• Title/Summary/Keyword: InSAR data

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Plant Distributions and Physicochemical Characteristics of Topsoil on the Reclaimed Dredging Area (임해준설매립지 식물분포와 표층토양의 이화학적 특성)

  • Nam, Woong;Kwak, Young-Se;Jeong, In-Ho;Lee, Deok-Beom;Lee, Sang-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.52-62
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    • 2008
  • By analyzing specific plant distributions and physicochemical characteristics of topsoil in a reclaimed dredging area, baseline data was found of natural landscape planting sites, and developing dredged fill ground. The reclaimed dredging area is five different stands (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) which were examined in this research. They are located from sea level to 15 meters in altitude and exhibited typical characteristics of the salt marsh in Gwangyang Bay. Species with high constancy in the vegetation on the reclaimed soil were classified into four stages. A total of 12, 15, 22, 27 and 35 different plant species were found and also increased in stands 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively. Moving from stand 1 to 5, halophytes decreased and non-halophytes increased. Desalination at each stage of the reclaimed dredging area was a driving force affecting the performance and distribution of halophytes and non-halophytes. Overall, 35 quadrats of soil were selected and analyzed for specific physicochemical characteristics of topsoil between O${\sim}$20cm. Results of the physicochemical analysis such as altitude, slope, vegetation and kind of reclaimed dredging soil, exhibited irregular increases or decreases. As survey areas moved from stand 1 to 4, desalination areas, soil acidity, electric conductions, content of salinity, available phosphorus, potassium, chlorine, calcium, and magnesium indicated decreasing patterns; however, total nitrogen, silt, and clay content increased. Cluster analysis and PCA by environmental data within the stands clearly showed five distinct vegetation patterns on the tested reclaimed area. These results indicate that the differences of performance and distribution of vegetation are due to the SAR in the reclaimed soil and related to the natural survival strategy at the given hostile habitat.

Comparative study of flood detection methodologies using Sentinel-1 satellite imagery (Sentinel-1 위성 영상을 활용한 침수 탐지 기법 방법론 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Sungwoo;Kim, Wanyub;Lee, Seulchan;Jeong, Hagyu;Park, Jongsoo;Choi, Minha
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.181-193
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    • 2024
  • The increasing atmospheric imbalance caused by climate change leads to an elevation in precipitation, resulting in a heightened frequency of flooding. Consequently, there is a growing need for technology to detect and monitor these occurrences, especially as the frequency of flooding events rises. To minimize flood damage, continuous monitoring is essential, and flood areas can be detected by the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery, which is not affected by climate conditions. The observed data undergoes a preprocessing step, utilizing a median filter to reduce noise. Classification techniques were employed to classify water bodies and non-water bodies, with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of each method in flood detection. In this study, the Otsu method and Support Vector Machine (SVM) technique were utilized for the classification of water bodies and non-water bodies. The overall performance of the models was assessed using a Confusion Matrix. The suitability of flood detection was evaluated by comparing the Otsu method, an optimal threshold-based classifier, with SVM, a machine learning technique that minimizes misclassifications through training. The Otsu method demonstrated suitability in delineating boundaries between water and non-water bodies but exhibited a higher rate of misclassifications due to the influence of mixed substances. Conversely, the use of SVM resulted in a lower false positive rate and proved less sensitive to mixed substances. Consequently, SVM exhibited higher accuracy under conditions excluding flooding. While the Otsu method showed slightly higher accuracy in flood conditions compared to SVM, the difference in accuracy was less than 5% (Otsu: 0.93, SVM: 0.90). However, in pre-flooding and post-flooding conditions, the accuracy difference was more than 15%, indicating that SVM is more suitable for water body and flood detection (Otsu: 0.77, SVM: 0.92). Based on the findings of this study, it is anticipated that more accurate detection of water bodies and floods could contribute to minimizing flood-related damages and losses.

Eruption Precursors and Volcanic Activities of Fissure Eruptions on Sundhnúkur, Iceland between 2023 and 2024 (아이슬란드 순드누쿠르(Sundhnúkur)에서 2023-2024년 발생한 틈새 분화의 전조현상과 화산활동)

  • Cheolwoo Chang
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.111-126
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    • 2024
  • Iceland is located at the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean and there are about 130 volcanoes. Volcanoes in Iceland that are predominantly active include the Reykjanes Volcano Belt, the West Volcanic Zone, the Mid-Island Belt, the East Volcanic Zone, the Northern Volcanic Zone, the Öræfi Volcanic Belt, and the Snæfellsnes Volcanic Belt. In these regions, there are over 30 volcanic systems, each of which is primarily composed of central volcanoes and fissures surrounding them. Since October 24th in 2023, an intensive earthquake swarm in the Svartsengi Volcanic System of the Reykjanes Volcano Belt had been detected by the Icelandic Meteorological Administration's monitoring system. Furthermore, surface uplift near Blue Lagoon which is located about 1.5 km northwest of Þorbjörn, was observed in cGPS data and inSAR images, suggesting magma intrusions in the area. On November 10th, 2023, the frequency and intensity of earthquakes increased, and more than 20,000 earthquakes were recorded with the maximum magnitude M5.3. (the same comment as above) Eventually, fissure eruptions with lava fountains up to 100 m high started in the Sundhnúkur fissure row of the Svarthenghi volcanic system on December 18th, 2023. The eruption ended on December 21st, but a new eruption occurred on January 14th, 2024. Eruptions continued to occur in February, March, May, and August in this area. The volcanic unrest in this area that can lead to future eruptions continues as of September 2024.

