• Title/Summary/Keyword: Instrumental education

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The Physical and Social Disability of Aged Persons Who Live Alone in Goksung Area (곡성지역(谷城地域) 독거노인(獨居老人)의 신체적(身體的) 사회적(社會的) 능력장애(能力障碍)에 관(關)한 조사(調査))

  • Kim, Shin-Woel;Kim, Young-Lak;Ryu, So-Yeon;Park, Jong;Kim, Ki-Soon;Kim, Yang-Ok
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.245-268
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    • 1999
  • It is necessary that the old should have the physical and social ability to perform their daily life. This study is to grasp their degree of disability and problems and suggest their solutions. It surveyed the 87 old people over 65 years old from September 1st until September 30th, in 1997. The findings are as follows. 1) The activities of daily living(ADL) to find their degree of physical disability shows that their average performance ability is 75.9% of all the action while 24.1% of all the old people needs the others' help. As they get older and older, the aged drop off in their physical ability, which is related to a statistical sense (p<0.001). 2) The social disability shows that the aged have their great difference from 9.2% to 85.1% in their instrumental activities of daily living(IADL), intellectual ability and social role. 3) A simple analysis shows that the activities of daily living are, in a statistical sense, related to age(p<0.001), the use of elder's hall(p<0.001), the understanding degree of health(p<0.01) and so forth. 4) A simple analysis shows that the instrumental activities of daily living are, in a statistical sense, related to age(p<0.001), the degree of education(p<0.05), the life of leisure(p<0.001), the understanding degree of health and so forth. 5) A multivariate logistic regression analysis shows that the disability of daily living is related to age, the visit of elder's hall, the period of solitary living, instrumental activities of daily living is age and the visit of elder's hall, and social role is the visit of elder's hall and the decree of education, while intellectual activity has no related variables in a statistical sense.

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Effects of Case Management using Resident Assessment Instrument-Home Care(RAI-HC) in Home Health Services for Older People (재가노인 기능상태 평가도구를 이용한 재가노인 사례관리 프로그램의 효과 평가)

  • June, Kyung-Ja;Lee, Ji-Yun;Yoon, Jong-Lull
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.366-375
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: To evaluate the effects of case management using Resident Assessment Instrument-Home Care(RAI-HC) in home health service for older people. Methods: All elders were assessed at baseline and 3 months later using RAI-HC. The change of function in the intervention group was compared with that of a conventional intervention group. Function was measured with Activities of Daily Living(ADL), Instrumental Activities of Daily Living(IADL), Cognitive Performance Scale(CPS), Depression Rating Scale(DRS), Pain and the number of Clinical Assessment Protocols(CAP). Results: Among ninety two elders participated in the program, 59 were allocated to the case management group and 33 to the conventional group. The intervention, home health service by a nurse over a 3 month period, consisted of comprehensive assessment, case conference for care plan, direct care, education and referral, and outcome evaluation. The percent of elders whose function improved in the intervention group was greater than the conventional group for depression(odds ratio [OR]: 10.941, confidence interval [CI]: 2.338-51.206), IADL(OR: 4.423, CI: 1.151-16.999) and the number of CAP(OR: 11.443, CI: 3.805-34.410). Conclusion: Case management was effective for older people in the community. The effect might have resulted from individual, systematic intervention, however, standards of service including eligibility criteria for case management and collaboration of multi-disciplines is required for more effective home health service programs.

A Study on the Visual Perception Space Structure Analysis of Exhibition Contents Organization in Natural History Museum (자연사박물관 전시내용구성의 시지각적 공간구조분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Jung;Hong, Kwan-Seon
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.80-92
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    • 2009
  • Natural history museums preserve and manage the creatures living in each country, so they play unique roles for bio-diversity, and in fact, their roles are really instrumental for the collection, preservation, research, exhibition and education of creatures in the 21st century. Therefore, this research has the purpose to survey the status of our country's existing natural history museums, analyze their visual perception space structural characteristics, and ultimately utilize their characteristics as basic data in planning out and designing spaces of natural history museums to be established later on. As for the research scope, the research selected as research subjects 7 natural history museums that currently have composite set of open type and mixed type and have been accommodating comparatively active exhibitions since 2000 among 10 or so natural history museums in our country. Research method is that the research analyzed the exhibition spaces of 7 natural history museums by using depthmap program which can analyze space with visual graph analysis function, and analyzed the visibility among unit areas by each natural history museum integration and exhibition contents composition. In such analysis method, the research was able to quantitatively analyze the visual characteristics of exhibition space that induces and adjusts the motion of audience. Visual perception quantitative analysis as in this research will enhance exhibition design by considering the correlation between audience and exhibited items when planning out natural history museums space to be established later on.

