• Title/Summary/Keyword: International competition

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Analysis and Measurement on the Evaluation of the Information Technology (정보기술(IT)의 가치평가분석 및 측정에 관한 연구 - 특허기술을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Seung-Hwan;Kim, Bok-Su;Lee, Joo-Yeon
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.106-116
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    • 2008
  • 21 century is as time of infinite competition the knowledge base society where the creation knowledge and information become source of competitive power (Knowledge-based society) and the world-wide various nations leads and knowledge intensification of voice and existing industry of knowledge industry leadership grasp of competitive power high position security and world economy it concentrates a hazard national ability from new economic environment inside. Also, world economy the economic border collapsed with opening anger liberalization and the integration of world economy was accelerated and the restraint of advanced nation, pursuit of the late start developing country and competition from the enterprise for strategy helping each other back international market more were aggravating and information and knowledge with production element or the goods were wide in the economic whole and information knowledge revolution which circulates was developed and it followed hereupon and with the vitality where the knowledge base industry growth is new it rose to the surface.

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The Challenge of the Third Generation Port and Port Competition (제 3 세대 항만의 도래와 항만경쟁)

  • 문성혁
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.91-109
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    • 1994
  • Technological and organisational changes in transport system have introduced new dimension into port system development and inter-port competition. The quality of service now required by the customer is costly and not easily provided by small shipping companies and small ports. It has been suggested that in the future container shipping may be concentrated by space-sharing arrangements or actual mergers into the hands of a few mega-operators with the investment potential to provide total logistics networks. In order to compete effectively, high load factors will be essential and port concentration inevitable. A fa-voured few ports will become the load centres and other ports will assume a secondary feeder role. In this study, three questions are raised and attempts are made to answer them : (a) what is the new role of ports today ; (b) why should ports be engaged in this new role ; and (c) how can ports play this new role. In short, a modern port should be a service centre and a logistic platform for international trade and transport-a third generation port. Ports, in particular, have to make every effort to be competitive in the cost and quality of services and to make the port a transport and distribution service centre. For most ports, this is not an option but a must ; an essential requirement for survival in this win or lose situation. The best way to win is to maintain a close contact with port users, listen to them, discuss with them, help them and satisfy them. That is port marketing. Starting from the findings of port marketing, it is es-sential to work out appropriate development plans and marketing targets and to improve port competitive-ness. As an alternative method, a port competitiveness model is suggested, which may help port managers to make appropriate improvements.

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A Study on the Effect of Inter-departmental Dynamics on Relationship Commitment and Performance in International Freight Forwarder (국제물류주선업체의 부서 간 역학관계가 관계몰입과 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Dong-Wan;Ha, Myung-Shin
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.40-62
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    • 2010
  • Because of rapid changes in business environment and fierce competition, firms are facing a more competitive environment and a more serious global competition. Many of the previous literatures have indicated that a business which increases its market orientation will improve its market performance. Numerous authors have argued the interdepartmental dynamics as prior factor to market orientation, and relationship commitment are an essential part of successful long-term relationships. Based on previous literatures, this study proposes the structure about interdepartmental dynamics, market orientation, relationship commitment and performance. The purpose of this paper is to find the impact of market orientation and relationship commitment on customer performance. In addition, this suggests interdepartmental dynamics as prior factor to market orientation. Results indicate that interdepartmental connections can reduce interdepartmental conflict, and lower conflict is a key factor of market orientation. Furthermore, this paper finds evidences that support the mediating effects of the relationship commitment between market orientation and customer performance.

Problem and Improvement of Korean Healthcare market Liberalization and Privatization

  • Joung, Soon-Hyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.175-181
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, based on the reference, we try to review the second issues about opening medical market and health care privatization by each topic and propose the measures and alternatives. Currently, in Korea, connection with launch of the WTO system and force of the FTA, the medical industries getting liberalization and globalization. Thus, it is expected to plunge to full-free competition system, and Korean medical institutions started the global competition which completely different dimension. It means that according to the liberalization of the healthcare market the real problem can be caused and also, the incessant discussion and effort for the implementation of international community are needed. Regard to attracting foreign patients and opening medical markets, the government also spreading the continued advancement strategy politically until now. However, generating problems with implication is inevitable and measures and alternatives to it are also needed. In accordance with the opening, the accompanying suggestions is medical privatization, that is, whether the health care pursue the profit not the not-for-profit and the current hospitals in Korea they are leaved as non-profit hospitals and let the make the subsidiary as general commercial enterprises, it seems indirect. However, it is like a healthcare privatization virtually thus, implication seem be large. Of course, through the public opinion and legal reservation, the liberalization and privatization of medical market can be delayed or not forced. It would be not fit in the flow of the inevitable globalization, it can be inhibited national interest and economic development also, and it can be the critical implications which shake the health system and collapse of the domestic health care market.

