• 제목/요약/키워드: Income

검색결과 9,945건 처리시간 0.032초

한국의 80~90년대 소득분배와 대규모 주택공급정책의 상호관계에 관한 연구 (A Study on Mutual Relationship between Korean Income Distribution during 1980s-1990s and Huge-scale Housing Supply Policy)

  • 임재빈
    • 토지주택연구
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to examine the relationship between the improvement of the income distribution index from the late 1980s to the 1990s and large-scale housing supply projects such as the 2 million housing construction project. Looking at Korea's economic development in terms of income growth and distribution, GDP has continuously increased since the establishment of the government, especially in the late 1980s. The Gini Index, a representative income inequality index, rapidly deteriorated in the early 1970s, and gradually improved from the late 1980s. The 2 million housing construction project, announced in 1988, supplied a third of the existing nationwide housing stock of 6.5 million units in three years. The project cost was 65 trillion won, equivalent to 50% of Korea's GDP at the time. This study questioned whether the ratio of the number of employed workers in the construction industry was a variable directly affecting the Gini Index. To verify this, the causal relationship between the proportion of employed workers in the construction and manufacturing industries and the Gini Index from 1979 to 2008 was statistically analyzed. For this, the ARIMA model was established for each variable, and the correlation of their residuals was verified. The 2 million housing construction project had the effect of improving income inequality in terms of rising wages for production workers and creating jobs for the low-educated and low-income class. During the project period, the number of middle-income earners increased sharply, and the income gap between the high-income and low-income earners greatly decreased. The expansion of the construction volume can be used as a powerful and direct policy tool for improving income distribution. However, the effect may be limited. When the proportion of workers exceeds the threshold, the effect is weakened.

분위회귀분석을 이용한 개업 치과의사의 의료수익과 소득에 미치는 요인 (Factors Associated with Dental Revenue and Income of Self-Employed Dentist by Using a Quantile Regression Method)

  • 최형길;김명기
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.240-251
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    • 2015
  • Background: Dentist's income is quite variable. We investigate the factors underlying the distribution of dental revenue and dentist income. Methods: Financial and structural variables of private dental practices(N=13,967) were examined with 2010 Economic Census microdata which include non-insurance revenue. We conducted quantile regression method(QRM) and ordinary least square(OLS) in treating skewness and heteroskedasticity of distributions. The effective estimation for the upper and lower range of distribution becomes possible by QRM. Results: Mid-career dentists are shown to have higher revenue and income. Male dentists achieve the higher revenue and income than female dentists in all quantiles. Group practices show lower income per owner than solo practices significantly. The revenue and income are increased with increasing size of clinics. The high cost in renting the clinic office is found to have a big positive effect on the revenue but a little positive effect on the income. Interestingly the density of dentists shows negative effect on the lowest quantile of the revenue but positive effect on the highest quantile. The lowest quantile of the revenue in the capital areas have the relatively high revenue. The lowest quantile of the income in metropolitan city show higher income than those in other areas significantly. Conclusion: The suggested QRM is shown to have more effective and efficient tool in finding out determinants of dentists' revenue and income of our concern. The results of this study are expected to be employed for dentists preparing for the opening practices in their organizational settings and locational selections. The distributional efficiency of dental human resources could be accomplished if policy makers guide dentists with this knowledge.

Effectiveness Analysis on New Bamboo-based Income System of Lao PDR: Case Study of Nongboua Mountain Village

  • Bohwi Lee;Hakjun Rhee;Sang-jin Lee;Phayvanh Alounsavath;Joon-Woo Lee;Seungmo Koo;Sebin Kim
    • 산업식품공학
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.312-321
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    • 2019
  • The Lao PDR is a developing country that heavily relies on rice farming. During off-season of rice farming, rural villagers produce non-timber forest products such as bamboo products. Until recently many villages have overexploited bamboo resources and supplied raw bamboo materials to foreign companies. Although the Lao government allocated harvesting quotas, most villagers keep on cutting bamboos due to no other income during the off-season. This study provides an alternative income model, bamboo handicraft, that can increase villagers' income while minimizing the use of bamboo resources. It also accesses the economic feasibility of the new income model for a mountain village, Nongboua village, where surveys were conducted on general incomes of 10 sample families who participated in the new income model voluntarily. A difference was made during the off-season when the sample families worked on cutting bamboos (previous income) or bamboo handicrafts (new income). A daily wage of $ 11.5 was used for the previous income, based on our surveys. For the new income, it was assumed that single family could produce 6 bamboo handicrafts daily with a unit price of $ 2.3, resulting in a daily income of $ 13.8. During the off-season, 8 and 14 working days in a month were assumed for the previous and new incomes based on surveys. Then the previous previous and new yearly incomes were estimated and compared using normality and paired t-tests. This study found that the new yearly income was significantly greater than the previous yearly income (p < 0.001): the former (rice farming and bamboo handicraft, $ 2,064) was 42% ($ 608) greater than the latter (rice farming and bamboo cutting, $ 1,456). These results suggested that the new income model could increase villagers' income significantly. If the bamboo handicraft model is applied for other areas with bamboo resources, it can provide an opportunity to improve the rural economies and livelihoods of developing countries.

