• Title/Summary/Keyword: Impact Speed

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Power Conscious Disk Scheduling for Multimedia Data Retrieval (저전력 환경에서 멀티미디어 자료 재생을 위한 디스크 스케줄링 기법)

  • Choi, Jung-Wan;Won, Yoo-Jip;Jung, Won-Min
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.242-255
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    • 2006
  • In the recent years, Popularization of mobile devices such as Smart Phones, PDAs and MP3 Players causes rapid increasing necessity of Power management technology because it is most essential factor of mobile devices. On the other hand, despite low price, hard disk has large capacity and high speed. Even it can be made small enough today, too. So it appropriates mobile devices. but it consumes too much power to embed In mobile devices. Due to these motivations, in this paper we had suggested methods of minimizing Power consumption while playing multimedia data in the disk media for real-time and we evaluated what we had suggested. Strict limitation of power consumption of mobile devices has a big impact on designing both hardware and software. One difference between real-time multimedia streaming data and legacy text based data is requirement about continuity of data supply. This fact is why disk drive must persist in active state for the entire playback duration, from power management point of view; it nay be a great burden. A legacy power management function of mobile disk drive affects quality of multimedia playback negatively because of excessive I/O requests when the disk is in standby state. Therefore, in this paper, we analyze power consumption profile of disk drive in detail, and we develop the algorithm which can play multimedia data effectively using less power. This algorithm calculates number of data block to be read and time duration of active/standby state. From this, the algorithm suggested in this paper does optimal scheduling that is ensuring continual playback of data blocks stored in mobile disk drive. And we implement our algorithms in publicly available MPEG player software. This MPEG player software saves up to 60% of power consumption as compared with full-time active stated disk drive, and 38% of power consumption by comparison with disk drive controlled by native power management method.

A Study on Food Service Franchise Location Factors and Quality of Service Factors, The Impact on Customer Satisfaction (외식 프랜차이즈 입지요건과 서비스 품질 요인이 고객만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jo In Seog;Cho, Kyu Youn;An, Sang
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.77-90
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    • 2016
  • This study is to examine the importance of site selection and service quality in franchise business as food service franchise became one of the fastest-growing service industries today. The chief finding of this study is as follows: First, a survey in locational and service quality factors affecting food service franchise shows that responders are more concerned with hygiene and visibility of the store than proximity and transportation advantages which reflects low statistical significance, thus the distance did not seem to be a big problem for the responders in the context that they mostly visit nearby food franchise. Second, the examination of the influence by the service quality factors and customer satisfaction shows significant positive relation with customer response, speed and accuracy, and accuracy factors which reveals that the responders prefer prompt response and swift judgment toward the customer's needs and expectations, professional knowledge services to the credibility factors in which little correlation with the customer satisfaction were found. Third, the examination of the influence by the service quality factors, locational factors, and re-visit reveals that customer response and specialty showed statistically significant correlation with intention of WOM (Word of Mouth) and revisit, which suggests that swift judgment and response toward the customer's needs and expectations, professional knowledge services is of great importance to both customer satisfaction and revisit. The study on the aspects of locational and service quality factors affecting franchise industry's customer satisfaction was conducted as above, an investigation in both factors' influence on the customer satisfaction was made, and based on the results of the analysis, this research seeks an optimal operation strategy of a franchise business. Food service franchise are relatively very competent to business adminstration and reaction capability to consumption changes due to the already established market, and there are stores springing up everywhere inspired by the founders who are too confident of their success in the franchise business. However, it is necessary for the franchise beginners to figure out a zone oriented, regular customer oriented business strategy than just complying with the head office manual. Owing to an increasing trend of opening medium to large sized stores and investments in the wake of converting to multiple business type Korean food franchise, there is growing need to set up new concept of store development and operational management strategy in order to overcome the excessive competition and limited sales volume of the old-fashioned small sized, small capital franchise stores. Furthermore, as most business category of food service franchise serve very similar menus, from a product differentiation point of view, it is required to map out flexible sales concept including the adoption of competitive and low-price strategy. In conclusion, as is shown in the analytical research, the customers' optimal choice fluctuate over their preferences like customer convenience and circumstances rather than insisting on specific brand, thus it will be necessary for the franchise stores to draw up aggressive strategy and planning in running food service franchise to maximize their profits.

