• 제목/요약/키워드: Informational need

검색결과 86건 처리시간 0.023초

항암화학요법 환자의 정보요구 분석 (Informational Needs of Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy)

  • 한경자;이은옥;김매자;하양숙;박영숙;송미순;정재원;박성희;문미혜
    • 종양간호연구
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: To examine informational needs of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Methods: A cross-sectional survey design was utilized. The sample was 198 cancer patients receiving chemotherapy for a diagnosis of stomach or lung cancer at a university hospital. A modified version of Toronto Informational Needs Questionnaire was applied. Results: Subjects reported highest informational needs in prognosis dimension, followed by the treatment dimension including side effects and alternative therapy. Information about medical tests and follow-up care after the treatment was also in great need. Dimensions of support for patients/family and sexuality were low in need. The degree of informational needs was negatively correlated with patient's age and number of children. Differences were found in informational needs according to the educational level employment status, and gender of the patients, while diagnosis and treatment options did not make differences in informational needs. Conclusion: Health care professionals need to perceive informational needs of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, and to provide them with information especially in the area of prognosis and treatment. Informational intervention would be effective when it is given with consideration of patient's characteristics.

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암환자의 퇴원 후 가정간호 요구 (The Homecare Needs of Cancer Patients)

  • 권인수;은영
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.743-754
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this descriptive study was to identify the homecare needs of patients with cancer and to provide a basis of interventions. One hundred and two patients at one general hospital in Gyeongnam responded to a questionnaire developed on the basis of care needs perceived by nurses caring for hospitalized patients with cancer. The questionnaire was a Likert type 5 point scale with 56 items on five need categories ; 1) informational 2) physical care : 3) emotional care 4) socioeconomic care and 5) special care needs. Internal consistency of this questionnaire was Cronbach's $\alpha$=.9101 for total items. The data was collected from March 1st to May 31th, 1998, by two graduate nurses. In the data analysis, mean & standard deviation were calculated to identify the degree of care need of each item, and the t-test & ANOVA were done to determine the effects of patients' demographic background on their care needs. The findings are summarized as follows ; 1) The mean score of total of need items was 3.048. Of the four need categories the highest score was informational at 3.4, followed by emotional care, 3.063, physical care, 2.623, and socioeconomic care, 2.599. 2) In the informational need category there were four subcategories with 19 items. Medication and pain control had the highest score, 3.755 ; second was diet and exercise, 3.613 ; third was disease and treatment process, 3.337 ; and last was personal hygiene and infection prevention at 2.687. 3) In the physical care need category there was nine items, IV infusion for nutrition and management of treatment complication was above 3.2 points and the remaining items were in the 2.847-2.070 score ranges. 4) In the emotional care need category there were seven items. The highest need was in support for relationships with health personnel, 3.673. The need for support of religions beliefs and support for having a religion were low at about 2 points. 5) In the socioeconomic care need category there were six items. Support for medical insurance expansion and financial support were above 3 points. Legal support and support for caring of children were low in the care needs. 6) In the special care need category the there were 15 items. Informational need about immunization and informational need about effects of disease on growth and development were high, above 4.1 points. Need for decubitus care and prevention, sitz bath and incontinence care were low, below 2 points. 7) There were significant differences in degree of care need according to admission rate, education level, marital status, religion and caregiver's religion. In conclusion, homecare needs perceived by hospitalized patient's with cancer was moderate, but informational need was higher than direct care need, leading to the conclusion that the provision of sufficient information to patients with cancer at discharge is needed. Nursing interventions should be developed considering the patient's background.

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암 환자의 정보요구 분석 (Information Needs on Patients with Cancer in Korea)

  • 김기연;허혜경
    • 성인간호학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.135-143
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: To explore what particular types of information were important to patients diagnosed with cancer. Methods: Seventy three patients with cancer at an outpatient clinic and hospitalized patients in W Christian Hospital Korea, responded. The structured questionnaire developed by the investigator based on previous studies. Results: There was a significant negative relationship between age and the score of informational need (r=-.307, p<.05). Level of education, and level of monthly income were related to level of informational need. The top three informational priorities according to the time since diagnosis were 'Self care during treatment', 'Health food and diet', 'Likelihood of recurrence', 'Follow up care' and 'Side effects'. The top three informational priorities for patients with breast cancer were 'Likelihood of recurrence', 'Metastasis possibility', 'Treatment options', and 'Side effects. For patients with stomach cancer, they were 'Follow up care', 'Healthy food and diet', 'Likelihood of recurrence', and 'Metastasis possibility', and for patients with colon/rectal cancer, they were 'Side effects', 'Healthy food and diet', 'Likelihood of recurrence', and 'Self care during treatment'. Conclusion: The assessment of information needs based on demographic factors and disease-related factors is critical in helping patients with cancer to manage their illness.

