• Title/Summary/Keyword: Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA)

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Strategic width-wise arrangement of viscous dampers in steel buildings under strong earthquakes

  • Huang, Xiameng
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.225-238
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    • 2021
  • Supplemental passive dampers are widely employed to improve the structural performance of buildings under seismic excitations. Nevertheless, the added damping could be counter-productive if the axial forces induced by the damper reaction forces are not routed properly in the columns. A few researchers engaged to optimize the width-wise damper arrangement to improve the delivered path of the axial column forces. However, most of these studies are limited under the design-based seismic level and few of them has evaluated the collapse performance of buildings under strong earthquakes. In this paper, the strategic width-wise placement method of viscous dampers is explored regarding the building performance under collapse state. Two realistic steel buildings with different storeys are modelled and compared to explore higher mode effects. Each building is designed with four different damper arrangement scenarios based on a classic damper distribution method. Both a far-fault and a near-fault seismic environment are considered for the buildings. Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) is performed to evaluate the probability of collapse and the plastic mechanism of the retrofitted steel buildings.

Incremental dynamic analyses of concrete buildings reinforced with shape memory alloy

  • Mirtaheri, Masoud;Amini, Mehrshad;Khorshidi, Hossein
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2017
  • The use of superelastic shape memory alloys (SMAs) as reinforcements in concrete structures is gradually gaining interest among researchers. Because of different mechanical properties of SMAs compared to the regular steel bars, the use of SMAs as reinforcement in the concrete may change the response of structures under seismic loads. In this study, the effect of SMAs as reinforcement in concrete structures is analytically investigated for 3-, 6- and 8-story reinforced concrete (RC) buildings. For each concrete building, three different reinforcement details are considered: (1) steel reinforcement (Steel) only, (2) SMA bar used in the plastic hinge region of the beams and steel bar in other regions (Steel-SMA), and (3), beams fully reinforced with SMA bar (SMA) and steel bar in other regions. For each case, columns are reinforced with steel bar. Incremental Dynamic Analyses (IDA) are performed using ten different ground motion records to determine the seismic performance of Steel, Steel-SMA and SMA RC buildings. Then fragility curves for each type of RC building by using IDA results for IO, LS and CP performance levels are calculated. Results obtained from the analyses indicate that 3-story frames have approximately the same spectral acceleration corresponding with failure of frames, but in the cases of 6 and 8-story frames, the spectral acceleration is higher in frames equipped with steel reinforcements. Furthermore, the probability of fragility in all frames increases by the building height for all performance levels. Finally, economic evaluation of the three systems are compared.

Seismic investigation of pushover methods for concrete piers of curved bridges in plan

  • Ahmad, Hamid Reza;Namdari, Nariman;Cao, Maosen;Bayat, Mahmoud
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2019
  • The use of non-linear analysis of structures in a functional way for evaluating the structural seismic behavior has attracted the attention of the engineering community in recent years. The most commonly used functional method for analysis is a non-linear static method known as the "pushover method". In this study, for the first time, a cyclic pushover analysis with different loading protocols was used for seismic investigation of curved bridges. The finite element model of 8-span curved bridges in plan created by the ZEUS-NL software was used for evaluating different pushover methods. In order to identify the optimal loading protocol for use in astatic non-linear cyclic analysis of curved bridges, four loading protocols (suggested by valid references) were used. Along with cyclic analysis, conventional analysis as well as adaptive pushover analysis, with proven capabilities in seismic evaluation of buildings and bridges, have been studied. The non-linear incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) method has been used to examine and compare the results of pushover analyses. To conduct IDA, the time history of 20 far-field earthquake records was used and the 50% fractile values of the demand given the ground motion intensity were computed. After analysis, the base shear vs displacement at the top of the piers were drawn. Obtained graphs represented the ability of a cyclic pushover analysis to estimate seismic capacity of the concrete piers of curved bridges. Based on results, the cyclic pushover method with ISO loading protocol provided better results for evaluating the seismic investigation of concrete piers of curved bridges in plan.

