• Title/Summary/Keyword: International competition

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Market Strategy for Low Cost Carrier of Selection Attributes (저비용항공사 선택 속성에 관한 시장전략)

  • Kim, Ji-Soo;Park, Hye-Yoon;Park, So-Yeon
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - As more low cost carriers are introduced, the competition between the low cost carriers to become the nation's leading low cost carrier is also being intensified. The purpose of this study is to select various choice attributes for low cost carrier and figure out important factors that customers take into account for low cost carrier selection. The study also involves in establishing the relationship between perceived value, customer satisfaction, and customer behavior Intention, in an effort to identify choice attributes that are important to customers' low cost carrier. Research design, data, and methodology - To examine these research models, samples were collected from 247 peoples who visited In-Cheon international Airport during June, 2017. Results - The results of the study showed that, 'reservation service', 'airport service', 'in-flight service', and 'price' services have a significant effect on the perceived value of the choice attributes. While 'reservation service', 'airport service', 'in-flight service', and 'flight operation service' have a significant effect on the customer satisfaction of the choice attributes, perceived value has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. Perceived value has a significant effect on customer behavior intention. Finally, customer satisfaction has a significant effect on customer behavior intention. Conclusions - Flight operation service has no significant effect on perceived value of the choice attributes of low cost carriers, which indicates that the low cost carriers have not yet been well-established in the flight operation service sector. It seems likely that low cost carrier will be able to gain a competitive advantage over other companies if they expand their routes and improve the convenience of flight connections. In addition, the results show that the price service does not have a significant effect on customer satisfaction of the choice attributes of low cost carriers. From this, we may assume that the airline ticket prices of low cost carriers are already low, and the price cannot be a deciding factor in the competitive advantage of low cost carriers. To achieve higher customer satisfaction of the choice attributes, companies should strengthen the competitiveness of 'reservation service', 'airport service', 'in-flight service', and 'flight operation service'.

Study on Strategies for Overseas Expansion of Domestic Logistics Company Using by Imitation Strategy (Imitation Strategy를 이용한 국내 물류기업의 해외진출 전략에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hwa-Young;Lee, Sung-Woo
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.56-74
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    • 2010
  • The overseas expansion of global logistics company (GLC) is increasing rapidly under the influence of international specialization of manufacturing, and the necessity of global logistics service is increasing, and then the logistics market is growing year to year. The purposes of this study are to investigate the growing factors and strategies making global logistics company and to suggest the best strategies for overseas expansion of domestic logistics company (DLC) by using imitation strategy. The major results are as follows ; Firstly, DLC has to imitate liner shipping company or terminal operator which has competitiveness rather than other part of logistics. Secondly, DLC has to build up competition through investigation the global logistics companies which have globalization, specialization, monopolization and public elements. Thirdly, DLC has to use 'coming from behind strategy' for the exiting market, the 'pioneer importer strategy' for the new emerging market or niche. Lastly, DLC has to make a road map or process for expanding the logistics service area without collision exiting business models.

Trends of commercial strain development and spawn industry in mushrooms (버섯의 품종 육성과 종균 산업의 동향)

  • Yoo, Young-Bok;Kong, Won-Sik;Jang, Kab-Yeul;Oh, Se-Jong;Cheong, Jong-Chun;Jhune, Chang-Sung
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-32
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    • 2006
  • According to UPOV (International Union for Protection of New Varieties of Plants), mushroom spawn market have to be opened by the year 2009. Number of commercial strains distributed by the year 2005 were 179 of 24 species of edible and medicinal mushrooms. Only nine strains of oyster mushrooms were registered as protected variety, which is not compatible with those recorded in other advanced countries. Meaning of spawn in broad sense contains commercial strains. Development of commercial strains faces two main problems in Korea : One is the complicated genetic patterns and sexuality of mushroom species, and the other is expensive experimental equipments and fruiting body growing houses. Resolution of these problems leads to development of mushroom strains. This could be achieved as follows; genetic resources collection and assessment, molecular characterization of useful genetic characters, development of new commercial strains by hybridization using typical genetic resources, strengthening of breeding research using "Mushroom Breeding Group", management of spawn research company by consortium, foundation of mushroom general industry, promotion of consumption, and upgrade of competition ability for other countries. These points are under discussion.

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A Study on Customer Satisfaction for Courier Companies based on SNS Big data (소셜 네트워크 빅데이터 기반 택배업체 고객만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, DongJun;Won, JongUn;Kwon, YongJang;Kim, MiRye
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.55-67
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    • 2016
  • Global courier companies have been devoting to get more customers and profits with different service because of the worse profits from price competition. So, the effort of improving satisfaction of customers through improving courier service qualities is more important than any other time. However, the previous way to measure courier service has limitation that costs lots of time and money from off-line survey. This limitation could be overcome with less effort and costs if utilizing on-line social big data analysis and it is so helpful to improve competitiveness of courier companies. Therefore, I have collected comments from domestic and international courier companies from big data on social network service, analyzed the satisfaction of customers by R and verified the result by comparing with American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) and Korea National Customer Index (NCSI) in this research. I found out the result depicts clear correlation between SNS analysis and customer satisfaction. This study can be the foundation to predict customer satisfaction easily by utilizing real time SNS information.

