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Quality Characteristics and Retarding Retrogradation of Sponge Cakes containing Red Yeast Rice(Monascus nuruk) Flour (홍국(Monascus nuruk) 분말을 첨가한 스폰지 케이크의 품질 특성 및 노화 억제 분석)

  • Song, Ka-Young;Kim, Jong-Hee;O, Hyeon Bin;Zhang, Yangyang;Kim, Young-Soon
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated the quality characteristics and retarding retrogradation of sponge cakes made with red yeast rice (RYR) flour. RYR (Monascus nuruk) is known to help digestion, smooth blood flow, and have anti-cancer, anti-microbial, and inhibitory effects against biosynthesis of cholesterol and blood pressure. This studys aim' was to find the optimal proportion of RYR flour in sponge cake. RYR sponge cakes were prepared with various levels (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%) replacement of wheat flour and were designated as the control (without RYR), RYR5, RYR10, RYR15 and RYR20 respectively. Specific gravity was the lowest in RYR15 at 0.57, and the baking loss rate was not significantly different among the samples (p<0.05). The dough yield was the highest in RYR15 at 96.61. The moisture contents was highest in order, control, RYR5, and RYR15 at 28.67%, 28.18%, and 26.82% respectively. The L-value of crust tended to increase according to the level of RYR, but the L-value of crumb decreased in accorddance with the the content of RYR. The a-value of crust also decreased according to the level of RYR, although the a-value of crumb increased in response to higher levels of RYR. The b-value tended to decrease with increases of RYR (p<0.05). RYR5 exhibited the highest pH at 8.63, compared with RYR15 (8.57). The hardness, which was measured after cooling for 1 hour, was the lowest in RYR15 at $163.33g/cm^2$ and the springiness was not different significantly (p<0.05). Cohesiveness was the highest in RYR10 at 133.06%. The chewiness was the highest in RYR10 at $391.63g{\cdot}cm$ and lowest in RYR15 ast $169.62g{\cdot}cm$. Avrami equation showed that RYR15 and RYR20 had the lowest Avrami exponent (n) at 0.0664 and 0.4983 respectively. Time constant (1/k) was the highest in RYR15 at 200.00. Sensory evaluation revealed that RYR15 was the highest in color (5.50), flavor (4.95), sweetness (4.90), chewiness (4.75), and overall acceptability (4.60).

Behaviors of Arsenic in Paddy Soils and Effects of Absorbed Arsenic on Physiological and Ecological Characteristics of Rice Plant lll. Effect of Water Management on As Uptake and the Growth of Rice Plant at As Added Soil (토양중(土壤中) 비소(砒素)의 행동(行動)과 수도(水稻)의 비소흡수(砒素吸收)에 의(依)한 피해생리(被害生理) 생태(生態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究);Ⅲ.물관리(管理)가 수도의 비소흡수(砒素吸收) 및 생육(生育)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, Min-Hyo;Lim, Soo-Kill-H
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1987
  • A pot experiment was conducted to find out the effect of water management on the growth and uptake of arsenic and inorganic nutrients of rice plant at As added soil. The arsenic were added to soil at the levels of As 0, 10, 50, 100 and 150 ppm, respectively. Water management was done with two ways: intermittent irrigation from ten days after transplanting, and continuous submersion until harvest. Higher soil As levels increased As content in plant but reduced growth rate. Aresenic content in plant was considerably reduced with intermittent irrigation compared to continuous submersion. Rice growth showed also same trend. With increasing As levels in soil, N content in plant was increased but P, K, Ca, Mg, $SiO_2$, Fe and Mn content in plant were tend to be decreased. These inorganic nutrients in plant were also much absorbed in continuous submersion compared to intermittent irrigation. Soil pH was slightly increased with increasing As levels in soil while soil Eh has no relationship with soil As levels. On the other hand, soil pH was higher in the treatment of continuous submersion than that of intermittent irrigation but soil Eh showed reverse trend. With increasing As levels in soil, water soluble-As and Ca-As fractions in soil tend to be increased with continuous submersion, but these fractions has no tendency with intermittant irrigation.

