• 제목/요약/키워드: Intermittent Aeration

검색결과 78건 처리시간 0.032초

Optimum Operation of a PVDF-type Hollow Fiber Membrane Bioreactor for Continuous Sewage Treatment

  • Shin, Choon-Hwan
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제19권11호
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    • pp.1315-1322
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    • 2010
  • A membrane bioreactor (MBR) was designed using polyvinylidene fluoride(PVDF)-type hollow fiber membrane modules with a treatment capacity of 10 ton/day. A pilot plant was installed in a sewage treatment plant and was operated with an intermittent aeration method which avoids any concentration gradient of suspended solids (SS) in the MBR. For continuous operation, the pilot plant was first tested with influent (mixed liquor suspended solid:MLSS of 1000-2000 mg/L) of aeration tanks in the sewage treatment plant. The MBR was pre-treated with washing water, 10% ethanol solution, 5% NaOCl solution and finally washing water, one after another. To demonstrate the effect of the MBR on sewage treatment, compared with conventional activated sludge processes, we investigated the relationships among permeate amount (LMH), change in operation conditions, influent MLSS level and sludge production. It was found that the optimum aeration rate and suction pressure were $0.3\;m^3$/min and 30~31 cmHg, respectively. Under stable conditions in aeration, suction pressure, influent flow rate and drainage, the SS removal efficiency was more than 99.99% even when the MLSS loading rate changes. Compared with conventional activated sludge processes, the MBR was more effective in cost reduction by 27% based on permeate amount and by 51.5% on sludge production.

APID공정 내 동절기 개량형 간헐포기 운전모드 적용 및 개발 (Development and Application of Modified Intermittently Aeration mode for Advanced Phase Isolation Ditch (APID) process at Winter Season)

  • 곽성근;안상우;정무근;박재로;박재우
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제25권6호
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    • pp.872-878
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    • 2009
  • Advanced Phase Isolation Ditch (APID) process was studied to develop economic retrofitting technology, for the plants where retrofitting of common activated sludge process is required. In this study, to develop and apply the modified intermittently aeration mode as process control conditions for treating municipal wastewater, a demonstration plant was installed and operated in the existing sewage treatment plant of P city. During this study, the average effluent $BOD_5$, SS, T-N, and T-P concentrations were 6.3, 4.5, 10.0, and 1.3 mg/L. The modified mode decreased the nitrification capability more than the conventional mode in the application period. Nitrate in the anaerobic condition can have a negative effect on biological phosphorus removal. In the decreasing nitrate levels, the modified mode increased the biological ability of removal phosphorus more than the conventional mode in this study. Therefore, newly developed APID process with modified intermittent aeration mode can be one of the useful processes for stable organic matter and nutrients removal.

상업용 퇴비화를 위한 간헐통기식 파이로트 규모 반응조의 성능 (Performance of an Intermittent Aerated Pilot-scale Reactor Vessel for Commercial Composting)

  • 홍지형
    • 유기물자원화
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.31-44
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    • 1998
  • 돈분 슬러리와 톱밥 혼합물을 퇴비화 급속(분해)과정의 파이로트 규모 반응조 성능 평가를 입증하기 위해 간헐통기법으로 퇴비화 처리했다. 계측은 퇴비온도, 산소와 탄산가스농도, 통기량 및 암모니아가스 배출 등의 측정으로 구성됐다. 퇴비화 급속과정의 암모니아 농도는 14일째에 수준이하(I)보다 최적수준(II)부근에서 신속하게 허용범위 34-40ppm 이내로 감소되어 짐을 알 수 있었다. 암모니아가스 저감에 있어서 수분(55-65%), 탄질비(20-40%), 수소이온농도(7-8%) 및 퇴비온도(<$60^{\circ}C$) 등의 최적수준 영향은 상업용 퇴비화에 무시 할 수 없었다.