A Study on the Role of Maritime Enforcement Organization As Response of Illegal Fishing (불법어업에 대한 해상집행기관의 역할 및 방향 - 중국어선의 불법어업을 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Bong-Kyu;Choi, Jung-Ho;Lim, Seok-Won
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.769-788
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    • 2014
  • Today, all the countries of the world newly recognize importance of sea on 70% area of the earth, which are focused on efforts for security of marine territory and fishes resources. On the security concerns of the ocean & fishes resources, Sea are very important on the ground of the importance of the ocean, thus international community has been trying to combat a maritime security threat and illegal fisheries. Coastal states need to have proper state's jurisdiction and exercise it's jurisdiction to response effectively to a maritime security threat and illegal fisheries. Here, many of the coastal states strengthened the rights in Exclusive Economic Zone(;EEZ) naturally, there are made cooperation activities and keen competition in the sea because deepening of complex understanding of the relationship between the surrounding countries with marine surveys & continental shelf development, island territorial sovereignty & marine jurisdiction in overlap of sea area on EEZ. In these circumstances, foreign fishing boats invaded to our territorial waters and EEZ many times. in addition, Chinese fishing boats are going to illegal fisheries naturally. On this point, a powerful crackdown of maritime enforcement organization had no effect on them. Also more and more their resistance gathered strength and tendency of a illegal activities became systematization, group action and atrocity little by little. So this thesis includes a study on the regal regulation, the system and formalities on the control of illegal fishing. And the author analyzed the details of the activities of illegal fishing and boats controlled by Korea Coast Guard(KCG), fishing patrol vessels of Ministry of Maritime Affaires and Fisheries(MOMAF) and Navy etc. from in adjacent sea area of Korea. In relation to this, the policy and activity plan were devised to crackdown to illegal fisheries of foreign fishing boats and then it was enforced every year. According to this, analyze the present conditions of illegal fisheries of a foreign fishing boats on this study, also analyze the present conditions of maritime enforcement organization & found out problems to compared it. protect the territorial waters, at the same time protection of marine mineral resources & fishes resources of EEZ including continental shelf, which has want to study for the role & response of maritime enforcement organization for the protection of fisheries resources and a proper, a realistic confrontation plan of maritime enforcement organization against illegal fisheries of foreign fishing boats.

The successful advance strategy through chinese online game market pertinent data analysis (중국 온라인게임시장 관련 자료 분석을 통한 '성공적인 진출 전략'에 관한 연굴)

  • Lee, Ji-Won;Seo, Mi-Ra;Kyung, Byung-Pyo
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2004
  • Domestic On-line game market becomes keen competition gradually. So, work which advance into the new market is very important work which it takes future of Korean on-line industry. Recently, Chinese on-line game population is soaring by development of on-line infrastructure and elevation of the Intern et speed. Also, growth of China economy improved purchasing power. So, international market is desiring China market. Because China on-line game market has High potential energy, no one is opposed to truth that China market's advance gives opportunity of great success. So, this China market's charm advanced many domestic companies to China market. Also, many domestic companies are preparing for China advance. However, we did not understand perfectly circumstance of China market, and advanced impatiently without thorough preparation. So, occasion that the latest domestic companies fail greatly is increasing. Finally, we can know that China market's advance is difficulty. Therefore, we must analyze circumstance of China game market systematically, and do thoroughpreparation and preparatory audit that is enough with wider visual field. So, we must think investment about the future more than that think in a short time profit.