Subjective Health and Factors of Health-related Quality of Life in Elderly Haenyo (해녀 노인의 건강수준과 건강 관련 삶의 질에 영향을 미치는 요인연구)

  • Chae, Myungah;Kim, Jeung-Im;Choi, Kyung Sook;Han, Ki-Hye
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: To investigate the subjective health and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in Haenyo. Methods: Subjects were 100 elderly Haenyo in Jeju island who belonged to a fishing-village society. Main variables were activities of daily living (ADL), instrumental ADL (IADL), the HRQoL, subjective health, and depression. Subjective health and differences of HRQoL by variables were analyzed by t-test or ANOVA using IBM SPSS Statistics 23. Hierarchical multiple regression was executed to examine the effects of the major factors on the quality of life. Results: The mean age was 69.9 years, the mean period for diving career was 51.5 years, and work hours per month were 37.8. Comorbidity of diseases was 2.74, and the common health problems were osteoporosis and headache/dizziness. HRQoL was significantly different by age (F=4.52, p=.013), education (F=6.10, p=.003), muljil work years (F=3.93, p=.050), depression (t=-3.04, p=.030), subjective health state (F=30.62, p<.01), and degenerative arthritis (F=-2.38, p=.019). In the final model by hierarchical multiple regression, ADL/IADL (${\beta}=.41$, p<.001), depression (${\beta}=-.29$, p<.001), and subjective health (${\beta}=.43{\sim}.51$, p<.001) were significant and explained 63.5% of the total variance of HRQoL. Conclusion: Haenyo have specific health problems different from those of elderly women in general. ADL/IADL, depression and subjective health affected their HRQoL. It is clear that Haenyos' health problems need further study to improve their health.

Hierarchical Analysis of Astronomical Space Concepts Based on the Knowledge Space Theory (지식공간론에 기초한 천문학적 공간개념의 위계 분석)

  • Yoon, Ma-Byong;Kim, Hee-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.259-266
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    • 2010
  • High school students' understanding hierarchy of astronomical concepts and an individual student's knowledge state are analyzed by using the knowledge space theory that allows one to infer an individual's entire knowledge on a subject based on fragmentary information coming from that student's answers. The hierarchy of astronomical space concepts is: spatial position$\ll$spatial reasoning$\ll$spatial variation. In addition, an analysis of assessment materials using the knowledge space theory shows not only the relationship of assessment questions but also the knowledge state of individual students, which the current evaluation method is not able to reveal. Therefore, the assessment analysis of this study using the knowledge space theory becomes critically instrumental in providing information of an instructional differentiation amenable to individual learners for deciding their level of understanding and selecting suitable curriculum.

A Study on the Intention to Use Community Care Service by Pre-Caregivers Based on Dementia Under the Long-Term Care Insurance System for the Aged -Special dementia rating (5 rates) in the focus (예비치매 부양자의 재가서비스 이용에 관한 연구 -치매특별등급(5등급) 중심으로)

  • Son, Yi-Suk;Lee, Kyung-Soo;Chung, Jae-wook
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.603-614
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    • 2016
  • Purpose. The purpose of this study was to provide basic data regarding the intention to use community care service based on special grading for dementia in the South Korean Society. Methods. A survey was conducted using a questionnaire adapted on the basis of literature review regarding the first to fourth grade under the long-term care insurance system for the aged from May 1 to 30, 2015 and a total of 272 questionnaires were statistically processed using SPSS 21.0. Frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, and cross-tabulation analysis were performed. The non-parametric type of test, ${\chi}^2$ test, was used for statistical testing. Results. This study obtained the following results: First, caregivers had greater intention to ask recipients to use daytime and nighttime care service. Second, there were statistically significant differences in caregivers' education, occupation, monthly average income, co-residence status, intimacy, and care-giving burden (emotional, financial, and social) and recipients' activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living, mental health status, dementia status, and intention to use community care service based on special grading for dementia. Conclusions. There are very few statistical data and academic materials regarding special grading for dementia, which has recently been established. The results of this study are therefore expected to help make a systematic analysis of the intention to use community care service by caregivers based on special grading for dementia.

The Correspondence of the Demented Patient's Desired Service with Received Service Type and Its Affecting Factors (치매노인의 서비스 희망과 이용의 일치 여부에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Park, Chong-Yon;Kang, Im-Ok;Lee, Sang-Yi;Seo, Su-Ra;Suh, Nam-Kyu;Park, Hyeung-Keun
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.52-67
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    • 2007
  • Korean government is preparing the long-term care financing and delivery system in order to cope with rapid population aging. The system should be designed to provide demented patients with an appropriate services that the patients want to take, and considered to be necessary for them. In this regard, this study aims to analyse empirically a relationship between the types of long-term care services that demented patients wanted to take and they actually received during 2004. The caregivers of 609 dementia patients, who were randomly selected in a manner of proportional allocation from a nationwide claim database of the Korean National Health Insurance Corporation, were interviewed in September, 2005. Independent variables include socio-demographic characteristics, Activities of Daily Living(ADL) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living(IADL). To explore the correspondence of the types of long-term care services that demented patients wanted to take and that they actually received, and its affecting factors, we conducted chi-square test and logistic regression analysis. Main findings are as follows. First, while only 20% of study subjects wanted home services as a long-term care services, those who wanted to use the long-term care facilities and general hospital were 37%, 43% respectively. Second, the correspondence rate was just 38% on average, and extremely low in the demented patients who wanted to use long-term care facilities. Third, the demented patients who resided in urban areas and received relatively high level of education showed high correspondence rate. Fourth, the high ADL score was closely related to low correspondence rate.

