• Title/Summary/Keyword: Integra$^{(R)}$

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Integra®를 이용한 화상 반흔 구축 재건에 있어 Vacuum-Assisted Closure(VAC)의 유용성 (Acceleration of Integra Incorporation in Reconstruction of Burn Scar Contracture with The Vacuum-Assisted Closure(VAC))

  • 오석준;전만경;고성훈
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제36권4호
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    • pp.432-436
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: Negative pressure therapy has been used in various conditions to promote wound healing. It has also been used to secure a skin graft by improving microcirculation and improving tight adhesion between the graft and the recipient bed. To reduce post burn scar contracture and improve aesthetical result, many types of dermal substitutes have been invented and used widely. The goal of this study was evaluate usefulness of the VAC (Kinetic concepts Inc., San Antonio, TX) in improving the take rate and time to incorporation of Integra$^{(R)}$ in reconstruction of burn scar contracture. Methods: A retrospective study was performed from October, 2006 to December, 2008. The VAC was utilized for 11 patients. The average patient's age was 19.7 years (range 5 - 27) and average surface area was $785cm^2$ (range 24 - 1600). The burn scars were excised deep into normal subcutaneous tissue to achieve complete release of the scar, Integra$^{(R)}$ was sutured in place with skin staple와 Steri - strip$^{(R)}$. Then slit incisions were made on silicone sheet only with No.11 blade for effective drainage. The VAC was used as a bolster dressing over Integra$^{(R)}$. Negative - Pressure ranging from 100 to 125 mm Hg was applied to black polyurethane foam sponge trimmed to the appropriate wound size. An occlusive seal over the black polyurethane foam sponge was maintained by a combination of the occlusive dressing, OP - site$^{(R)}$. The VAC dressing changes were performed every 3 or 4 days until adequate incorporation was obtained. The neodermis appeared slightly yellow to orange color. When the Integra$^{(R)}$ deemed clinically incorporated, The VAC was removed and take was estimated with visual inspection. Very thin STSG(0.006 ~ 0.008 inches) was performed after silicone sheet removal. Result: The mean time for clinically assessed incorporation of Integra$^{(R)}$ was 10.00 days (range 9 - 12). The mean dressing change was 3.5 times until take was obtained. In All patients, Integra$^{(R)}$ had successful incorporation in tissue without serious complications. Conclusion: Integra$^{(R)}$ in combination with Vacuum - Assisted Closure(VAC) may be incorporated earlier than conventional dressing method.


  • Kim, Jin-Bong;Ryu, Kun-Sik
    • 대한수학회논문집
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.293-303
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    • 1997
  • The existence theorem for the operator valued function space integral has been studied, when the wave function was in $L_1(R)$ class and the potential energy function was represented as a double integra [4]. Johnson and Lapidus established the existence theorem for the operator valued function space integral, when the wave function was in $L_2(R)$ class and the potential energy function was represented as an integral involving a Borel measure [9]. In this paper, we establish the existence theorem for the operator valued function we establish the existence theorem for the operator valued function space integral as an operator from $L_1(R)$ to $L_\infty(R)$ for certain potential energy functions which involve double integrals with some Borel measures.

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In vitro 환경에서 엘라스틴을 혼합한 콜라겐 진피 지지체의 내구성 (The Durability of Elastin-Incorporated Collagen Matrix for Dermal Substitute in Vitro Condition)

  • 유대현;홍종원;탁관철
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: Since the report of artificial dermis manufacturing method using collagen by Yannas in 1980, collagen has been effectively used as dermal substitute with its merits such as, lower antigeneicity, controllable biodegradation rate, and minimal inflammatory cytotoxic properties in the dermal tissue engineering field. However, weak mechanical durability was the main drawback of collagen dermal substitute. To improve its stability, mechanical or chemical cross-linking was used. Despite of such process, its clinical use was restricted due to weak durability. To improve the durability of collagen matrix, we designed elastin-incorporated collagen matrix and compared its durability with conventional collagen matrix. Methods: 15mm diameter with 4mm thick collagen dermal matrix was made according to Yannas protocol by mixing 0.5% bovine collagen and chondroitin-6-sulfate followed by degassing, freeze drying, dehydrodermal cross-linking and chemical cross-linking procedure. In elastin incorporated collagen matrix, same procedure was performed by mixing elastin to previous collagen matrix in 4:1 ratio(collagen 80% elastin 20%). In comparison of the two dermal matrix in vitro tests, matrix contracture rate, strain, tensile strength, was measured and stiffness was calculated from comparative analysis. Results: In terms of matrix contracture, the elastin-incorperated added collagen dermis matrix showed 1.2 times more contraction compared to conventional collagen matrix. However, tensile strength showed 1.6 times and stiffness showed 1.6 times increase in elastin-incorporated matrix. Conclusion: Elastin incorperated collagen matrix manufactured by our team showed increased durability due to improvement in tensile strength and stiffness compared to previous collagen matrix($Integra^{(R)}$).

정상 신생아에서 용질배설 측정 의의에 관한 연구 (A Study on Evaluating Solute Excretion in the Normal Neonate)

  • 최정훈;김미경;유기환;홍영숙;이주원;김순겸
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.6-10
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    • 2000
  • 목 적 : 출생 후 며칠간의 신생아의 creatinine수치는 모체의 영향을 받으므로 소변의 creatinine을 상수로 용질 배설 측정을 하는 것은 의미가 없을 수도 있다는 보고가 있어, 저자들은 신생아에서 일정한 간격으로 측정된 소변 creatinine이 차이가 있는가에 대하여 연구를 시행하게 되었다. 방 법 : 1998년 7월부터 8월까지 출생한 건강한 신생아를 대상으로 하여 두 번의 소변을 측정하였으며, 대조군으로는 그 기간 동안 입원한 소아과 병동의 환아를 대상으로 하였다. 신생아군은 49명이고 대조군은 33명이었으며, 신생아군의 첫 소변은 출생 첫날 시행하였고 비교군의 첫 소변시 나이는 $5.7{\pm}4.3$세였다. 신생아군과 대조군에서 처음과 두 번째 소변간의 간격은 2-3일이었다. 통계분석은 sigmastat 2.0을 사용하여 단순 선형 회귀 분석, t-test, paired t-test를 이용하였다. 결 과 : Creatinine mg/dL(Mean${\pm}$SD)은 첫 소변, 두 번째 소변에서 각각 신생아군은 $32.5{\pm}29,\;29.2{\pm}23$이고 대조군은 $57.7{\pm}51,\;58.8{\pm}51$으로 두 군 모두 첫 소변과 두 번째 소변의 소변 creatinine치는 차이가 없으며, 두 군간의 평균치의 비교분석은 유의한 차이를 보였다(P<0.01). 첫 소변과 두 번째 소변간의 creatinine평균치의 상관성에서 신생아군은 r=0.504(P<0.001)이고 대조군은 r=0.631(P<0.001)이었으며, creatinine/osmolality로 보정 후에도 각각 상관계수 0.506(P<0.001), 0.386(P<0.001)으로 유의한 상관관계를 보였다. 결 론 :신생아의 첫 소변과 두 번째 소변에서 creatinine의 비교분석에서는 유의한 차이가 없었으며 따라서 신생아에서도 용질배설 측정시 creatinine을 기준치로 사용할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

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