• Title/Summary/Keyword: Integrated Information Map

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Mobility Management Scheme for the Wireless Mesh Network using Mobility Anchor Point (MAP를 적용한 무선 매쉬 네트워크에서의 이동성 관리방법)

  • Jang, Sung-Hwan;Cho, Kyu-Seob
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2011
  • WMN is highlighted as a next generation network technology due to relatively reasonable cost to be built, compared with the pre-existing wireless network. It also enables same kind of network or even other kind of network to be integrated. Some WMN researches support mobility using router protocol such as AODV and DSR because WMN has the similar features with Ad-hoc network in terms of operation. However, WMN has got different operations with additional functions of multi-interface and internet connect, it can't be a good method to manage efficient mobility any more. This study suggests method to apply MAP function of HMIPv6 to WMN as a way to manage WMN mobility. Through simulation, operation was verified and function was appreciated. Through the results of evaluation, the suggest mobility management had shorter handover delay and packet loss reduced, which improved whole network throughput rate, compared with mobility management using AODV.

1:5000 Scale DSM Extraction for Non-approach Area from Stereo Strip Satellite Imagery (스테레오 스트립 위성영상을 이용한 비 접근지역의 1:5000 도엽별 DSM 추출 가능성 연구)

  • Rhee, Sooahm;Jung, Sungwoo;Park, Jimin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_2
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    • pp.949-959
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, as a prior study related to the generation of topographic information using the CAS500-1/2 satellite, we propose a method of extraction DSM for each 1:5000 scaled map in North Korea using KOMPSAT-3A strip images. This technique is designed to set the processing area by receiving shape file, only to generate output for every 1:5000 scaled map. In addition, dense point clouds and the DSM were extracted by applying MDR, a robust stereo image matching technique. Considering that the strip images are input in the units of scenes, we attempted to extract a DSM by processing and merging multiple image pairs in one 1:5000 map area. As a result, it was possible to confirm the generation of an integrated DSM with minimal separation at the junction, and as a result of the accuracy analysis, it was confirmed that the accuracy was within 5m compared to GCP.

Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Modeling Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 분산형 강우-유형 모형의 개발)

  • 김경숙;박종현;윤기준;이상호
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1995
  • This study is conducted to eveluate the potential of a GIS to assist an application problem. GIS has been applied to rainfall-runoff modeling over Soyang area. Various rainfall-runoff models have been developed over the years. A distributed rainfall-runoff model is selected because it considers the topographic characteristics over the basin. GIS can handle the spatial data to enhance the modeling. GRASS-a public domain GIS S/W-is used for GIS tools. Digital database is generated, including soil map, vegetation map, digital elevation model, basin and subbasin map, and water stream. The inpu data for the model has been generated and manupulated using GIS. The database, model and GIS are integrated for on-line operation. The inflow hydrographs are tested for the flood of Sept., 1990. This shows the promising results even without the calibration.

Traffic Emission Modelling Using LiDAR Derived Parameters and Integrated Geospatial Model

  • Azeez, Omer Saud;Pradhan, Biswajeet;Jena, Ratiranjan;Jung, Hyung-Sup;Ahmed, Ahmed Abdulkareem
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.137-149
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    • 2019
  • Traffic emissions are the main cause of environmental pollution in cities and respiratory problems amongst people. This study developed a model based on an integration of support vector regression (SVR) algorithm and geographic information system (GIS) to map traffic carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations and produce prediction maps from micro level to macro level at a particular time gap in a day in a very densely populated area (Utara-Selatan Expressway-NKVE, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). The proposed model comprised two models: the first model was implemented to estimate traffic CO concentrations using the SVR model, and the second model was applied to create prediction maps at different times a day using the GIS approach. The parameters for analysis were collected from field survey and remote sensing data sources such as very-high-resolution aerial photos and light detection and ranging point clouds. The correlation coefficient was 0.97, the mean absolute error was 1.401 ppm and the root mean square error was 2.45 ppm. The proposed models can be effectively implemented as decision-making tools to find a suitable solution for mitigating traffic jams near tollgates, highways and road networks.

Downscaling of Geophysical Data for Enhanced Resolution by Geostatistical Approach (물리탐사 자료의 해상도 향상을 위한 지구통계학적 다운스케일링)

  • Oh, Seok-Hoon;Han, Seong-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.31 no.7
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    • pp.681-690
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    • 2010
  • Inversion result of geophysical data given as a block type was geostatistically simulated with borehole observation given as a point type and was applied to the rock classifying map. The geophysical data generally involved secondary information for the target material and were obtained for overall region. In contrast, borehole data provided direct information for the target material, but tended to be effective only for a narrow range of region and were dealt as a point type. Integrated simulation or kriging interpolation of these two different kinds of information required the covariance for point-point, point-block and block-block. Using the Bssim module included in SGeMS software, integrated result of geophysical data and borehole data were obtained. The results were then compared with the method of geostatistical inversion proposed by authors. Downscaling method used in this study showed relatively more flexible than the geostatistical inversion.

