• 제목/요약/키워드: Information service education for the elderly

검색결과 57건 처리시간 0.026초

가정.방문물리치료 및 학교물리치료의 필요성 및 유형실태에 대한 조사연구 (A Survey of Needs and Types of Home Physical Therapy, Visiting Physical Therapy and School Physical Therapy)

  • 권혜정
    • 대한물리치료과학회지
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.31-46
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this survey was to give data and information about type and needs of Home Physical Therapy, Visiting Physical Therapy and School Physical Therapy for physical and nurse. The subjects were 154(99 physical therapists and 55 nurses) who were working at geriatric rehabilitation hospitals and children hospitals. The period of questionary collection was from the 15 of August to the 15th of September 2011. And data was analysis from 99 articles such as journals related to physical therapy, and searched with keyword 'home and visiting physical therapy' by web site and Korea National Assembly Library from 1991 to 2011. The data was analysis with percentage, mean, standard deviation and ANOVA by SPSS PC 12.0. The results were as follows; 1. The definition of 'Home Physical Therapy' has been community based on physical therapy service for the patient who had diagnosis by medical doctor, has been based on medical law. The definition of 'Visiting Physical Therapy' has been community based on physical therapy service at home for the patient who had diagnosis by medical doctor, for the national basic living security, and senior citizen over 65 years who lives alone, has been based on law for community health and law of long term health insurance. The definition of 'School Physical Therapy' has been school based on physical therapy service at school after class for the disabled children who are studying at school, has been based on special education law article 28. 2. As for the knowledge of the Home and Visiting and School Physical Therapy, both groups PT and nurse were 'I do not know'125(81.3%) of the difference the concept of 3 definitions, so it means to need education and information about the different concept of three physical therapy. As for the needs of home and visiting physical therapy, both groups of PT and Nurse were 'needs' 151(98.1%). Physical therapist showed of 'Needs' on visiting physical therapy 35(35.4%), home physical therapy 32(32.3%), and schole physical therapy 32(32.3%). Nurse showed of 'Needs' on home physical therapy 23(41.8%). visiting physical therapy 19(34.5%), school physical therapy 13(23.6%). Therefore it is necessary to have home and visiting physical therapy as for the elderly and disabled person. 3. As for the qualification of Home and Visiting physical therapist, both PT and nurse groups showed as follows; take post graduation education program for home and visiting therapy after became PT : home physical therapist 108(70.1%), visiting physical therapist 106(68.8%). So it means education center or university can be developed post graduation program for home and visiting physical therapist. 4. As for the 'Needs' of school physical therapy, both groups of PT and nurse showed as follows; 'Needs' 142(92.2%), 'Needs superviser education program' 148(96.1%), in PT group showed 'I will participate of education program' 92(92.9%). 5. As for the present states of research papers or report of home, visiting, and school physical therapy was as follows; the 103 papers for 8 fields about' the needs of home and visiting physical therapy' from 1991 to 2011, the 13 papers for 2 fields about school physical therapy from 2001 to 2011, so total papers were 114 articles.

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청주시 노인급식 관리지원 시범사업의 효과분석 : 위생관리개선을 중심으로 (An Analysis of the Effect of the Pilot Project for the Management of the Elderly's Food Service in Cheongju City: Focused on improving hygiene control)

  • 이주은
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.431-441
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    • 2021
  • 본 연구에서는 청주시 사회복지 급식관리지원센터의 회원인 노인요양시설과 공동생활가정, 주간보호센터를 대상으로 시설노인을 위한 급식의 위생관리 현황을 조사하고, 조리원이나 시설장 대상 위생교육, 관련 지원물품과 정보제공 등 관리지원을 실시한 후 시범사업의 효과를 알아보고자 급식위생관리 개선정도를 비교분석하였다. 연구결과 1차 지원을 실시한 후 전체 급식위생관리 평균점수가 63.13점(100점 만점)에서 75.10점으로(p<0.001), 2차 지원 후에도 75.10점(100점 만점)에서 80.89점으로 유의하게 증가하였다(p<0.001). 1차 지원 후 체크리스트에서 평균점수의 유의한 차이를 보인 항목은 전체 29개 중 16개였고, 2차 방문 지원을 실시한 후에는 29개 중 7개 항목에서 유의한 개선을 보였다(p<0.05, p<0.01, p<0.001). 이상의 노인급식관리지원 시범사업의 효과가 있음을 토대로 보다 많은 노인복지시설들이 급식관리지원센터의 지원을 지속적으로 받도록 해야 할 것이다.

