• Title/Summary/Keyword: Integration Framework

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OODBMS Framework Providing Integration with MultiMedia Information Retrieval (멀티미디어 통합 정보검색 프레임워크를 지원하는 OODBMS)

  • Lee, Mi-Yeong;Chae, Mi-Ok;Park, Sun-Yeong;Lee, Gyu-Ung;Kim, Wan-Seok;Kim, Yeong-Jun
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.7 no.2S
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    • pp.692-700
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    • 2000
  • As the multimedia application services have been getting various in Internet, need of multimedia database management system which can manage various multimedia information effectively has been increased. The multimedia application generally needs the features to store, manage, retrieve the multimedia data. We need a database management system framework that may be easily integrated with these features. This paper proposes th database management system framework providing the easy integration with various multimedia information retrieval. The framework uses OQL as the retrieval interface, so that user can use it easily. It can be integrated dynamically and easily with various multimedia retrieval method as a loosely coupled system. In addition there is no performance degradation caused in a loosely coupled system.

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TPP versus RCEP: Control of Membership and Agenda Setting

  • Hamanaka, Shintaro
    • East Asian Economic Review
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.163-186
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    • 2014
  • This paper argues that the formation of regional integration frameworks can be best understood as a dominant state's attempt to create a preferred regional framework in which it can exercise exclusive influence. In this context, it is important to observe not only which countries are included in a regional framework, but also which countries are excluded from it. For example, the distinct feature of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is its exclusion of China, and that of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is its exclusion of the United States (US). An exclusion of a particular country does not mean that the excluded country will perpetually remain outside the framework. In fact, TPP may someday include China, resulting from a policy of the US "engaging" or "socializing" China rather than "balancing" against it. However, the first step of such a policy is to establish a regional framework from which the target country of engagement is excluded.

A Study on Web based Integration of Design Resources with a Knowledge Based Engineering Technique (KBE 기법이 적용된 설계 자원 웹 기반 통합에 관한 연구)

  • Kim J.G.;Lee S.H.;Chun H.J.
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents an embodiment of design integration framework corresponding to changes in the latest manufacturing environment. The embodied system is named by 'WEB-KBE System' because it supports a product design with a KBE technique based on web environment. The final purpose of the work is to implement a web-based integration design environment with a KBE technique to support non-skillful designers. The framework of the system Is designed to support necessary items in user-centric design environment. Two case studies were applied to the WEB-KBE system to evaluate the efficiency, flexibility, extensibility, and reusability of the system. The examples are [1] CART integration design environment construction and (2) Exhaust Duct Saddle Support integration design environment construction. In the former case, it took a period of 8 months for modeling and implementation of the WEB-KBE prototype system. However, with the high extensibility and reusability of WEB-KBE system, the second case required only a period of one month for modeling and implementation of the system. We conclude that the presented WEB-KBE system can bring fair effects on implementing a knowledge based design environment in aspect of time and expense.

Metadata Registry Integration Framework for Knowledge Information Governance (지식정보 거버넌스를 위한 메타데이터 레지스트리 통합 프레임워크)

  • Choi, O-Hoon;Lim, Jung-Eun;Park, Sung-Kong;Na, Hong-Seok;Baik, Doo-Kwon
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.509-519
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    • 2007
  • For Knowledge Information Governance, integration search mechanism of Knowledge Information is required in various industries. But when Knowledge Information system constructs in each professional field, it developed and used its own metadata format. Accordingly, if distributed information system searches using metadata, heterogeneous problems are occurred among metadata. For integration search, it needs a consistency management of metadata. Therefore, this paper defines a standard metadata that represent standard metadata as surveying a used metadata in each field systems. Also, we propose a metadata registry integration framework for Knowledge Information Governance. It enables an integration search service without a metadata modification of existing system. Through the proposed framework, it can registries and manages efficiently the existing metadata. Also, it enables a semantically extended search using semantic relation between metadata.

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The Future Directions for System Integration (시스템 통합의 발전방향)

  • Lee Soonchul;Jung Byounghun;Oh Buyeon;Lee Younghee
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2005
  • Economy of scale would be one of the most important issues among organizations pursuing system integration projects. Cerntainly there are other benefits than cost reduction for achieving system integration. However. these benefits could not be achieved automatically. if system integration projects were undertaken without thoughtful planning. In this paper. we propose a framework for an effective system integration by (1) defining the objects(user interface. database. application. and server) and (2) considering the level of integration(physical integration and rational integration). Therefore. 6 types of integration can be considered. Five case studies of domestic organizations were reviewed to suggest various issues and solutions. Based on our case studies. we discovered that five integration types - EIP. EAI. ERP. BPM and System Reconsolidation - were most widely used.