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Internationale Mobiliarsicherungsrechte an Luftfahrzeugausr$\ddot{u}$stung in EU (EU에 있어서 항공장비에 대한 국제동산담보권에 관한 소고)

  • So, Jae-Seon;Kim, Dae-Kyung
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.29-65
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    • 2012
  • Der neue strukturelle Ansatz der Kommbination eines Rahmen$\ddot{u}$bereinkommens und eines ausr$\ddot{u}$stungsspezifischen Sonderprotokolls bedingt einen neuen organisatorischen Anstz f$\ddot{u}$r die Zusammenarbeit zwischen internationalen Organisationen bei der Schaffung von internationalem Einheitsprivatrecht. So haben hier zwei internationale Organisationen gemeinsam die Verantwortung f$\ddot{u}$r einmultilaterales $\ddot{U}$bereinkommen $\ddot{u}$bernommen: auf der einen Seite UNIDROIT als die internationale Organisation, die generell f$\ddot{u}$r die Vereinheitlichung des Privatrechts kompetent ist; auf der anderen Seite ICAO als die f$\ddot{u}$r die private Luftfahrt zust$\ddot{a}$ndige internationale Organisation. Dieses neue, f$\ddot{u}$r die Luftfahrzeugausr$\ddot{u}$stung praktizierte organisatorische Modell eines joint venture zweier internationaler Organisation bei der Einheitsrechtsetzung, namlich die Betreuung eines allgemeinen privatrechtsvereinheitlichenden Rahmens$\ddot{u}$bereinkommens durch UNIDROIT und die Wahrnehmung der sektorspezifischen Belange in einem ausr$\ddot{u}$stungsspesifischen Sonderprotokoll durch die jeweils zust$\ddot{a}$ndige internationale Spezialorganisation, hat bereits f$\ddot{u}$r die Sektoren der Eisenbahn- und Weltraumausrustung Schule gemacht. Das in Kapstadt beschlossene v$\ddot{o}$lkervertragliche Regelungswerk hat erstmals ein einheitsrechtliches - grunds$\ddot{a}$atzlich weltweite Geltung anstrebendes - Sicherungsrecht geschafen. Dies kann f$\ddot{u}$r die Sachenrechtsintergration einen $\ddot{a}$hnlichen Durchbruch bedeuten, wis das Wiener UN-kaufrechts$\ddot{u}$bereinkommen von 1980 f$\ddot{u}$r das Schuldvertragsrecht. Voraussetzung daf$\ddot{u}$r ist allerdings die juristische Qualit$\ddot{a}$t und Praxisgerechtigkeit des Regelungswerkes und - insbesondere - das Funktionieren des Registersystems. Von wesentlicher Bedeutung f$\ddot{u}$r den Erfolg des $\ddot{U}$bereinkkommens wird auchsein, ob es Rechtssicherheit zu gew$\ddot{a}$hrleisten vermag.

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Establishment of Tannin Enhancement Conditions for Development of High Quality Wild Grape Wine (고품질 산머루 와인 제조를 위한 Tannin 강화 조건 확립)