KOMPSAT Image Processing and Application (다목적실용위성 영상처리 및 활용)

  • Lee, Kwang-Jae;Kim, Ye-Seul;Chae, Sung-Ho;Oh, Kwan-Young;Lee, Sun-Gu
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_4
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    • pp.1871-1877
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    • 2022
  • In the past, satellite development required enormous budget and time, so only some developed countries possessed satellites. However, with the recent emergence of low-budget satellites such as micro-satellites, many countries around the world are participating in satellite development. Low-orbit and geostationary-orbit satellites are used in various fields such as environment and weather monitoring, precise change detection, and disasters. Recently, it has been actively used for monitoring through deep learning-based object-of-interest detection. Until now, Korea has developed satellites for national demand according to the space development plan, and the satellite image obtained through this is used for various purpose in the public and private sectors. Interest in satellite image is continuously increasing in Korea, and various contests are being held to discover ideas for satellite image application and promote technology development. In this special issue, we would like to introduce the topics that participated in the recently held 2022 Satellite Information Application Contest and research on the processing and utilization of KOMPSAT image data.

Early Estimation of Rice Cultivation in Gimje-si Using Sentinel-1 and UAV Imagery (Sentinel-1 및 UAV 영상을 활용한 김제시 벼 재배 조기 추정)

  • Lee, Kyung-do;Kim, Sook-gyeong;Ahn, Ho-yong;So, Kyu-ho;Na, Sang-il
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.503-514
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    • 2021
  • Rice production with adequate level of area is important for decision making of rice supply and demand policy. It is essential to grasp rice cultivation areas in advance for estimating rice production of the year. This study was carried out to classify paddy rice cultivation in Gimje-si using sentinel-1 SAR (synthetic aperture radar) and UAV imagery in early July. Time-series Sentinel-1A and 1B images acquired from early May to early July were processed to convert into sigma naught (dB) images using SNAP (SeNtinel application platform, Version 8.0) toolbox provided by European Space Agency. Farm map and parcel map, which are spatial data of vector polygon, were used to stratify paddy field population for classifying rice paddy cultivation. To distinguish paddy rice from other crops grown in the paddy fields, we used the decision tree method using threshold levels and random forest model. Random forest model, trained by mainly rice cultivation area and rice and soybean cultivation area in UAV image area, showed the best performance as overall accuracy 89.9%, Kappa coefficient 0.774. Through this, we were able to confirm the possibility of early estimation of rice cultivation area in Gimje-si using UAV image.

Salinity Effects on the Hydraulic Conductivity of Uplands (밭토양(土壌)의 수리전도도(水理伝導度)에 대(対)한 염류효과(塩類効果))

  • Park, Chang-Seo;O'Connor, George A.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 1983
  • Laboratory determinations of saturated hydraulic conductivity were conducted with four soils varying in texture from sand to clay and with five waters with different salinity level. The waters varied in total dissolved solids from 1,250 to $15,000mg/{\ell}$ and in SAR from 16 to 57 and were representative of saline waters in New Mexico. Saturated hydraulic conductivities of the soils were not significantly affected by water salinity if these waters were the sole source of irrigation water. However, small additions of distilled water, assuming simulated to rain, to soils previously equilibrated with the saline waters significantly decreased soil permeability. Dispersion and short or long-distance transport of clay apparently clogged conducting pores when distilled water was introduced. Swelling was an important mechanism in reducing soil permeability only in the clay soil. The data suggest that, when saline water is the dominant irrigation source and is supplemented by rain, (1) all saline waters could be used on very sandy soils, (2) no saline waters should be used on very heavy soils, and (3) slightly saline, but not very saline, waters could be used on medium-textured soils.

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Estimation of the Amount of Mining and Waste Rocks at Musan Mine in North Korea Using a Historical Map and SRTM and Copernicus Global Digital Elevation Models (조선지형도와 SRTM 및 Copernicus 글로벌 수치지형모델을 이용한 북한 무산광산의 채광량 및 폐석 적치량 추정)

  • Yongjae Chu;Hoonyol Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_1
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    • pp.495-505
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    • 2023
  • The Musan mine, situated in Musan County, Hamgyong Province, North Korea, stands as a prominent open-pit iron mine on the Korean Peninsula. This study focuses on estimating the mining and dumping activities within the Musan mine area by analyzing digital elevation model (DEM) changes. To calculate the long-term volume changes in the Musan mine, we digitized and converted the 1:200,000-scale third topographic map of the Joseon published in 1918 and compared with interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) DEMs, including Shuttle Radar Topography Mission DEM (2000) and Copernicus DEM (2011-2015). The findings reveal that over a century, Musan mine yielded around 1.37 billion tons of iron ore, while approximately 1.06 billion tons of waste rock were dumped. This study is particularly significant as it utilizes a historical topographic map predating the full-scale development of Musan mine to estimate a century's mining production and waste rock deposition. It is expected that this research provides valuable insights for future investigation of surface change of North Korea where the acquisition of in situ data remains challenging.

