• Title/Summary/Keyword: Interface standards

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Nexus based Quality Inspection Support Model for Defect Prevention of Architectural Finishing Works (하자예방정보 넥서스 기반 건축마감공사 품질점검 지원 모델)

  • Lee, Hye-Rin;Cho, Dong-Hyun;Park, Sang-Hun;Koo, Kyo-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2017
  • At the completion of the construction, various finishing processes are concentrated. This imposes a burden on the on-site manager and imposes on experience based quality control, thereby causing deviations in the quality of construction depending on supervisor or worker's individual competence. In addition, the information related to quality control is frequently scattered in various types of documents such as specifications and drawings, and checkpoints are frequently omitted. It is necessary to provide a tool that can effectively provide the practitioner before or during the inspection work by systematically storing the information related to the defect prevention and linking them in a mutually referential state. This paper proposes an quality inspection support model that can systematically store necessary information on activity or room basis for the quality check of the apartment house finishing work. Establish a defect prevention information base and a information nexus by linking specifications, design standards, checklists, regulations, defect cases, and drawings to the finishing process and the rooms. Based on this, information registration and search interface are presented. It can contribute to securing a certain level of construction quality or more by suggesting a frame that can be utilized by linking various defects prevention information with the focus on closing activity and room.

Facilitating Web Service Taxonomy Generation : An Artificial Neural Network based Framework, A Prototype Systems, and Evaluation (인공신경망 기반 웹서비스 분류체계 생성 프레임워크의 실증적 평가)

  • Hwang, You-Sub
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.33-54
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    • 2010
  • The World Wide Web is transitioning from being a mere collection of documents that contain useful information toward providing a collection of services that perform useful tasks. The emerging Web service technology has been envisioned as the next technological wave and is expected to play an important role in this recent transformation of the Web. By providing interoperable interface standards for application-to-application communication, Web services can be combined with component based software development to promote application interaction both within and across enterprises. To make Web services for service-oriented computing operational, it is important that Web service repositories not only be well-structured but also provide efficient tools for developers to find reusable Web service components that meet their needs. As the potential of Web services for service-oriented computing is being widely recognized, the demand for effective Web service discovery mechanisms is concomitantly growing. A number of public Web service repositories have been proposed, but the Web service taxonomy generation has not been satisfactorily addressed. Unfortunately, most existing Web service taxonomies are either too rudimentary to be useful or too hard to be maintained. In this paper, we propose a Web service taxonomy generation framework that combines an artificial neural network based clustering techniques with descriptive label generating and leverages the semantics of the XML-based service specification in WSDL documents. We believe that this is one of the first attempts at applying data mining techniques in the Web service discovery domain. We have developed a prototype system based on the proposed framework using an unsupervised artificial neural network and empirically evaluated the proposed approach and tool using real Web service descriptions drawn from operational Web service repositories. We report on some preliminary results demonstrating the efficacy of the proposed approach.

Development of a Prototype Patient Monitoring System with Module-Based Bedside Units and Central Stations: Overall Architecture and Specifications (모듈형 환자감시기와 중앙 환자감시기로 구성되는 환자감시시스템 시제품의 개발: 전체구조 및 사양)

  • Woo, E.J.;Park, S.H.;Jun, B.M.;Moon, C.W.;Lee, H.C.;Kim, S.T.;Kim, H.J.;Seo, J.J.;Chae, K.M.;Park, J.C.;Choi, K.H.;Lee, W.J.;Kim, K.S.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1996 no.05
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    • pp.315-319
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    • 1996
  • We have developed a prototype patient monitoring system including module-based bedside units, interbed network, and central stations. A bedside unit consists of a color monitor and a main CPU unit with peripherals including a module controller. It can also include up to 3 module cases and 21 different modules. In addition to the 3-channel recorder module, six different physiological parameters of ECG, respiration, invasive blood pressure, noninvasive blood pressure, body temperature, and arterial pulse oximetry with plethysmogaph are provided as parameter modules. Modules and a module controller communicate with up to 1Mbps data rate through an intrabed network based on RS-485 and HDLC protocol. Bedside units can display up to 12 channels of waveforms with any related numeric informations simultaneously. At the same time, it communicates with other bedside units and central stations through interbed network based on 10Mbps Ethernet and TCP/IP protocol. Software far bedside units and central stations fully utilizes gaphical user interface techniques and all functions are controlled by a rotate/push button on bedside unit and a mouse on central station. The entire system satisfies the requirements of AAMI and ANSI standards in terms of electrical safety and performances. In order to accommodate more advanced data management capabilities such as 24-hour full disclosure, we are developing a relational database server dedicated to the patient monitoring system. We are also developing a clinical workstation with which physicians can review and examine the data from patients through various kinds of computer networks far diagnosis and report generation. Portable bedside units with LCD display and wired or wireless data communication capability will be developed in the near future. New parameter modules including cardiac output, capnograph, and other gas analysis functions will be added.