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간호사가 지각한 암환자의 퇴원후 가정간호요구 (Nurse의s Perception in the Homecare Needs of Cancer Patient)

  • 권인수;은영
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.602-615
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this descriptive study was to identify the homecare needs of the discharged patient with cancer as perceived by nurses caring hospitalized cancer patients. At two hospitals in Gyeongnam, 74 nurses responded to an open-ended questionnaire consisting of four need categories : 1) educational & informational need, 2) physical need, 3) emotional need, 4) social need. Respondents were asked to list above ten needs of cancer patient in each category. Two researchers analyzed the data by content analysis method. The findings are summarized as follows : 1) A total of 1,417 need items were generated by nurses. The largest number of needs were in the educational & informational need category(475 items, 36.3%). Physical(414 items, 31.6%), emotional (237 items, 18.1%) need were the second, third largest, and social(184 items, 14.0%) need made up the smallest category. 2) In the educational & informational need category, there were seven subcategories of prognosis, diet & exercise, medication & pain, wound care, folk remedy, personal hygiene, comfort. The need items related to prognosis of cancer accounted for almost a half(48.2%) of the total. 3) In the physical need category, there were ten subcategories of personal hygiene, skin & tissue, nutrition, side effect on treatment, exercise, pain, elimination, equipment, comfort & safety, others. The largest number of needs were in subcategory of the personal hygiene(82 items, 19.8%). 4) In the emotional need category, there were four subcategories of emotional support related to disease, emotional support related to routine life, spiritual support, maintenance of relationship with nurse & doctor. The largest number of needs were in subcatgory of the emotional support related to disease(96 items, 40.5%). 5) In the social need category, there were five subcategories of support for social life, household management, legal support, the use of volunteer service, financial support. The largest number of needs were in support for social life subcategory(58 items, 31.5%).

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An Investigation of Exposure to Informational Text through English Textbooks

  • Kim, Tae-Eun
    • 영어어문교육
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.185-207
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    • 2009
  • This study investigated the extent of informational text genre appeared in English textbooks at grades six, seven, and nine. Employing content analysis to analyze the literary forms, the researcher identified genre in each reading selection of each English textbook and classified it into six categories - fiction, information, biography, poetry, play, or fantasy. Especially, informational genre was classified further into two subcategories - non-narrative and narrative - in order to investigate the extent of non-narrative informational text only. The text genre was examined by analyzing (a) the number of reading selections representing each genre and (b) the number of words in reading selections devoted to each genre. The most frequent type of genre at grade 6 and 7 was fiction with 94% and 71% respectively, whereas at grade 9 it was devoted to information (51%), followed by fiction (37%). The largest number of words was devoted to fiction with 96% at the sixth grade and 70% at the seventh grade; on the other hand, for grade 9, it was devoted to information (46%), followed by fiction (39%). Although there was variance across different publishers, the informational text genre gained more significance as the grade level increased. In particular, the percentage of reading selections and words devoted to the non-narrative or expository informational genre was overall 4% at grade 6, 17% at grade 7, and 44% at grade 9. The findings demonstrated the need to pay more attention to informational literacy especially in the early grades for the development of balanced genre knowledge.

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요양시설 노인의 간호요구도 및 일상생활 수행능력 (Activities of Daily Living and Nursing Needs of the Elderly in Nursing Home)

  • 김귀분;이혜경;석소현
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The study was a survey study to identify the Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and nursing needs of the elderly in the nursing home and derive the fundamental data for offering the better quality of nursing service to them. Methods: The subjects were the 111 elderly aged over sixty five living in the nursing home located in Seoul. Measures were the nursing needs scale and ADL scale. The data were analyzed by SAS 11.0. Results: First, with regard to the nursing needs, the general need was scored average 3.0, and the emotional' social need was 3.7, and the physical need was 3.1, and the informational need was 2.7. Second, the ADL was scored at the average of 2.7, bathing 1.9,. eating 3.1. Third, In correlation between the nursing needs by area, the informational nursing needs showed the sheer correlation with the physical nursing needs, emotional' social nursing needs. The physical nursing needs showed the sheer correlation with the informational. social nursing needs, and the inverse correlation with the ADL. Conclusion: It is necessary that it should improve the service to meet the emotional and social nursing needs and develop the extensive nursing programs satisfying their desires based on the general traits of the elderly.

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위암 수술 후 환자의 정보 요구 (Informational Needs of Postoperative Gastric Cancer Patients)