소득차이에 따른 도시가계의 의류품목수요에 관한 연구 (A Study of Urban Household Demand for Clothing Items by Income)

  • 김기성
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.33-45
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    • 2014
  • This study investigates urban household consumption patterns for clothing items in different income cohorts through the analysis of an Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) model. Korea quarterly time-series statistics data for urban household expenditures from 1990 to 2013 analyzed household demand. The price and total consumption expenditure elasticities of 4 clothing items (outer wear, shoes, clothing related services and other miscellaneous clothing) for 7 income cohorts were estimated to investigate the clothing consumption patterns of different income cohorts. The study results show that the different household income cohorts have different consumption patterns for clothing items. The elastic demand of total consumption expenditures in the lowest household income cohort suggests that they consume clothing items as luxuries while other households mostly consume them as necessities. The price elasticity for all household income cohorts and clothing items (except the highest household income cohort and outer wear) was found to be elastic. The highest household income cohort had an inelastic price demand for all clothing items that implied a less sensitive clothing consumption change for the clothing price change than other households.

우리나라의 세대 내 소득이동성에 관한 실증분석 (An Empirical Analysis of Intragenerational Income Mobility in Korea)

  • 윤정열;홍기석
    • 노동경제논집
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.43-77
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구는 개인 근로소득의 결정요인을 초기 조건(학력, 성별, 연령 등)과 후기 조건(기타 요인)으로 구분하여 두 요인이 어떻게 소득분배 및 소득이동성에 영향을 미치는지를 실증적으로 분석한다. 한국노동패널 자료를 이용한 본 연구의 추정 결과에 의하면 첫째, 표본 전체의 소득분배는 1998~2008년 기간 동안 대체로 악화되었으나, 각 연령 집단 내에서는 소득분배가 특별한 추세를 나타내지 않는다. 둘째, 본 연구에서는 초기 조건과 후기 조건의 상대적 중요성으로 소득이동성을 정의하는데, 대부분의 연령 집단에서 초기 조건에 의한 소득격차가 감소함에 따라 소득이동성은 조금씩 상승한 것으로 나타난다.

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농가유형별로 본 농가소득 및 소비지출 구조분석 -'88 농가가계부를 중심으로- (Analysis on the Structure of Farm Household Income & Expenditure by Farming Types -Using Housekeeping Books of Farm Household in 1988-)

  • 김인숙
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.105-125
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    • 1990
  • The 78 housekeeping books were analyzed to find out the structure of income and expenditure of the farm household. The selected farm households were classified into 4 different farming types such as rice-cultivating, vinyl house, fruit-growing, and livestock farming. The results are summarized as follows : 1) The farm housekeeper ought to rationally manage farm household money income, because agricultural income was preponderated to several months regardless of farming types. 2) Farm household income was primarily dependent upon agricultural income and non-agricultural income in the livestock farming and rice-cultivating farm houshold respectively. 3) order of living expenses of the total farm households were recreation and entertainment expenses, food expenses, education expenses, and housing, fuel & light expenses in size. The major expenses were education expenses, food expenses and miscellaneous expenses in rice-cultivating, vinyl house and livestock farming, and fruit growing farm households respectively. 4) Balance of income and expenses of the farm household, s its time, size, and pattern of increase and decrease, was different by farming types. 5) Household expenses increased in February, May, August and December, though disposable income reversely decreased in February, April, August and December compared to each former month. So, special consideration should be taken into budget planning for household money management in February, August and December.

