• Title/Summary/Keyword: Information RoadMap

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A Multi-layered Prioritization Scheme for Emerging IT Technologies for Constructing a National Technology Road Map

  • Oh, Kyong-Joo;Kim, Nam-Gyu;Kim, Wan-Ki
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 2009
  • The advancement of emerging technologies can create more national value, and this motivates many nations to invest their resources in the emerging technologies. However, due to limited financial and human resources, even a wealthy nation cannot afford to randomly invest its resource in all profitable technologies. Therefore, cautious appraisal and prioritization of the competitive technologies should be conducted first, and then concentrated investment should be done for only the selected technologies. In this study, we propose a quantitative criterion for prioritizing the targeted electronic device technologies. The prioritization scheme devised in this study consists of a growth layer, a profitability layer, a vitality layer, and an influence layer. The proposed model forecasts the most promising technologies by applying the revised version of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). We performed empirical experiments on 12 emerging electronic device technologies to analyze the practical applicability of our study. The experimental data was obtained from 70 experts in high-tech industry as a part of the 2004 Prioritization and Selection project that was carried out in South Korea. As a result, the proposed scheme was able to present the most promising areas for investment in the field of electronic device technology.

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A Study of Effective Method to Update the Database for Road Traffic Facilities Using Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (수치영상처리 및 패턴 인식에 의한 도로교통시설물 DB의 효율적 갱신방안 연구)

  • Choi, Joon-Seog;Kang, Joon-Mook
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2012
  • Because of road construction and expansion, Update of the road traffic facilities DB is steadily increased each year, and, Increasing drivers and cars, safety signs for traffic safety are required management and additional installation continuously. To update Safety Sign database promptly, we have developed auto recognition function of safety sign, and analyzed coordinates accuracy. The purpose of this study was to propose methods to update about road traffic facilities efficiently. For this purpose, omni-directional camera was calibrated for acquisition of 3-dimensional coordinates, integrated GPS/IMU/DMI system and applied image processing. In this experiment, we proposed a effective method to update database of road traffic facilities for digital map.

Quickly Map Renewal through IPM-based Image Matching with High-Definition Map (IPM 기반 정밀도로지도 매칭을 통한 지도 신속 갱신 방법)

  • Kim, Duk-Jung;Lee, Won-Jong;Kim, Gi-Chang;Choi, Yun-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1163-1175
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    • 2021
  • In autonomous driving, road markings are an essential element for object tracking, path planning and they are able to provide important information for localization. This paper presents an approach to update and measure road surface markers with HD maps as well as matching using inverse perspective mapping. The IPM removes perspective effects from the vehicle's front camera image and remaps them to the 2D domain to create a bird-view region to fit with HD map regions. In addition, letters and arrows such as stop lines, crosswalks, dotted lines, and straight lines are recognized and compared to objects on the HD map to determine whether they are updated. The localization of a newly installed object can be obtained by referring to the measurement value of the surrounding object on the HD map. Therefore, we are able to obtain high accuracy update results with very low computational costs and low-cost cameras and GNSS/INS sensors alone.

A Method of Generating Trafficability Analysis Map for UGV Navigation (지상무인로봇의 경로계획을 위한 가동맵 생성 방법)

  • Chang, Hye Min
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2014
  • For the successful operation of unmanned ground vehicles(UGVs), optimal path planning should be considered with trafficability analysis, threat analysis, and so on. From among these, trafficability analysis is immensely important for safeness of UGVs especially in the case of driving the off-road such as unpaved road, grassland, and open fields. Geographical information has a pivotal role in extracting data and measuring cost for specified regions of interest. In this paper, we review possibilities to apply Land Cover Map(LCM) as a new, fundamental source and propose a new generation method of trafficability analysis map for optimal path planning of UGV. The simulation results show that the proposed method significantly improve the previous method by applying LCM either alone or in combination with the other GIS.

A Study on the Map-Matching Algorithm for Car Navigation System (차량항법장치에서의 지도매칭 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Im, Young-Hwan;Park, Gwang-Chul;Yun, Kee-Bang;Kim, Ki-Doo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.68-78
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    • 2000
  • This paper suggests a new map-matching algorithm for matching traveling trace of vehicle, which is measured by GPS receiver, to the road of a digital map This eventually brings the Improvement of positioning accuracy of the vehicle with GPS receiver After representing the travelling vehicle's motion by state equations using Singer's model, the proposed map-matching algorithm places the position of a vehicle right on the road and also improves the positioning accuracy of the vehicle using a Kalman filter In the crossroad, since it is difficult to determine precisely a current travelling road, we take linear regression to the estimated values from Kalman filtering This gives the direction angle of turning vehicle, then we can determine the correct route direction after comparing with each route-direction angle at the intersection.