  • Park, Mi-Hwa;Lee, Jeong-Ok;Kim, Eun-Jung;Kim, Jong-Won;Lee, Hyo-Hyung;Kim, Hui-Hun;Lee, Sang-In;Kim, Young-Hun;Ryu, Chung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.921-926
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    • 2008
  • Wild grapes contain lots of organic acids, vitamins and inorganic salts compared to other fruits. Also, it has known to have excellent effects on preventing cancer and heart disease. Wild grapes are supposed to be superior material for fermentation of wine. Tannin contents of wine, which is an important functional factor in flavor of wine, were enhanced to develop quality of Korean wild grape wine. In this study, we investigated tannin extraction conditions and analyzed quality properties of tannin-enhanced wild grape wine. The most suitable tannin extraction condition for enhancing tannin of wild grape wine was extraction of tannin from green tea using spirits at 4oC. For producing high quality wild grape wine, added concentration and time of tannin extract were 6.5 mg/mL before wild grape wine fermentation. Tannin contents of tannin-enhanced wild grape wine was $7.4{\pm}0.05\;mg/mL$. Quality properties of tannin-enhanced wild grape wine fermented under optimized fermentation conditions were analyzed. pH, acidity and alcohol contents were $3.69{\pm}0.01$, $0.95{\pm}0.01%$ and $12.2{\pm}0.03%$, respectively. Total sugar, tannin, polyphenol and resveratrol contents of tannin-enhanced wild grape wine were $60.00{\pm}1.15\;mg/mL$, $79.50{\pm}0.55\;mg/mL$, $7.40{\pm}0.05\;mg/mL$ and $5.00{\pm}0.11\;mg/mL$, respectively showing significantly higher value than that of commercial wine. Production of high quality wild grape wine is expected with the establishment of optimum fermentation condition and tannin-enhancing process of wild grape wine.

Treatment of Mycobacterium avium Complex (MAC) Pulmonary Disease (Mycobacterium avium Complex (MAC) 폐질환의 치료성적)

  • Koh, Won-Jung;Kwon, O Jung;Kang, Eun Hae;Suh, Gee Young;Chung, Man Pyo;Kim, Hojoong;Chung, Myung Jin;Kim, Tae Sung;Lee, Kyung Soo;Lee, Nam Yong;Park, Young Kil;Bai, Gill Han
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.234-241
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    • 2004
  • Background : There has been a gradual increase in the number of newly diagnosed cases of Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) pulmonary disease. However, the optimal therapeutic regimen for the disease has not yet established and there is no report about the treatment outcome of MAC pulmonary disease in Korea. This study examined the effect of clarithromycin-based regimen in patients with pulmonary MAC disease without a HIV infection. Materials and Methods : Fifty-six patients with pulmonary MAC disease were diagnosed according to the American Thoracic Society criteria from January 2000 to December 2003 at this hospital. Of these patients, 15 were treated with clarithromycin, rifampin, and ethambutol for more than 6 months, together with streptomycin initially (first 6 months) in 8 patients. Results : Six months after the treatment, the sputum cultures converted from positive to negative in 8 patients (53%) and the radiological findings improved in 10 (67%). At 12 months 4 patients (44%) achieved sputum negative conversion and 6 patients out of 9 patients (67%) who were treated for more than 12 months showed radiological improvement. Overall, the sputum findings converted to negative in nine patients (60%) who underwent medical treatment. A pulmonary resection was successfully performed in one patient. Only one patient discontinued the treatment due to side effects such as gastrointestinal intolerance and optic neuritis. Conclusion : A combined regimen containing clarithromycin is relatively safe and tolerable even in the elderly outpatients. However, the results of this combined chemotherapy were unsatisfactory and new companion drugs for MAC pulmonary disease are needed. A resection may be considered for localized disease.

Effects of Herbal Complex on Blood Glucose in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats and in Mice Model of Metabolic Syndrome (생약복합제의 Streptozotocin 유발 당뇨 및 대사성증후군 모델 동물에서의 혈당에 미치는 효과)

