• Title/Summary/Keyword: International Agricultural Research Institute

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Introgression of Sex-Limited Larval Markings to a Productive Multivoltine Strain of Silkworm Bombyx mori L.

  • Rao, D. Raghavendra;Singh Ravindra;Basavaraja H.K.;Kariappa B.K.;Dandin S.B.;Rufaie S.Z. Haque
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 2006
  • A breeding programme was initiated during 2001 to introduce sex-limited larval markings to a productive multivoltine breed - BL67 from an inbred sex-limited line, MY1 (SL) maintained at Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute, Mysore. Introgressive hybridization, recurrent backcrossing for six generations followed by sib-mating resulted in synthesis of a new multivoltine silkworm breed BL67 (SL) with sex-limited larval markings. The new breed was studied for combining ability by crossing with eight bivoltine breeds viz., $NB_4D_2,\;CSR_2,\;CSR_2 (SL),\;CSR_2,\;CSR_4,\;CSR_8,\;CSR_{18}\;and\;CSR_{19}$. General combining ability effects of the new breed showed its superiority over the popular Pure Mysore by expressing significant GCA effects for six out of twelve characters whereas the results are on par with the original multivoltine breed. The hybrid $BL67(SL){\times}CSR2(SL)$ excelled in several quantitative characters such as pupation rate (90.2%), cocoon weight (1.97 g), cocoon shell weight (40 cg), cocoon shell ratio (20.3%), filament length (918 m), denier (2.96), raw silk percentage (14.96%) and neatness (90 p). Studies on cocoon size variability revealed that the cocoons of $BL67(SL){\times}CSR2(SL)$ were found comparatively uniform showing less standard deviation of 6.55 and co-efficient of variation of 3.91 %. The suitability of newly developed breed for easy grain age operation and commercial exploitation with promising hybrid have been discussed.

Effects of Different Feeding Regimes on Deer Meat (Venison) Quality Following Chilled Storage Condition

  • Kim, Kwan Woo;Park, Hyung Soo;Lee, Sung Soo;Yeon, Seong Heum;Cho, Chang Yeon;Kim, Sang Woo;Lee, Jinwook
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.511-517
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different feeding regimes on the quality of deer meat (venison) following storage at $4^{\circ}C$ for various durations. Twelve 5-year-old elk stags about 350 kg were stratified by weight and randomly assigned to one of four dietary treatments (three elk stags per treatment). The dietary treatments consisted of a feeding concentrate of 1.5% of body weight (T1), feeding concentrate of 1.8% of body weight (T2), feeding concentrate ad libitum (T3), or a home-mixed ration ad libitum (T4). The pH values of deer meat were not significantly different among treatment groups but were affected by duration of storage. Cooking loss increased under T4 treatment with increasing storage time at $4^{\circ}C$ (p<0.05). Increased storage time also resulted in significant decreases in shear force under T2 and T3 treatment compared to that under other dietary treatments (p<0.05). Lightness ($L^*$), redness ($a^*$), and yellowness ($b^*$) parameters were not significantly different among treatment groups, but lower values of $a^*$ and $b^*$ were observed under T1 and T4 treatment with increasing durations of storage (p<0.05). The chemical and fatty acid composition had no significantly different among treatments. Therefore, meat quality was most affected by increased storage time at $4^{\circ}C$. These results may serve as the basis for further study of deer meat (venison) from Korea.