Seismic Performance Evaluation of Flat Column Dry Wall System and Wall Slab System Structures (무량복합 및 벽식 구조시스템의 내진성능평가)

  • Kang, Hyungoo;Lee, Minhee;Kim, Jinkoo
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.259-266
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    • 2012
  • In this paper the seismic performance of a flat plate wall system structure was evaluated based on the ATC-63 approach, and the results were compared with those of a wall slab structure having the same size. As analysis model structures, a twelve story flat plate wall structure and a wall slab structure were designed based on the KBC-2009, and their seismic performances and collapse behaviors were evaluated by nonlinear static and incremental dynamic analyses(IDA). It was observed that the flat plate wall structure was designed with smaller amount of reinforced concrete, and showed slightly larger displacement response compared with those of the wall slab structure. The collapse margin ratios of the two structures obtained from the incremental dynamic analyses satisfied the limit states specified in the ATC-63, and the structures turned out to have enough capacity to resist the design level seismic load.

Developing a modified IDA-based methodology for investigation of influencing factors on seismic collapse risk of steel intermediate moment resisting frames

  • Maddah, Mohammad M.;Eshghi, Sassan
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.367-377
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    • 2020
  • Incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) widely uses for the collapse risk assessment procedures of buildings. In this study, an IDA-based collapse risk assessment methodology is proposed, which employs a novel approach for detecting the near-collapse (NC) limit state. The proposed approach uses the modal pushover analysis results to calculate the maximum inter-story drift ratio of the structure. This value, which is used as the upper-bound limit in the IDA process, depends on the structural characteristics and global seismic responses of the structure. In this paper, steel midrise intermediate moment resisting frames (IMRFs) have selected as case studies, and their collapse risk parameters are evaluated by the suggested methodology. The composite action of a concrete floor slab and steel beams, and the interaction between the infill walls and the frames could change the collapse mechanism of the structure. In this study, the influences of the metal deck floor and autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) masonry infill walls with uniform distribution are investigated on the seismic collapse risk of the IMRFs using the proposed methodology. The results demonstrate that the suggested modified IDA method can accurately discover the near-collapse limit state. Also, this method leads to much fewer steps and lower calculation costs rather than the current IDA method. Moreover, the results show that the concrete slab and the AAC infill walls can change the collapse parameters of the structure and should be considered in the analytical modeling and the collapse assessment process of the steel mid-rise intermediate moment resisting frames.

Seismic evaluation of isolated skewed bridges using fragility function methodology

  • Bayat, M.;Daneshjoo, F.;Nistico, N.;Pejovic, J.
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.419-427
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    • 2017
  • A methodology, based on fragility functions, is proposed to evaluate the seismic performance of seismic isolated $45^{\circ}$ skewed concrete bridge: 1) twelve types of seismic isolation devices are considered based on two different design parameters 2) fragility functions of a three-span bridge with and without seismic isolation devices are analytically evaluated based on 3D nonlinear incremental dynamic analyses which seismic input consists of 20 selected ground motions. The optimum combinations of isolation device design parameters are identified comparing, for different limit states, the performance of 1) the Seismic Isolated Bridges (SIB) and 2) Not Seismic Isolated Bridge (NSIB) designed according to the AASHTO standards.

A new optimized performance-based methodology for seismic collapse capacity assessment of moment resisting frames

  • Maddah, Mohammad M.;Eshghi, Sassan;Garakaninezhad, Alireza
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.82 no.5
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    • pp.667-678
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    • 2022
  • Moment-resisting frames (MRFs) are among the most conventional steel structures for mid-rise buildings in many earthquake-prone cities. Here, a simplified performance-based methodology is proposed for the seismic collapse capacity assessment of these buildings. This method employs a novel multi-mode pushover analysis to determine the engineering demand parameters (EDPs) of the regular steel MRFs up to the collapse prevention (CP) performance level. The modal combination coefficients used in the proposed pushover analysis, are obtained from two metaheuristic optimization algorithms and a fitting procedure. The design variables for the optimization process are the inter-story drift ratio profiles resulting from the multi-mode pushover analyses, and the objective values are the outcomes of the incremental dynamic analysis (IDA). Here, the collapse capacity of the structures is assessed in three to five steps, using a modified IDA procedure. A series of regular mid-rise steel MRFs are selected and analyzed to calculate the modal combination coefficients and to validate the proposed approach. The new methodology is verified against the current existing approaches. This comparison shows that the suggested method more accurately evaluates the EDPs and the collapse capacity of the regular MRFs in a robust and easy to implement way.

