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Verification Test of High-activity SMEs Using Technology Appraisal Items  

Lee, Jun-won (한국신용정보원)
Publication Information
Journal of Technology Innovation / v.28, no.1, 2020 , pp. 31-52 More about this Journal
This study was started to verify the preliminary(Ex-ante) discrimination power of the firm's high-activity using the 'Forward-looking' oriented technology appraisal model used in technology financing. The analytical firms are classified into the industry (manufacturing / non-manufacturing) and the age of company (initial / non-initial). High-activity SMEs are defined as those that achieve at least twice the average asset turnover ratio of the cluster. As a result of the discriminant model by applying C5.0 method, which is one of decision tree models, classification accuracy is more than 99% in all industries and the age of company, and it is confirmed that the discriminant power of the model is stable. As a result, the management expertise, capital involvement and funding capacity items were identified as a critical variable for the high-activity SMEs. In addition, the technology management capability and technology life cycle were also confirmed to be the items to determine high-activity SMEs in the manufacturing industry. Through this, it was possible to confirm some possibility of prior discrimination and policy utilization of high-activity SMEs by using technology appraisal items.
Technology Appraisal; Technology Grade; Technology Financing; Decision Tree; High-activity SMEs;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 6  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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