• Title/Summary/Keyword: In-plane test

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Prediction of Bending Fatigue Life of Cracked Out-of-Plane Gusset Joint Repaired by CFRP Plates

  • Matsumoto, Risa;Komoto, Takafumi;Ishikawa, Toshiyuki;Hattori, Atsushi;Kawano, Hirotaka
    • International journal of steel structures
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.1284-1296
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    • 2018
  • Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP), plates bonding repair method is one of the simple repair methods for cracked steel structures. In this study, the influence of width of CFRP plates on bending fatigue life of out-of-plane gusset joint strengthened with CFRP plates was investigated from the experimental and numerical point of view. In the bending fatigue test of cracked out-of-plane gusset joint strengthened with CFRP plates, the effect of width of CFRP plates on crack growth life was clarified experimentally. Namely, it was revealed that the crack growth life becomes larger with increasing the width of CFRP plates. In the numerical approach, the stress intensity factor (SIF) at the surface point of a semi-elliptical surface crack was estimated based on the linear fracture mechanics. Furthermore, the extended fatigue life of cracked out-of-plane gusset joint strengthened with CFRP plates was evaluated by using the estimated SIF at the surface point and the empirical formula of the aspect ratio of semi-elliptical crack. As the results of numerical analysis, the estimated fatigue life of the specimen strengthened with CFRP plates showed the good agreement with the test results.

Cephalometrically assessing the validity of superior, middle and inferior tragus points on ala-tragus line while establishing the occlusal plane in edentulous patient

  • Chaturvedi, Saurabh;Thombare, Ram
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.58-66
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    • 2013
  • PURPOSE. The purpose of this study was to decide the most appropriate point on tragus to be used as a reference point at time of marking ala tragus line while establishing occlusal plane. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The data was collected in two groups of subjects: 1) Dentulous 2) Edentulous group having sample size of 30 for each group with equal gender distribution (15 males, 15 females each). Downs analysis was used for base value. Lateral cephalographs were taken for all selected subjects. Three points were marked on tragus as Superior (S), Middle (M), and Inferior (I) and were joined with ala (A) of the nose to form ala-tragus lines. The angle formed by each line (SA plane, MA plane, IA plane) with Frankfort Horizontal (FH) plane was measured by using custom made device and modified protractor in all dentulous and edentulous subjects. Also, in dentulous subjects angle between Frankfort Horizontal plane and natural occlusal plane was measured. The measurements obtained were subjected to the following statistical tests; descriptive analysis, Student's unpaired t-test and Pearson's correlation coefficient. RESULTS. The results demonstrated, the mean angle COO (cant of occlusal plane) as $9.76^{\circ}$, inferior point on tragus had given the mean angular value of IFH [Angle between IA plane (plane formed by joining inferior point-I on tragus and ala of nose- A) and FH plane) as $10.40^{\circ}$ and $10.56^{\circ}$ in dentulous and edentulous subjects respectively which was the closest value to the angle COO and was comparable with the values of angle COO value in Downs analysis. Angulations of ala-tragus line marked from inferior point with occlusal plane in dentulous subject had given the smallest value $2.46^{\circ}$ which showed that this ala-tragus line was nearly parallel to occlusal plane. CONCLUSION. The inferior point marked on tragus is the most appropriate point for marking ala-tragus line.

Evaluation of Material Properties for Yonggwang Nuclear Piping Systems(II) - Safety Injection System- (영광원자력 배관소재의 재료물성치 평가 (II) -안전주입계통-)

  • 김영진;석창성;장윤석
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1451-1459
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    • 1995
  • The objective of this paper is to evaluate the material properties of SA312 TP316 and SA312 TP304 stainless steels and their associated welds manufactured for safety injection system of Yonggwang 3,4 nuclear generating stations. A total of 62 tensile tests and 46 fracture toughness tests were conducted and the effects of various parameters such as pipe size, crack plane orientation, tests were conducted and the effects of various parameters such as pipe size, crack plane orientation, test temperature, welding on material properties were discussed. Test results show that the effect of test temperature on fracture toughness was significant while the effects of pipe size and crack plane orientation on fracture toughness were negligible. Fracture toughness of the weld metal was in general higher than that of the base metal.

