• Title/Summary/Keyword: Integrated health education

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Curriculum Model in Integrated Practicum of Nursing Management and Community Health Nursing (일 간호대학의 간호환경시스템 통합실습방안 적용;간호관리학과 지역사회간호학의 통합)

  • Lee, Kyung-Ja;Kim, Eui-Sook;Lee, Chung-Yul;Kim, In-Sook;Lee, Tae-Hwa;Cho, Yoon-Hee;Chung, Je-Ne;Lee, Hyun-Jung;Bae, Sun-Hyoung;Kim, Eun-Hyeon;Kim, Gwang-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: Integrated curriculum has been considered as a desirable method in health related school course. The present study was conducted to develop practice curriculum which integrates nursing management and community health nursing and measure the education effect. Method: Literature review and scores of professional meeting were carried out to generate main educational goals, contents, operating principle, and evaluation item. Student evaluation was done by survey and in-dept interview in right after practicum and three months respectively. Results: Six concepts were derived as main component of the integrated curriculum. From 2 to 3 sub-categories were matched to each main component as well. Subsequently, practice contents were suggested on the basis of sub-categories. Attainment of practicum goal scores ranged from 2.82 to 3.54 in four points index. Students expressed that they found nursing manager's role in the community setting. Conclusion: This new approach encouraged students to ascertain relationship between hospital oriented and community based practice. Additionally, they can be prepared to comprehend diverse health care environment.

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Comparative Study of the Health Status of Two Koreas (남북한 주민의 건강수준 비교연구)

  • 김영치
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.155-182
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    • 1997
  • Objectives : This study was designed to compare North Korea and South Korea in measures of the quality of life (physical quality of life index and human development index) and to investigate the impact of selected medical and socioeconomic factors on PQL variables. Data and Methods : The World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme, and Population Reference Bureau were the principal sources of statistical data of 121 countries. Variables included infant mortality, life expectancy at birth, literacy rate, secondary school enrollment (male and female), GNP per capita, population per doctor, daily calorie supply per capita, and a composite PQL index. The Ordinary Least Square model was employed for cross-countries analysis. Findings : Both countries under quite different political and economic systems saw big improvememts in the quality of life, reducing mortality and prolonging life expectancy during the past three decades. In recent decad, however, North Korea has experienced abrupt exacerbation in the quality of life. Significant improvements in infant mortality of the population wer attributable mainly to GNP per capita and the secondary school enrollemt of female. The principal predictors of life expectancy at birth were population per doctor, infant mortality, and literacy rate. The secondary school enrollment of female and population per doctor were significantly associated with improvements in the physical quality of life index (PQLI). Conclusion : The results of this study confirmed a point illustrated by other studies : The association between quality of life as a measure of health status and socioeconomic factors was strong and positive. The important contribution of educational attainment in general, female education level in particular to improvements in the quality of life deserves good news for building an integrated health care system in the reunified Korea, taking into account the high level of education two koreas are enjoying. Meanwhile, when a sharp drop in the quality of life has been observed in North Korea under serious economic difficulties and food shortage in recent decade, the significant contribution of economic development to improvements in the quality of life poses bad nows for reunifying Korean health care in economic terms.

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A Study for the Development of Standardized Management Manuel in Sanhujoriwon - Centered on the Management of Women & Newborn - (산후조리원의 표준화 관리 지침을 위한 연구 - 산모와 신생아 관리현황을 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Eun-Sil;Yoo, Eun-Kwang
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.301-313
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the frame for standardized manual for Sanhujoriwon by finding out the status of the management of women & newborn in Sanhujoriwon, like postpartum care center. The subjects were 95 staffs of 22 Sanhujoriwon agreed on oral consent, in Seoul and Bundang, Korea. Data were collected from Sep. 15 to Oct. 24, 2001. The instrument used for this study was a structured questionnaire consisted of 16 items of general characteristics & educational characteristics about postpartum care, 31 items of degree of management of women's postpartum care (Cronbach's $\alpha$.93 ), 24 items of degree of management of newborn's care(Cronbach's $\alpha$.94 ), 10 items of methods of management of women's postpartum care, 8 items of methods management of newborn's care. The data were analyzed by the SPSS/PC+ program using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results of the study were as follows ; 1. The mean of the degree of management for postpartum women was 4.1. The mean score for the degree of management of general postpartum care for women was 4.00 & traditional postpartum care(Sanhujori) was 4.20. The degree of management of traditional postpartum care was higher than general postpartum care for women. 2. The degree of management for newborn : The mean score for the degree of management of newborn was 4.37. 3.There was a strong positive correlation between general postpartum care and traditional postpartum care($r=.744^{**}$), and postpartum mother care and newborn care($r=.798^{**}$). 4.The basic frame for the management of the women and newborn in Sanhujoriwon. 1) For women: Integrated postpartal care Physical management : Vital sign & BP check, contraction of uterus, form and amount of lochia, management of personal hygiene, management of breast & breast-feeding, management of postpartum exercise, prevention of infection, symptom & sign of high risk and prevention & management of high risk condition; Emotional-psychological management: assessment and management of mother-baby attachment, emotional state; Educational management : education of vaccination schedule, urinary incontinence, rearing infant, breast-feeding ; and Environmental management : temperature, humidity, disinfection, cleaning, light, infection control integrated with 6 principles of Sanhujori. 2) For newborn Physical management : check of vital sign, management of umbilical cord, jaundice, prevention of infection, management of diaper rash; Emotional-psychological management : assessment of sleep, crying, activity, response of mother-baby attachment; and Environmental management : temperature, humidity, disinfection, cleaning, light, infection control integrated with 6 principles of Sanhujori. In conclusion Sanhujoriwon must be health care center for the postpartum women and newborn. Therefore, the establishment of various laws and regulations in such a way to meet the realistic needs of Sanhujoriwon as a health care center for women and infants future health should be done. The standardized management manual based on the results is absolutely required above all.

