• Title/Summary/Keyword: Information release

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Operative Challenges in Releasing Administrative Information and Records (행정정보 및 보존기록물 공개의 운영과제)

  • Lee, Won-Kyu
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.12
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    • pp.81-135
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    • 2005
  • The release of administrative information has been the challenge of our age following the maturation of democratic ideology in our society. However, differences of opinion and conflict still exist between the government and private sectors regarding the issue, and it seems that the technical and policy-related insufficiencies of information and record management that actually operate the release of information are the main causes. From the perspective of records management, records or information are variable in their nature, value, and influence during their life span. The most controversial issue is the records and information in the current stage of carrying out business activities. This is because the records and information pertaining to finished business are but evidence to ascertain the past, and have only a limited relationship to the ideal of the 'democratic participation' by citizens in activities of the public sector. The current information release policies are helpless against the 'absence of information,' or incomplete records, but such weakness can be supplemented by enforcing record management policies that make obligatory the recording of all details of business activities. In addition, it is understood that the installation of 'document offices("Jaryogwan")' that can manage each organization's information and records will be an important starting point to integrate the release, management, and preservation of information and records. Nevertheless, it seems that the concept of 'release' in information release policies refers not to free use by all citizens but is limited to the 'provision' of records according to public requests, and the concept of 'confidential' refers not to treating documents with total secrecy but varies according to the particulars of each situation, making the actual practice of information release difficult. To solve such problems, it is absolutely necessary to collect the opinions of various constituents associated with the recorded information in question, and to effectively mediate the collective opinions and the information release requests coming from applicants, to carry out the business more practically. Especially crucial is the management of the process by which the nature and influence of recorded information changes, so that information which has to be confidential at first may become available for inquiry and use over time through appropriate procedures. Such processes are also part of the duties that record management, which is in charge of the entire life span of documents, must perform. All created records will be captured within a record management system, and the record creation data thus collected will be used as a guide for inquiry and usage. With 'document offices(Jaryogwan)' and 'archives' controlling the entire life span of records, the release of information will become simpler and more widespread. It is undesirable to try to control only through information release policies those records the nature of which has changed because, unlike the ones still in the early stages of their life span and can directly influence business activities, their work has finished, and they have become historical records or evidences pointing to the truth of past events. Even in the past, when there existed no formal policy regarding the release of administrative information, the access and use of archival records were permitted. A more active and expanded approach must be taken regarding the 'usage' of archival records. If the key factor regarding 'release' lies in the provision of information, the key factor regarding 'usage' lies in the quality and level of the service provided. The full-scale usage of archival records must be preceded by the release of such records, and accordingly, a thorough analysis of the nature, content, and value of the records and their changes must be implemented to guarantee the release of information before their use is requested. That must become a central task of document offices and "Today's information" will soon become "yesterday's records," and the "reality" of today will become "history" of the past. The policies of information release and record management share information records as their common objective. As they have a mutual relationship that is supplementary and leads toward perfection, the two policies must both be differentiated and integrated with each another. It is hoped that the policies and business activities of record management will soon become normalized and reformed for effective and fair release of information.

A Study of Software Optimal Release Time for Based on Superposition NHPP Model (중첩 NHPP 모형에 근거한 소프트웨어 최적방출시기에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hee Cheul
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2010
  • Decision problem called an optimal release policies, after testing a software system in development phase and transfer it to the user, is studied. The applied model of release time exploited infinite non-homogeneous Poisson process. This infinite non-homogeneous Poisson process is a model which reflects the possibility of introducing new faults when correcting or modifying the software. The failure life-cycle distribution used superposition which has various intensity, if the system is complicated. Thus, software release policies which minimize a total average software cost of development and maintenance under the constraint of satisfying a software reliability requirement becomes an optimal release policies. In a numerical example, after trend test applied and estimated the parameters using maximum likelihood estimation of inter-failure time data, estimated software optimal release time. Through this study, in terms of superposition model and simply model, the optimal time to using superposition model release the software developer to determine how much could count will help.

