• Title/Summary/Keyword: International competition

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A Study on the Economic Structure of Mexican Northern Borderlands in Relation to the North American Free Trade Agreement (멕시코 북부 국경지대의 경제구조 변화에 관한 고찰)

  • Lee, Jeon;Back, Jong-Gook
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.155-174
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    • 1997
  • This paper's main objective is to present an assessment of the impact of NAFTA on the economic structure of the Mexican northem borderlands. The NAFTA is the strategy of a free trade agreement with the United States and Canada, first mentioned by Salinas in June 1990 and established since January 1994. Mexican govemment permitted factories called maquiladoras at the northem borderlands for the first time in 1965. in the early 1980s Mexico was in a deep economic crisis and the international environment was adverse to Mexico. Mexico began to move toward an open economy and abandoned the import-substitution industrialization model that characterized Mexico since the 1930s. Through the new economic reform, the market system was preferred to the regulation; the private ownership, to the public ownership; and the competition, to the protection. The most phenomenal urbanization in northem Mexico has occurred around the major crossing points along the Mexico-U.S. border. The rapid urbanization in northern Mexico has been much due to the industrialization, brought about bv the maquiladora programs and, recently, by the NAFTA.

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Agricultural issues under FTA between Korea-United States (한.미 FTA 농업부문에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Rack;Lee, Ju-Seob
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.441-463
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    • 2009
  • FTA is acting as a central axis to accomplish the worldwide trade liberalization as FTA has been globally spreading with competition. As the global economic depression and the trend of new protectionism are getting grave, and the trade liberalization of GATT and WTO is getting delayed, FTA is spread as an alternative. FTA is often called as RTA: Regional Trade Agreement(regional free trade agreement) which takes place mainly around the neighbor nations or regular districts, and these days, it is tending towards agreements between long distant nations, so, it's not limited to the regular districts. Among the FTA agreement items, in addition to the customs abolition, the opening and investment liberalization of service market like finance, communication etc., intellectual property rights are included in the government's target range. Korea also is actively proceeding FTA conclusion. Korean government has concluded the agreements with Singapore, european nations beginning from Chile concluded in 2003, and is proceeding more the negotiations with Japan, Canada, Mexico, India etc. Now in 2009, FTA of Korea-United States is actually waiting for just the passage of assembly ratification. But, if FTA becomes effective, because our domestic market should be entirely opened, it is expected that the blow against our domestic agricultural field which is weak, compared with that of the United States, a nation of worldwide agricultural products, is not an ordinary one. According to it, we need a whole plan to cope with, so, the purpose of this study is to suggest the strategy by comparing and analysing the Korean agricultural competitive power, and to find the other development stratagem.

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The study on the research trend about Europe ports: focus on Baltic Sea using Keyword network (키워드네트워크 분석을 활용한 유럽항만의 연구동향 분석 :발틱해를 중심으로)

  • Delgado, Beatriz Barrera;Ma, Hye Min;Oh, Jae gyun;Yeo, Gi Tae
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.139-149
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    • 2018
  • Since the 17th century, international trade has increased as a result of the development in the navigation skills. Recently, maritime transport, compared to other modes, is used more than 70% worldwide by shippers and ports, and it also has become essential in international trade. Most researchers focused only on port development, in topics like ensuring depth of water, port competition and port governance, but have left some topics undone, such as environment, ecosystem and balanced development. Therefore, this study provides insight to the academic world in port research using SNA (Social Network Analysis). The result of the SNA study shows that Baltic Sea ports researchers have focused on "Shipping", "Marine ecosystem"and "Pollution". The implications of this study are: first, the environment has become a main issue in the research field; second, the results suggest focusing on the main keywords from the keyword network. This study has some limitations such as excluding domestic journals and focusing in the recent 10 years.

Generation of Corporate Risk Contents of Small Firms and Large Firms Using Financial Data for Enhancing International Competitiveness (국제경쟁력 강화를 위한 중소규모기업과 대기업간 부실예측 콘텐츠)

  • Kim, Young-Sook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.12
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this paper is to capture risk profiles of smaller-sized Korean firms $vis-{\grave{a}}-vis$ larger-sized firms during the Asian financial crisis. For this purpose, risk profiles are provided by estimating expected default risks and by tracking how these have changed during this period with respect to their magnitude, volatility, and sensitivity measures. Methodology used in this study employs the Black-Scholes-Merton model for producing estimates of default risks. And the conventional trans-log function is utilized for obtaining sensitivity measures of the estimated default risks. According to empirical evidence obtained here, it is revealed that contractions of corporate loans associated with IMF austerity policy was the main factor responsible for the drastic change in the default risk profile of Korean firms after occurrence of the Asian financial crisis.