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Range Stabbing Technique for Continuous Queries on RFID Streaming Data) (RFID 스트리밍 데이타의 연속질의를 위한 영역 스태빙 기법)

  • Park, Jae-Kwan;Hong, Bong-Hee;Lee, Ki-Han
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.112-122
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    • 2009
  • The EPCglobal leading the development in RFID standards proposed Event Cycle Specification (ECSpec) and Event Cycle Reports (ECReports) for the standard about RFID middleware interface. ECSpec is a specification for filtering and collecting RFID tag data and is treated as a Continuous Query (CQ) processed during fixed time intervals repeatedly. ECReport is a specification for describing the results after ECSpec is processed. Thus, it is efficient to apply Query Indexing technique designed for the continuous query processing. This query index processes ECSpecs as data and tag events as queries for efficiency. In logistics environment, the similar or same products are transferred together. Also, when RFID tags attached to the products are acquired, the acquisition events occur massively for the short period. For these properties, it is inefficient to process the massive events one by one. In this paper, we propose a technique reducing similar search process by considering tag events which are collected by the report period in ECSpec, as a range query. For this group processing, we suggest a queuing method for collecting tag events efficiently and a structure for generating range queries in the queues. The experiments show that performance is enhanced by the proposed methods.

Generation, Storing and Management System for Electronic Discharge Summaries Using HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (HL7 표준임상문서구조를 사용한 전자퇴원요약의 생성, 저장, 관리 시스템)

  • Kim, Hwa-Sun;Kim, Il-Kon;Cho, Hune
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.239-249
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    • 2006
  • Interoperability has been deemphasized from the hospital information system in general, because it is operated independently of other hospital information systems. This study proposes a future-oriented hospital information system through the design and actualization of the HL7 clinical document architecture. A clinical document is generated using the hospital information system by analysis and designing the clinical document architecture, after we defined the item regulations and the templates for the release form and radiation interpretation form. The schema is analyzed based on the HL7 reference information model, and HL7 interface engine ver.2.4 was used as the transmission protocol. This study has the following significance. First, an expansion and redefining process conducted, founded on the HL7 clinical document architecture and reference information model, to apply international standards to Korean contexts. Second, we propose a next-generation web based hospital information system that is based on the clinical document architecture. In conclusion, the study of the clinical document architecture will include an electronic health record (EHR) and a clinical data repository (CDR), and also make possible medical information-sharing among various healthcare institutions.

Research and consideration on the evaluation of usability formation of focused ultrasonic stimulation systems (집속형 초음파 자극 시스템의 사용적합성 형성평가에 대한 연구 및 고찰)

  • Kim, Jun-tae;Kim, Ju-hee;Joo, Kyu-tai;Kim, Kyung-ah;Ryu, Ok-su;Jo, Jae-hyun;Jeong, Jin-Hyoung
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.164-177
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    • 2022
  • Medical device usability evaluation refers to the evaluation of medical devices through actual users before the final prototype production is completed. IEC 62366, one of the international safety standards for electronic medical devices, is a standard that must be applied to obtain medical device licenses in major advanced countries such as Europe and the United States. In Korea, through the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety's notice, from January 2021, sequential application by grade has been implemented. In this study, 15 participant specialists were recruited through the Incheon G University Hospital Medical Device Convergence Center for formative evaluation during user suitability evaluation of the focused ultrasound stimulation system being developed by Icleo Co., Ltd., and the test was conducted through joint scenario development. . In the result of task performance, the performance rate was 90.67%, and after the completion of the performance, 86.67% of 'Easy user interface' and 94% of 'Identification/Readability/Understanding of information' questions in the participant survey results analysis by question. The response rate was above average.

