• Title/Summary/Keyword: Information Power

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Power Load Pattern Classification from AMR Data (AMR 데이터에서의 전력 부하 패턴 분류)

  • Piao, Minghao;Park, Jin-Hyung;Lee, Heon-Gyu;Shin, Jin-Ho;Ryu, Keun-Ho
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.231-234
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    • 2008
  • Currently an automated methodology based on data mining techniques is presented for the prediction of customer load patterns in load demand data. The main aim of our work is to forecast customers' contract information from capacity of daily power consumption patterns. According to the result, we try to evaluate the contract information's suitability. The proposed our approach consists of three stages: (i) data preprocessing: noise or outlier is detected and removed (ii) cluster analysis: SOMs clustering is used to create load patterns and the representative load profiles and (iii) classification: we applied the K-NNs classifier in order to predict the customers' contract information base on power consumption patterns. According to the our proposed methodology, power load measured from AMR(automatic meter reading) system, as well as customer indexes, were used as inputs. The output was the classification of representative load profiles (or classes). Lastly, in order to evaluate KNN classification technique, the proposed methodology was applied on a set of high voltage customers of the Korea power system and the results of our experiments was presented.

Integrated Operation of Power Conversion Module for DC Distribution System (직류 배전 시스템을 위한 전력 변환 모듈의 통합 운전)

  • Lee, Hee-Jun;Shin, Soo-Choel;Hong, Suk-Jin;Won, Chung-Yuen
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.240-248
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    • 2014
  • It is DC power that Output of renewable energy being recently developed and researched. Also, demand of DC power will expect to proliferate due to increase of digital load. Thus, DC distribution system providing high quality of power and reliability has emerged as a new distribution system. If the conventional distribution systems are substituted by proposed DC distribution system, the output of renewable energy can be connected with distribution systems under minimum power conversion. Therefore, in the event of connection with DC load, it can construct an efficient distribution system. In this paper, the integrated parallel operation of power conversion module for DC distribution system is proposed. Also, this paper proposed modularization of power conversion devices for DC distribution system and power control for parallel operation of large capacity system. DC distribution system consists of three power conversion modules such as AC/DC power conversion module 2 set, ESS module 1 set. DC distribution system controls suitable operation depending on the status of the DC power distribution system and load. Integrated operation of these systems is verified by simulation and experiment results.

Opportunistic Scheduling and Power Control for Cross-Layer Design of Ad Hoc Networks (Ad Hoc네트워크의 Cross-Layer설계를 위한 Opportunistic Scheduling과 Power Control기법)

  • Casaquite Reizel;Ham Byung-Woon;Hwang Won-Joo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.31 no.9A
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    • pp.856-867
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    • 2006
  • This paper proposes a new algorithm for opportunistic scheduling that take advantage of both multiuser diversity and power control. Motivated by the multicast RTS and priority-based CTS mechanism of OSMA protocol, we propose an opportunistic packet scheduling with power control scheme based on IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol. The scheduling scheme chooses the best candidate receiver for transmission by considering the SINR at the nodes. This mechanism ensures that the transmission would be successful. The power control algorithm on the other hand, helps reduce interference between links and could maximize spatial reuse of the bandwidth. We then formulate a convex optimization problem for minimizing power consumption and maximizing net utility of the system. We showed that if a transmission power vector satisfying the maximum transmission power and SINR constraints of all nodes exist, then there exists an optimal solution that minimizes overall transmission power and maximizes utility of the system.

Research on PAE of CMOS Class-E Power Amplifier For Multiple Antenna System (다중 안테나 시스템을 위한 CMOS Class-E 전력증폭기의 효율 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyoung-Jun;Joo, Jin-Hee;Seo, Chul-Hun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.45 no.12
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, bias control circuit structure have been employed to improve the power added efficiency of the CMOS class-E power amplifier on low input power level. The gate and drain bias voltage has been controlled with the envelope of the input RF signal. The proposed CMOS class-E power amplifier using bias controlled circuit has been improved the PAE on low output power level. The operating frequency is 2.14GHz and the output power is 22dBm to 25dBm. In addition to, it has been evident that the designed the structure has showed more than a 80% increase in PAE for flatness over all input power level, respectively.

Differential Game Theoretic Approach for Distributed Dynamic Cooperative Power Control in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks

  • Zhang, Long;Huang, Wei;Wu, Qiwu;Cao, Wenjing
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.3810-3830
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we investigate the differential game theoretic approach for distributed dynamic cooperative power control in cognitive radio ad hoc networks (CRANETs). First, a payoff function is defined by taking into consideration the tradeoff between the stock of accumulated power interference to the primary networks and the dynamic regulation of the transmit power of secondary users (SUs). Specifically, the payoff function not only reflects the tradeoff between the requirement for quickly finding the stable available spectrum opportunities and the need for better channel conditions, but also reveals the impact of the differentiated types of data traffic on the demand of transmission quality. Then the dynamic power control problem is modeled as a differential game model. Moreover, we convert the differential game model into a dynamic programming problem to obtain a set of optimal strategies of SUs under the condition of the grand coalition. A distributed dynamic cooperative power control algorithm is developed to dynamically adjust the transmit power of SUs under grand coalition. Finally, numerical results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm for efficient power control in CRANETs.