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The Estimation of Road Delay Factor using Urban Network Map and Real-Time Traffic Information (도로망도와 실시간 교통정보를 이용한 도로 지연계수 산정)

  • Jeon, Jeongbae;Kim, Solhee;Kwon, Sungmoon
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 2021
  • This study estimated the delay factor, which is the ratio of travel time at the speed limit and travel time at the actual speed using real-time traffic information in Seoul. The actual travel speed on the road was lower than the maximum speed of the road and the travel speed was the slowest during the rush hour. As a result of accessibility analysis based on travel speed during the rush hour, the travel time at the actual speed was 37.49 minutes on average. However, the travel time at the speed limit was 15.70 minutes on average. This result indicated that the travel time at the actual speed is 2.4 times longer than that at the speed limit. In addition, this study proposedly defined the delay factor as the ratio of accessibility by the speed limit and accessibility to actual travel speed. As a result of delay factor analysis, the delay factor of Seoul was 2.44. The results by the administrative district showed that the delay factor in the north part areas of the Han River is higher than her south part areas. Analysis results after applying the relationship between road density and traffic volume showed that as the traffic volume with road density increased, the delay factor decreased. These results indicated that it could not be said that heavy traffic caused longer travel time. Therefore, follow-up research is needed based on more detailed information such as road system shape, road width, and signal system for finding the exact cause of increased travel time.

A Study on the Land Cover Classification and Facilities Management of Pusan Port using Satellite data (위성영상을 이용한 부산항만 주변지역 토지피복분류 및 시설물관리 구축 방안)

  • 이기철;김정희;이병환
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 1998
  • A thematic land cover map of Pusan port area was developed using Landsat satellite TM(Thematic Mapper) image. Two types of digital data which are road and sea water layer are extracted from existing paper map were overlayed over the developed land cover map. SPIN-2(KNR-1000) image was utilized to make a facility map of JaSungDae port. SPIN-2 image, which has a cell resolution of 1.56 m showed higer accuracy than TM image, which has a cell resolution of 30 m for facility mapping. Overall, the techniques of digital mapping using satellite image are very useful, effective and efficient.

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Map Expression and Use Based on google API (구글 API 기반 맵 표현 및 활용 방안)

  • Choi, Duk-Su;Yun, Sang-Du;Moon, Hye-Young;Kim, Jin-Deog
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2010.10a
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    • pp.672-674
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    • 2010
  • There are various ways for expressing map on android system. The typical method is to use the API provided by Google, called geocoding although simple display of location of GPS is possible, but node expression of road or the detail information on map for various location service are not available. And it is difficult to express a location in shadow area. In this paper, to solve these problems, we propose a map expression method for location service in specific area based on geocoding and apply the method.

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Application of Image Processing Techniques in Civil Engineering (건설 분야에 있어서 이미지 프로세싱 기술의 활용)

  • Shon Hong-Gyoo;Park Choung-Hwan;Lee Chul-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.58-62
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    • 2006
  • In construction fields. numerous studies have attempted to find the solution of various emerging problems by the introduction of the high technologies of other areas in recent years. In Korea, based on the best IT infrastructure, much experimental studies which are trying to utilizing Photogrammetry, GSISC(Geo-Spatial Information System, Remote Sensing in construction project has been done. The purpose of this study is to analyze the trend of the technologies in the related-fields and examine the detailed image processing techniques. Moreover this paper provides the preparation to create technology road map for systematic research.

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The Study of Information Strategy Plan to Design OASIS' Future Model (오아시스(전통의학정보포털)의 미래모형 설계를 위한 정보화전략계획 연구)

  • Yea, Sang-Jun;Kim, Chul;Kim, Jin-Hyun;Kim, Sang-Kyun;Jang, Hyun-Chul;Kim, Ik-Tae;Jang, Yun-Ji;Seong, Bo-Seok;Song, Mi-Young
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2011
  • Objectives : We studied the ISP(information strategy plan) of oasis spanning 5 years. From this study we aimed at total road map to upgrade the service systematically and to carry out the related projects. If we do it as road map, oasis will be the core infra service contributing to the improvement of TKM(traditional korean medicine) research capability. Methods : We carried out 3 step ISP method composed of environmental analysis, current status analysis and future plan. We used paper, report and trend analysis document as base materials and did the survey to get opinions from users and TKM experts. We limited this study to drawing the conceptual design of oasis. Results : From environmental analysis we knew that China and USA built up the largest TM databases. We did the survey to get the activation ways of oasis. And we did the benchmarking on the advanced services through current status analysis. Finally we determined 'maximize the research value based the open TKM knowledge infra' as oasis' vision. And we designed oasis' future system which is composed of service layer, application layer and contents layer. Conclusion : First TKM related documents, research materials, researcher information and standards are merged to elevate the TKM information level. Concretely large scale TKM information infra project such as TKM information classification code development, TKM library network building and CAM research information offering are carried out at the same time.