Open Digital Textbook for Smart Education (스마트교육을 위한 오픈 디지털교과서)

  • Koo, Young-Il;Park, Choong-Shik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.177-189
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    • 2013
  • In Smart Education, the roles of digital textbook is very important as face-to-face media to learners. The standardization of digital textbook will promote the industrialization of digital textbook for contents providers and distributers as well as learner and instructors. In this study, the following three objectives-oriented digital textbooks are looking for ways to standardize. (1) digital textbooks should undertake the role of the media for blended learning which supports on-off classes, should be operating on common EPUB viewer without special dedicated viewer, should utilize the existing framework of the e-learning learning contents and learning management. The reason to consider the EPUB as the standard for digital textbooks is that digital textbooks don't need to specify antoher standard for the form of books, and can take advantage od industrial base with EPUB standards-rich content and distribution structure (2) digital textbooks should provide a low-cost open market service that are currently available as the standard open software (3) To provide appropriate learning feedback information to students, digital textbooks should provide a foundation which accumulates and manages all the learning activity information according to standard infrastructure for educational Big Data processing. In this study, the digital textbook in a smart education environment was referred to open digital textbook. The components of open digital textbooks service framework are (1) digital textbook terminals such as smart pad, smart TVs, smart phones, PC, etc., (2) digital textbooks platform to show and perform digital contents on digital textbook terminals, (3) learning contents repository, which exist on the cloud, maintains accredited learning, (4) App Store providing and distributing secondary learning contents and learning tools by learning contents developing companies, and (5) LMS as a learning support/management tool which on-site class teacher use for creating classroom instruction materials. In addition, locating all of the hardware and software implement a smart education service within the cloud must have take advantage of the cloud computing for efficient management and reducing expense. The open digital textbooks of smart education is consdered as providing e-book style interface of LMS to learners. In open digital textbooks, the representation of text, image, audio, video, equations, etc. is basic function. But painting, writing, problem solving, etc are beyond the capabilities of a simple e-book. The Communication of teacher-to-student, learner-to-learnert, tems-to-team is required by using the open digital textbook. To represent student demographics, portfolio information, and class information, the standard used in e-learning is desirable. To process learner tracking information about the activities of the learner for LMS(Learning Management System), open digital textbook must have the recording function and the commnincating function with LMS. DRM is a function for protecting various copyright. Currently DRMs of e-boook are controlled by the corresponding book viewer. If open digital textbook admitt DRM that is used in a variety of different DRM standards of various e-book viewer, the implementation of redundant features can be avoided. Security/privacy functions are required to protect information about the study or instruction from a third party UDL (Universal Design for Learning) is learning support function for those with disabilities have difficulty in learning courses. The open digital textbook, which is based on E-book standard EPUB 3.0, must (1) record the learning activity log information, and (2) communicate with the server to support the learning activity. While the recording function and the communication function, which is not determined on current standards, is implemented as a JavaScript and is utilized in the current EPUB 3.0 viewer, ths strategy of proposing such recording and communication functions as the next generation of e-book standard, or special standard (EPUB 3.0 for education) is needed. Future research in this study will implement open source program with the proposed open digital textbook standard and present a new educational services including Big Data analysis.

Evaluation of Web Service Similarity Assessment Methods (웹서비스 유사성 평가 방법들의 실험적 평가)

  • Hwang, You-Sub
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2009
  • The World Wide Web is transitioning from being a mere collection of documents that contain useful information toward providing a collection of services that perform useful tasks. The emerging Web service technology has been envisioned as the next technological wave and is expected to play an important role in this recent transformation of the Web. By providing interoperable interface standards for application-to-application communication, Web services can be combined with component based software development to promote application interaction and integration both within and across enterprises. To make Web services for service-oriented computing operational, it is important that Web service repositories not only be well-structured but also provide efficient tools for developers to find reusable Web service components that meet their needs. As the potential of Web services for service-oriented computing is being widely recognized, the demand for effective Web service discovery mechanisms is concomitantly growing. A number of techniques for Web service discovery have been proposed, but the discovery challenge has not been satisfactorily addressed. Unfortunately, most existing solutions are either too rudimentary to be useful or too domain dependent to be generalizable. In this paper, we propose a Web service organizing framework that combines clustering techniques with string matching and leverages the semantics of the XML-based service specification in WSDL documents. We believe that this is one of the first attempts at applying data mining techniques in the Web service discovery domain. Our proposed approach has several appealing features : (1) It minimizes the requirement of prior knowledge from both service consumers and publishers; (2) It avoids exploiting domain dependent ontologies; and (3) It is able to visualize the semantic relationships among Web services. We have developed a prototype system based on the proposed framework using an unsupervised artificial neural network and empirically evaluated the proposed approach and tool using real Web service descriptions drawn from operational Web service registries. We report on some preliminary results demonstrating the efficacy of the proposed approach.