Introduction of the representative mushroom cultivars and groundbreaking cultivation techniques in Korea

  • Jang, Kab-Yeul;Oh, Youn-Lee;Oh, Minji;Woo, Sung-I;Shin, Pyung-Gyun;Im, Ji-hoow;Kong, Won-Sik
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.136-141
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    • 2016
  • The production scale of mushrooms in Korea is approximately 600 billion won, which is 1.6% of Korea's gross agricultural output. In Korea, ca. 190,000 tons of mushrooms are harvested annually. Although the numbers of mushroom farms and cultivators are constantly decreasing, total mushroom yields are increasing owing to large-scale cultivation facilities and automation. The recent expansion of the well-being trend has caused an increase in mushroom consumption in Korea: the annual per capita mushroom was 3.9 kg ('13), whichis a little higher than that in Europe. Thus, mushroom export, mainly Flammulina velutipes and Pleurotus ostreatus, has increased since the mid-2000s. Recently, however, it is slightly reduced. Nevertheless, Vietnam, Hong Kong, the United States, and the Netherlands continue to export mushrooms, and Korea has increased its export to Australia, Canada, Southeast Asia, etc. Canned Agaricus bisporus, the first export of the Korean mushroom industry, reached it speak sales in 1977-1978. When Korea initiated trade with China in 1980, the international prices of mushrooms fell sharply, leading to shrinkage of the domestic markets. Spurred by the high demand to develop substitute goods for A. bisporus, the oyster mushroom (P. ostreatus) gained attention since it seemed to suit the taste of Korean consumers. Although the log cultivation technique for oyster mushroom was developed in the early 1970s, it required a great deal of labor. Thus, we developed the shelf cultivation technique, which is easier to manage and allows for mass production. In this technique, the growing shelf is made mafrom fermented rice straw, whichis the only P. ostreatus medium in the world and isused only in South Korea. After then, the use of cotton wastes as an additional material of medium, the productivity. Currently, we are developing a standard cultivation technique and environmental control system that can stably produce mushrooms throughout the year. The increase of oyster mushroom production may boostthe domestic market and contribute to industrial development. In addition, oyster mushroom production technology played a role in forming the basis for the development of bottle cultivation, which made mass production. In particular, bottle cultivation using liquid spawn could allow for the export of F. velutipes and Pleurotus eryngii. In addition, the white varieties of F. velutipes were second developed in the world after Japan. We also developed the new A. bisporus cultivar 'Saeah', which is easy to grow in Korea. In hopes to advance the mushroom industry, we will continue to develop cultivars with international competitive power and to improve cultivation techniques.

Strategic Review of Germany's LULUCF Policy Development Process: Implications for Korea (독일의 LULUCF 정책 분석을 통한 국내 정책 및 전략에의 시사점)

  • Lee, Woojin;Kim, Leehyung;Lee, Ruda
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.102-114
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    • 2022
  • Global climate change can be solved only through international cooperation. Climate change can be caused by natural and anthropogenic causes. An important policy responding on the climate change is to reduce the emission of climate change-affecting substances caused by anthropogenic causes. This research was conducted to suggest the direction of Korea's LULUCF(Land Use-Land Use Change and Forestry) policy by comparing Germany's LULUCF policy, which is considered as a good case for establishing the EU's greenhouse gas reduction response policy. Germany's LULUCF policy concerns with various sectors for synergy effects, while Korea's LULUCF policy is biased towards the forest sector. Although Korea's LULUCF policy focuses on forests, basic research is still insufficient and the linkage with existing environmental policies is low. Therefore, Korea's LULUCF policy needs more expansion into many different sectors such as agricultural, environmental, and other fields.

Investigation of Viruliferous Insect Rate of Planthoppers Captured by Smart Sky Net Trap (SSNT) in Korea during 2015-2017 (2015-2017년 국내 스마트 공중 포집기에 포획된 벼 주요 멸구류의 밀도 변동 및 보독충률 조사)