  • 김애란;최민규;노재형;손태성;배재문;김성
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.117-127
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    • 2009
  • 목적: 의료진은 암 환자들에게 적절한 건강 관련 정보를 제공함으로써 암 환자들이 자신의 질병과 치료에 대한 불확실한 상황을 극복하여 스스로 건강을 관리하는 것을 도울 수 있다. 효과적으로 정보를 제공하기 위해서는 환자가 실제 알고자 하는 정보 내용을 파악하는 것이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 위암 수술 후 환자의 정보 요구 경향을 확인하고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 위암 수술 후 환자로, 2008년 11월 18일 삼성서울병원 위암센터에서 주관한 '위암 환자의 날' 행사에 참여한 대상자에게 설문지를 배부하여 직접 작성하도록 하였고, 수집된 190명의 설문지를 분석하였다. 설문 도구는 검사, 치료, 예후, 추후 관리, 성 생활, 위암 관련 정보 영역과 7개의 단일 문항의 총 37개 문항으로 구성되었다. 결과: 정보 요구는 예후, 치료 기간 동안 스스로 할 수 있는 건강 관리 방법, 추후 관리, 위암 관련 정보, 치료, 검사 등의 순으로 높게 나타났다. 문항별로 살펴보면, 예후, 식이, 치료 중의 건강 관리와 관련한 문항에서 높은 정보 요구를 보였다. 대상자의 연령이 젊을수록 검사, 치료, 성 생활, 위암 관련 정보 영역의 정보 요구가 높았다. 결론: 기존에 축적된 병원의 치료 결과 및 예후 자료에 근거한 객관적인 예후 관련 정보를 교육 프로그램에 반영하고 암 환자 및 보호자가 이해하기 쉽도록, 그리고 치료 과정에 적극적으로 참여할 수 있도록 적절한 정보를 전달하여야 할 것이다.

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Electronic Proceedings in Modern Legal Conditions

  • Veselovska, Nataliia;Slipeniuk, Vasyl;Yasynok, Dmytro;Zhukevych, Ihor;Gorbenko, Arina
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제21권8호
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    • pp.224-228
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    • 2021
  • The article is devoted to the problems and prospects of integration of informational technologies in the administration of justice as a necessary component of the development of the informational society in Ukraine. In general, informational technologies make it possible to create new forms of organization and interaction of bodies of public authorities with society, to introduce innovative solutions for legal regulation and organization of public relations. More and more services for citizens are moving to electronic format. Judicial reform is aimed at ensuring more comfortable and convenient interaction with the courts. The need for the usage of informational technology in the proceedings is preconditioned by the global informatization of modern society, the development of new forms of interaction in the civil sphere with the usage of electronic means of communication: the global Internet, mobile, and satellite communication systems and more. "Electronic justice" involves the use of information and communication technologies in the implementation of procedural law.

Leveling Up the Information Culture of Social Work Bachelors

  • Bartosh, Olena;Povidaichyk, Oksana;Kozubovska, Iryna;Shandor, Fedir;Afanasiev, Dmytro;Bodnar, Olesia;Katsora, Oleksandr;Oros, Oleksandra
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제21권5호
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    • pp.222-230
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    • 2021
  • The article reviews the issue of formation of information culture of social work bachelors in the process of their professional training. The main internal / external factors that determine the need for the information culture formation of social workers-to-be have been identified. To determine the levels of information culture formed in bachelors of social work criteria and their indicators have been substantiated. The model of information culture formation in BSW has been developed and implemented in Ukrainian universities under the following pedagogic conditions: organized informational environment; interconnection between general and professionally-directed courses; curriculum includes course directed on IC formation. The model contained interconnected components: aim - to achieve higher level of information culture formed; specific principles; content, interactive methods and forms of organization of educational process, methods of control and correction; components of information culture. The implemented mastered learning procedure has contributed to the leveling up of information culture formed in social work bachelors.

의류소비자의 비구매쇼핑행동에 관한 연구 (Clothing Consumers' Non-Purchase Shopping Behavior: Browsing Behavior Outside the Purchase Context)

  • 김영미;이영선
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.793-803
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    • 1998
  • Since most clothing research has still centered around buying behavior, the importance of consumer behavior which exists outside the purchase context has been neglected. This orientation focusing solely on purchase-related processes is deficient as it cannot account for consumer behavior that is recreational or that occurs without a recognized consumption need. In this vein, clothing browsing behavior can be a significant variable that has effects on clothing purchase-related variables. So to speak, browsers do make purchases at times; delayed-action purchases, impulse purchases and browsers may provide other less informed people with product information. In this study, we used definition proposed by Bloch and Richins(1983), which defines non purchase shopping(browsing) as 1,he examination of merchandises of a store for recreational or informational purposes without a current intention to buy. The specific objectives of the study were to identify the dimensions of clothing non -purchase shopping and to determine the causal relationship among clothing involvement, non-purchase shopping, impulse buying, purchase quantity, opinion leadership. The questionnaire method was used and 366 questionnaires were analyzed. Results can be summarized as follows. First, the non-purchase shopping was divided into two dimensions such as recreational non-purchase shopping and informational non-purchase shopping Of the two dimensions, recreational dimension explained the greater part than informational one. Second, it was revealed that clothing involvement was strongly positively related to non-purchase shopping, which influenced considerably on impulse buying, purchase quantity, and opinion leadership. In other words, clothing non-purchase shopping behaivor is very significant concept of clothing product category and has considerable effects on clothing buying though it occurs independently of purchase, so it seems that much more concern will be needed on this concept.

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