• 제목/요약/키워드: International Agricultural Research Institute

검색결과 574건 처리시간 0.027초

DEA를 이용한 농림 R&D 사업의 효율성 분석 (Efficiency of Analysis Agricultural R&D Program by Data Envelopment Analysis)

  • 김준현;이봉수;김재경
    • 무역학회지
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    • 제45권1호
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    • pp.47-64
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    • 2020
  • For the past few years, the Korean government has been consistently expanding its national research & development budget to accelerate economic growth through technology innovation and the enhancement of international competitiveness in global markets. The objective of this paper is to define the concept and analyze the current status of national R&D programs by measuring R&D efficiencies. We determine R&D efficiency by reflecting inputs and outcomes of the five main agricultural R&D programs between 2010 to 2015, and by categorizing and regrouping figures that may affect R&D performance. Among 1,128 targeted projects, 832 projects with patents and thesis were selected for analysis in terms of measuring technology efficiency, pure technology efficiency, and efficiency of scale. Also, the Kruskal-Wallis test was also utilized as well. As a result of empirical analysis, figures that affected the efficiency level of national R&D programs included differences in research resources, research management levels and skills, and research field. This study can be utilized as a reference for re-establishing national agricultural R&D policies, such as enhancement of national technology competitiveness in the global market environment, improving and adapting to new agricultural conditions, market expansion, national agricultural R&D efficiency, aging rural population, agricultural management cost increase, and climate change mitigation.

Estimation of Above-Ground Biomass of a Tropical Forest in Northern Borneo Using High-resolution Satellite Image

  • Phua, Mui-How;Ling, Zia-Yiing;Wong, Wilson;Korom, Alexius;Ahmad, Berhaman;Besar, Normah A.;Tsuyuki, Satoshi;Ioki, Keiko;Hoshimoto, Keigo;Hirata, Yasumasa;Saito, Hideki;Takao, Gen
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.233-242
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    • 2014
  • Estimating above-ground biomass is important in establishing an applicable methodology of Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) System for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation-Plus (REDD+). We developed an estimation model of diameter at breast height (DBH) from IKONOS-2 image that led to above-ground biomass estimation (AGB). The IKONOS image was preprocessed with dark object subtraction and topographic effect correction prior to watershed segmentation for tree crown delineation. Compared to the field observation, the overall segmentation accuracy was 64%. Crown detection percent had a strong negative correlation to tree density. In addition, satellite-based crown area had the highest correlation with the field measured DBH. We then developed the DBH allometric model that explained 74% of the data variance. In average, the estimated DBH was very similar to the measured DBH as well as for AGB. Overall, this method can potentially be applied to estimate AGB over a relatively large and remote tropical forest in Northern Borneo.

Construction of the Full-length cDNA Library and Selection of Diapause-Associated cDNA Clones from Bombyx mori Diapausing Eggs and Diapause-Activated Eggs

  • Hwnag, Jae-Sam;Go, Hyun-Jeong;Goo, Tae-Won;Yun, Eun-Young;Choi, Kwang-Ho;Seong, Su-Il;Kim, Sung-Kuk;Lee, Sang-Mong;Kim, Iksoo;Kim, Nam-Soon;Kang, Seok-Woo
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.145-148
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    • 2004
  • As an initial step to define the molecular mechanism of diapause during embryogenesis of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, mRNA transcripts from diapausing eggs and diapause-activated eggs were compared by differential expression using cDNA microarray. Twenty-four individual cDNA clones were identified. Amomg them, ten genes including alcohol dehydrogenase, dead box-l, cytochrome oxidase subunit I and 18 wheeler showed increased expression in the diapause-activated eggs. The rest of fourteen genes showed increased expression in diapausing eggs.

Effect of pulverizing method on the particle size of matured silkworm powder

  • Kim, Su-Bae;Kim, Kee-Young;Ji, Sang-Deok;Kim, Seong-Wan;Kim, Nam-Suk;Jo, You-Young;Kim, Jong-Gil;Kim, Young-Guk;Koo, Hui-Yeon;Moon, Hyung-Chul;Seok, Young-Seek;Lee, Hyun-Tai
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • 제37권2호
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    • pp.105-108
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    • 2018
  • Recently matured silkworm powder was developed by RDA. In this study, the effect of pulverizing method on the particle size of matured silkworm powder was examined. FESEM was performed to observe the morphology and to measure the particle size of silkworm powder. Particle morphology of air-jet mill pulverized powder was round and smooth, however, those of roller-mill and hammer-mill pulverized mature silkworm was more harsh and square. Particle size was varied with pulverizing technique as follows; $1.1{\mu}m$ (air-jet mill), $10{\mu}m$ (roller mill), and $120{\mu}m$ (hammer mill), respectively. A proximate analysis results of air-jet mill powder showed that crude protein, crude lipid, crude fiber, and ash was 73%, 12%, 1.95%, and 3.4%, respectively. According to our results, air-jet mell technique might be used to make a tiny matured silkworm powder.

진주 국제 농식품 박람회의 이용자 평가 분석 (User analysis for Jinju international agriculture & food EXPO 2013)

  • 전상곤;김성훈
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제41권1호
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2014
  • In Korea, many local governments has hosted the agriculture and/or food EXPO for the promotion of agro-food industry. Some EXPOs were successful to achieve their initial goal, but others were severely criticized due to wasting budget without outcome. The comprehensive debates and studies for the better management of EXPOs are required. The purpose of this paper is to analyze users for Jinju international agriculture & food EXPO 2013 and to suggest the strategies for the development of this EXPO. Survey analyses for two groups (enterprises and audiences) were conducted for this research. The results of studies present a few findings: First, the differentiated strategies for each groups (enterprises and audiences) should be developed. Second, EXPO need to attract more participants from the whole country. Third, the methods of advertisement should be improved, especially on-line ads. Fourth, various complains from participants, which are collected via surveys, need to be handled.

Advanced Engineering Concepts for Tomorrow's Agro-industrial System in the Asian Region

  • Pellizzi, Giuseppe
    • 한국농업기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국농업기계학회 1993년도 Proceedings of International Conference for Agricultural Machinery and Process Engineering
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1993
  • The social-economic development of the various countries and therefore, of the world agricultural market asks for a rationalization of the whole Agro-industrial System. In order to help the economic competitiveness of the various products, to improve their quality and to protect the environments Agricultural Engineers have to follow holistic research approaches for the whole system. The paper discusses the main problems that, in this view, Agricultural Engineers have to take into consideration.

  • PDF

A Review of the Scientific Names of Chinese Cabbage according to the International Codes of Nomenclature

  • Kim, Yoon-Young;Oh, Sang Heon;Pang, Wenxing;Li, Xiaonan;Ji, Seong-Jin;Son, Eunho;Han, Saehee;Park, Suhyoung;Soh, Eeunhe;Kim, Hoil;Lim, Yong Pyo
    • 원예과학기술지
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.165-169
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    • 2017
  • We organized the scientific names of Chinese cabbage according to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN) and the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants (ICNCP). We found that the subspecies name 'Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis (Lour.) Rupr.' was suitable as the scientific name for Chinese cabbage, and we classified B. rapa var. glabra Regel. as its synonym. In addition, B. petsai Bailey is an 'unrecorded name'   not found in the original description, and therefore is not suitable for use. We conclude that all names based on this name are 'invalid names', and should not be used.