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간헐폭기 활성슬러지공정에서 C/N비와 질소제거의 관계 (Relationship Between C/N Ratio and Nitrogen Removal in Intermittently Aerated Activated Sludge System)

  • 서인석;김병군;이상일
    • 환경위생공학
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 1998
  • In this research, Effect of C/N ratio on nutrient removal in intermittently aerated activated sludge system(IAASS) was investigated with dormitary, building and swine wastewater. Three types (2-stage, 4-stage, modified) of IAASS were operated. Time interval of aeration/nonaeration in IAASS was 1hr/1hr. In treatment of Dormitary wastewater(BOD/T-N ratio : 4.4), Building wastewater (BOD/T-N ratio : 3.14) and swine wastewater(BOD/T-N ratio : 3.84), Nitrogen removal efficiency of 80, 70 and 90.4% was achieved, respectively. Nitrogen removal in IAASS was a great influenced on influent C/N ratio, efficient nitrogen removal was achieved at BOD/T-N ratio over 4. In IAASS operation, $\Delta $BOD mg/L/$\Delta $ nitrogen mg/L ratio was about 4-6. Simultaneous removal of organic, nitrogen and phosphorus in IAASS can achieved. And influent organic was efficiently utilized in denitrification. IAASS could be one of the best alternative process for the retrofit of conventional activated sludge system for the removal of nutrients.

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파일럿 규모 빈 퇴비화 시스템에서 연속 및 간헐 통기 돈분 퇴비의 안정도 평가 (Evaluation of Continuously and Intermittently Aerated Hog Manure Compost Stability in a Pilot-scale Bin Composting System)

  • 홍지형
    • 한국농공학회지
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    • 제40권5호
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    • pp.100-108
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    • 1998
  • Compost stability represents the state of microbiological activity and measurements of respiration either through $CO_2$ evolution or $O_2$ uptake should provide the best indication of this state. Hog manure amended with sawdust was composted in a pilot-scale reactor vessels using continuous and intermittent aeration for 3 weeks. In this study we evaluated the $CO_2$ respiration rate effect of aeration method on the reduction of $CO_2$ evolution, and investigated the stability of fresh and finished compost for plant growth. The intermittently aerated composting is a practical proposition for a very stable compost making. The $CO_2$ respiration rate in the fresh and finished compost during intermittently aerated composting was maintained from 0.3 to 1.4 and was good for use in horticulture, while the continuously aerated composting was 7 to 23 and needed more time for compost curing.

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돈분과 톱밥혼합물의 연속 및 간헐 통기 퇴비화에서 암모니아 휘산 (Ammonia Emissions from Composting Hog Manure Amended with Sawdust under Continuous and Intermittent Aeration)

  • 홍지형
    • 한국농공학회지
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    • 제43권4호
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    • pp.113-119
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    • 2001
  • Ammonia emissions during composting of hog manure mixed with sawdust were studied in four runs comprising a total of 22 pilot-scale reactor vessels. These four runs extended previous work and both verified and extended the previous conclusions. The pilot-scale vessels were 205 L insulated stainless steel drums that were aerated either continuously (high/low thermostatically controlled fans) or intermittently (5 min high fan 55 min off). Temperature ammonia emissions air flow rates carbon dioxide production and oxygen utilization moisture and dry matter reduction initial and final chemical compositions were measured. Ammonia emissions from the intermittently aerated vessels were only about 50% as great as those from the continuously aerated ones but this was found to be a result more related to total air flow than to aeration technique. All of the data for total result more related to total air flow were fitted with a linear regression line y=0.139x+29.835 where y is ammonia expressed as g of N and x is air flow in kg with $R^2$=0.6808. this general trend indicates that about 50% reduction in ammonia emissions can be achieved with 75% reduction in air flow. For the aeration techniques used the minimum oxygen level in te exhaust gas from the vessels was 5% and this is probably a resonable lower limit constraining air flow reduction. However within this constraint lower air flow now appears to be a technique that can reduce odorous ammonia emissions.

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혐기성 아키아 주입이 간헐폭기 시스템에서 질소제거에 미치는 영향 (Effect on nitrogen removal in the intermittent aeration system with the anaerobic archaea added)