  • Park, Han-Seok;Lee, Yeon-Sil;Choi, Se-Jin;Kim, Jin-Kyu;Lee, Yun-Lyul;Kim, Hyun-Gwen;Koo, Sam-Hoi;Ku, Dae-Hoy;Ki, Seung-Il;Lim, Soon-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.196-204
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to investigate the in vivo and in vitro inhibitory effect of a traditional herbal complex (HC) extract prepared from a mixture of four oriental herbs (Dioscorea Rhizoma, Glycine soja Sieb. et Zucc, Bombycis corpus, Fermented Glycine soja) that have been widely used for the treatment and prevention of diabetes mellitus on hyperglycemia. The water extract of HC showed potent inhibitory effect on $\alpha$-glucosidase with $IC_{50}$ value of 1.24 mg/mL. Additionally, the ethanol extract of HC was also found to exhibit significant inhibitory effect against protein tyrosine phosphatase $1{\beta}$ ($PTP1{\beta}$), which is known as a major regulator of both insulin and leptin signaling. In the $PTP1{\beta}$ inhibitory assay, the most active n-hexane fraction obtained from the ethanol extract of HC, was identified as a mixture of fatty acid derivatives by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). In high-fat diet-low dose streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rat, the water extract of HC improved the oral glucose intolerance as compared with rosiglitazone. HC also caused a marked decrease of body weight and fasting blood glucose and a significant improvement on glucose tolerance in metabolic syndrome mice model. These findings support that this traditional HC may be useful in the control of blood glucose in diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome.

Antitumor and Free Radical-Scavenging Activities of Various Extract Fractions of Fruits and Leaves from Prunus mume (금매와 매화 잎 추출물의 프리라디칼 억제 활성 및 항암 효과)

  • Rho, Kyu-A;Kim, Gyeong-Ji;Ji, Hyun-A;Lim, Han-Sol;Chung, Kang-Hyun;Lee, Kwon-Jai;Song, Byeong Chun;An, Jeung Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.44 no.8
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    • pp.1137-1143
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    • 2015
  • This study investigated the free radical-scavenging and antitumor activities of hot water, water, acetone, ethanol, ethyl acetate, chloroform, and hexane extracts of fruits and leaves from Prunus mume. The various extracts were evaluated for their total polyphenol, flavonoid, and tannin contents, scavenging activities by DPPH and ABTS analyses, reducing power, protective effects against oxidative stress in L-132 cells, and antitumor activities against A549, HeLa, and U87 cancer cells. Ethanol extracts of fruits and leaves showed the highest total polyphenol content (336.41 and 523 mg GAE/100 g, respectively). DPPH and ABTS radical-scavenging activities increased according to concentration of fruit. DPPH radical-scavenging activity of ethanol extracts from leaves was 65.48% at $200{\mu}g/mL$. All extract fractions of leaves showed high ABTS radical-scavenging activities. The reducing power activities increased according to increasing concentration of fruits and leaves. All extracts of leaves performed better than extracts of fruits in terms of protective effects against oxidative stress in L-132 cells. Ethyl acetate, chloroform, hexane, ethanol extracts of fruits and leaves showed anticancer activities against A549, HeLa, and U87 cancer cells. However, ethanol extracts of fruits and leaves showed no toxicity in normal cells (BNLCL2). This study suggests that antioxidant activities of fruits and leaves from P. mume depend on polyphenol contents. Thus, fruits and leaves from P. mume can be useful as natural antioxidant compounds.

The Relationship of Organizational and Job Characteristics, Empowerment, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Perceived by Hospital Administrative Staffs (병원 행정인력이 인지하는 조지.직무특성, 임파워먼트, 직무만족 및 조직몰입간의 관련성)