Seismic investigation of cyclic pushover method for regular reinforced concrete bridge

  • Shafigh, Afshin;Ahmadi, Hamid Reza;Bayat, Mahmoud
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.78 no.1
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 2021
  • Inelastic static pushover analysis has been used in the academic-research widely for seismic analysis of structures. Nowadays, the variety pushover analysis methods have been developed, including Modal pushover, Adaptive pushover, and Cyclic pushover, in which some weaknesses of the conventional pushover method have been rectified. In the conventional pushover analysis method, the effects of cumulative growth of cracks are not considered on the reduction of strength and stiffness of RC members that occur during earthquake or cyclic loading. Therefore, the Cyclic Pushover Analysis Method (CPA) has been proposed. This method is a powerful technique for seismic evaluation of regular reinforced concrete buildings in which the first mode of them is dominant. Since the bridges have different structures than buildings, their results cannot necessarily be attributed to bridges, and more research is needed. In this study, a cyclic pushover analysis with four loading protocols (suggested by valid references) by the Opensees software was conducted for seismic evaluation of two regular reinforce concrete bridges. The modeling method was validated with the comparison of the analytical and experimental results under both cyclic and dynamic loading. The failure mode of the piers was considered in two-mode of flexural failure and also a flexural-shear failure. Along with the cyclic analysis, conventional analysis has been studied. Also, the nonlinear incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) method has been used to examine and compare the results of pushover analyses. The time history of 20 far-field earthquake records was used to conduct IDA. After analysis, the base shear vs. displacement in the middle of the deck was drawn. The obtained results show that the cyclic pushover analysis method is able to evaluate an accurate seismic behavior of the reinforced concrete piers of the bridges. Based on the results, the cyclic pushover has proper convergence with IDA. Its accuracy was much higher than the conventional pushover, in which the bridge piers failed in flexural-shear mode. But, in the flexural failure mode, the results of each two pushover methods were close approximately. Besides, the cyclic pushover method with ACI loading protocol, and ATC-24 loading protocol, can provided more accurate results for evaluating the seismic investigation of the bridges, specially if the bridge piers are failed in flexural-shear failure mode.

Equivalent SDF Systems Representing Steel Moment Resisting Frames (철골 모멘트 골조의 지진해석을 위한 등가 단자유도시스템)

  • Han, Sang-Whan;Moon, Ki-Hoon;Kim, Jin-Seon
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2008
  • To evaluate the seismic performance of multi-degree of freedom(MDF) systems, repeated nonlinear response history analyses are often conducted, which require extensive computational efforts. To reduce the amount of computation required, equivalent single degree of freedom(SDF) systems representing complex multi-degree of freedom(MDF) systems have been developed. For the equivalent SDF systems, bilinear models and trilinear models have been most commonly used. In these models, the P-$\Delta$ effect due to gravity loads during earthquakes can be accounted for by assigning negative stiffness after elastic range. This study evaluates the adequacy of equivalent SDF systems having these hysteretic models to predict the actual response of steel moment resisting frames(SMRF). For this purpose, this study conducts cyclic pushover analysis, nonlinear time history analysis and incremental dynamic analysis(IDA) for SAC-Los Angeles 9-story buildings using nonlinear MDF models(exact) and equivalent SDF models(approximate). In addition, this study considers the strength limited model.

Seismic fragility analysis of a cemented Sand-gravel dam considering two failure modes

  • Mahmoodi, Khadije;Noorzad, Ali;Mahboubi, Ahmad
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.483-495
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    • 2020
  • Dams are vital infrastructures that are expected to maintain their stability during seismic excitations. Accordingly, cemented material dams are an emerging type, which are being increasingly used around the world owing to benefiting from advantages of both earth-fill and concrete gravity dams, which should be designed safely when subjected to strong ground motion. In the present paper, the seismic performance of a cemented sand and gravel (CSG) dam is assessed using incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) method by accounting for two failure modes of tension cracking and base joint sliding considering the dam-reservoir-foundation interactions. To take the seismic uncertainties into account, the dam is analyzed under a suite of ground motion records and then, the effect of friction angle for base sliding as well as deformability of the foundation are investigated on the response of dam. To carry out the analyses, the Cindere dam in Turkey is selected as a case study, and various limit states corresponding to seismic performance levels of the dam are determined aiming to estimate the seismic fragilities. Based on the results, sliding of the Cindere dam could be serious under the maximum credible earthquake (MCE). Besides, dam faces are mostly to be cracked under such level of intensity. Moreover, the results indicate that as friction angle increases, probability of sliding between dam and foundation is reduced whereas, increases tensile cracking. Lastly, it is observed that foundation stiffening increases the probability of dam sliding but, reduces the tensile damage in the dam body.