미국의 노인전문약사 제도에 대한 체계적 고찰: 인증, 교육 및 성과 (A Systematic Review on the Certified Geriatric Pharmacist Program of the U.S.: Certification, Education and Outcomes)

  • 남혜연;조은
    • 약학회지
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    • 제58권2호
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    • pp.129-140
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    • 2014
  • Background: As elderly population has been increasing, pharmacists need to possess special knowledge and skills to provide enhanced pharmaceutical care for senior patients. Purpose: This study aims to systematically review on (1) the certified geriatric pharmacists (CGP) system, (2) the curriculum related to geriatric pharmacy education, and (3) the CGP's performance in terms of clinical, economic and humanistic outcomes in the U.S. Method: The information related to CGP system and curriculum was obtained through the official websites of 'American Society of Consultant Pharmacists', 'Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy' and the selected pharmacy school samples. Articles about on the outcomes of pharmacist-provided cognitive services including Medication Therapy Management were searched through PubMed. Results: To gain the CGP credential, pharmacists need 2-year experience as pharmacist in advance and take the CGP examination. This certification must be renewed every 5 year. Most pharmacy schools provide geriatric-related curriculum through didactic or pharmacy practice classes for pharmacy students and certificate or dual degree in gerontology are given on completion. Most previous outcomes research reported that pharmacists have played a role in yielding favorable results regarding clinical, economic and humanistic outcomes for nursing facilities, hospitals and community pharmacy settings. Conclusion: Considering the organized CGP certification system and concrete educational courses established the basis for pharmacists to exert their ability for senior patients of the U.S., it is suggested to build a geriatric pharmacist credential model for pharmacists to provide the increasing elderly patients with the requisite safe and effective pharmacy care in Korea.

경기 북부지역 복지시설 이용노인의 급식 현황 및 만족도 조사 (Foodservice Characteristics and Satisfaction of the Elderly with the Welfare Facilities in the Northern Gyeonggi-do Area)

  • 김영순;박영심;최병범
    • 한국식품영양학회지
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    • 제27권5호
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    • pp.872-880
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구의 조사대상자인 경기 북부(의정부, 양주, 동두천)에 거주하는 노인을 성별을 기준으로 구분하여 노인의 급식 서비스 이용 현황 및 만족도를 조사하였다. 일반적 특성을 보면, 평균 연령은 76.7세이며, 남성과 여성이 각각 35.7, 64.3%, 배우자 사별은 남자노인은 46.9%, 여자노인은 85.0%로 나타났다. 학력은 중학교졸 이하가 전체의 88.1%로 대다수를 차지하였고, 과거 직업은 대부분 무직(33.6%)이거나 자영업(13.4%)에 종사하였다. 남자노인과 여자노인 각각 78.1, 79.2%로 비교적 자유로운 일상 활동이 가능하였고, 건강정보 출처는 남자노인과 여자노인 각각 건강전문가(49.0, 45.7%), 대중매체(34.4, 33.5%)의 순이었고, 건강정보 출처 신뢰도 역시 남자노인과 여자노인 각각 건강전문가(65.6, 59.8%), 대중매체(19.5, 20.8%)의 순이었다. 운동 횟수는 남자노인은 '1주일에 1~2회'(43.8%), '매일'(21.9%)의 순이었으나, 여자노인은 '거의 하지 않는다'가 63.0%로 가장 많다고 응답하여 성별에 따른 차이를 보였다. 노인들이 현재 앓고 있는 질환은 남자노인은 '고혈압'(27.1%), '당뇨병'(21.9%), '뇌졸중'(19.8%)의 순이었고, 여자노인은 '고혈압'(32.4%), '당뇨병'(24.9%), '관절염'(15.0%)의 순으로 응답하였다. 급식서비스를 이용하는 이유로는 남자노인은 '혼자 차려먹기 귀찮아서'(28.1%), '친구를 만날 수 있어서'(25.0%), '경제적인 이유'(14.6%)의 순이었으나, 여자노인은 '경제적인 이유'(25.4%), '친구를 만날 수 있어서'(23.1%), '혼자 차려먹기 귀찮아서'(23.1%)의 순으로 응답하였다. 노인의 복지시설 급식서비스의 시행을 알게 된 경위는 남자노인과 여자노인 각각 전체의 36.5, 68.8%가 '집 가까이 있어서' 자연스럽게 알게 되었고, 30.2, 8.7%가 '가족의 소개로 알게 되었다고 응답하였으며, 남자노인과 여자노인의 65.6, 43.4%가 질환별 급식서비스가 '필요하다'고 응답하였다. 남자노인과 여자노인 각각 전체의 56.3, 72.3%, 52.1, 86.7%, 53.1, 89.6%가 급식의 맛, 위생 상태, 온도가 '만족한다'고 응답하여, 특히 여자노인의 만족도가 남자보인보다 훨씬 더 높다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 복지 시설 만족도는 남자노인과 여자노인 각각 전체의 78.1, 69.9%가 '만족한다'고 응답하였고, 이들 중 만족한다고 응답한 노인들을 대상으로 조사한 만족 이유로는 남자노인과 여자노인 각각 '식사를 제공하여서'(28.0, 37.2%), '노인들과 어울려 노는 것이 좋아서'(20.0, 22.3%), '시설이 좋아서'(18.7, 18.2%)의 순으로 응답하였다. 시설종사자 만족도는 '기타 및 무응답'이 남자노인과 여자노인 각각 49.3, 67.8%이었으며, 남자노인은 '시설 행정직원'(13.3%), '간호사'(9.3%), 여자노인은 '간호사'(12.4%), '시설 행정직원'(8.3%)의 순으로 응답하였다. 이상과 같은 결과들을 토대로 복지 관련 시설을 이용하는 노인들의 급식 및 복지서비스의 향상을 위한 기초자료로 제공 및 활용하고, 향후 경기 북부 실버산업의 활성화를 도모하고자 하였다.