A Predication of Failure in the Stamping Line by Using the Plane Strain Stretch Test (평면 변형 장출 시헙법(PSST)을 이용한 프레스라인에서의 성형 불량 예측)

  • 한수식;박기철;진조관
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 1997.03a
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    • pp.15-18
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    • 1997
  • The plane strain stretch test (PSST) developed by POSCO as an activity of customer service was applied to the establishment of the formability criteria and the prediction of failure during the stamping processes. The PSST was applied to the actual parts such as oil pan and shock mount and the criteria of PSST value for each forming parts were established. These value can provide the possibility of prediction of failure before the stamping process. These results show that the PSST can precisely predict the stamping formability of steel sheets.

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Development of Bulge Testing System for Mechanical Properties Measurement of Thin Films : Elastic Modulus of Electrolytic Copper Film (박막의 기계적 물성 측정을 위한 벌지 시험 시스템 개발: 전해 동 박의 탄성 계수)

  • Kim, Dong-Iel;Huh, Yong-Hak;Kim, Dong-Jin;Kee, Chang-Doo
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1807-1812
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    • 2007
  • A bulge testing system was developed to measure mechanical properties of thin film materials. A bulge pressure test system for pressurizing the bulge window of the film and a micro out-of-plane ESPI(Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometric) system for measuring deflection of the film were included in the testing system developed. For the out-of-plane ESPI system, whole field speckle fringe pattern, corresponding to the out-of-plane deflection of the bulged film, was 3-dimensionally visualized using 4-bucket phase shifting algorithm and least square phase unwrapping algorithm. The bulge pressure for loading and unloading was controlled at a constant rate. From the pressure-deflection curve measured by this testing system, ain-plane stress-strain curve could be determined. In this study, elastic modulus of an electrolytic copper film 18 ${\mu}m$ was determined. The modulus was calculated from determining the plain-strain biaxial elastic modulus at the respective unloading slopes of the stress-strain curve and for the Poisson's ratio of 0.34.

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A Comparison of EMG Activity for the Middle and Lower Trapezius Muscle in the Frontal and Scapular Plane According to Shoulder Abduction Angles (어깨관절의 이마면과 어깨면에서 벌림각도에 따른 중간 등세모근과 아래 등세모근의 근 활성도 비교)

  • Kim, Byung-Kon;Lee, Myoung-Hee
    • PNF and Movement
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.131-137
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare muscle activities in the frontal plane and scapular plane of the middle fiber and lower fiber of the trapezius muscle at different shoulder abduction angles. Methods: Twenty male and female students in their 20s participated in this study. Each subject maintained shoulder abduction at $75^{\circ}$, $90^{\circ}$, $125^{\circ}$, and $160^{\circ}$ in a standing position and repeated motions three times each in the frontal plane and the scapular plane. While maintaining the motions for 10 seconds in each posture, surface electromyography (EMG) was used to measure muscle activity of the middle fiber and lower fiber of the trapezius muscle. The collected EMG data were normalized using maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC). Differences in muscle activity of the middle fiber and lower fiber of the trapezius muscles according to the angles at each plane were statistically processed using repeated measured analysis of variance, and an independent t-test was used to examine the differences between the two planes at each angle. Results: Muscle activity of the middle and lower trapezius during shoulder abduction in the frontal plane and scapular plane significantly increased as the angles increased (p<.05). However, muscle activity of the middle trapezius was significantly lower in the scapular plane than in the frontal plane for all shoulder abduction angles (p<.05). Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that during shoulder abduction, angles should be different according to the goals, and for training during an acute phase or early phase for functional recovery, it is more efficient to perform the training in the scapular plane than in the frontal plane.

Determination of CTOD & CTOA Curve for Structural Steel Hot-Rolled Thin Plates (일반 구조용강 열간압연 박판에 대한 CTOD와 CTOA 곡선 결정)

  • 이계승;이억섭
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2003.06a
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    • pp.729-732
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    • 2003
  • The K-R design curve is an engineering method of linear-elastic fracture analysis under plane-stress loading conditions. By the way, linear-elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) is valid only as long as nonlinear material deformation is confined to a small region surrounding the crack tip. Like general steels, it is virtually impossible to characterize the fracture behavior with LEFM, in many materials. Critical values of J contour integral or crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) give nearly size independent measures of fracture toughness, even for relatively large amounts of crack tip plasticity. Furthermore, the crack tip opening displacement is the only parameter that can be directly measured in the fracture test. On the other. the crack tip opening angle (CTOA) test is similar to CTOD experimentally. Moreover, the test is easier to measure the fracture toughness than other method. The shape of the CTOA curve depends on material fracture behavior and, on the opening configuration of the cracked structure. CTOA parameter describes crack tip conditions in elastic-plastic materials, and it can be used as a fracture criterion effectively. In this paper, CTOA test is performed for steel JS-SS400 hot-rolled thin plates under plane-stress loading conditions. Special experimental apparatuses are used to prevent specimens from buckling and to measure crack tip opening angle for thin compact tension (CT) specimens.