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An Analysis on Situation and Causes of Strategic Alliance Major Container Liner Company in the World (세계 주요 컨테이너 해운기업의 전략적 제휴의 현황과 그 생성원인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Tae-Woo;Kim, Kwang-Hee;Lee, Kwang-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 1997
  • From the beginning of 1990s , also in the shipping industry, especially liner shipping industry competition has been more intensive and difference of the service quality among shipping companies has been learned . On the other hand, a shipping company has some limitations to do its international mission for itself just by broadening service area. For this reason, the necessity for the global strategi alliance among the shipping companies, which is orginally aimed at sharing of facilities and organixation, has been developed. Through strategic alliance, liner shipping companies do not need to input the additional capitals to increase the material assets such as vessel capacity and spread the risk by the enlargement of the market. Also, they can secure the competitive edge through efficient utilizaton of assets. The purpose of strategic alliance of Hanjin Shipping Ltd., can be summarized as follows ; broadening of service area, cost reduction through vessel sharing, realization of rationalized shipping service by terminal and equipment or facilities sharing. Liner strategic alliances are agreement among liner companies to pol their equipment , andterminals for joint operations and services in which each alliance partner continues to serve its market using jointly operated or used inland feeders,inland terminals, port terminals, and mainline fleets of ship as well as joint pools of containers and equipment. Strategic alliances are generally more formal agreements than consortia and impose longer term and far reaching obligation on their members. It also acts as one in developing and advancing the strategic aims of the alliance members. The most important objective for liner strategic alliances is cost reduction and improvement in capital asset utilization. Main aims of strategic alliance drawn in this paper, can be enumerated follows : 1. improvements in service frequency and quality : 2. improvements in vessel and equipment utilization and thereby reductions in fixed and variable cost ; 3. improvements in market shares and high value cargo booking ; 4. reductions in intermodal storage and port terminal throughput costs ; 5. improvements in negotiating powers with ports and feeder transport providers ; 6. reduction in financial and other fixed costs such as insurance; 7. coordination and integration of MIS and EDI systems and service for greater efficiency and market penetration ; and, 8. improvements in logistic chain management and economic of scale by equipment depot, terminal, and vessel sharing.

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A study on competitiveness of small ports - Focus on the Ports of Jeollado - (국내 중소형 항만의 경쟁력 확보 방안에 관한 연구 - 전라도 항만을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Myoun-Soo;Choi, Hoon-Do;Lim, Dong-Seok;Kwak, Kyu-Seok
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.817-821
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    • 2010
  • As the environment of Logistics is changing rapidly, the environment of port is also changing. Accordingly, rapid change within port environment appears as the increase of the volume for world wide cargo, liner ship owners' strategy shift, globalization of terminals, heavy competitions to become a hub of Logistics, development of ship engineering. Therefore, the people who are responsible for the operations and managements of ports foresee such changes and accordingly react to ensure competitiveness. As the competition among ports generally goes international, a port needs to be sure that they become superior to any other port regardless of whether it's outside their country or not. Especially Korea is located in the most heavily competitive area which is Far-East. So if we fail to get competitiveness against the other ports, it goes without saying that our ports will be defeated by them. In brief, this paper will discuss the history of study regarding the factors by which a port is selected and also suggest some of elements which can be applied to small ports in the future of it.

A study on the strategy of entering into the global value chain for defense SMEs (방산 중소기업의 글로벌 부품공급망 진입전략 연구)

  • Won, Jun-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.301-309
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    • 2020
  • Defense exports have overgrown in a short period, and items have been diversified with advanced high-end equipment, but exports have been stagnant due to the global economic recession and fierce competition. Weapons importers in the global market are diversified, volatility is higher, and global defense companies are also expanding their global value chain (GVC) By participating in the GVC of a global defense company, the defense SME can grow into a competitive company with specialized technology, rather than participating as a partner of a domestic system company. It is time to prepare an export promotion support plan. In this study, we selected five global companies with high value for the implementation of offset and general considerations on domestic SMEs' entry into the international parts supply chain and related cases, and investigated GVC entry requirements, the current status of cooperation partners, and the perceptions of GVC entry, through local surveys in Korea and overseas. Also, by considering the export target comprehensively, GVC stage, and the level of export competitiveness of domestic SMEs, strategies for promoting GVC participation of defense SMEs and improvements in government policies were derived and presented.

Global Market Entry Strategies of Korea-Japan Discount Stores (한.일 대형할인마트 해외진출 전략)

  • Kim, Young;Yoshimoto, Koji;Kim, Jang-Hyun;Ryu, Sung-Yong
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.195-215
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    • 2010
  • Large-scale discount stores, that were in charge of leading role up to recently, reach the limit of growth because of increasing competition, saturation of domestic market, and shortened product life-cycle. As per the limit of domestic market, large-scale discount stores are trying to various global market entry strategy and global marketing strategy like new store entry, takeover of foreign distribution chain, and global sourcing strategy. In the past, global companies of advanced country have been entering to Asian market with leading position. But, as per the rapid growth of Asian economy in the late 1980's, East Asian distribution companies like Japanese company were trying to enter the Asian market. In Asian market, starting with China, that was relatively not advanced in comparison with economic development, not only western advanced countries but also East Asian countries like Japan and Korea are entering actively for overcome their limitations of domestic market. Many of distribution companies experienced success and failure for various reason already. Korean large-scale discount stores are relatively late starters in Asian market. So, this paper purposed to review global market entry strategy of Japanese large-scale discount stores, and find out strategic implications for successful global market entry strategy of Korean large-scale discount stores.

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