A Literature Study on Usage of and Satisfaction Levels with Combined Treatment Including Oriental and Western Medicine

  • Lim, Jung-Hun;Lim, Sung-Min
    • 대한약침학회지
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2012
  • Objective: This study aimed to summarize and analyze the usage of and the satisfaction levels with combined treatment including Oriental and Western medicine. Methods: We searched studies on the usage of and the satisfaction levels with combined treatment including Oriental and Western medicine over the past 10 yrs (2001-2011) from 3 Korean databases (National Assembly Library, Research Information Service System, and National Discovery for Science Leaders). The reviewers also conducted a summarizing analysis by sampling the literature according to the type of study, study period, region, study subjects, sample size, type of sampling, research method, data analysis, study instruments, main results, etc. Results: When the main results of six studies on combined treatment usage and satisfaction levels were considered together, the most important decisive factor in determining the usage of combined treatment was the illness of the patient, followed by the patient's occupation, sex, age, education, marital status, religion, treatment cost, and treatment results. In addition, the most important factor that determined satisfaction levels with combined treatment was age, followed by education, religion, income, health status, treatment procedures, staff attitude, and cleanliness. Conclusions: Elderly patients with musculoskeletal, cerebro-vascular, and circulatory system illnesses are more likely to prefer combined treatment over independent Oriental or Western treatment and are more likely to request specialized, adjusted medical care.

장기요양서비스 전.후 가족의 수발 부담감에 영향을 미치는 요인 (Caregiver Burden in Caring for Elders Before and After Long-term Care Service in Korea)

  • 이홍자
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제42권2호
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    • pp.236-247
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: Purposes of this study were: evaluation of family burden of caring for elders who receive long term care services, and examination of differences in burden before and after the introduction of long term care service in Korea. Methods: Data were collected by questionnaires from 416 caregivers of elders who were registered with the Long Term Care Insurance Corporation in six cities. Data were collected in September, 2010 and analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired t-test, and ANOVA with the Scheffe test, and stepwise multiple regression. Results: Family burden decreased significantly after longterm care service was initiated. Subjective burden decreased from 2.93 to 2.69 (t=11.78, $p$<.001), and objective burden, from 3.40 to 3.10 (t=12.73, $p$<.001). Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that factors affecting subjective burden were family relations (F=13.60, $p$=.003), age (F=5.47, $p$=.019), job (F=6.98, $p$=.008), and education (F=4.59, $p$=.032), and that factors affecting objective burden were living together (F=17.66, $p$<.001), job (F=13.34, $p$=.003), monthly income (F=6.61, $p$=.010), and type of service (F=6.62, $p$=.010). Conclusion: The results of this first study to investigate caregiver burden after the Korean Long-term Care Insurance System was begun provide positive information for the development of strategies to decrease family burden in long term care.

노인체육의 현황과 실버태권도 활성화 방안 연구 (A Study on the Present Condition of Senior Sports and Activation Plan of Silver Taekwondo)

  • 오정수
    • 산업융합연구
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2024
  • 본 연구의 목적은 노인체육의 국내외 현황을 조사하고 노인체육의 한 종목으로서 실버태권도의 활성화 방안을 고찰하는 데 있다. 국내외 노인체육 현황조사를 위해 국가별 공공기관 및 체육시설(문화체육관광부, 보건복지부, 통계청, e-나라지표, 국민체육진흥공단)의 보도자료, 통계자료를 수집하였고 관련 논문, 학술지, 서적 등과 비교 분석하여 실버태권도 활성화 방안으로 다음과 같은 사항을 도출하였다. 첫째, 한국의 노인체육은 주로 복지관을 통해 행해지며 댄스, 요가, 음악이 선호되는 경향이 있으며 무술의 선호 비율은 낮았다. 실버태권도의 참여를 높이기 위해서는 해외와 같이 체육의 체험 사례를 미디어, 영화 제작, 배포, 전화 홍보 등 다양한 마케팅이 필요하다. 둘째, 수련 대상에 따른 실버태권도 프로그램의 개발이 필요하며 이를 수행할 수 있는 지도자의 양성이 필요하다. 프로그램의 개발은 태권도 기관, 태권도장, 대학, 평생교육원과 연계하여 전공 학생 및 노인 체육지도자의 참여가 필요하다.