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The Association between health beliefs and receiving hepatitis B Vaccinations among college students (일부 대학생의 건강신념과 B형간염 예방접종 이행의도와의 관련성)

  • Kim, Mee-Jung;Park, Jong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.309-316
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    • 2012
  • This study used the health belief model of college students to investigate the not with regards to their health status awareness, health management, and their health beliefs. Logistic regression analysis showed a significantly high odds ratio between intent of hepatitis B vaccination and gender, The trend for receiving a hepatitis B vaccination was highest in groups with awareness of the high susceptibility and seriousness of hepatitis B, groups with awareness of the low barrier, and women as opposed to men. Therefore future research is needed regarding appropriate promotions of the seriousness and benefits of hepatitis B vaccinations as well as the development of a integrated health education mediation program and effect evaluation.

Freshman Survey for Investigating Effective 1st year Program (효과적인 대학 1학년 교육 프로그램 모색을 위한 학생 만족도 조사)

  • Rhee Eun-Sill;Kim Kyeung-Sun;Jeong Yu-Ji
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.32-42
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    • 2006
  • Student success in higher education is largely determined by experiences during the freshman year. We believe freshman succeed when they make progress toward fulfilling their educational and personal goals: 1) developing academic and intellectual competence; 2) establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships; 3) deciding on a career and life-style; 4) maintaining personal health and wellness; and 5) developing an integrated philosophy of life. The study analyzed the factors which influence the students' academic and personal life in the process of education. And is also provided a suggestion to propose directions for the effectiveness of the freshman education

Investigation and Development of Competency-based Training Program for Pharmacists in a Hospital (국내외 병원약사 교육프로그램 현황 및 한 병원의 약사 역량강화를 위한 교육프로그램 개발)

  • Kim, Min Ah;Kim, Sun Ah;Park, So hyun;Rhie, Sandy Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.347-354
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    • 2018
  • Objective: This study was to investigate and develop a training program that integrated and strengthened clinical competence and capacity of hospital pharmacists which would be implemented at the pharmacy department of Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital. Methods: We assessed the training programs of hospital pharmacists in the United Kingdom, the United States and Japan and compared those of major hospitals in Seoul and Gyeonggi provinces in Korea. The survey assessed the satisfaction on the current educational programs for pharmacists at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital and a newly designed education program was suggested. Results: The major differences of the programs among the Korean hospitals and Mokdong Hospital were the training period and contents of the entry-level pharmacist education program. The overall satisfaction of the training program was >3 points on 5-Likert scale in the survey. There was no significant difference of the satisfaction level based on the employment period of pharmacists. The pharmacists were in more than 7 training programs of clinical support work. We proposed the clinical support training for the new pharmacists to be separated from orientation and concentrated on actual work duty. In order to improve the competency, it was encouraged to participate the in-house seminar or certify the related fields provided by Korean Society of Health-system Pharmacists. Conclusion: The education program was assessed among different countries and hospitals of Korea. We suggested to update education program in the hospital to enhance pharmacists' competency.

Differentiated QoS Provisioning of WBAN Traffic in WUSB Services based on IEEE 802.15.6 (IEEE 802.15.6 표준 기반 무선 USB 서비스의 차등화된 WBAN 트래픽 QoS 제공 방안)

  • Hur, Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.1087-1095
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    • 2014
  • A recent major development in computer technology is the advent of the wearable computer system that is based on human-centric interface technology trends and ubiquitous computing environments. Wearable computer systems can use the wireless universal serial bus (WUSB) that refers to USB technology that is merged with WiMedia PHY/MAC technical specifications. In this paper, we focus on an integrated system of the wireless USB over the IEEE 802.15.6 wireless body area networks (WBAN) for wireless wearable computer systems supporting U-health services. And a communication structure that can differentiate QoS of U-health WBAN and WUSB traffic with different priorities is proposed for WUSB over IEEE 802.15.6 hierarchical protocol. In our proposal and performance evaluation, throughputs of U-health WBAN and WUSB traffic are analyzed under single and multiple QoS classes to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed QoS differentiating structure in WUSB over IEEE 802.15.6.