An Analysis on Static Level and Dynamic Trend of Imperfect Competitiveness in Grain Trade Market (곡물 교역시장의 불완전 경쟁상태의 정태적 수준 및 동태적 변화에 대한 분석)

  • Kwon, Dae-Heum
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.7788-7793
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    • 2015
  • Both export and import sides of grain trade market are analyzed and compared in terms of the static levels and dynamic trends to make new empirical inference on the imperfect competition degree. Export concentration level is high compared to import concentration level. And such states have been sustained since 2001 until 2014. Unlike public concerns, the concentration level of export side seems to be easing by small degree. However, the grain trade market remains imperfect competitive market. Furthermore, overall imperfective competition condition over 2002-2014 has been worsened compared to 2001 level. It is because the reduction level of imports concentration is higher than that of the export concentration. Gini and Atkinson Inequality Index based on Lorenz Curve are newly utilized to analyze market concentration level, instead of the commonly used concentration ratio.

Present Status and Prospects of Horticultural Seed Industry (원예종묘산업의 현황과 발전전망)

  • Kim Byung Soo;Om Young Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.336-352
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    • 1998
  • The horticultural seed industry has made great progress in the last fifty years of its history after the independence of this country. The industry has accomplished self-sufficiency in major vegetable seeds and has even gained international competitive edge in certain crop seeds, particularly in hybrid cultivar development. However, the industry is facing a crisis at present coming from excessive competition among the domestic seed companies as well as the foreign currency crisis of the country. Several major seed companies have already been acquired by multinational corporations. Many people in the country as well as agriculturists are concerned about this situation. Although it is true that the industry is undergoing hard times, this crisis can be turned into a chance for making new progress depending on the joint efforts of the groups responsible, i.e., private companies, public institutions, and policy makers. Therefore, we have to turn this crisis into an opportunity for self-reform and progress. We should not be discouraged or give up. We Propose some ideas for the Progress of the seed industry. Public institutions and policy makers should do such things in cooperation as 1) training human resources for future breeders, 2) securing a wide range of genetic resources and improvement of the management system, 3) basic science research including biotechnology, 4) releasing breeding stocks from germplasm enhancement through use of exotic accessions, 5) support for breeding region- or use-specific cultivars, and 6) collection of foreign agricultural information for breeding cultivars for overseas markets. Eventually the responsible group for the final development of commercial cultivars, production, sales and management is private companies. Therefore, private companies also should have to do their best to develop competitive cultivars with a missionary spirit and endeavor for both domestic and overseas markets in cooperation with public institutions. Management based on competition, professionalism and rationalism is also urged. We are going to conclude with optimism that we can make a new vault of progress once the private and public sectors closely cooperate for the development of Korean horticultural seed industry by overcoming this crisis.

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GreedyUCB1 based Monte-Carlo Tree Search for General Video Game Playing Artificial Intelligence (일반 비디오 게임 플레이 인공지능을 위한 GreedyUCB1기반 몬테카를로 트리 탐색)

  • Park, Hyunsoo;Kim, HyunTae;Kim, KyungJoong
    • KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.572-577
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    • 2015
  • Generally, the existing Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems were designed for specific purposes and their capabilities handle only specific problems. Alternatively, Artificial General Intelligence can solve new problems as well as those that are already known. Recently, General Video Game Playing the game AI version of General Artificial Intelligence, has garnered a large amount of interest among Game Artificial Intelligence communities. Although video games are the sole concern, the design of a single AI that is capable of playing various video games is not an easy process. In this paper, we propose a GreedyUCB1 algorithm and rollout method that were formulated using the knowledge from a game analysis for the Monte-Carlo Tree Search game AI. An AI that used our method was ranked fourth at the GVG-AI (General Video Game-Artificial Intelligence) competition of the IEEE international conference of CIG (Computational Intelligence in Games) 2014.