  • Choi, Ji-Eun;Kwak, Hae-Ryun;Kim, Mi-Kyeong;Jeong, Tae-Woo;Seo, Jang-Kyun;Kim, Jeong-Soo;Choi, Hong-Soo
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.202-212
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    • 2018
  • Major viruses infecting rice are transmitted by planthoppers such as small brown planthopper (SBPH), brown planthopper (BPH) and white-backed planthopper (WBPH). In this study, we investigated planthoppers captured during 2015 to 2017 by a smart sky net trap (SSNT) system installed in 40 areas in Korea, which is an automatic, rapid and real-time insect surveillance system. The average rates of captured migration plnathoppers was 27.5%, 17.2%, 15.3% and 10.9% in Chungcheongnamdo, Jeollanamdo, Jeollabukdo and Gyeonggido, orderly. The highly migrated month was July for SBPH, July to August for WBPH and August for BPH. To investigate the viruliferous rates of planthoppers of rice during 2015 to 2017, we performed RT-PCR using specific primers for each rice virus. RBSDV was detected from 0.4% in SBPH, while no viruses were detected in BPH and SBPH. Rice planthoppers exist all around in Asia. They can move long distance by wind from southern countries to Korea. Monitoring the migration of rice planthoppers and their viruliferous rates is important to prevent the outbreaks of rice virus diseases.

Effect of picloram and 2,4-D on plant regeneration from mature and immature embryos of moroccan durum wheat varieties

  • Ahansal, Khadija;Aadel, Hanane;Udupa, Sripada Mahabala;Gaboun, Fatima;Abdelwahd, Rabha;Ibriz, Mohammed;Iraqi, Driss
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 2022
  • An efficient genetic transformation protocol is a fundamental requirement for high regeneration capacity from cultivated durum wheat (Triticum durum) varieties. In this study, wereportedtheeffectsoftwoauxins,2,4-dichlorophenoxyaceticacid(2,4-D)and4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicoli nicacid(picloram), at a concentration of 2 mg/Laloneandincombination on the embryogenic callus and plantlet regeneration of four durum wheat varieties (Amria, Chaoui, Marouane, and Tomouh) using mature embryos (MEs) and immature embryos (ImEs). Significanteffectsofvariety,culturemedium(theauxinused),andvariety-mediuminteraction were observed on the callus weight and plantlet regeneration of both MR and ImE explants. The medium used for callus induction significantly affected plantlet regeneration (p < 0.001). Comparedto2,4-D, picloram led to a higher plantlet regeneration rate in both ME and ImE explants (19.8% and 40.86%, respectively). Plantlet regeneration also varied significantly depending on the variety and medium used. PicloramledtohighplantletregenerationofbothME and ImE explants in all varieties except Tomouh, which showed high plantlet regeneration of ME explants in 2,4-D. A comparison of ME and ImE responses indicated that ImEs are the best explants for high plantlet regeneration in durum wheat. Ourfindingssuggestthatpicloramisthebestauxin and should be used instead of 2,4-D due to its positive effect on increasing plant regeneration of durum wheat ME and ImE explants.

Development of PCR-base Diagnostic System for the Detection of Andean potato latent virus (Andean potato latent virus 검출을 위한 PCR 기반 진단시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Jin-Young;Kim, Jin-Ho;Kim, Eunsil;Lee, Siwon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.105-109
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    • 2015
  • Andean potato latent virus (APLV) is a phytopathogenic virus that belongs to the Group IV (+) sense ssRNA viruses of the genus Tymovirus. It mainly infects potatoes and is specified as a controlled quarantine virus in Korea. In this study, two primer sets of RT-PCR and nested PCR [set 2 ($404{\rightarrow}259bp$) and set 23 ($501{\rightarrow}349bp$)], were selected, which can rapidly and accurately diagnose APLV in quarantine sites. In addition, a modified-positive control plasmid is development, can possible verification of laboratory contamination in diagnosis of APLV detection. The PCR-base system developed in this study is expected to diagnose APLV and contribute to the plant quarantine in Korea.