노인주택 계획을 위한 예비노년층의 건강의식 및 행위조사 (Analysis of the occupants' opinions and behaviors related to health issues for senior housing planning)

  • 최희승;윤정숙;전정윤;박은선;강영길
    • 한국주거학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국주거학회 2005년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.73-77
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    • 2005
  • To design senior housing that support residents' health is one of the comtemporary issues in Korea. As elderly people became more healthful and reach, people became interested in the health and health promotion. This trend encouraged this research study. The objectives of this study are: to analyze the middle aged people's opinions and behaviors related to health issues, and to suggest design considerations for senior housing. The survey used questionnaire from 476 residents living in Seoul and Gyeong-Gi area. The analysis used descriptive statistics, one-way anova and t-test. Primary findings are as follows: (1) Most of the respondents considered that their health state is 'good' and mental health is more important than physical health. (2) Many people exercise regularly for the promotion of health at a gym. (3) Results show that social relationship effect on health, and dietary life and walking medical examination account highly. (4) As the respondents are higher income and education level, the health-related behavior is more actively. Moreover the respondents who are women feel a great interest about health issues. These results suggest directions for planning of the senior housing. (1) Planning the space for the health-promoting behavior in the house or support a private gym-not a local facilities-. (2) Service for the information related health issues - medical examination, news of the health issues (3) Support the maintenance a good - social relationship (4) Consideration the space with health-related behavior like walking and dietary-life. The senior housing can reflect the health-related opinions and support health-related behavior of the elderly people.

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대도시 노인의 주관적 구강증상과 저작능력이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 (A Study on the Effects of Perceived Oral Symptoms and Masticatory Performance on the Quality of Life for the Elderly in an Urban Area)

  • 류황건;임현주;김혜숙;강현경
    • 보건의료산업학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to examine relations among the subjective oral symptoms, masticatory performance and life quality of aged people residing in some regions of a large city, ultimately providing basic information needed to develop and implement programs oral health project and oral health education programs for the oral health promotion of those people. For the above purpose, this researcher conducted a questionnaire survey of people aged 65 or over from July 14th to 30th, 2011. Among the copies of the questionnaire distributed to the subjects, 318 were recollected. Out the recollected forms, 18 which were deemed as in appropriately filled in were excluded, and the remaining 300 were finally analyzed. The results are as follows. Subjective oral symptoms and masticatory performance have correlation(p<0.001) with aged people's life quality. Factors of influencing life quality were indicated to be gender(p=0.046), age(p=0.008), appearance of living together(<0.001), masticatory performance(p<0.001), and temperature reaction(p=0.018). This study has limitation because of being information that was obtained just with questionnaire survey on subjective oral symptoms. It is considered that there is a need of surveying along with objective data on oral symptoms hereafter.

전국 의료기관 가정간호이용 및 가정간호비용 (Current Status of Costs and Utilizations of Hospital Based Home Health Nursing Care in Korea)

  • 유호신
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제36권7호
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    • pp.1193-1203
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the current status of utilization and costs of home health nursing care by the levels of medical institutes in Korea. Method: A secondary analysis of existing data was used from the national electronic data information(EDI) of 148 home health agencies for 6 months from May to Oct 2005 in total. Result: The 148 agencies had multiple services in cerebral infaction, essential hypertension, sequoia of cerebrovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, etc.. The highest 10 rankings of 76 categories of home health nursing services were composed of 96.4% of the total services, such as simple treatment, inflammatory treatment, urethra & bladder irrigation, inserting indwelling catheter etc., in that order. The highest 20 rankings of 226 categories of home examination services were composed of 77.0% of the total home examination services. In addition, the average cost of home health care per visit was 46,088 Won (${\fallingdotseq}$ 48 $, 1 $=960 Won). The costs ranged from 74,523 Won (${\fallingdotseq}$78 $, loss of chronic kidney function, N18) to 32,270 Won (${\fallingdotseq}$34 $, other cerebrovascular diseases, 167). Conclusion: Results suggest that client characteristics of hospital based HHNC are not different from community based HHNC or visiting nursing services for elderly. The national results will contribute to baseline data used to establish a policy for the home health nursing care system and education.