Gray Zone Strategy of the Neighboring States and Korea's Geostrategy: An Analytical Framework of Complex Maritime Geostrategy (주변국의 그레이존 전략과 한국의 지전략: 복합해양지전략의 관점에서)

  • Lee, Myun Woo;Oh, Seunghee
    • Maritime Security
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.119-148
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the perceptions of neighboring countries on the gray zone and to explore Korea's maritime strategy. The concept of gray zones appears in various ways from country to country. In international relations, the gray zone is a comprehensive space between war and peace. The gray zone in the ocean is an unstable space in which competition between the US and China is represented and proxy wars are possible, and the gray zone needs strategic management. This study summarizes the concept of gray zones in the maritime security field, examines the gray zone strategies of neighboring countries, and suggests Korea's gray zone strategies. In particular, the recognition of the gray zone itself is the core of the problem, and it is necessary to strengthen information sharing to clarify the problem about the gray zone and accurately recognize the gray zone situation. The CMG(Complex Maritime Geostrategy) framework attempted in this study is expected to be helpful in understanding the nature of various gray zone issues around Korea and preparing for a geostrategy based on the analysis.

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An Study on Effects of Strategy and Policies on the Corporate Profitability: Focusing on the Profitability of Wholesale Market Corporation for the Different Agricultural Marketing Policy in Korea and Japan (제도와 정책이 기업 수익성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 한·일간 농산물 유통정책의 차이에 따른 도매시장법인 수익성을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Yoon-Doo;Chae, Sue-Ho;Oh, Ka-Young
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.175-186
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    • 2021
  • Purpose - This study intended to identify the effects of varied institutional systems and policies that regulate or define operations of enterprises upon the profitability of private enterprises through case analysis. Design/methodology/approach - The systems and differences in the institution and commodity distribution in Korea and Japan, which define the operation of the "Garak Wholesale Market" and "Ota Wholesale Market". We were examined in the presentthis study, and the statistical data pertinent to the trade volume and profitability of wholesale market corporations that substantially run both markets, were analyzed. Findings - The competition among the corporations that run the "Garak Wholesale Market" substantially is limited due to regulations over the mode of transaction and monopoly of trust thereby significantly higher level of profitability and safety are guaranteed. However, the institutional autonomy that enabled each distributor in the "Ota Wholesale Market" to compete with each other freely caused the distributors therein face difficulties in securing stable profits due to the relatively poor level of profitability resulted from the autonomy. Research implications or Originality - It seems the autonomy in commercial transaction in the "Garak Wholesale Market" in Korea needs to be secured to promote the competition of distributors therein through an amelioration of institutional systems and amendment of relevant laws that prescribe current management of various distributors/operators in the market.


  • Yat-Hung, Chiang
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.962-969
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    • 2009
  • The market of building construction has been competitive in Hong Kong, perhaps as anywhere else in the world. The barrier to entry is low because there are relatively low requirements on the three factors of production - technology, manpower and finance. The prevailing building technology is traditional and labour-intensive. There is also not much need of capital because clients' periodic payments have been the main source of project finance. Further, capitalizing on trade sub-contracting, contractors have been able to keep their direct labour-force small and to transfer much of their business risk to the sub-contractors. Based on interviews to solicit the perception of a sample of building contractors on the particular issues of construction finance, we present the findings in this paper and discuss the various implications. We believe that the current practice of construction financing is both the cause and effect of the competition within, and the competitiveness of, the building construction sector in Hong Kong. We conclude that the building construction sector is "locked or stuck" in this "equilibrium" of traditional technology, reliance on clients' finance and exploitation of sub-contracting. In this "equilibrium" state, there is hardly any motivation for contractors to engage themselves in product or process innovation. Consequently, any talk of industry reform or innovation could only remain just that. We believe that this problem is not unique in Hong Kong. The building construction sector in many other developed and developing economies is posed with similar if not the same problems and constraints. We conclude that there has to be some "external forces" to bring this "equilibrium" state to a higher level "equilibrium" one where higher value-added building construction services are supplied and demanded. This is a state where building contractors possessing innovative technology, better financial and manpower resources could thrive to build better buildings with innovative building methods and processes.

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