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Introduction and Utilization of Time Series Data Integration Framework with Different Characteristics (서로 다른 특성의 시계열 데이터 통합 프레임워크 제안 및 활용)

  • Jisoo, Hwanga;Jaewon, Moon
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.872-884
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    • 2022
  • With the development of the IoT industry, different types of time series data are being generated in various industries, and it is evolving into research that reproduces and utilizes it through re-integration. In addition, due to data processing speed and issues of the utilization system in the actual industry, there is a growing tendency to compress the size of data when using time series data and integrate it. However, since the guidelines for integrating time series data are not clear and each characteristic such as data description time interval and time section is different, it is difficult to use it after batch integration. In this paper, two integration methods are proposed based on the integration criteria setting method and the problems that arise during integration of time series data. Based on this, integration framework of a heterogeneous time series data was constructed that is considered the characteristics of time series data, and it was confirmed that different heterogeneous time series data compressed can be used for integration and various machine learning.

A Web Services based e-Business Application Integration Framework (웹 서비스 기반 e-비즈니스 응용 프로그램 통합 프레임워크)

  • Lee Sung-Doke;Han Dong-Soo
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.514-530
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes a compact eAI framework for the integration of various types of applications deployed on different platforms in the Internet. The applications are connected and invoked to achieve a business goal by the coordination of the workflow system in the framework. for the construction of the framework, five sub-modules are elicited and the functions and roles of each module are defined. The elicited five sub-modules include business process modeling tool, eAI platform, business processes transform module, UDDI connection module, and workflow system. In the framework, intra and inter organizational applications can be integrated together across firewalls. In this paper, the extension of a workflow system to implement the framework is also described in detail and the usefulness of the framework is ascertained by implementing an application process within the framework. A full-fledged eAI solution can be constructed by gradually adding supplementary functions within this framework.

Retrieval Framework for Enterprise Information Integration based on Concept Net in Cloud Environment (클라우드 환경에서 전사적 정보 연계를 위한 개념 망 기반의 검색 프레임워크)

  • Jung, Kye-Dong;Moon, Seok-Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.453-460
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    • 2013
  • This study proposes a framework that enables efficient integration and usage of enterprise data using semantic based concept net. Integration of enterprise information that has been increasing geometrically in cloud environment. The concept net is very similar in approaching way to existing ontology. However, it builds correlation between object and concept to help user's information integration retrieval more efficiently. In this study, concept nets are divided into 3 kinds and are applied to the proposed framework independently. The concept net in this study is built in ontology format based on master information concept net, keyword concept net and business process concept net. This concept net enables retrieval and usage of data based on correlation among data according to user's request. Then, through combination of master information concept and keyword concept, it provides frequency trace of keyword and category thus improving convenience and speed of retrieval.

A Study on the Integration of Analysis Modules and the Optimization Process in the MDO Framework (MDO 프레임워크 개발을 위한 해석 코드 및 최적화 과정 통합에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Sang-Oh;Lee, Jae-Woo;Byun, Yung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.30 no.7
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2002
  • Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) is a new design approach, which aims to reduce the design cycle and the development cost, while improving the performance of the product. In order to develop a framework software where the multidisciplinary design is possible, several methods about the analysis codes integration, the analysis and optimization process management, and the software architecture, are proposed in this study. Centralized DataBase Management System (DBMS) is adopted. Both the Dynamic Link Library(DLL) and the File Interface are suggested and implemented as analysis codes integration methods. To efficiently manage the optimization process and the data flow, the Graphic Programming approach is introduced. The proposed integration methods are verified by two test case examples: Simple house design example and the aircraft wing design problem using three dimensional Panel Code.

A Design of SOA-based Data Integration Framework for Effective Spatial Data Mining (효과적인 공간 데이터 마이닝을 위한 SOA 기반 데이터 통합 프레임워크 설계)

  • Moon, Il-Hwan;Hur, Hwan;Kim, Sam-Keun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.18D no.5
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    • pp.385-392
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    • 2011
  • Recently, the concern of IT-in-Agriculture convergence technology that combines information technology and agriculture is increasing rapidly. Especially, the crop cultivation related prediction services by spatial data mining (SDM) can play an important role in reducing the damage of natural disaster and enhancing crop productivity. However, the data conversion and integration procedure to acquire the learning dataset of SDM for the prediction service need a lot of effort and time, because of their heterogeneity between distributed data. In addition, calculating spatial neighborhood relationships between spatial and non-spatial data necessitates requires the complicated calculation procedure for large dataset. In this paper, we suggest a SOA-based data integration framework that can effectively integrate distributed heterogeneous data by treating each data source as a service unit and support to find the optimal prediction service by improving productivity of learning dataset for SDM. In our experiment, we confirmed that our framework can be effectively applied to find the optimal prediction service for the frost damage area, by considering the case of peach crop cultivation in Icheon in Korea.