A Study On the Introduction of Electronic Commerce Between South and North Korea (남북한 교역 확대를 위한 전자상거래 도입 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Choong-Bae;Jung, Jae-Woo
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.135-156
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    • 2005
  • Since July 7 mutual declaration in 1988 which is a landmark for South-North Korean relations, Inter-Korean Trade has been set out. During the period, the Inter-Korean Trade has been ups and downs depending on the Inter-Korean relations and economic situation of both countries. South Korea became one of the major three trading countries of North Korea's trading partners in 2000, when the sum of annual trade volume reached the record 425million US dollars. A rapidly increasing number of countries including North Korea are developing national policies and strategies to promote the digital economy, recognizing the potential benefits of e-business as an engine of growth and development. However, the trade structure of South-North Korea remains very simple in terms of its contents. Furthermore trade procedure many limitations especially electronic commerce in North Korea has many obstacles to working properly. The information in Inter-Korean trade cannot be shared in common. South Korean firms have suffered repeatedly trial and error and excessive competition took place among South Korean firms. Institutional inertia related to mutual trade, political and military Impacts on Inter-Korean economic relations, abnormal industrial structure of North Korea and insufficiency of SOC could be mentioned as major problems in Inter-Korean trade as well. Several measures should be taken in order to cope with those problems. First of all, South Korean government should provide valuable information to business firms about North Korean economy and business environments. It is suggested that forums related to inter-Korean trade hold in regular base between South and North Koreas and establish the system of business information sharing. Second, the government should improve various laws and regulations to respond to the realistic needs of inter-Korean trade. That is, detailed measures should be taken to guarantee investment in electronic commerce. Third, it is desirable to start with the mutual agreement between South and North Korea.

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Suggestions for Business Cooperation Utilizing the Cyber Culture Trends between Korea and China (한중 사이버 문화 협력과 비즈니스 발전방안)

  • Park, Moon-Suh
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.261-282
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    • 2005
  • In the 21st century, both globalization and e-Transformation trends of business in China have been in progress simultaneously and very rapidly. Due to those phenomena, there is consequently big change not only in the field of political-economy but also in the cultural trend of the world. But, despite of the importance of mutual cooperation between Korea and China, the research about Chinese cyber culture is neglected relatively. The purpose of this study is to review the cyber cultural aspect of business between two countries, and to devise proper measures for cultural cooperation not only reengineering the role of two countries but developing mutual benefit in East Asia in the era of global competition. The methodology used in this study is basically depending on theoretical study. Major findings are as follows: China has some cyber-cultural characteristics like very big size of netizen, heaven on earth of counterfeit, deepening in digital divide, etc. And Chinese traditional off-line culture has changed as the cyber culture spreaded over in cyberspace recently. But, on the other hand, cultural trends are changed to homogeneity both in nation-side which is between Korea and China and in space-side which is between online and offline culture. It is recommended that Korea and China have to endeavor to understand mutual culture, and to utilize the cyber culture in the respect of business cooperation. Consequently, two countries should effort to prepare exchange program for both netizen group, to design culture-networking system, to strengthen cyber-cultural marketing, and to make good use of both Korean Cultural Wave(said Han-Ryu) and Chinese Cultural Wave(said Hwa-Ryu).

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  • Kim, Min-Sook;Bang, Ho-Yeol
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.125-151
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    • 2008
  • Website service quality is widely accepted as one of the key determinants of online business success. Several studies identified key factors that determine the website service quality factors appropriate for online business environments. A convention and visitors bureau (CVB) website is a service portal that delivers information online about a destination so users can develop an overall image of the location. CVBs struggle to deliver positive destination images because the competition among destinations to host conventions is intense. In spite of the important role of CVBs and the beneficial spillover effect of CVBs, there are few studies available reporting on the unique service qualities of a CVB website. The primary purpose of this study was to examine the determining factors that are appropriate for CVB websites from the meeting planners' perspective. The research questions arc: What are the determining factors of service quality of a CVB website? Do the determining factors of CVB website service quality positively influence meeting planners' satisfaction? The new conceptual framework was developed from a variety of destination marketing and Internet marketing concepts: e-servicescape management, web community network, Internet service encounter management, and online system quality. Empirical results indicate that three of the four factors, that is, e-servicescape, web community network, and online system quality are important determinants in evaluating CVB website service quality. The findings also show that three determinants have significant and positive influence on meeting planners' satisfaction. The findings from this study will provide meaningful advice for CVB website quality management. To enhance the CVB website service quality and satisfaction level of meeting planners, these three determinants' should be considered of the utmost strategic importance and priority.

