• Title/Summary/Keyword: Industry classification

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Korea Emissions Inventory Processing Using the US EPA's SMOKE System

  • Kim, Soon-Tae;Moon, Nan-Kyoung;Byun, Dae-Won W.
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.34-46
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    • 2008
  • Emissions inputs for use in air quality modeling of Korea were generated with the emissions inventory data from the National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER), maintained under the Clean Air Policy Support System (CAPSS) database. Source Classification Codes (SCC) in the Korea emissions inventory were adapted to use with the U.S. EPA's Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions (SMOKE) by finding the best-matching SMOKE default SCCs for the chemical speciation and temporal allocation. A set of 19 surrogate spatial allocation factors for South Korea were developed utilizing the Multi-scale Integrated Modeling System (MIMS) Spatial Allocator and Korean GIS databases. The mobile and area source emissions data, after temporal allocation, show typical sinusoidal diurnal variations with high peaks during daytime, while point source emissions show weak diurnal variations. The model-ready emissions are speciated for the carbon bond version 4 (CB-4) chemical mechanism. Volatile organic carbon (VOC) emissions from painting related industries in area source category significantly contribute to TOL (Toluene) and XYL (Xylene) emissions. ETH (Ethylene) emissions are largely contributed from point industrial incineration facilities and various mobile sources. On the other hand, a large portion of OLE (Olefin) emissions are speciated from mobile sources in addition to those contributed by the polypropylene industry in point source. It was found that FORM (Formaldehyde) is mostly emitted from petroleum industry and heavy duty diesel vehicles. Chemical speciation of PM2.5 emissions shows that PEC (primary fine elemental carbon) and POA (primary fine organic aerosol) are the most abundant species from diesel and gasoline vehicles. To reduce uncertainties in processing the Korea emission inventory due to the mapping of Korean SCCs to those of U.S., it would be practical to develop and use domestic source profiles for the top 10 SCCs for area and point sources and top 5 SCCs for on-road mobile sources when VOC emissions from the sources are more than 90% of the total.

The Effects of Rural Tourism on National Economy (농촌관광산업의 경제적 파급효과)

  • Kim, Hyeonsuk;Kim, Soyun;Lee, Jongsang
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.285-293
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    • 2016
  • The increase in demand for leisure time by the public and the vitalization of agricultural tourism resulting from the expansion of the five-day work week are expected to greatly contribute to the rural economy, but actual studies analyzing the ripple effect of the agricultural tourism industry are lacking. In order to analyze the economic ripple effect, tourism or agricultural tourism must become an independent sector in the inter-industry relations table's sector classification, but because it is not, the study uses a method of analysis which involves creating a satellite account. However, because agricultural tourism has a clear main agent in farms unlike general tourism which does not, there is one method in which provisions are made by farms or farm villages and another method in which outside products are used. The purpose of the present is to measure the economic ripple effect of agricultural tourism with a focus on 162 subclasses by applying positive data from the education sector input into agricultural tourism. Satellite accounts which considered intermediate input were created and applied to positive data, the analysis of which revealed agricultural tourism to account for 462 billion won, which is 0.01% of the total production amount of 3,503,480 billion won, while the production inducement coefficient was 3.2895 units when the final demand of agricultural tourism occurs. When the production inducement coefficient is at 3.2895 units, highest sector was agricultural tourism at 0.9968 units followed by restaurants and bars at 0.3325 units, roadt transportation services at 0.3183 units, lodging services at 0.1520 units, and petroleum products at 0.1290 units.

Work Environments and Work Conditions Associated with Stress Symptoms Among Korean Manufacturing Factory Workers (작업환경 및 근무조건 특성과 제조업 근로자의 스트레스 증상 간의 관련성)