Suicide Attempt Behavior among Secondary School Students in Peru through PRECEDE Model (PRECEDE 모형을 통한 페루 중・고등학교 학생들의 자살시도 경험요인)

  • Kim, Ha Yun;Nam, Eun Woo
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: There is higher rates of experience of suicide ideation and suicide attempt of adolescents in the Lima and Callao region compared with the results of the epidemiological study (2013) conducted by Peru National Institute of Mental Health and the Global School-based Student Health Survey (2010) which is was conducted among adolescents across all regions of Peru. Based on the PRECEDE model, this study analyzed the prevalence and the factor associated with the suicide attempt among the adolescent in a poor urban area in Peru. Methods: A stratified random sampling was used for the survey to select study participants from the 6 secondary schools based in Comas or Callao. The survey was conducted November 25th and December 4th in 2015 and a total of 738 individuals included in the analysis. In order to analyze factors influencing suicide attempt, comparison of predisposing factor, reinforcing factor, enabling factor, behavioral factor, environmental factor, psychological factors by suicide attempt and suicide risk group were identified through the chi-square test and hierarchical logistic regression. Results: Results showed that those who reported having less parental understanding, less time spent with parents, and 'almost none/none' for parental affection had more experience of suicide attempt and were more likely to sort into the high suicide risk group. Also, a greater proportion of those with the experience of suicide attempt had more experience of smoking and alcohol consumption, and experience of physical abuse and feeling insulted and depression in comparison to that of those without experience of suicide attempt. Variables that had a significant effect on suicide attempt included depression, subjective happiness, smoking experience, sexual intercourse, involvement in fight, parental affection, and gender (male). Conclusions: The results of the current study can serve as grounds for the necessity of acknowledging that adolescent suicide does not simply depend on a couple of factors, but arises from situations in which individual, home, school, social factors influence one another, and therefore adolescent suicide should be prevented and addressed through a multi-dimensional and integrated approach.

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A Study on the Use of Health Family Support Centers and Its Activation Plan - Focused to Gyeonggi-do - (건강가정지원센터 이용실태 및 활성화 방안 연구 - 경기도를 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Jung-Sun;Kim, Sung-Hee
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.213-237
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    • 2010
  • This study aimed at figuring out the current state of 26 family-health support centers in Gyeonggi-do, in order to prepare an activation plan for the centers. These centers are the main mediators of the family health operation. This study also aimed to understand the center users' satisfaction and demands. The results were as follows. First, a total of 65,794 participants from 9,960 businesses were processed. The majority had attended various integrated family services, followed by family counseling and/or family-friendly culture-establishing businesses. Second, the main users' profiles were as follows: average age, 41; average number of persons in the family, 3.78; education above foundation-level degree; diverse jobs that included special occupations; average monthly incomes of 3,390,000 won; and a middle-class living standard (as self-described by participants). Third, the users' main concern for their families was "financial difficulties," and they had an interest in education and counseling. Although they thought education and counseling were suitable solutions, they hesitated because they did not think their problems were serious enough to merit them. Fourth, the satisfaction level of their participation in their center's program was generally high, at 3.9-4.2 points. The majority of them said they would attend again in the future.

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A study on research trends for pregnancy in adolescence: Focusing on text network analysis and topic modeling (청소년 임신에 대한 연구 동향 분석: 텍스트 네트워크 분석과 토픽 모델링)

  • Park, Seungmi;Kwak, Eunju;Park, Hye Ok;Hong, Jung Eun
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.149-159
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify core keywords and topic groups in the "adolescent pregnancy" field of research for a better understanding of research trends in the past 10 years. Methods: Topics related to adolescent pregnancy were extracted from 3,819 articles that were published in journals between January 2013 and July 2023. Abstracts were retrieved from five databases (MEDLINE, CINAHL, Embase, RISS, and KISS). Keywords were extracted from the abstracts and cleaned using semantic morphemes. Text network analysis and topic modeling were performed using NetMiner 4.3.3. Results: The most important keywords were "health," "woman," "risk," "group," "girl," "school," "service," "family," "program," and "contraception." Five topic groups were identified through topic modeling. Through the topic modeling analysis, five themes were derived: "health service," "community program for school girls," "risks for adult women," "relationship risks," and "sexual contraceptive knowledge." Conclusion: This study utilized text network analysis and topic modeling to analyze keywords from abstracts of research conducted over the past decade on adolescent pregnancy. Given that adolescent pregnancy leads to physical, mental, social, and economic issues, it is imperative to provide integrated intervention programs, including prenatal/postnatal care, psychological services, proper contraception methods, and sex education, through school and community partnerships, as well as related research studies. Nurses can play a vital role by actively engaging in prevention efforts and directly supporting and educating socially disadvantaged adolescent mothers, which could significantly contribute to improving their quality of life.