rates and final filtering performance. Next, we attempt to achieve further improvement in the AdaBoost's performance by first setting weights randomly according to the continuous Poisson distribution, executing AdaBoost, repeating these steps several times, and then combining all the hypotheses learned. This has the effect of mitigating the ovefitting problem which may occur when learning from a small number of data. Experiments have been performed on the real document collections used in TREC-8, a well-established text retrieval contest. This dataset includes Financial Times articles from 1992 to 1994. The experimental results show that AdaBoost with real-valued hypotheses outperforms AdaBoost with binary-valued hypotheses, and that AdaBoost iterated with random weights further improves filtering accuracy. Comparison results of all the participants of the TREC-8 filtering task are also provided.

A Key Management Technique Based on Topographic Information Considering IoT Information Errors in Cloud Environment (클라우드 환경에서 IoT 정보 오류를 고려한 지형 정보 기반의 키 관리 기법)

  • Jeong, Yoon-Su;Choi, Jeong-hee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.233-238
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    • 2020
  • In the cloud environment, IoT devices using sensors and wearable devices are being applied in various environments, and technologies that accurately determine the information generated by IoT devices are being actively studied. However, due to limitations in the IoT environment such as power and security, information generated by IoT devices is very weak, so financial damage and human casualties are increasing. To accurately collect and analyze IoT information, this paper proposes a topographic information-based key management technique that considers IoT information errors. The proposed technique allows IoT layout errors and groups topographic information into groups of dogs in order to secure connectivity of IoT devices in the event of arbitrary deployment of IoT devices in the cloud environment. In particular, each grouped terrain information is assigned random selected keys from the entire key pool, and the key of the terrain information contained in the IoT information and the probability-high key values are secured with the connectivity of the IoT device. In particular, the proposed technique can reduce information errors about IoT devices because the key of IoT terrain information is extracted by seed using probabilistic deep learning.

An Intelligent Marking System based on Semantic Kernel and Korean WordNet (의미커널과 한글 워드넷에 기반한 지능형 채점 시스템)

  • Cho Woojin;Oh Jungseok;Lee Jaeyoung;Kim Yu-Seop
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.12A no.6 s.96
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    • pp.539-546
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    • 2005
  • Recently, as the number of Internet users are growing explosively, e-learning has been applied spread, as well as remote evaluation of intellectual capacity However, only the multiple choice and/or the objective tests have been applied to the e-learning, because of difficulty of natural language processing. For the intelligent marking of short-essay typed answer papers with rapidness and fairness, this work utilize heterogenous linguistic knowledges. Firstly, we construct the semantic kernel from un tagged corpus. Then the answer papers of students and instructors are transformed into the vector form. Finally, we evaluate the similarity between the papers by using the semantic kernel and decide whether the answer paper is correct or not, based on the similarity values. For the construction of the semantic kernel, we used latent semantic analysis based on the vector space model. Further we try to reduce the problem of information shortage, by integrating Korean Word Net. For the construction of the semantic kernel we collected 38,727 newspaper articles and extracted 75,175 indexed terms. In the experiment, about 0.894 correlation coefficient value, between the marking results from this system and the human instructors, was acquired.

Performance Improvement of Spam Filtering Using User Actions (사용자 행동을 이용한 쓰레기편지 여과의 성능 개선)

  • Kim Jae-Hoon;Kim Kang-Min
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.13B no.2 s.105
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    • pp.163-170
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    • 2006
  • With rapidly developing Internet applications, an e-mail has been considered as one of the most popular methods for exchanging information. The e-mail, however, has a serious problem that users ran receive a lot of unwanted e-mails, what we called, spam mails, which cause big problems economically as well as socially. In order to block and filter out the spam mails, many researchers and companies have performed many sorts of research on spam filtering. In general, users of e-mail have different criteria on deciding if an e-mail is spam or not. Furthermore, in e-mail client systems, users do different actions according to a spam mail or not. In this paper, we propose a mail filtering system using such user actions. The proposed system consists of two steps: One is an action inference step to draw user actions from an e-mail and the other is a mail classification step to decide if the e-mail is spam or not. All the two steps use incremental learning, of which an algorithm is IB2 of TiMBL. To evaluate the proposed system, we collect 12,000 mails of 12 persons. The accuracy is $81{\sim}93%$ according to each person. The proposed system outperforms, at about 14% on the average, a system that does not use any information about user actions.