  • 박재산
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.65-88
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    • 2004
  • In general, empowerment is defined as the motivational concept of autonomy and self-efficacy. Recently, the concept of empowerment is applied to improve organizational staff's job satisfaction and organizational commitment in many organizations. Empower-ment in service organizations, i.e., hospitals, has certainly generated more publicity than any other organizations. The objectives of this study are, first, to measure the degree of hospital employees' empowerment using Spreitzer(1995)'s empowerment theory, second, to analyze the causal relationship of organizational and job characteristics, a degree of empowerment, and organizational performance(job satisfaction and organizational commitment), and third, to offer the strategy for the improvement of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Spreitzer insists that the empowerment is composed of 4 dimensions(meaning, competence, self-determination, and impact). And he argues that various work-related characteristics is a direct cause of empowerment and the indirect cause of job satisfaction and organizational commitment, mediated by the empowerment latent variable. In order to perform this study, data were collected by self-administered questionnaires from hospital employees working in administrative department of 3 university hospitals in Inchon and Kyunggi-Do region. The number of cases is 181(response rate; 86%). The Collected data were analyzed with SPSS Ver. 10.0 and AMOSV Ver. 4.0. First, to test validity of variables, the factor analysis was used. Second, to test reliability, Cronbach's alpha coefficients was calculated. Cronbach's alpha of empowerment variable is 0.8323 showing that there's no problem in regard to the internal consistency. Also the Cronbach's alpha of other variables are 0.8301 of the degree of perceived control, 0.6705 of job characteristics, O.8787 of compensation, 0.9254 of job satisfaction, and 0.8389 of organizational commitment, respectively. Among the questions of job characteristics, two survey questions are deleted due to lowering the reliability. Third, to test multicollinearity and correlation of variables, the correlation analysis was performed. There was no problem of multicollinearity. Finally structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis was conducted to find the causal relationship of organizational and job Characteristics, empowerment, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The 16 variables are included for the SEM analysis. The major results of this study are as follows: First, in the case of model fitness, the condition of x$^2$ statistic(92.187) is not fully satisfied, but the indices of GFI(0.912), AGFI(0.863), NFI(0.917) and CFI(0.928) are partially satisfied, which needs to upper 0.90. Second, in the result of hypotheses testing, all hypotheses are accepted and have a positive effect in 95% or 99% confidence interval(P<0.05 or P<0.001) except the effect of compensation variable on empowerment(P=0.082). Third, in regard to the direct, indirect, and total effect of variables, the direct effect of perceived control, task characteristics, and compensation on job satisfaction are 0.728, 2.264, 0.328 and on organizational commitment are 0.094, 1.411, 0.418, respectively. Also the indirect effect of perceived control, task characteristics, and compensation on job satisfaction are 0.311, 0.196, 0.028 and on organizational commitment are 0.210, 0.132, 0.019, respectively. Thus, these findings imply that various work-related factors are direct effect of empowerment and indirect effect of result variables, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Also These results showed that the workplace empowerment is significant mediating factor of employee's job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

The effect of heat shock protein 70 on inducible nitric oxide synthase during sepsis in rats (백서 패혈증 모델에서 HSP70의 과도 발현이 iNOS의 발현에 미치는 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Keun;Ahn, Yung;Leem, Dae-Ho;Baek, Jin-A;Ko, Seung-O;Shin, Hyo-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.346-352
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    • 2010
  • Introduction: Heat shock protein70 (HSP70) is a highly conserved family of proteins produced after a variety of stresses. Many studies reported that the overexpression of HSP70 can improve the prognosis of the patients with sepsis through a reduction of the nitric oxide concentration. However, these results only revealed the effect of HSP70 and nitric oxide. No studies have examined the relationship between HSP70 and nitric oxide. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the overexpression of HSP70 on the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase and the nitric oxide concentration. In addition, the mechanism of the relationship of HSP70 and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in sepsis was examined. Materials and Methods: The experiments were performed on male sprague-dawley rats. Sepsis was induced by a cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). Glutamine (GLN) or saline was administered 1 hour after the initiation of sepsis. Serum and lung tissues were acquired from the rats 12 hours or 24 hours after the initiation of sepsis. The nitric oxide concentration, the expression of HSP70 in lung, and the gene expression of iNOS in lung were analyzed. The three groups, sham operation, CLP and CLP+GLN, were compared. Results: Compared to the other groups, in CLP+GLN, GLN administered after the initiation of sepsis enhanced the expression of HSP70 in the lung at 12 hours ($47.19{\pm}10.04$ vs. $33.22{\pm}8.28$, P=0.025) and 24 hours ($47.06{\pm}10.60$ vs. $31.90{\pm}4.83$, P=0.004). In CLP+GLN, GLN attenuated the expression of iNOS messenger RNA (mRNA) in the lung at 12 hours ($5,513.73{\pm}1,051.60$ vs. $4,167.17{\pm}951.59$, P=0.025) and 24 hours ($18,740.27{\pm}8,241.20$ vs. $9,437.65{\pm}2,521.07$, P=0.016), and reduced the concentration of nitric oxide in the serum at 12 hours ($0.86{\pm}0.48$ vs. $3.82{\pm}2.53$, P=0.016) and 24 hours ($0.39{\pm}0.25$ vs. $1.85{\pm}1.70$, P=0.025). Conclusion: The overexpression of HSP70 induced by the administration of GLN in sepsis attenuates the expression of the iNOS gene but reduces the nitric oxide concentration.