The Effect of Private Tutoring Expenditures on Academic Performance: Evidence from Middle School Students in South Korea ('학교교육 수준 및 실태 분석 연구: 중학교' 자료를 이용한 사교육비 지출의 성적 향상효과 분석)

  • Kang, Changhui
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.139-171
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    • 2012
  • This paper examines the effect of private tutoring expenditures on academic performance of middle school students in South Korea, using data from "Analysis of the Level of School Education and Its Actual condition: Middle School". In the face of endogeneity of private tutoring expenditures, the paper employs an instrumental variable (IV) method and a nonparametric bounding method. Using both methods we show that the true effect of private tutoring on middle school students remains at most modest in Korea. The IV results suggest that a 10 percent increase in tutoring expenditure for Korean, English and math raises a student's test score of the subject at the largest by 1.24, 1.28, and 0.75 percent, respectively. The bounding results also fail to show evidence that an increase in tutoring expenditure leads to economically and statistically significant improvements in test score.

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Children's View of Environmental Value and Attitudes : On the basis of Age and Gender (유치원생과 초등 학생이 가지는 자연 환경에 대한 가치관 및 태도 -연령별, 성별 차이를 중심으로-)

  • 신동희;이동엽
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study are two-fold; 1) to identify the differences in the view of environmental value between 6-years-olds and 12-years-old, 2) to identify the differences in the attitude towards animals and plants between male-and female students. To accomplish the purposes of this study, two researchers deeply interviewed ten 6-years-old and 12-years-old boys and girls, respectively. First, the interviewees are asked to rank six constituents in nature, human-being, tiger, ant, gingko tree, weed, and stone, from their views of environmental value. Then, the interviewees were asked to talk about their various interaction with animals and plants. The results of this study are as follows; 1) In evaluating the value of nature constituents, 12-years-olds tended to be affected by scientific knowledge. On the other hand, 6-years-olds tended to evaluate the value of nature constituents by their emotional feeling; 2) From the perspectives of environmental ethics, 12-years-olds showed attitudes in anthropocentric or holistic ethics. On the other hand, 6-years-olds showed attitudes in nonanthropocentric ethics; 3) In evaluating the value of nature constituents, 12-year-olds tended to consider the constituent′s instrumental values and 6-years-olds tended to consider their intrinsic values; 4) From the perspectives of "ethics of care", females, especially 12-years females tended to take care of plants. The results propose more emphasis of environmental "sensuous" in school environmental education. And male- and female students should be expected fairly in their environmental attitudes, especially in taking care of natural creatures.

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A Study on Work and Family Life of Married Female Production Workers and Policy Implications(II) (대구지역 생산직 기혼여성의 취업 및 가족생활실태파악과 대책수립에 관한 연구(II))

  • 유가효
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.283-309
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    • 1992
  • This study examines work and family life of married women employed in a manufacturing industry. Data were gathered from the use of fact-to-face interview method from a sample of 230 married working women. The major findings of this study can be summarized as follows : (1) With high rates of change of job, most of the respondents remain unstable in their working situation. It was shown that the important factors influencing job satisfaction of married women are women's life cycle, degree of contribution of wife's income toward total family income, and husband's attitude toward wife's empolyment. The degree of job satisfaction is also strongly influenced by labor structural factors such as pay, work environment and fringe benefits. (2) The amount of household labor time was limited by job-related factors rather than by family-related factors, because among these working women employment itself is necessarily for their subsistance. (3) It was shown that wives participated more actively in their marital communications than their husbands. Most of the respondents showed the syncratic type of the decision making patterns, but this results does not necessarily mean wives exercised an equal power with their husbands. The economic factors and the emotional instability of the husband are the ones mostly influencing marital conflicts of the employed women. It was found that the respondents easily revealed marital conflicts related to personal problems of their husbands(such as extramarital affairs, gambling and alchoholism). However, they tried to overcome the structural conflicts related to authoritarian attitudes of their husbands or economic problems without any complaints. (4) Mothers have difficulty in controlling their adolescent children, due to the weakening of parental authority. Although most of the respondents perceived their employment as having negative impacts on their children, they still have high expectations toward their children. Inspite of low degree of father role expectations and facther role performance of their husbands, most of the respondents anticipated expressive roles as well as traditionally instrumental role from their husbands. Finally, these findings would help us determine family welfare policies in Korea. Improvements in paid and household labor structure of married women should be accomplished at the national level. Also, the acting programs for parent education, marital councelling services, and law enforcement for equal employment between men and women should be provided in our society.

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