• 제목/요약/키워드: International competition

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Vision and Strategy for Service Industry on the Korean Peninsula : Discussion on the Global Gateway for Service Cooperation (글로벌 게이트웨이 논의와 한반도 서비스산업 비전 및 전략)

  • Park, Moon-Suh
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.467-491
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    • 2007
  • The Korean Peninsula has the gateway role of Far East Asia in economic aspect, because it is the channel to global world that Korea and Japan should take in the future. Till now, there was no real economic cooperation in service industry for two Koreas. Nevertheless, it is high time that two Koreas have to play a gateway role in order to pave the way to come true their global vision. This paper aims to examine the possibility of economic cooperation between two Koreas in service sector and explore the vision and strategy which are useful for the ways toward peaceful unification on the Korean Peninsula and two Koreas' future survival in the midst of global competition. Economic cooperation in service sector, such as transport, tourism, educational services, etc. between two Koreas means establishing and strengthening the infrastructure of their unification. If there were no cooperation of service sector on the Korean Peninsula, we also could not expect the outcome of economic cooperation and the vision of Korea's unification. To sum up, the strategy recommended for the Korean Peninsula's global vision is that two Koreas should simultaneously open the window of economic cooperation in service sector and link the interface between the Eurasian continent and the Korean Peninsula.

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The Impacts of Competition and Technology Change on the HQ-subsidiary Cooperation (본사-자회사간 협력에 대한 경쟁과 기술요인의 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Keon-Bong
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.203-221
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    • 2014
  • This study examines the effect of external environments such as technological change and competitive intensity on HQ-subsidiary cooperation. It was empirically tested by a Korean sample to verify the validity of the research framework. The empirical result confirms that external environments increase the odds of HQ-subsidiary cooperation. The result also indicates that technology change and HQ-subsidiary cooperation are related. The data support that firms facing a high rate of technology change stress the relationship between headquarters and foreign subsidiaries. The result also confirms that competitive intensity directly influences HQ-subsidiary cooperation.

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A Study on trend analysis of information & communications and standardization direction (정보통신 동향 분석 및 표준화 방향)

  • Min, Jae-Hong;Cho, Pyung-Dong;Hahm, Jin-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.487-490
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    • 2011
  • As international standards of ICT were recently recognized as a essential strategy to penetrate into global markets in advance, the competition for international standardization among advanced countries and companies has been intensified. Also, the convergence of ICT and other industry as well as that of ICT and broadcasting has caused the expansion of range and importance in standardization. It is necessary to set up the strategy of standardization on essential technology and implement it systematically in order to take leading position in global market of IC in smart information society of the 21th century. Therefore, in this paper, I'll suggest constructive strategies of standardization through analyzing the trend and environment of IC standardization.

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Analysis on Status about Container Terminal of ShangHai Port (상하이항의 컨테이너 터미널 현황 분석)

  • Xuan Hui-Ying;Noh Chang-Kyun
    • Proceedings of KOSOMES biannual meeting
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.77-81
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    • 2004
  • As developing for dozens of years, East Asia has been a central area of world economic and trade growth. The containerization of East Asia also goes up rapidly. With the development of this area, countries all try hard to dispute the status of international shipping centre. The competitors of Shanghai Port are Busan Port, Kobe Port and GaoXiong Port. This thesis analyses these three Ports and Shanghai Port‘s information. The main point is Shanghai Port’s merits and faults, and also compares these four ports‘ competition of soft and hardware. At last, this thesis expatiates some concrete measures of Shanghai Port's constructing.

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A Study on the Ecotourism Policy Direction of Saemangeum.Gunsan Free Economic Zone (새만금.군산경제자유구역의 생태관광 방향)

  • Lim, Hyung-Baek;Choi, Hung-Kyu;Lee, Seong-Woo
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2009
  • Saemangeum is the largest reclaimed land in Korea. Saemangeum is the large scale project responding to the economic demand of globalization, and a government initiated new development business with a vision of global Free Economic Zone(FEZ). Jeollabuk-province conducted a international competition to establish a global-scale, creative development plan and grow the Saemangeum as an international destination of economy, and a world-wide brand. SGFEZ has much to offer in terms of tourists attractions and breathtaking scenery. And tourism is one of the important industry in SGFEZ. Many tourist facilities will be construct in SGFEZ. Environment is the important issue in many field of study. Recent days, green growth come into the spotlight in Korea. But even as SGFEZ prepares for its future global tourists attraction, so much of the tourism policy directions remains unconsidered. The objective of this study was to suggest tourism policy direction, especially concentrated on ecology tourism policy direction of Saemangeum Gunsan Free Economic Zone(SGFEZ).

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A study on the reinforcing competitiveness plan for insurer from PB market (PB 시장에서의 보험사 경쟁력 강화방안 연구)

  • Kwak, Bong-Hwan;Ham, Young-Jin
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.41-64
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    • 2007
  • A life insurance industry's market is reaching a state of saturation recently, and the competition is as time goes by intense among the non-life insurance industry. Consequently, the insurance companies must grope a new source of revenue and develop a new business model for a stability growth. At the forked road, the insurance companies must group the existing and new customers in order to find the royal customers, and develop a new service with them. Accordingly, it is the time to study the advance of PB field and the royal customer management that will maintain and expand the new relations with them. Besides, the PB was the service to begin in needs of the specific group, but now it is regarded as a new source of high profit in the age of universal financial service among the financial circles. As a consequence, the PB marketing is introduced in haste, and such trend seems to be continued. Therefore, the plans that help the domestic insurance company reflect the characteristic of the insurance and expand the scope of business into the scope of property management according to the needs of customers under a universal financial service trend will be studied.