  • 이상형;박노백;박상민;전항배
    • 대한환경공학회지
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    • 제27권11호
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    • pp.1186-1192
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    • 2005
  • 간헐폭기시스템에 혐기성 아키아 주입에 따른 질소제거율 변화와 슬러지 발생량변화 및 박테리아의 상관관계를 관찰하기 위해, 표준활성슬러지 공정과 아키아를 주입한 간헐폭기공정과 주입하지 않은 공정을 비교하며 운전하였다. 회분식 실험결과 혐기성 아키아 배양액을 간헐폭기조에 주입한 경우에 유기오염물질 분해율이 향상되었으며, 질산화와 탈질반응 속도가 증가하였다. 특히 표준활성슬러지 공정이나 일반 간헐폭기 시스템에 비해 슬러지 발생량이 매우 낮게 유지되었는데, 이는 혐기성 아키아가 주입됨에 따른 슬러지 생산량이 감소되었기 때문으로 판단된다. 또한, 폭기조에서 용존산소농도를 조절함으로써 혐기성 아키아와 활성슬러지의 공생관계에 따른 효율향상을 간접적으로 확인할 수 있었고 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 아키아 배양액을 주입한 간헐폭기조에서 비산소소비속도(SOUR)는 $2.9\;mg-O_2/(g-VSS{\cdot}min)$이었으며 비산소소비속도와 질산화 속도는 아키아 배양액을 주입하지 않은 반응조보다 높은 것으로 나타났다. 2) 아키아 배양액을 주입한 간헐폭기조, 주입하지 않은 간헐폭기조와 표준활성슬러지 공정에서의 유기물질($TCOD_{Cr}$)의 제거효율은 각각 93%, 90%와 87%이었다. 3) 각각의 반응조에서 모두 질산화 효율은 높았으나, 탈질속도는 아키아 배양액을 주입한 간헐폭기조에서 비교적 매우 높았다. 아키아 배양액을 주입한 간헐폭기조, 주입하지 않은 간헐폭기조와 표준활성슬러지 공정에서 질소제거효율은 각각 75%, 63%와 33%이었다.

하수의 고도처리를 위한 저비용 저에너지의 대체 막을 조합한 생물반응기의 개발 (Advanced Wastewater Treatment using Bioreactor Combined with Alternative Membrane)

  • 김동하
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2005
  • In order to decrease the high costs of membrane process, we have tried to develop two alternatives to membrane; a cartridge type filter and a metal membrane were tested for the high permeation flux with low cost and low energy. This research mainly focused on three points; 1) operation with high permeation flux by using of a cartridge type filter and a metal membrane, 2) removals of the filterable organic materials (FOC) by pretreatments for the membrane fouling control, and 3) advanced wastewater treatment by SMBR process with intermittent aeration and high MLSS. An Intermittently aerated membrane bioreactor using a submerged micro filter (cartridge type) was applied in laboratory scale for the advanced wastewater treatment. To minimize membrane fouling, intermittent aeration was applied inside of the filter with $3.0kg_f/cm^2$. The experiments was conducted for 6 months with three different HRTs (8, 10, 12 hr) and high MLSS of 6,000 and 10,000mg/L. The filtration process could be operated up to 50 days with permeation flux of 500LMH. Regardless of the operating conditions, more than 95% of COD, BOD and SS were removed. Fast and complete nitrification was accomplished, and denitrification was appeared to be the rate-limiting step. More than 75% T-N could be removed due to the endogenous denitrification. T-P removal efficiency was increased to 80% under the condition of MLSS 10,000mg/L.

공기주입 방식을 이용한 매립모형조내 폐기물 안정화 (Stabilization of Solid Waste in Lysimeter by Air Injection Mode)

  • 김경;박준석;이환;이철효;김정대
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to evaluate air injection mode on stabilization of solid waste in lysimeter. For three lysimeters, one was maintained under anaerobic condition as control, and air was injected into two lysimeters in continuous mode (atmospheric pressure) and intermittent mode (high pressure of 2 bar). Distilled water was sprayed over solid waste in 1.4 l/$m^3$(solid waste)/day, supposing rainfall intensity of 1,200 mm/yr and 30% infiltration. Oxygen in landfill gas was not detected in control lysimeter during operational days. After 30 day-aeration, oxygen concentrations of continuous and intermittent modes were maintained in 14% and 6%, respectively. $COD_{Cr}$ removal efficiencies of continuous and intermittent modes were about 70% and 50%, and BOD5 removal efficiencies were about 80% and 20%, respectively. In view of oxygen supply, and $COD_{Cr}$ and $BOD_5$ removal, continuous air injection mode of atmospheric pressure was more effective than intermittent mode of 2 bar. Settling degree of solid waste in case of two air injection modes was 3 times higher than that of anaerobic condition as control. Considering the above results, it was thought that air injection (especially continuous atmospheric pressure) could improve degradation of solid waste and induce preliminary stabilization in landfill site.