A study on the adaptive query conversion using TMDR-based global query (TMDR 기반의 글로벌 쿼리를 이용한 적응적 쿼리 변환에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Chi-Gon;Shin, Hyo-Young;Jung, Kye-Dong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2012.10a
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    • pp.966-969
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    • 2012
  • This study suggests a query conversion method based on Topic Maps MetaData Registry(TMDR) in order to solve heterogeneity problems distributed in networks and to integrate data efficiently. In order to integrate distributed data, TMDR provides global schema and it solves heterogeneity problem within local data using query conversion method. After analyzing relationship between Meta Schema Ontology(MSO) of eXtended Meta Data Registry(XMDR) and Topic Maps, this method allows integrated access through Meta Location(ML) which manages accessing information of local data. The processing method is to produce a global query for global processing by using TMDR and then to make the produced global query approach to systems distributed through networks so that allows integrated access at the end. For this, we propose a method to convert a global query into a query which is adaptive to local query.

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Applicability Analysis of Measurement Data Classification and Spatial Interpolation to Improve IUGIM Accuracy (지하공간통합지도의 정확도 향상을 위한 계측 데이터 분류 및 공간 보간 기법 적용성 분석)

  • Lee, Sang-Yun;Song, Ki-Il;Kang, Kyung-Nam;Kim, Wooram;An, Joon-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.38 no.10
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 2022
  • Recently, the interest in integrated underground geospatial information mapping (IUGIM) to ensure the safety of underground spaces and facilities has been increasing. Because IUGIM is used in the fields of underground space development and underground safety management, the up-to-dateness and accuracy of information are critical. In this study, IUGIM and field data were classified, and the accuracy of IUGIM was improved by spatial interpolation. A spatial interpolation technique was used to process borehole data in IUGIM, and a quantitative evaluation was performed with mean absolute error and root mean square error through the cross-validation of seven interpolation results according to the technique and model. From the cross-validation results, accuracy decreased in the order of nonuniform rational B-spline, Kriging, and inverse distance weighting. In the case of Kriging, the accuracy difference according to the variogram model was insignificant, and Kriging using the spherical variogram exhibited the best accuracy.

Current status and prospects of citrus genomics (감귤 유전체 연구 동향 및 전망)

  • Kim, Ho Bang;Lim, Sanghyun;Kim, Jae Joon;Park, Young Cheol;Yun, Su-Hyun;Song, Kwan Jeong
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.326-335
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    • 2015
  • Citrus is an economically important fruit tree with the largest amount of fruit production in the world. It provides important nutrition such as vitamin C and other health-promoting compounds including its unique flavonoids for human health. However, it is classified into the most difficult crops to develop new cultivars through conventional breeding approaches due to its long juvenility and some unique reproductive biological features such as gamete sterility, nucellar embryony, and high level of heterozygosity. Due to global warming and changes in consumer trends, establishing a systematic and efficient breeding programs is highly required for sustainable production of high quality fruits and diversification of cultivars. Recently, reference genome sequences of sweet orange and clementine mandarin have been released. Based on the reference whole-genome sequences, comparative genomics, reference-guided resequencing, and genotyping-by-sequencing for various citrus cultivars and crosses could be performed for the advance of functional genomics and development of traits-related molecular markers. In addition, a full understanding of gene function and gene co-expression networks can be provided through combined analysis of various transcriptome data. Analytic information on whole-genome and transcriptome will provide massive data on polymorphic molecular markers such as SNP, INDEL, and SSR, suggesting that it is possible to construct integrated maps and high-density genetic maps as well as physical maps. In the near future, integrated maps will be useful for map-based precise cloning of genes that are specific to citrus with major agronomic traits to facilitate rapid and efficient marker-assisted selection.

Integrated Methods For Successful Product Design (성공적 신제품 개발을 위한 통합적 접근 방법 -디자인 컨셉트(Design Concept)의 평가방법에 비중을 두고서)

  • 우홍룡
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1993
  • This paper described design as a purposeful human activity for solving its problems. This means, problem solving is finding a way to get from some initial situation to a desired goal.In order to do this, like a voyage, there should be a compass, and a route map to guide the designer through the design process. Evaluation gives information about the way a design is proceeding and suggests the direction in which change should be made in order that the complex of design concepts should be fulfilled in a satisfactory manner.I think Pugh's total design model discussing in this paper takes a layered approach through a series of sequential actions, part of which is to find the product status. Each layer has the $$\mu$ti-dimensional elements, Product Design Specification (PDS) around the design core. I made a comparative study of several evaluation tools wi th Pugh's model and examined the criteria for evaluation and the rating / weighing methods.It needs, however, more study in order that PDSs may have its values and be fixed from the dynamic design concepts.

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The Study of Decision-Making Model on Small and Medium Sized Management States of Financial Agencies and Monitoring Progressive Insolvency : Case of Mutual Savings Banks

  • Ryu, Ji-Cheol;Lee, Young-Jai
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.43-59
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    • 2008
  • This paper studies small and medium sized financial agency's management states that take advantage of the Korea Federation of Saving Bank's data. It also presents the management state and the decision-making model that monitors progressive insolvency by standardizing transfer path between relevant groups. With this in mind, we extracted explanatory variables for predictions of insolvency by using existing studies of document related insolvency. First of all, we designed a state model based on demarcated groups to take advantage of the self organizing map that groups in line with a neural network. Secondly, we developed a transition model by standardizing the transfer path between individual banks in a state model. Finally, we presented a decision-making model that integrated the state model and the transition model. This paper will provide groundwork for methods of insolvency prevention to businesses in order for them to have a smooth management system in the financial agencies.

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