Quantification and comparison of functional phytochemicals in steamed and freeze-dried mature silkworm powders and freeze-dried mulberry leaves

  • Choi, Bo-Hye;Ji, Sang-Deok;Jeong, Ju-Hee;Kim, Kee-Young;Koh, Young Ho
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2017
  • Various health promoting effects of steamed and freeze-dried mature silkworm powder (SMSP) have been reported. However, it is not still clear which substances in SMSP are responsible for those health promoting effects yet. In this study, we examined and compared the quantities of phytochemicals in SMSP and freeze-dried mulberry leave powder (FMLP). To investigate the optimal solvent for extracting phytochemicals from SMSP and FMLP, we used four different solvents. Among them, 80% ethanol extracts from SMSP and FMLP contained the highest amount of five flavonoids examined. In addition, FMLP had high contents of flavonoids compared with those of SMSP. The amounts of rutin, isoquercetin, astragalin, quercetin, and kaempferol in FMLP were $5.078{\pm}0.187mg/g$, $5.162{\pm}0.083mg/g$, $2.989{\pm}0.061mg/g$, $3.317{\pm}0.236mg/g$, and $2.243{\pm}0.237mg/g$, respectively, while the amounts of rutin, isoquercetin, astragalin, quercetin, and kaempferol in SMSP were $0.171{\pm}0.024mg/g$, $0.252{\pm}0.032mg/g$, $0.374{\pm}0.031mg/g$, $0.645{\pm}0.063mg/g$, and $0.0512{\pm}0.047mg/g$, respectively. Taken together, SMSP could be a source for providing various and readily absorbable flavonoids.

Study on the Forage Cropping System Linked to Whole Crop Rice and Winter Crop in Southern Region (남부지역에서 사료용 벼와 동계작물을 연계한 조사료 생산 체계 연구)

  • Kim, Jong Geun;Liu, Chang;Zhao, Guoqiang;Kim, Hak Jin;Kim, Meing Joong;Kim, Cheong Man;Ahn, Eok Keun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.202-209
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to compare annual productivity of whole crop rice and winter crops in paddy field of southern region in Korean peninsular. Whole crop rice (WCR) varieties used in this experiment were Suwon 605, Yeongwoo, and Mogwoo bred at the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), and Rye (Gogwoo), Italian ryegrass(IRG, Greenfarm) and Triticale (Choseong) were used as winter crops. Each crop was cultivated using the standard cultivation method and harvesting of whole rice was carried out about 30 days after heading date. The dry matter (DM) content was the lowest in Italian ryegrass (p<0.05), and the highest value was 29.4% in triticale. The dry matter yield of rye was the highest (p<0.05), and there was no significant difference between Italian ryegrass and triticale (p>0.05). There was no difference in forage quality among seeding time of each species, but there was a difference among the species (p<0.05). In particular, rye showed lower CP, IVDMD, TDN and RFV values than other species. The average dry matter production of whole crop rice was 18,484 kg/ha, but there was no significant difference among the cultivars (p>0.05). Crude protein (CP) content was significantly lower in Mogwoo than other and TDN and RFV values were the highest in Mogwoo. In the annual productivity evaluation, combination of rye-Suwon 605 showed the highest DM yield at 26,515kg/ha. Based on the above results, it was concluded that the combination of Suwon 605-rye (Gogwoo) was the most effective cropping system for annual forage production using whole crop rice and winter crop in the southern region of Korean peninsular.

Isoelectric Focusing of the Hemolymph Proteins of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori

  • Staykova, Teodora;Popov, Petar;Grekov, Dimitar;Terzieva, Petia
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.117-121
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    • 2004
  • Soluble proteins of silkworm hemolymph were investigated by means of isoelectric focusing (IEF). The protein spectra during ontogenesis of races and inter-races hybrids kept in Bulgaria was studied. A total of 51 protein bands in the hemolymph from fourth larval instar to imago were ascertained. Stage specific expression was established. The specific expression of some protein bands in the individual spectra manifest phenotype of gene determinate polymorphism (HP F, HP J, HP K, HP L, HP Q - in the zone with pH gradient 3.5-6.2 and HP K, HP L, HP N, HP P, HP T - in the zone with pH gradient 9.5 - 6.2). Breed specific expression was observed. On the basis of the obtained results, it was established that the investigated breeds are heterogeneous and the isoelectric focusing method is successful when specifying the inner-race and inter-race polymorphism in silkworm.