  • Park, Kyoung-Ok
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.272-282
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    • 2004
  • Stress is a primary health promotion issue in worksite research because psychological distress is closely related not only to workers  health status but also to their job performance. This study identified the work environment and work condition factors affecting workers  stress symptoms among the Korean manufacturing factory workers. A total of 7,818 factory workers employed in 1,562 manufacturing companies participated in the Korean nation-wide occupational health survey conducted by the Korean Occupational Safety and Health Agency in 2003. Participants were selected by the stratified proportional sampling process by standardized industry classification, company size, and locations. Trained interviewers visited the target companies and interviewed the factory workers randomly selected in each company. Work environments included physical work environments (temperature, noise, hazardous organic compounds, and so on) and psychological work environments (job demands, job control, and social support at work), and work conditions included daily working hour, rest time, and so on. Men were 71.5% and the mean age was 34.0 years old. The average working period in the present company was 6.9 years. The average stress score was 26.2 under the perfect score, 50, which means the moderate level of stress. Perceived stress had significant correlations with young age, poor physical work environment, high fatigue, bad perceived health status, and high job demands in Pearson's simple correlation analysis. Perceived health status and perceived fatigue explained 21% variance of stress symptoms and the work environment factor explained 4.8% of that; however, work condition did not have the sufficient effect. In particular, psychosocial work environment variables (job demand, job control, and social support at work) had a clear effect on stress symptoms rather than the physical work environments. Poor perceived health status, severe perceived fatigue, poor physical work environment, high job demands, low social support, heavy alcohol consumption and little exercise were significantly related to high stress symptoms in the Korean manufacturing workers.

Analysis of Environment Emission Characteristics Each Construction Type for Road Field (국도건설공사 도로분야의 공종별 환경부하량 특성분석)

  • Kim, Sang-Ryong;Lee, Dong-Eun;Kim, Byung-Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 2017
  • Recently Korea has presented carbon emission reduce goal of 37% compare to BAU until 2030 according to Paris Agreement in order to correspond to climate change. For this, researchers need to study positively on construction industry that emit $CO_2$ of $3^{rd}$ volume of 28 industry classification. This study calculated environmental load by LCA using the road part except tunnel and bridge among national road cases completed already. After selecting representative type of large construction type based on environmental emission, earth works, drainage works and paving works took up 84%. And this study analyzed the environmental emission feature of each detail construction type after selecting representative type each detail construction type. Utilization of each construction type emission attribute to environmental load during national road construction, will be helpful in making decision of eco-friendly national road construction based on environmental emission.

A Research Trend of Natural Product on Well-Being Industry (웰빙산업에서의 천연물 연구 동향)

  • Kim Ki Ho;Ko Kang Il;Kang En Jung;Yang En Kyung;Park Soo Nam
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.30 no.3 s.47
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    • pp.329-343
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    • 2004
  • Recently, our society has prominently raised the desire to well-being life since not only our economical situations are better than before, but environmental pollution become serious. In well-being trends, the natural or nature-related products are also issued on their usages as bio-/raw materials for our living industries, such as cosmetics, household goods, and so on. Especially, various materials which comes from medicinal plants has been discovered their physiological properties and validated their functions. Thus, they have been subjected to several processes, including extraction, isolation and concentration, and popularly introduced to cosmetic industry. In these reasons, a variety of cosmetic Products using natural materials has been developed, which are focused on whitening, wrinkle improvement, and anti-aging. In this report, we present a brief review of the function and classification of natural products interested in until now, and introduce the natural materials for cosmetics having physiological activities on skin, including Fructan, Acrea extract, Portulaca extract, Licorce extract, Dandelion extract, Ulmus extract, SC-glucan, Arbutin, and Sophora extract.

Status Analysis of Present and Future of Chinese Animation Commercials by Comparing with the World Advertisement Festival (세계 광고제 비교를 통한 중국 애니메이션 광고의 현황과 미래 분석)

  • Han, Keke;Choi, Chul Young
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.36
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    • pp.75-89
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    • 2014
  • Since the first animated Chinese commercial titled directed by Wan Three Brothers in 1926, Chinese animation commercials are steadily increasing every year. The proportion of animation commercials in Advertisement industry increases gradually, animation becomes one of the direct means of rising commodity value. In this premise, this paper researches the history and characteristics of animated commercials, compare and analyze commercial samples from two world advertisement festivals and four Chinese advertisement festivals. Compared the world animation-advertisement market, Chinese animation-advertisement market is relatively limited under its particular status. Under the condition, this paper will analyze the current situation of Chinese animation advertisement through the samples from advertising festivals. Finally, the paper concludes finding out ways of development and effective marketing of animation commercial industry in China by checking out animation advertisement in industrial classification between Chinese and world's advertisement market.