Preliminary Evaluation of Handling Qualities of a SAR(Search & Rescue) Helicopter Simulator Based on ADS-33 Requirements (ADS-33 평가기준에 따른 소방헬기 비행시뮬레이터의 비행조종성 예비평가)

  • Yoon, Sugjoon;Kim, Donghyun;Seong, Eunhye;Park, Taejun;Hwang, Hoyon;Ahn, Jon;Lee, Junghoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.44 no.9
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    • pp.796-805
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    • 2016
  • As a part of the first stage in the helicopter flight simulator development, this study numerically evaluates handling qualities of the dynamics model. The flight dynamics model was generated using public information for AS365 N2, the target aircraft of the simulator. The flight simulator is under development as a pilot training and research tool for firefighting missions. The assessment of the model intends to validate general characteristics and suitability before the model is enhanced with flight test data. The evaluation is based on the ADS-33E-PRF(Aeroautical Design Standard Performance Specification Handling Qualities Requirement) criteria, with consideration of category of the aircraft, missions, and environment. The numerical operations follow required or recommended procedures of flight test for compliance demonstration. Evaluation results are evaluated according to the rating specified in maneuverability ADS-33E-PRF. Results have identified to provide a satisfactory platform for flight dynamic model in the general helicopter simulator generated based on the RotorLibFDM, and can be used as a base for basic training and research.

RPC Model Generation from the Physical Sensor Model (영상의 물리적 센서모델을 이용한 RPC 모델 추출)

  • Kim, Hye-Jin;Kim, Jae-Bin;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.11 no.4 s.27
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2003
  • The rational polynomial coefficients(RPC) model is a generalized sensor model that is used as an alternative for the physical sensor model for IKONOS-2 and QuickBird. As the number of sensors increases along with greater complexity, and as the need for standard sensor model has become important, the applicability of the RPC model is also increasing. The RPC model can be substituted for all sensor models, such as the projective camera the linear pushbroom sensor and the SAR This paper is aimed at generating a RPC model from the physical sensor model of the KOMPSAT-1(Korean Multi-Purpose Satellite) and aerial photography. The KOMPSAT-1 collects $510{\sim}730nm$ panchromatic images with a ground sample distance (GSD) of 6.6m and a swath width of 17 km by pushbroom scanning. We generated the RPC from a physical sensor model of KOMPSAT-1 and aerial photography. The iterative least square solution based on Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is used to estimate the RPC. In addition, data normalization and regularization are applied to improve the accuracy and minimize noise. And the accuracy of the test was evaluated based on the 2-D image coordinates. From this test, we were able to find that the RPC model is suitable for both KOMPSAT-1 and aerial photography.

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Wildfire Severity Mapping Using Sentinel Satellite Data Based on Machine Learning Approaches (Sentinel 위성영상과 기계학습을 이용한 국내산불 피해강도 탐지)

  • Sim, Seongmun;Kim, Woohyeok;Lee, Jaese;Kang, Yoojin;Im, Jungho;Kwon, Chunguen;Kim, Sungyong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_3
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    • pp.1109-1123
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    • 2020
  • In South Korea with forest as a major land cover class (over 60% of the country), many wildfires occur every year. Wildfires weaken the shear strength of the soil, forming a layer of soil that is vulnerable to landslides. It is important to identify the severity of a wildfire as well as the burned area to sustainably manage the forest. Although satellite remote sensing has been widely used to map wildfire severity, it is often difficult to determine the severity using only the temporal change of satellite-derived indices such as Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR). In this study, we proposed an approach for determining wildfire severity based on machine learning through the synergistic use of Sentinel-1A Synthetic Aperture Radar-C data and Sentinel-2A Multi Spectral Instrument data. Three wildfire cases-Samcheok in May 2017, Gangreung·Donghae in April 2019, and Gosung·Sokcho in April 2019-were used for developing wildfire severity mapping models with three machine learning algorithms (i.e., Random Forest, Logistic Regression, and Support Vector Machine). The results showed that the random forest model yielded the best performance, resulting in an overall accuracy of 82.3%. The cross-site validation to examine the spatiotemporal transferability of the machine learning models showed that the models were highly sensitive to temporal differences between the training and validation sites, especially in the early growing season. This implies that a more robust model with high spatiotemporal transferability can be developed when more wildfire cases with different seasons and areas are added in the future.