Ethnography of Caring Experience for the Senile Dementia (노인성 치매 환자의 돌봄경험에 대한 문화기술지)

  • 김귀분;이경희
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.1047-1059
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    • 1998
  • Senile Dementia is one of the dispositional mental disorder which has been known to the world since Hippocratic age. It has become a wide-spread social problem all over the world because of chronic disease processes and the demands of dependent care for several years as well as improbability of treatment of it at the causal level. Essentially, life styles of the older generation differ from those of the younger generation. While the fomer is used to the patriarchal system and the spirit of filial piet and respect, the latter is pragmatized and individualized under the effects of the Western material civilization. These differences between the two generations cause conflict between family members. In particular, the pain and conflict of care-givers who take care of a totally dependent dementia patient not only is inciting to the collapse of the family union, but is expanding into a serious social problem. According to this practical difficulty, this study has tried to compare dementia care-givers' experiences inter-culturally and to help set up more proper nursing interventions, describing and explaining them through ethnographies by participant observation and in-depth interviews that enable seeing them in a more close, honest and certain way. It also tries to provide a theoetical model of nusing care for dementia patients which is proper to Korean culture. This study is composed of 12 participants (4 males, 8 females) whose ages range from 37-71 years. The relations of patients are 5 spouses(3 husbands, 2 wives), 4 daughters-in-law, 2 daughters, and 1 son-in-law. The following are the care-givers' meaning of experiences that results of the study shows. The first is "psychological conflict". It contains the minds of getting angry, reproaching, being driven to dispair, blaming oneself, giving up lives, and being afraid, hopeless, and resigned. The second is "physical, social and psychological pressure" . At this stage, care-givers are shown to be under stress of both body and soul for the lack of freedom and tiredness. They also feel constraint because they hardly cope with the care and live through others' eyes. The third is "isolation". It makes the relationship of patient care-giver to be estranged, without understanding each other. They, also, experience indifference such as being upset and left alone. The forth is "acceptance" They gradually have compassion, bear up and then adapt themselves to the circumstances they are in. The fifth is "love". Now they learn to reward the other with love. It is also shown that this stage contains the process of winning others' recognition. The final is "hope". In this stage they really want situations to go smoothly and hope everything will be O.K. These consequences enable us to summarize the principles of cue experience such as, in the early stage, negative response such as physical·psychological confusion, pain and conflict are primary. Then the stage of acceptance emerges. It is an initial positive response phase when care-givers may admit their situations. As time passes by a positive response stage emerges. At last they have love and hope. Three stages we noted above : however, there are never consistent situations. Rather it gradually comes into the stage of acceptance, repeating continuous conflict, pressure and isolation. If any interest and understanding of families or the support of surrounding society lack, it will again be converted to negative responses sooner or later. Otherwise, positive responses like hope and love can be encouraged if the family and the surroundings give active aids and understanding. After all, the principles of dementia care experiences neither stay at any stage, nor develop from negative stages to positive stages steadily. They are cycling systems in which negative responses and positive responses are constantly being converted. I would like to suggest the following based on the above conclusions : First, the systematic and planned education of dementia should be performed in order to enhance public relations. Second, a special medical treatment center which deals with dementia, under government's charge, should be managed. Third, the various studies approaching dementia care experiences result in the development of more reasonable and useful nursing guidelines.

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