A Study on Optimal Release Time for Software Systems based on Mixture Weibull NHPP Model (혼합 와이블 NHPP 모형에 근거한 소프트웨어 최적방출시기에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang Sik;Kim, Hee Cheul
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.183-191
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    • 2010
  • Decision problem called an optimal release policies, after testing a software system in development phase and transfer it to the user, is studied. The applied model of release time exploited infinite non-homogeneous Poisson process. This infinite non-homogeneous Poisson process is a model which reflects the possibility of introducing new faults when correcting or modifying the software. The failure life-cycle distribution used mixture which has various intensity, if the system is complicated. Thus, software release policies which minimize a total average software cost of development and maintenance under the constraint of satisfying a software reliability requirement becomes an optimal release policies. In a numerical example, after trend test applied and estimated the parameters using maximum likelihood estimation of inter-failure time data, estimated software optimal release time.

A Study on Optimal Release Time for Software Systems based on Generalized Gamma Distribution (일반화 감마분포에 근거한 소프트웨어 최적방출시기에 관한 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Wook;Kim, Hee-Cheul
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.55-67
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    • 2010
  • Decision problem called an optimal release policies, after testing a software system in development phase and transfer it to the user, is studied. The applied model of release time exploited infinite non-homogeneous Poisson process. This infinite non-homogeneous Poisson process is a model which reflects the possibility of introducing new faults when correcting or modifying the software. The failure life-cycle distribution used generalized gamma type distribution which has the efficient various property because of various shape and scale parameter. Thus, software release policies which minimize a total average software cost of development and maintenance under the constraint of satisfying a software reliability requirement becomes an optimal release policies. In a numerical example, after trend test applied and estimated the parameters using maximum likelihood estimation of inter-failure time data, estimated software optimal release time.

The Influence of Source Term Release Parameters on Health Effects

  • Jeong, Jongtae;Ha, Jaejoo
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.294-302
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    • 1999
  • The influence of source term release parameters on offsite health effects was examined for the YGN 3&4 nuclear power plants. The release parameters considered in this study are release height, heat content, and release time. The effects of core inventory change as a function of fuel burnup was also examined. The health effects by the change of release parameters are early fatalities, cancer fatalities, and early fatality distance. The results showed that early fatalities and early fatality distance decrease as release height increases, although it does not have significant influence on cancer fatalities. The values of both early and late health effects decrease as heat content increases. As release time increases, health consequence shows maximum value in 2 hours of release time and then decreases rapidly. As fuel burnup increases, early fatalities decrease rapidly, while cancer fatalities increase rapidly. Both cases show little variation afterward. Early fatality distance is almost same in all fuel turnup history. The information obtained through this research is very useful in developing strategies for reducing offsite consequences when combined with the influence of weather conditions on offsite risks.

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Privacy-Constrained Relational Data Perturbation: An Empirical Evaluation

  • Deokyeon Jang;Minsoo Kim;Yon Dohn Chung
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.524-534
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    • 2024
  • The release of relational data containing personal sensitive information poses a significant risk of privacy breaches. To preserve privacy while publishing such data, it is important to implement techniques that ensure protection of sensitive information. One popular technique used for this purpose is data perturbation, which is popularly used for privacy-preserving data release due to its simplicity and efficiency. However, the data perturbation has some limitations that prevent its practical application. As such, it is necessary to propose alternative solutions to overcome these limitations. In this study, we propose a novel approach to preserve privacy in the release of relational data containing personal sensitive information. This approach addresses an intuitive, syntactic privacy criterion for data perturbation and two perturbation methods for relational data release. Through experiments with synthetic and real data, we evaluate the performance of our methods.