The Effect of Adolescents' Health Behavior on Obesity (청소년들의 건강행태가 비만에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Min-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.295-302
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of adolescent health behavior on obesity using an online health behavior survey. The subjects of this study were 12,090 middle school students and 14,248 high school students among 26,338 Korean youths that responded to an online survey of youth health behaviors in 2018 (14th). There were significant differences in lifestyle, mental factors, exercise habits, and sitting habits as health behavior factors. The risk of obesity was higher in smokers (p<0.001), drinkers (p<0.001), those who ate breakfast less than four times a week (p<0.001), those who consumed fruit less than four times a week (p<0.001) and those who ate fast food less than two times a week (p<0.001). The obesity rate was higher in people with high-stress (p<0.05). Exercise habit as a factor was higher in the obesity rate than in physical activity by three times as much (p<0.001), whereas students categorized as muscular (p<0.01) had one to two times more physical activity (p<0.001). Students who had less than six hours of learning purpose were found to have higher obesity rates than those with more than six hours of learning purpose (p<0.001). In conclusion, the obesity rate did not increase with prolonged sitting habits, but did increase with longer sitting time except for those who studied purpose folly. Therefore, it is necessary to have a set time for internet use, as well as to educate schools about proper lifestyle, and to promote healthy exercise habits.

Design and Implementation of Visitor Access Control System using Deep learning Face Recognition (딥러닝 얼굴인식 기술을 활용한 방문자 출입관리 시스템 설계와 구현)

  • Heo, Seok-Yeol;Kim, Kang Min;Lee, Wan-Jik
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.245-251
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    • 2021
  • As the trend of steadily increasing the number of single or double household, there is a growing demand to see who is the outsider visiting the home during the free time. Various models of face recognition technology have been proposed through many studies, and Harr Cascade of OpenCV and Hog of Dlib are representative open source models. Among the two modes, Dlib's Hog has strengths in front of the indoor and at a limited distance, which is the focus of this study. In this paper, a face recognition visitor access system based on Dlib was designed and implemented. The whole system consists of a front module, a server module, and a mobile module, and in detail, it includes face registration, face recognition, real-time visitor verification and remote control, and video storage functions. The Precision, Specificity, and Accuracy according to the change of the distance threshold value were calculated using the error matrix with the photos published on the Internet, and compared with the results of previous studies. As a result of the experiment, it was confirmed that the implemented system was operating normally, and the result was confirmed to be similar to that reported by Dlib.

Line Tracer Modeling for Educational Virtual Experiment (교육용 가상실험 라인 트레이서 모델링)

  • Ki, Jang-Geun;Kwon, Kee-Young
    • Journal of Software Assessment and Valuation
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2021
  • Traditionally, the engineering field has been dominated by face-to-face education focused on experimental practice, but demand for online learning has soared due to the rapid development of IT technology and Internet communication networks and recent changes in the social environment such as COVID-19. In order for efficient online education to be conducted in the engineering field, where the proportion of experimental practice is relatively high compared to other fields, virtual laboratory practice content that can replace actual experimental practice is very necessary. In this study, we developed a line tracer model and a virtual experimental software to simulate it for efficient online learning of microprocessor applications that are essential not only in the electric and electronic field but also in the overall engineering field where IT convergence takes place. In the developed line tracer model, the user can set various hardware parameter values in the desired form and write the software in assembly language or C language to test the operation on the computer. The developed line tracer virtual experimental software has been used in actual classes to verify its operation, and is expected to be an efficient virtual experimental practice tool in online non-face-to-face classes.

A Study on the Media Recommendation System with Time Period Considering the Consumer Contextual Information Using Public Data (공공 데이터 기반 소비자 상황을 고려한 시간대별 미디어 추천 시스템 연구)

  • Kim, Eunbi;Li, Qinglong;Chang, Pilsik;Kim, Jaekyeong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.95-117
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    • 2022
  • With the emergence of various media types due to the development of Internet technology, advertisers have difficulty choosing media suitable for corporate advertising strategies. There are challenging to effectively reflect consumer contextual information when advertising media is selected based on traditional marketing strategies. Thus, a recommender system is needed to analyze consumers' past data and provide advertisers with personalized media based on the information consumers needs. Since the traditional recommender system provides recommendation services based on quantitative preference information, there is difficult to reflect various contextual information. This study proposes a methodology that uses deep learning to recommend personalized media to advertisers using consumer contextual information such as consumers' media viewing time, residence area, age, and gender. This study builds a recommender system using media & consumer research data provided by the Korea Broadcasting Advertising Promotion Corporation. Additionally, we evaluate the recommendation performance compared with several benchmark models. As a result of the experiment, we confirmed that the recommendation model reflecting the consumer's contextual information showed higher accuracy than the benchmark model. We expect to contribute to helping advertisers make effective decisions when selecting customized media based on various contextual information of consumers.