• Title/Summary/Keyword: Information Area

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Analysis of Data and Information Flow for Pipeline in Permafrost Area

  • Won, Seo-Kyung;Lee, Do-Yun;Lee, Junbok
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.744-745
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    • 2015
  • Since the G20 summit in 2011, South Korea who was dependent on foreign energy needs of 97% receives natural gas from Russia from 2015 to 30 years, but South Korea is a situation of scarce experience and skills of pipeline project in permafrost area. In this study, we kept the target for analyzing the data and information flow of the pipeline projects in permafrost area, and the ultimate goal is set to developing the hierarchy structure of design and construction data for an efficient administration of the project. In order to develop that structure, Configuration Management was introduced and through this method, it is expected to be used to build the overall information management system in O&M phase.

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Meanings and Issues of Broadcasting Area (방송 권역의 의미와 쟁점에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Dae-Ho
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.19
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    • pp.65-93
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    • 2002
  • This research deals with meanings and issues of 'broadcasting area' in which trans-regional broadcasting media such as satellite broadcasting and webcasting provoked. The issues around broadcasting area have raised the examination of fundamental broadcasting philosophy in Korea, i.e. establishment of broadcasting area intends to foster new media development? or protect local culture and local journalism? After assessing current criticisms around the broadcasting area, this study particularly addresses re-transmission outside the broadcasting area, satellite broadcaster's re-transmission of terrestrial channels, and widening of broadcasting area. This research argues that broadcasting area has lost its raison-etre due to the advent of new communication technology, even though it was maintained to protect regional broadcasting stations. Therefore it argues that now is the right time to change the broadcasting area in the digital media era. This approach could strengthen the competitiveness of regional broadcasting stations and solve the rows surrounding broadcasting areas.

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A Spatio-temporal Change Analysis of Rural Landscape Patterns using Landscape Ecology Indices : Focused on a Part of Gyeonggi-do (경관생태지수를 활용한 농촌경관의 시계열적 변화 분석 - 경기도 일부 시.군을 대상으로 -)

  • Oh, Yun-Gyeong;Choi, Jin-Yong;Bae, Seung-Jong;Jang, Min-Won
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 2007
  • Studies in landscape ecology have emphasized on the relationship between landscape patterns and shapes. A variety of landscape metrics has been developed so far to quantify landscape structures. Therefore, their developments and widespread applications become possible with the advent of spatial information systems including geographic information systems(GIS) and remote sensing. This study is to grasp the change of land use and landscape ecology indices, and to analyze the change of landscape structure in a part of Gyeonggi-do during 15 years from 1985 to 2000. Green-area distribution maps and agricultural-area distribution maps for the analysis were reconstructed from land cover maps constructed by WAMIS(Water Management Information System). And then, 4 landscape ecology indices(TA, LPI, SHAPE_AM, CAI_MN) for the green-area and 5 landscape ecology indices(TA, PD, LPI, LSI, CAI_MN) for the agricultural-area were selected by using pearson correlation analysis. According to the spatio-temporal change analysis using landscape ecology indices, the green-area fragmentation of Yongin was the most severe of the study area and the agricultural-area fragmentation of Gwangju and Namyangju was more severe than any other regions.

Characterization of Wetness Index in Western Area of Yangsan Fault, Sangbuk-myeon, Kyeongnam-do (경상남도 상북면 양산단층 서부지역에 대한 습윤지수 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Wook;Han, Ji-Young;Lee, Son-Kap;Kim, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Choon-Sik;Kim, In-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2004.03b
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    • pp.904-909
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    • 2004
  • The study area adjoins with Yangsan fault in Sangbuk-myeon, Samsam-ri, Kyongsang-namdo and consist of the natural steep slope. After drawing data layer which have altitude by using digital topography data, it is converted to lattice DEM of $10m{\times}10m$ size. From this, gradient map of unit lattice, slant direction map and shadow relif map are made. Using flow apportioning algorithm, upper slope contributing area and wetness index by established lattice can be calculated. Area that have high wetness index shows lineament structure of northwest-southeast direction, and this agrees with shear fracture system. The result of electricity specific resistance survey in the study area shows that area of high wetness index has low electricity specific resistance anomaly. That is, wetness index conforms with distribution of fractured zone that accompanied chemical weathering of rock. Therefore, wetness index can be used as the method of detecting fractured zones and judging the stability of the area.