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Study on In-plane Strains of Electro-Active Paper (생체 모방 종이 작동기의 면내 변형에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Woo-Chul;Kim, Jae-Hwan;Lee, Sun-Kon;Bae, Seung-Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.727-730
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    • 2005
  • Cellulose based Electro-Active Papers (EAPap) is very promising material due to its merits in terms of large bending deformation, low actuation voltage, ultra-lightweight, and biodegradability. These advantages make it possible to utilize applications, such as artificial muscles and achieving flapping wings, micro-insect robots and smart wall papers. This paper investigates the in-plane strains of EAPap under electric fields, which are useful for a contractile actuator application The preparation of EAPap samples and the in-plane strain measurement system are explained, and the test results are shown in terms of electric field, frequency and the oriental ions of the samples. The power consumption and the strain energy of EAPap samples are discussed. Although there are still unknown facts in EAPap material, this in-plane strain may be useful for artificial muscle applications.

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Structural Behavior of Cement Concrete Pavement at Transverse Joint Using Model Test

  • Ko, Young-Zoo;Kim, Kyung-Soo;Bae, Ju-Seong
    • KCI Concrete Journal
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2000
  • This paper presents behavior of concrete pavement at transverse joint subject to static test load. The test was conducted on 1/10 scale model in the laboratory. Load transfer across the crack is developed either by the interlocking action of the aggregate particles at the faces of the joint or by a combination of aggregate interlock and mechanical devices such as dowel bars. In this study, significant three variables considered to the performance of joints were selected. : (a)diameter of dowel bars(2.5mm, 3.0mm, 4.0mm), (b)presence or absence of dowel bars, (c)aggregate types(crushed stone, round stone). Experimental results were analyzed to find relationships among displacement of discontinuous plane at jointed slab, load transfer efficiency and joint opening, etc. Displacement of discontinuous plane at joint was decreased according to the increase of dowel bar diameter. In addition, it is found that model slabs made using crushed stone had better load transfer characteristics by aggregate interlock than model slabs made using similarly graded round stone. Displacement of discontinuous plane was increased according to the increase of loading. In addition, it was decreased as dowel diameter(2.5mm, 3.0mm, 4.0mm) was increased. In the case of slab without dowel bars, displacement of discontinuous plane was greatly increased and load transfer effciency of slab applied crushed stone was shown 30 percent greater than round stone. In addition, load transfer efficiency of slabs, which were made using crushed and round stone without dowel bars, was decreased to 20 percent and 30 percent, respectively as it was compared with slabs made us-ing dowel bars.

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A Study for Improvement of Cornering Fatigue Test by Eliminating a Fretting Effect on Steel Wheel to enhance Durability and Reliability (스틸 휠 굽힘 모멘트 내구시험의 내구신뢰성 개선에 대한 연구 - 스틸 휠 접촉면의 프랫팅 제거 -)

  • Chung, Soo-Sik;Jung, Won-Wook;Yoo, Yeon-Sang;Kang, Woo-Jong;Kim, Dae-Sung;Kwon, Il-Ki
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.1326-1330
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    • 2008
  • The failure mode of steel road wheels in a vehicle is cracks from ventilation hole through to contact plane on steel wheel's disc plate. But a number of cracks of Cornering Fatigue Limit Test is on contact plane near to wheel nut mounting area, even though it's satisfied with specified cycles. So this paper searches out causes to improve durability and reliability of C.F.T by uni-axial bending moment test. The verified cause is a "fretting" on contact area of steel wheel. In result, this paper suggests a solution to prevent a fretting by inserting a damping shim, 0.7mm between steel wheel contact areas. Therefore this paper makes it possible to move crack position of C.F.T in steel wheel from contact plane to vehicle's failure mode.

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