The Comparative Study of Software Optimal Release Time of Finite NHPP Model Considering Half-Logistic and Log-logistic Distribution Property (반-로지스틱과 로그로지스틱 NHPP 분포 특성을 이용한 소프트웨어 최적방출시기 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Hee Cheul
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, make a study decision problem called an optimal release policies after testing a software system in development phase and transfer it to the user. In the course of correcting or modifying the software, finite failure non-homogeneous Poisson process model, presented and was proposed release policies of the life distribution, half-logistic and log-logistic distributions model which used to an area of reliability because of various shape and scale parameter. In this paper, discuss optimal software release policies which minimize a total average software cost of development and maintenance under the constraint of satisfying a software reliability requirement. In a numerical example, the parameter estimation using maximum likelihood estimation of failure time data make out, and software optimal release time was estimated.

The Comparative Study of the Warranty Cost Model for Software Reliability Time Based on Extreme Value Distribution (극값 분포 특성을 가진 소프트웨어 신뢰성 보증 모형에 관한 비교연구)

  • Kim, Hee-Cheul
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.6B
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    • pp.623-629
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    • 2009
  • In this research, the process of developing software products to users in transfer by considering the warranty period to determine the timing of the release period is a comparative study of models. For the results of demonstration, exponential software reliability model increases the warranty period, the higher the initial period, but shows almost a similar release. In contrast, the optimal release time of imperfect debugging software reliability model, lower the initial warranty period, but the pattern is expected to rise slightly larger. The proposed model, extreme value distribution model, pattern of the optimal release time gradually increase, have a form that can be drawn. These research results through, warranty period and release the software developers understand the relationship between the optimal time for software development by using advance information could do is feed.

HSPA Evolution

  • Lee, Yeong-Yong
    • Information and Communications Magazine
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2007
  • HSPA는 HSDPA 및 HSUPA를 통합하여 일컫는 3GPP 기술로 하향 링크에서는 HSDPA를 상향 링크에서는 HSUPA를 사용하여 기존 DCH만을 사용하는 3GPP Release 99 시스템 대비 더 효율적인 고속 멀티미디어 서비스를 제공하는 기술이다. HSDPA는 3GPP Release 5 기술로서 2002년 3월 첫 표준이 승인되었으며 단말의 무선 환경에 따라 변조 및 코딩기법을 변화시키는 AMC, 물리 계층을 통해 빠른 재전송을 지원하는 HARQ,단축된 2ms TTI 그리고 Node-B 기반의 고속 스케줄링을 통해 무선망 성능을 획기적으로 향상시켜 하향 링크에서 최대 14.4Mbps를 제공한다. HSUPA는 3GPP Release 6 기술로서 2004년 6월 첫 표준이 승인되었으며 HSDPA에 도입한 기술들 중에서 AMC를 제외한 모든 기술을 적용하여 상향 링크에서 최대 5.76Mbps를 제공한다. HSPA Evolution(eHSPA 또는 HSPA+)은 HSPA의 성능 개선을 통해 3GPP Release 8 기술인 LTE로의 자연스러운 진화를 보장하기 위한 3GPP Release 7 기술로 2006년 3월 TSG RAN #31 회의에서 승인되었다. 본 고에서는 최근 표준화가 활발히 진행되고 있는 HSPA Evolution에서 최근까지 승인된 각 계층별 요소 기술에 대해 소개하고자 한다.

Optimal Release Time of Switching Software and Evolution of Reliability Based on Reliability Indicator (신뢰성 평가척도를 중심으로 한 교환 소프트웨어 최적 배포 시기 결정 및 신뢰도 평가)

  • Lee, Jae-Gi;Sin, Sang-Gwon;Hong, Seong-Baek
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.615-621
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    • 1999
  • On the aspect of on-time and development resource use, it is very important to predict the software release time during the software development process. In this paper, we present the optimal release problem based on the evaluation indicator and cost evaluation. And also we show the optimal release point considered with both of them. We applied the Exponential Software Reliability Growth Model(E-SRGM) and Testing-effort dependent Software Reliability Growth Model(Te-SRGM) and decided the software release time according to software reliability indicator. As a result of two models comparison, we verify the Te-SRGM is more adopted in our switching system software.

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