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도시 근로자가계의 가족생활주기에 따른 소득 및 소비지출 구조 분석 (Income and Consumption Expenditure Patterns of Urban Salary and Wage Earner's Household over the Family Life Cycle)

  • 천현진;이연숙
    • 가족자원경영과 정책
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.65-81
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze income and consumption expenditure patterns over the family life cycle. The data used in this study is the 2004 Survey data from the Annual Report on the Family Income and Expenditure Survey data which are included salary and wage earners' households living in urban areas. The income and expenditure data of 20,383 households are analyzed. The family life cycle is classified into six stages and the items of expenditure are classified into 12 categories. The data are analyzed by descriptive statistics, $X^2$ test, F-test, and Duncan's multiple range test using SAS 8.0 package program. The major findings of this study are as fellows: First, the average monthly family income of the total sample is 3,480,000 won. The proportion of regular and irregular income among the total family income is 95.5% and 4.5% respectively. Second, the amount and ratio of monthly regular income fur each category are significantly different over the family life cycle. Third, the average monthly family expenditure of the total sample is 2,250,000 won. The amount and ratio of monthly expenditure of all items are significantly different over the family life cycle. The highest expenditure item is the traffic expanse and phone charge.

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청주시 저소득 가구의 가정 에너지 비용 부담 경험과 인식 (Low-income Households' Experiences and Perception of Home Energy Cost Burdens in Cheongju, South Korea)

  • 이현정
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제26권5호
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2015
  • This study explored low-income households' experiences and perception of home energy cost burdens and determinants of the perceived home energy cost burdens. Between March and July 2014, a questionnaire survey was administered in Cheongju, South Korea. Among the 434 useable responses collected, responses from 218 households with monthly income less than 2,500,000 Korean Won (KRW) were compared with those of 216 households with higher incomes. The main findings are as follows. In the past three years, more than 10 percent of low-income households had had their electricity cut off; 5.7 percent had had their city gas cut off. To pay for their home energy expenses, nearly 70 percent of the low-income households had had to limit their heating, cooling or spending for other necessities; 38.3 percent had to borrow money. Low-income households reported more problems paying for home energy than higher-income households did. Households with more negative evaluation of rainwater leak, no one staying at home all day, monthly income less than 1,500,000 KRW and householders in their 40s and 50s tended to perceive a heavier home energy cost burden. Finally, the most popular support programs were fuel assistance and discounts on energy bills.

저소득가정 영유아의 발달과 부모의 양육특성 및 하루 일과시간에 관한 연구 (The Development of Infants from Low-Income Families, Parenting Characteristics, and Daily Routines)

  • 강한나;박혜원
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • 제51권6호
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    • pp.613-622
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate infants' development, parenting characteristics, and the infants' daily routines by monthly family income, and examine variables related to infants' development. The 2010 data of the panel study on Koreans were used. The sample for this analysis was 1,802 children aged 21-23 months and their parents. The data were analyzed with ANOVA, Pearson's correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis with SPSS version 18.0. The results were as follows: First, the development of infants differed by the family income. Infants' communication and problem solving skills in families with an income at the 25th percentile or below was lower than those above the 25th percentile. Second, parenting characteristics differed by family income. In the lower income group, the mother's parenting stress was highest, but the father's parenting time on weekends was lowest. Third, the most frequent activity of infants differed by family income. Playing with friends or caregivers was lowest, but watching TV and videos was highest in the lower income family group. Fourth, there was a relation among infants' development (communication and fine motor skills) and parenting characteristics (mother's parenting style, stress, and father's parenting time on weekends), and the infants' daily routines (playing with friends or caregivers). Fine motor development was affected by playing with a caregiver.

소득과 부/모와의 정서적 친밀감이 중고교 청소년의 소외감에 미치는 영향 (The influence of income and emotional closeness with father/mother on middle and high school-adolescent's alienation)

  • 민하영
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제17권6호
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    • pp.1105-1114
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of income and emotional closeness with father/mother on middle and high school-adolescent's alienation The subjects were 327 middle and high school students who lived with two-parent in Keoungbok and whose household income was lower \4,000,000. The data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation, and stepwise multiple regression(using SPSS 12.1). Major findings were as follows: 1) Middle and high school students's alienation was difference. The level of the high school adolescent's alienation was higher than the middle school adolescent's alienation. 2) Middle and high school students's alienation was differed by level of income and emotional closeness with father/mother. The lower level of income and emotional closeness with father/mother, the higher level of adolescent's alienation. 3) Among the income, emotional closeness with father/mother, the income was more influential predictor on high school-adolescent's alienation. But the income was not a significant predictor of middle school-adolescent's alienation. emotional closeness with father was more influential predictor on middle school-adolescent's alienation.