• Title/Summary/Keyword: Inner/Outer Rotor

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Design of Gerotor with Pin-tooth Inner Rotor (핀치형 내부로터의 제로터 설계)

  • Lee, Sung-chul
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.64-67
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    • 2020
  • In the conventional gerotor design, the circular arc tooth of the outer rotor is first introduced, and then the inner rotor profile is generated by simulating the outer rotor motion while the inner rotor is fixed. The profile generation of tooth meshing exhibits relativity; therefore, the outer rotor profile can be generated by the movement of the inner rotor. In this study, we propose the design of a gerotor with a pin-tooth inner rotor. First, the pin-tooth inner rotor is devised, and then the outer rotor profile is generated. The profile of the inner rotor is simply composed of equally arranged pins along a circle. The root of the inner rotor is designed as a conjugated arc of two pins. The trajectory of the pin center is obtained by the inner rotor operation, and then the outer rotor profile is determined as a parallel curve of the trajectory. In this gerotor design, the inner rotor has a simple configuration, and contact occurs between the pin parts of the inner rotor and the whole profile of the outer rotor. This affects the material selection and machining process. The pin tooth can be used to design the outer and inner rotors, enabling a double gerotor mechanism corresponding to a planetary gear system.

Design and Feasibility Study of Double Gerotor (이중 제로터의 설계 및 응용 가능성에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Sung-chul
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.215-221
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    • 2019
  • A gerotor set consists of two elements, an inner rotor and an outer rotor. The outer rotor has one more tooth than the inner rotor and has its centerline positioned at a fixed eccentricity from the centerline of the inner rotor. Although gerotors come in a variety of geometric configurations, all gerotor sets share the basic principle of having generated tooth profiles that provide continuous tight sealing during operation. The size of the gerotor is proportional to the number of teeth and the amount of eccentricity. The interior of an inner rotor with a large number of teeth has an enough space to include other machine elements. In this paper, the double gerotor mechanism, constructed by putting a small gerotor in the interior of a large inner rotor, is conceptualized. The double gerotor set is composed of an inner rotor, a planetary rotor, and an outer rotor. The inside profile of the planetary rotor corresponds to the outer rotor profile of the small gerotor, and the outside profile is the inner rotor profile of the large gerotor. In the double gerotor, the centers of the inner and the outer rotor are coincident because the eccentricities of two gerotors are balanced. The operation of a double gerotor is examined by analyzing the planetary motion, and a feasibility study for application of the double gerotor for hydraulic motors and pumps is performed. The double gerotor set has much application potential as a component of hydraulic systems.

An Analysis on Volumetric Displacement of Gerotor Pump/Motor Using Vane Length (회전날개 길이를 이용한 제로터 펌프/모터의 배제용적에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, S.D.;Kim, D.M.;Ham, Y.B.;Han, C.H.
    • Transactions of The Korea Fluid Power Systems Society
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.8-16
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    • 2011
  • It is hard and complicated to analytically derive the volumetric-displacement formula of a gerotor pump/motor. Analytical formulas for calculating the volumetric-displacement are derived in this work, which is relatively easy and based upon vane lengths. The vane lengths mean the distances from axis of inner rotor or outer rotor to contact points between inner and outer rotors. Two kinds of formula were studied for two different kinematic motions of rotors. The first one is the case that outer rotor is fixed in space and inner rotor is in mixed motion of planetary revolution and rotation with respect to the spinning axis. And the second is the case that both inner and outer rotors simultaneously rotate. The proposed formula is verified through comparison with volumetric-displacement obtained from numerical CAD calculation.

A Study on the Design Procedure of the Eight Pole Magnetic Bearings for the Inner-rotor and the Outer-rotor Type

  • Lee, Jun-Ho;Park, Chan-Bae;Lee, Byung-Song;Lee, Su-Gil;Kim, Jae-Hee;Jung, Shin-Myung;Lee, Hyung-Woo
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.1424-1430
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents design procedure of the magnetic bearings used for high-speed electric machines and flywheel energy storage systems. Magnetic bearing can be categorized by inner-rotor type and outer-rotor type according to the position of the rotary disc. These two types are applicable based on application environments such as application space, required attraction force, and controllability. Magnetic bearing is generally designed based on the ratio (geometrical coefficient or geometrical efficiency) of pole width to rotor journal radius but proper ratio is only decided by the analysis. This is the difficulty of the magnetic bearing design. In this paper, proper design technology of the inner-rotor type and outer-rotor-type eight pole magnetic bearings is introduced and compared with the FEM analysis results, which verifies the proposed design procedure is suitable to be applied to the design of the magnetic bearings for the industrial applications and flywheel energy storage system.