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A study on the implementation of Medical Telemetry systems using wireless public data network (무선공중망을 이용한 의료 정보 데이터 원격 모니터링 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • 이택규;김영길
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.278-283
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    • 2000
  • As information communication technology developed we could check our blood pressure, pulsation electrocardiogram, SpO2 and blood test easily at home. To check our health at ordinary times is able though interlocking the house medical instrument with the wireless public data network This service will help the inconvenience to visit the hospital everytime and will save the individual's time and cost. In each house an organism data which is detected from the human body will be transmitted to the distance hospital and will be essentially applied through wireless public data network The medical information transmit system is utilized by wireless close range network It would transmit the obtained organism signal wirelessly from the personal device to the main center system in the hospital. Remote telemetry system is embodied by utilizing wireless media access protocol. The protocol is embodied by grafting CSMA/CA(Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance) protocol falling mode which is standards from IEEE 802.11. Among the house care telemetry system which could measure blood pressure, pulsation, electrocardiogram, SpO2 the study embodies the ECC(electrocardiograph) measure part. It within the ECC function into the movable device and add 900㎒ band wireless public data interface. Then the aged, the patients even anyone in the house could obtain ECG and keep, record the data. It would be essential to control those who had a health-examination heart diseases or more complicated heart diseases and to observe the latent heart disease patient continuously. To embody the medical information transmit system which is based on wireless network. It would transmit the ECG data among the organism signal data which would be utilized by wireless network modem and NCL(Native Control Language) protocol to contact through wireless network Through the SCR(Standard Context Routing) protocol in the network it will be connected to the wired host computer. The computer will check the recorded individual information and the obtained ECC data then send the correspond examination to the movable device. The study suggests the medical transmit system model utilized by the wireless public data network.

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Usability index evaluation system for mobile WAP service (무선인터넷 서비스 사용성 지수 평가 체계)

  • Park, Hwan-Su
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02b
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    • pp.152-157
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    • 2008
  • The customer satisfaction of WAP service greatly relies on the usability of the service due to the limited display size of a mobile phone and limitation in realizing UI (User Interface) for function keys, browser, and OS (operating system) Currently, a number of contents providers develop and deliver varying services, and thus, it is critical to control quality level of UI in consistent standards and manner. This study suggests usability index evaluation system to achieve consistent UI quality control of various WAP services. The system adopts both top-down and bottom-up approaches. The former concerns deriving UI design components and evaluation checklists for the WAP, based on the usability attributes and UI principles. The latter concerns deriving usability-related evaluation checklists from the established UI design features, and then grouping them from the viewpoint of usability principles and attributes. This bidirectional approach has two outstanding advantages: it allows thorough examination of potential elements that can cause usability problems from the standpoint of usability attributes, and also derives specific evaluation elements from the perspective of UI design components that are relevant to the real service environment. The evaluation system constitutes a hierarchical structure by networking usability attributes, UI guideline which indicates usability principles for each attribute, and usability evaluation checklist for each UI component that enables specific evaluation. Especially, each evaluation checklist contains concrete contents and format so that it can be readily marked in O/X. The score is based on the ratio of number of items that received positive answer to the number of total items. This enables a quantitative evaluation of the usability of mobile WAP service. The validity of the proposed evaluation system has been proved through comparative analysis with the real usability problems based on the user test. A software was developed that provides guideline for evaluation objects, criteria and examples for each checklist, and automatically calculates a score. The software was applied to evaluating and improving the real mobile WAP service.

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