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A Study on the Implementation Level of e-Trade of Chinese Exporters in Shandong Province, China (중국 무역업체의 전자무역 구현수준 결정요인 연구 - 중국 산동성 지역 수출기업을 중심으로 -)

  • Shim, Sang-Ryul;Shao, Dan
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.3-24
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to identify the determinants on the implementation level of e-Trade of Chinese exporters in Shandong Province, China. From the review of previous studies, a research model and six hypotheses were set up and tested by the multiple regression analysis with total 127 effective survey data. Among the company characteristics, the company size was statistically significant to the utilization range and the utilization level. But unlike former studies in Korea, the utilization range showed the (-) mark. On the other hand, the innovative attitude of CEO didn't show statistical significance to both the utilization range and the utilization level. Among the information characteristics, the IT infrastructure was not statistically significant to both the utilization range and the utilization level. On the other hand, the education and training of technical personnel didn't have a significant effect on the utilization range, but it had a statistically significant effect on the utilization level. Among the external environment, the intensity of competition had a statistically significant effect on both the utilization range and the utilization level. In summary, the implementation level of e-Trade of Chinese exporters in Shandong Province, China is still behind that of Korea. But the fact that the small and medium-sized Chinese exporters are using Internet more actively than large companies suggests some implications for those of Korea.

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Characteristics of the Trade between Korea and China and the Implications for the Korea-China FTA (한.중 무역구조의 특성을 고려한 FTA 체결시 정책적 함의)

  • Lee, Seo-Young;Ahn, Byung-Min
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.235-253
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    • 2010
  • The export is an important economic growth strategy in South Korea. South Korea is strongly dependant on external trades. Bilateral trade between China and South Korea has been grown rapidly in recent years. The China is now Korea's first-largest trading partner. Thus, the Korea-China Free Trade Agrement (FTA) in South Korea's trade operations is very important. A discussion of Korea-China bilateral FTA commenced in 2004 November. This paper is to recognize the phenomenon of major issued fields in the Korea-China FTA such as a manufacturing, agriculture, customs and seek a negotiation strategy that are summarized as follows. In terms of trade based on manufacturing, it is necessary to divide into a private, general reduction and priority reduction item to recognize whether it is complementary or competitive on the specific industry in the FTA negotiation by using an index regarding supplement and competition of these two countries. In particularly sensitive agricultural field, FTA should be progressed gradually after giving a certain period of time of grace period on the basis of various flexible tariff systems in order to minimize agriculture damage as a result of the rapid growth from import of Chinese agricultural goods.

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A Study on the Activation of the Fur Fashion Industry in Korea(Focused on the opening domestic Fur Market after 1988) (한국 모피 패션 산업 활성화에 관한 연구 -'88년 모피 내수시장 개방 이후를 중심으로-)

  • 정성혜
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.22
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    • pp.45-60
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    • 1994
  • Since 1988 the fur fashion industry in Korea has been difficult in exporting and competition with too many brands after opening the dom-estic fur market. However comparing with the interest of manufactures and consumers there are few of related references and books. So the purpose of this study is to put in order and summurize the manufacture in fur cloth-ing the informations of domestic and oversea fur markets and the other professional references. After all it is to help succeed in domestic and international fur markets and give the new ideas of designing and merchandising to the fur fashion industry. The results were as follows: 1. Contact with fur specialty stores in the international fashion cities and tourist cities directly. 2. Establish oversea factories in the low labor countries. 3. Exploit and invest in Russia china and the East European countries for suppliment of law materials and fur market. 4. Need the market research and promotion for encroachment in Japanese fur market. 5. Create the original brands with inter-national fashion sense. 6. Develop the manufacture line for diverse models in small lots matching with the modern life styles. 7. Need the fashion show exhibition pro-motion with reasonable prices and creative new designing with various color trimming texturizing and combination with the other materials. 8 Subdivide and distinguish labels into different types for avoiding with too much com-petition and comvenience of consumers. 9. Make an effort to weaken the black mar-ket the 30% of the domestic fur market.

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Developmental Role of Chamber of Commerce and Industries in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Sylhet Chamber of Commerce and Industries

  • Bhuiyan, Bashir Ahmed;Latif, Abdul
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2011
  • Chamber of commerce and industry plays important role for development of business community and creating vibrant competition. Present paper compares chambers operations in Bangladesh, especially, Sylhet Chamber of Commerce and Industry(SCCI) by reviewing global models of chambers practices. The study identifies important gaps between international standards and Bangladesh practices. Mostly practiced chambers model in the world are: Continental Model, Anglo-Saxon Model and Mixed model or Asian model. Like other Asian countries, chambers in Bangladesh including SCCI, have been following Mixed Model. The empirical study found that SCCI is performing different developmental functions like accumulating members, collecting revenue, fulfilling corporate social responsibility and providing business development services to its members and business community. The notable constraining factors of SCCI operations are: short term orientation in assembling members, limited functional activities, lack of creative endeavors in diversifying services, linkage between SCCI and academic institutions, poor research involvement etc. The necessary suggestions for improvement of chambers performance include adoption of creative measures in various operations, providing training to the members, assisting entrepreneurs in obtaining industrial finance and extending support in the establishment of specialized industrial zone for attaining long term developmental objectives.

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