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A Study on the Information Exchange in Container Cargo Logistics (우리나라 컨테이너 물류 정보 교환에 관한 연구)

  • 박남규
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.81-103
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    • 1994
  • Increasing costs and competition in the global trade and transportation arena have led to a search for effient, cost-effective, particularly through the application of computer and information technologies. Most recently the introduction of Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) technologies in both trading and trade facili-tation activitiess have bagun to change the complextion of the international transport space. Korea as well as the other developing countries has become aware of the need to embrace EDI strate-gies in order to maintain a competitive market position with their more technologically advanced neighbou-ring and international trading partners. A way of EDI implementation, KMPA has invested large budgets in the research of the EDI since 1990. As the result of study in EDI of transport, KL-Net(Korea Logistics Network) was organized for the EDI business in cargo logistics. In spite of these KMPA's activities, the development plan of container logistics data interchange is not good and useful. So a new model of EDI in transportation is required by using the concepts of cargo data sharing. The purpose of this paper is to suggest a new way of container logistics data interchange model. This paper therefore analyze the information flow in the current container logistics and find the problem in the area to derive a new model. The followings are the results of this paper : (1) There are many problems and user's requirements in container logistics data interchange in Korea. (2) Many messages of UN/EDIFACT are able to be used in container logistics data interchange. (3) The container cargo data are stored in Container Logistics Network(CL-Net) database. And when necessary by requesting message transmission, the container logistics data interchange is possible. (4) Customs cargo clearance system and PORT-MIS can be linked to CL-Net. If the systems, however, are to introduce EDI in data interchange, the quality of user's software has to be assured.

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A Study on the Current Trend of Special Exhibition Home and Abroad (국내.외 전문전시 동향에 관한 고찰)

  • 손유찬
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.61-73
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    • 1991
  • The exhibition activity that a company is rendering to their consumers for the purpose of advertisement, sales promotion and enhancement of company inage get more and more internationalized and specialized. A company is changing from mass production system to small quantity production of various kinds to meet consumer's individualization and differentiation. Also, a company is experiencing a major change in their marketing strategy. As the society is entering on Information Age, the contents that a company intends to give consumer may be different individually. If a consumer is informed wrong information of the goods, a company needs a place to meet consumer face to face where the consumer feels and understands the substance of the goods. This is the current characteristics of Exhibition Media. Based on the result of the current Special Exhibition home and abroad along with background and characteristics of special Exhibition, this study sets a following task reflecting the general trend of social, cultural and economic atmosphere. First, Current Exhibition Industry will be diversified into more Specialized Exhibition, while our Exhibition Industry is very shaky under severe international competition. Also, Exhibition Plan that involves with architecture, interior, graphic, industrial design and advertisement, etc., needs international competitiveness while enhancing identity of Exhibition Plan along with comprehensive marketing strategy in the future. Second, Among most of the local special Exhibitions which invite the general public are normally invited for company public relation contrary to those of U.S.A. and Europe. This signifies of our industrial and social structure's by-product. As the future exhibition become Information Com$$\mu$ication Exhibition which requires specialized technical explanation, the correct description of the goods should be set as a Judgement basis of Exhibition Plan. Third, In parallel with increase of the Exhibition, the equipment expenses of a company goes up continuously. In view of this, a study $$\mu$t be oriented for re-use and curtailment of expenditure of those equipment. Also, as the use of Assembly System B on the rise as a result of diversification of special Exhibition, a study on the development of new material & design for Exhibition Equipment only B required.

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Consideration of Domestic Category Killers for Distribution Environment

  • Kim, Moon-Sook;Kim, Hyeon-Ju
    • The International Journal of Costume Culture
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 1999
  • The category killer that has been rapidly growing mainly in advanced countries since early 1990's, is a mew distribution model which aims for obtaining market controlling power by surpassing competing businesses in a specific area of products. The domestic situation of category killers is very different from that of advanced ones abroad since it has just been introduced into the Korean market. At the moment, there are only 10 or so companies operating in the market : Geopyung's , Taeheng's , Midopa's , of Sinsegye Department store, adn of Yerim International. The purpose of this study is to examine problems of domestic companies in the present market by analysing the operation status of category killers in domestic markets as well as foreign ones, and to suggest a counter-strategy of category killers for the distribution environment of the 21st century to improve the competitiveness of Korean distribution industry. The competitiveness of category killers lies above all in products lines. Category killers are equipped with the greatest number of products lines among those of competing businesses due to maximized product selections in an limited range. Another source of competitiveness may be found in balanced strategy positioning. That is to say, category killers are in a position where they can adjust policies towards any of the three purposes while aiming at them altogether : prices of discount stores, products range of specialty stores, and customer service level of department stores. It is also necessary for efficient store operation to use information technology such as electronic data interchange (EDI), electronic pose system(EPOS) and electronic funds transfer (EFTPOS). As for the cost structure, category killers can gain an advantage over other business since operating cost of various sections can be saved. There are, however, certain risks that category killers with strong competitiveness may influence on other businesses a great deal and even facilitate their decline. Yet it seems that the growth of category killers will be more viciously restrained by continuous challenges from other businesses. The distribution industry is supposed to develop through such competition and restraint.

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