Development of u-Health standard terminology and guidelines for terminology standardization (유헬스 표준용어 및 용어 표준화 가이드라인 개발)

  • Lee, Soo-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.4056-4066
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    • 2015
  • For understanding of terminology related to u-Health and activating u-Health industry, it is required to develop u-Health standard terminology for communication. The purpose of this study is to develop u-Health standard terminology and provides guidelines for terminology standardization in order to develop the u-Health standard terminology. We finally developed the 187 u-Health standard terminology through the process of data acquisition, term extraction, term refinement, term selection and term management based on reports, glossary and Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) standards about u-Health. As a result, the standard terminology and guidelines of u-Health optimized to the domestic environment were suggested. They included details of definition, classification, components, the methods and principles of the process for u-Health standard terminology. Presented in this study, u-Health standard terminology and guidelines for terminology standardization would assist the cost-reducing of employing terminology and management of it, while making information transfer easy. This would make possible promoting efficient development of u-Health industry in general.

Verification Test of High-activity SMEs Using Technology Appraisal Items (기술력 평가항목을 이용한 고활동성 중소기업 판별)

  • Lee, Jun-won
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.31-52
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    • 2020
  • This study was started to verify the preliminary(Ex-ante) discrimination power of the firm's high-activity using the 'Forward-looking' oriented technology appraisal model used in technology financing. The analytical firms are classified into the industry (manufacturing / non-manufacturing) and the age of company (initial / non-initial). High-activity SMEs are defined as those that achieve at least twice the average asset turnover ratio of the cluster. As a result of the discriminant model by applying C5.0 method, which is one of decision tree models, classification accuracy is more than 99% in all industries and the age of company, and it is confirmed that the discriminant power of the model is stable. As a result, the management expertise, capital involvement and funding capacity items were identified as a critical variable for the high-activity SMEs. In addition, the technology management capability and technology life cycle were also confirmed to be the items to determine high-activity SMEs in the manufacturing industry. Through this, it was possible to confirm some possibility of prior discrimination and policy utilization of high-activity SMEs by using technology appraisal items.

A Study of Safety Accident Prediction Model (Focusing on Military Traffic Accident Cases) (안전사고 예측모형 개발 방안에 관한 연구(군 교통사고 사례를 중심으로))

  • Ki, Jae-Sug;Hong, Myeong-Gi
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.427-441
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study proposes a method for developing a model that predicts the probability of traffic accidents in advance to prevent the most frequent traffic accidents in the military. Method: For this purpose, CRISP-DM (Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining) was applied in this study. The CRISP-DM process consists of 6 stages, and each stage is not unidirectional like the Waterfall Model, but improves the level of completeness through feedback between stages. Results: As a result of modeling the same data set as the previously constructed accident investigation data for the entire group, when the classification criterion was 0.5, Significant results were derived from the accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, and AUC of the model for predicting traffic accidents. Conclusion: In the process of designing the prediction model, it was confirmed that it was difficult to obtain a meaningful prediction value due to the lack of data. The methodology for designing a predictive model using the data set was proposed by reorganizing and expanding a data set capable of rational inference to solve the data shortage.

Body Shape Classification of the Lower Body of Obese men in their 30's and 40's for Slacks Pattern Development (30~40대 비만 남성의 슬랙스 패턴개발을 위한 하반신 체형분류)

  • Sin, Sunmi;Do, Wolhee
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.308-317
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    • 2019
  • This study provided data for classifying and characterizing the lower half of the body shape for obese adult men in their 30s and 40s. Data of 492 adult males who were obese with a WHO criteria of >25 BMI were used for analysis. The results of the study are as follows. Six factors extracted from the factorial analysis as independent factors for cluster analysis were classified into three types. Type 1 (65.4%) had the lowest height of the lower half of the body with short circumference and length. Type 2 (20.3%) had the lowest height of the lower half of the body with the largest thickness, width and circumference from the back to the hip, but short in length. Type 3 (14.2%) had the lowest height of the lower half of the body with medium height and waist-height; however, the curve from the waist to the hip was the largest with the largest waist circumference, hip circumference, and width and thickness of the lower half of the body. This study will help to design a slack pattern that utilizes body shape characteristics of men in their 30s and 40s. In a follow-up study, we analyze the slack pattern and educational pattern by the company and study the necessity for a slack pattern for obese males.