Power-based Side-Channel Analysis Against AES Implementations: Evaluation and Comparison

  • Benhadjyoussef, Noura;Karmani, Mouna;Machhout, Mohsen
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.264-271
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    • 2021
  • From an information security perspective, protecting sensitive data requires utilizing algorithms which resist theoretical attacks. However, treating an algorithm in a purely mathematical fashion or in other words abstracting away from its physical (hardware or software) implementation opens the door to various real-world security threats. In the modern age of electronics, cryptanalysis attempts to reveal secret information based on cryptosystem physical properties, rather than exploiting the theoretical weaknesses in the implemented cryptographic algorithm. The correlation power attack (CPA) is a Side-Channel Analysis attack used to reveal sensitive information based on the power leakages of a device. In this paper, we present a power Hacking technique to demonstrate how a power analysis can be exploited to reveal the secret information in AES crypto-core. In the proposed case study, we explain the main techniques that can break the security of the considered crypto-core by using CPA attack. Using two cryptographic devices, FPGA and 8051 microcontrollers, the experimental attack procedure shows that the AES hardware implementation has better resistance against power attack compared to the software one. On the other hand, we remark that the efficiency of CPA attack depends statistically on the implementation and the power model used for the power prediction.

Joint Beamforming and Power Allocation for Multiple Primary Users and Secondary Users in Cognitive MIMO Systems via Game Theory

  • Zhao, Feng;Zhang, Jiayi;Chen, Hongbin
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.1379-1397
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    • 2013
  • We consider a system where a licensed radio spectrum is shared by multiple primary users(PUs) and secondary users(SUs). As the spectrum of interest is licensed to primary network, power and channel allocation must be carried out within the cognitive radio network so that no excessive interference is caused to PUs. For this system, we study the joint beamforming and power allocation problem via game theory in this paper. The problem is formulated as a non-cooperative beamforming and power allocation game, subject to the interference constraints of PUs as well as the peak transmission power constraints of SUs. We design a joint beamforming and power allocation algorithm for maximizing the total throughput of SUs, which is implemented by alternating iteration of minimum mean square error based decision feedback beamforming and a best response based iterative power allocation algorithm. Simulation results show that the algorithm has better performance than an existing algorithm and can converge to a locally optimal sum utility.

An Emission-Aware Day-Ahead Power Scheduling System for Internet of Energy

  • Huang, Chenn-Jung;Hu, Kai-Wen;Liu, An-Feng;Chen, Liang-Chun;Chen, Chih-Ting
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.4988-5012
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    • 2019
  • As a subset of the Internet of Things, the Internet of Energy (IoE) is expected to tackle the problems faced by the current smart grid framework. Notably, the conventional day-ahead power scheduling of the smart grid should be redesigned in the IoE architecture to take into consideration the intermittence of scattered renewable generations, large amounts of power consumption data, and the uncertainty of the arrival time of electric vehicles (EVs). Accordingly, a day-ahead power scheduling system for the future IoE is proposed in this research to maximize the usage of distributed renewables and reduce carbon emission caused by the traditional power generation. Meanwhile, flexible charging mechanism of EVs is employed to provide preferred charging options for moving EVs and flatten the load profile simultaneously. The simulation results revealed that the proposed power scheduling mechanism not only achieves emission reduction and balances power load and supply effectively, but also fits each individual EV user's preference.

A Photovoltaic Power Management System using a Luminance-Controlled Oscillator for USN Applications

  • Jeong, Ji-Eun;Bae, Jun-Han;Lee, Jinwoong;Lee, Caroline Sunyong;Chun, Jung-Hoon;Kwon, Kee-Won
    • JSTS:Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.48-57
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents a power management system of the dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) for ubiquitous sensor network (USN) applications. The charge pump with a luminance-controlled oscillator regulates the load impedance of the DSSC to track the maximum power point (MPP) under various light intensities. The low drop-out regulator with a hysteresis comparator supplies intermittent power pulses that are wide enough for USN to communicate with a host transponder even under dim light conditions. With MPP tracking, approximately 50% more power is harvested over a wide range of light intensity. The power management system fabricated using $0.13{\mu}m$ CMOS technology works with DSSC to provide power pulses of $36{\mu}A$. The duration of pulses is almost constant around $80{\mu}s$ (6.5 nJ/pulse), while the pulse spacing is inversely proportional to the light intensity.

Constant power. high power factor drive of DFIG for wind power generation in the wide wind speed (넓은 풍속에서의 풍력발전용 권선형 유도발전기의 정출력.고역률 운전)

  • Lee, Woo-Suk;Kim, Kwang-Tae;Chung, Soon-Yong;Shon, Je-Bong;Bae, Jong-Moon
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2000.07b
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    • pp.693-695
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    • 2000
  • Wide operating range and speed control is needed for wind power generating and a Doubly Fed Induction Generator(DFIG) has good adaptivity for that purpose. This paper deals with power and power factor control using the Grid connected DFIG in the wide speed regions, by controlling frequency and voltage fed to the rotor. Power flow of the DFIG and steady-state algebraic equations of the equivalent circuit are analyzed. For a normal operating region, in which the generator ratings were not exceeded, the rotor current was either less than or equal to the rated value. Accordingly, the optimal power factor can be selected relative to the permissible rated current at the rotor coil which controls the magnitude of the injected rotor voltage to the rotor according to a given rotor frequency.

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