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A Study on the Implementation of Historical and Cultural Information System based on Web GIS for Youngsan River Area (Web GIS 기반의 영산강유역권 역사문화정보시스템 구축 연구)

  • Jang, Mun-Hyun;Lee, Jeong-Rock
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.329-339
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    • 2009
  • A historical and cultural map needs an overall reflection of the links based on time and space among the various composite factors, instead of requiring a simple collection of the respective relics in a particular region. The study of history, culture and living environment of river system area, a place that is known to as a cradle of civilization, will be able to undertake a role in the research and comparison with other cultural regions, reaching beyond the regional units until now and moreover investigation the international and intercontinental history of civilization. In this context, this research focuses on the establishment of a cultural information system for the public use and the insight to the regional identity and materialization of culture based on Korea's peculiar history and culture. Thus, the information system for Youngsan River area aims to create a form of electronic map that contains various cultural and historical information on river system area, which is a integrated information system based on Web GIS that is open to public use through the internet. The above mentioned system is a combined product from the basic research data on various fields of study, including archaeology, architecture, arts, ecological environment, history, folk customs, literature, and food, while it aims for not only its utilization in interdisciplinary studies but also creating new value as a public database. As a result, the expected effects due to the establishment of historical and cultural information system based on Web GIS of Youngsan River area are as follows: First, the study can contribute to verify a road map of the study on Youngsan River area. Second, it will take a role to stimulate the academical research on the dynamic structure and characteristics of the Youngsan River area. Third, we can also expect an effect of gaining a full foothold in providing an electronic academic source specialized for the study of the historical and cultural map.

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Developing Forecast Technique of Landslide Hazard Area by Integrating Meteorological Observation Data and Topographical Data -A Case Study of Uljin Area- (기상과 지형자료를 통합한 산사태 위험지 예측 기법 개발 -울진지역을 대상으로-)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Jo, Yun-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2009
  • Recently the large scale of forest disaster such as landslide and forest fire gives a very bad impact on not only forest ecosystem but also farm business so that it has became the main issue of environmental problems. In this study, the landslide hazard area forecast method was developed by considering not only the topographic thematic maps based on GIS and satellite images but also amount of rainfall data, which are very important factors of landslide. Uljin-gun was selected as the study area and the GIS weight score and overlay analysis were applied to topographical map and meteorological observation map. Finally the landslide area distribution map was constructed by considering the evaluation criteria. Also, the accuracy could be acquired by comparing the landslide hazard area forecast map and real damaged area extracted from satellite image.

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System Networking for the Monitoring and Analysis of Local Climatic Information in Alpine Area (강원고랭지 농업기상 감시 및 분석시스템 구축)

  • 안재훈;윤진일;김기영
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.156-162
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    • 2001
  • In order to monitor local climatic information, twelve automated weather stations (AWS) were installed in alpine area by the Alpine Agricultural Experiment Station, Rural Development Administration (RDA), at the field of major crop located in around highland area, and collected data from 1993 to 2000. Hourly measurements of air and soil temperature (underground 10 cm,20 cm), relative humidity, wind speed and direction, precipitation, solar radiation and leaf wetness were automatically performed and the data could be collected through a public phone line. Datalogger was selected as CR10X (Campbell scientific, LTD, USA) out of consideration for sensers' compatibility, economics, endurance and conveniences. All AWS in alpine area were combined for net work and daily climatic data were analyzed in text and graphic file by program (Chumsungdae, LTD) on 1 km $\times$ 1 km grid tell basis. In this analysis system, important multi-functionalities, monitoring and analysis of local climatic information in alpine area was emphasized. The first objective was to obtain the output of a real time data from AWS. Secondly, daily climatic normals for each grid tell were calculated from geo-statistical relationships based on the climatic records of existing weather stations as well as their topographical informations. On 1 km $\times$ 1 km grid cell basis, real time climatic data from the automated weather stations and daily climatic normals were analyzed and graphed. In the future, if several simulation models were developed and connected with this system it would be possible to precisely forecast crop growth and yield or plant disease and pest by using climatic information in alpine area.

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Development of the digital protection relay which displays the trip area in real time (실시간 사고영역을 표현하는 디지털 보호계전기 개발)

  • Cho, Chul-Hee;Lee, Byeong-Ho;Kim, Yoon-Hoe
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.07a
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    • pp.499-500
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    • 2007
  • The existing digital protection relay is continuously growing with an improvement in technology. In this paper, we propose the development of the digital protection relay which displays the trip area in real time. In most of the digital protection relays monitor whether analog signal enters into the pre-determined trip area, but those aren't provide the trip area information for a operator in real time. Therefore, if the digital protection relay continuously displays the trip area in real time, the operator analysis power system status easily. This paper particularly introduces selective ground protective relay and differential protective relay with trip area and presents a method of providing the trip area information to operator in real time.

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  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Song, Wan-Young;Kim, Sung-Jae
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.294-296
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    • 2006
  • Recently the development of GIS and spatial information technology is used to construct very detail forest information. In addition, in order to classify forest characteristic, the geographical characteristic information of forest could be very useful for the forest classification, In this study sampling points were arranged to clarify the difference between the orm area and the land forest area. Also, forest feature pattern could be discriminated by using satellite images and SML. This study result should be constructed to efficiency forest management in especially forest area in Jeju Island

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