Design and Analysis of Gerotor with Generalized Shapes for Power-Steering Units (파워 스티어링 유닛용 일반형상 제로터의 설계 및 해석)

  • Jeong, Jae-Tack;Shin, Soo-Sik;Kim, Kap-Tae
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.34 no.7
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    • pp.891-896
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    • 2010
  • A gerotor is used in power-steering units (PSUs) as well as in hydraulic motors or pumps. The inner rotor is developed on the basis of the shape of the outer rotor tooth, which normally has one arc. The method of generating inner rotor on the basis of a generalized shape of outer rotor is analyzed with a view to improve PSU characteristics. An arc-shaped outer rotor with two curvatures was used in the analysis; design parameters such as the shape and curvature of the inner rotor, the flow rate of the gerotor, the position of contact point, and slip velocity are calculated, and these results are shown. This analysis enables us to develop a new design of compact PSUs.

Rotordynamic Influences of a Tie Shaft in a APU Gas Turbine Rotor-Bearng System (보조동력 개스터빈 로터-베어링 시스템에서 체결축의 로터다이나믹 영향)

  • Lee, An-Sung;Lee, Young-Seob
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2000.06a
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    • pp.1051-1057
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    • 2000
  • A projected 100 kW APU gas turbine rotor-bearing system has a main outer shaft, which is composed of some numbers of segmented sections for manufacturing and assembly conveniences. For a secure assembly of the segmented sections a tie shaft or inner shaft is installed inside of the outer shaft and a tensional axial preload of 50,000 N is provided to it. In this paper it is intended to set-up a sound modeling method of the APU rotor system, and particularly, the influences of the tie shaft on the rotordynamic characteristics of the entire APU gas turbine rotor-bearing system are investigated. Analysis results show that as a conservative design practice the inner tie shaft should be actively modeled in the rotordynamic analysis of the APU rotor-bearing system, and its effects on the dynamic behaviors of the outer shaft should be thoroughly design-reviewed.

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A Study on Tooth Design Program Development of Gerotor Pump/Motor (지로터 펌프/모터의 치형 설계 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 장주섭;이종원;한동철;조명래
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.100-106
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    • 1996
  • Gerotor pumps and motors are widely used in lubrication and hydraulic actuator systems. Compared with internal gear pumps and motors, they have many advantages. However, the gerotor profiles have not been suff'lciently analyzed theoretically. Therefore, it is very difficult for designer to decide the specifications of the gemtor profiles, and calculation of flow rate and minimum distance of clearance in the contact point of inner and outer rotor is not yet confirmed. In this paper, when we design inner and outer rotor concurently, we have analyzed the gerotor profiles and displayed the calculated results such as flow rate, minimum distance between inner and outer rotor and gerotor profiles.

A Study on Tootk Design Program Development of Gerotor Pump/Motor (지로터 펌프/모터의 치형설계 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 장주섭;이종원;한동철;조명래
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference
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    • 1996.05a
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 1996
  • Gerotor Pump and Motors are widely used in lubrication and hydraulic actuator systems, These have many advantage compared with internal gear pump and motors, But the gerotor profile have not been sufficiently analyzed theoretically. So it is vary difficult for designer to decide the specifications of the gerotor profile, and it is not yet confirmed to calculating flow rate and minimum distance of clearance in the contact point of inner and outer rotor. In this paper, When we design inner and outer rotor concurently, We have analyzed the gerotor and displayed the calculated results such as flow rate, minumum distance between inner and outer rotor and gerotor profiles

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Analysis and Design of Outer-Rotor Type BLDC Motor by Permeance Method (자기저항법을 이용한 외전형 BLDC 모터의 해석 및 설계)

  • Choi, Myung-Jong;Kim, Sun-Dai;Chung, Tae-Kyung
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1995.07a
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    • pp.86-88
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    • 1995
  • Outer-rotor type brushless motor is designed to run at more constant speed because of large inertia comparing with inner-rotor type. The constant speed is acquired by increasing inertia. Also, the generating torque is proportional to the rotor volume, i. e. rotor diameter. The main idea in this study is to design and analyze the outer-rotor type brushless motor by permeance method with given outer dimension.

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