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A Geographically Weighted Regression on the Effect of Regulation of Space Use on the Residential Land Price - Evidence from Jangyu New Town - (공간사용 규제가 택지가격에 미치는 영향에 대한 공간가중회귀분석 - 장유 신도시지역을 대상으로-)

  • Kang, Sun-Duk;Park, Sae-Woon;Jeong, Tae-Yun
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we examine how land use zoning affects the land price controlling other variables such as road-facing condition of the land, land form, land age after its development and land size. We employ geographically weighted regression analysis which reflects spatial dependency as methodology with a data sample of land transaction price data of Jangyu, a new town, in Korea. The results of our empirical analysis show that the respective coefficients of traditional regression and geographically weighted regression are not significantly different. However, after calculating Moran's Index with residuals of both OLS and GWR models, we find that Moran's Index of GWR decreases around 26% compared to that of OLS model, thus improving the problem of spatial autoregression of residuals considerably. Unlike our expectation, though, in both traditional regression and geographically weighted regression where residential exclusive area is used as a reference variable, the dummy variable of the residential land for both housing and shops shows a negative sign. This may be because the residential land for both housing and shops is usually located in the level area while the residential exclusive area is located at the foot of a mountain or on a gentle hill where the residents can have good quality air and scenery. Although the utility of the residential land for both housing and shops is higher than its counterpart's since it has higher floor area ratio, amenity which can be explained as high quality of air and scenery in this study seems to have higher impact in purchase of land for housing. On the other hand, land for neighbourhood living facility seems to be valued higher than any other land zonings used in this research since it has much higher floor area ratio than the two land zonings above and can have a building with up to 5 stories constructed on it. With regard to road-facing condition, land buyers seem to prefer land which faces a medium-width road as expected. Land facing a wide-width road may have some disadvantage in that it can be exposed to noise and exhaust gas from cars and that entrance may not be easy due to the high speed traffic of the road. In contrast, land facing a narrow road can be free of noise or fume from cars and have privacy protected while it has some inconvenience in that entrance may be blocked by cars parked in both sides of the narrow road. Finally, land age variable shows a negative sign, which means that the price of land declines over time. This may be because decline of the land price of Jangyu was bigger than that of other regions in Gimhae where Jangyu, a new town, also belong, during the global financial crisis of 2008.

Impact of the Planning CT Scan Time on the Reflection of the Lung Tumor Motion (전산화단층촬영 주사시간(Scan Time)이 폐종양운동의 재현성에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kim Su Ssan;Ha Sung Whan;Choi Eun Kyung;Yi Byong Yong
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2004
  • Purpose : To evaluate the reflection of tumor motion according to the planning CT scan time. Material and Methods : A model of N-shape, which moved aiong the longitudinal axis during the ventilation caused by a mechanical ventilator, was produced. The model was scanned by planning CT, while setting the relative CT scan time (T: CT scan time/ventilatory period) to 0.33, 0.50, 0.67, 0.75, 1.00, 1.337, and 1.537. In addition, three patients with non-small cell lung cancer who received stereotactic radiosurgery In the Department of Radiation Oncology, Asan Medical Center from 03/19/2002 to 05/21/2002 were scanned. Slow (10 Premier, Picker, scan time 2.0 seconds per slice) and fast CT scans (Lightspeed, GE Medical Systems, with a scan time of 0.8 second per slice) were peformed for each patient. The magnitude of reflected movement of the N-shaped model was evaluated by measuring the transverse length, which reflected the movement of the declined bar of the model at each slice. For patients' scans, all CT data sets were registered using a stereotactic body frame scale with the gross tumor volumes delineated in one CT image set. The volume and three-dimensional diameter of the gross tumor volume were measured and analyzed between the slow and fast CT scans. Results : The reflection degree of longitudinal movement of the model increased in proportion to the relative CT scan times below 1.00 7, but remained constant above 1.00 T Assuming the mean value of scanned transverse lengths with CT scan time 1.00 T to be 100%, CT scans with scan times of 0.33, 0.50, 0.57, and 0.75 T missed the tumor motion by 30, 27, 20, and 7.0% respectively, Slow (scan time 2.0 sec) and Fast (scan time 0.8 sec) CT scans of three patients with longitudinal movement of 3, 5, and 10 mm measured by fluoroscopy revealed the increases in the diameter along the longitudinal axis Increased by 6.3, 17, and 23% in the slow CT scans. Conculsion : As the relative CT scan time increased, the reflection of the respiratory tumor movement on planning CT also Increased, but remained constant with relative CT scan times above 1.00 T When setting the planning CT scan time above one respiration period (>1.00 T), only the set-up margin is needed to delineate the planning target volume. Therefore, therapeutic ratio can be increased by reducing the radiation dose delivered to normal lung tissue.

Mucilage Separation of Korean Yam Using Microparticulation/Air Classification Process (초미세분쇄/공기분급을 이용한 마의 점질물 분리)

  • Lee, Boo-Yong;Park, Dong-June;Ku, Kyung-Hyung;Kim, Hyun-Ku;Mok, Chul-Kyoon
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.596-602
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    • 1994
  • To separate and concentrate mucilage from yam(Dioscorea batatas DECNE), yam was dried, microparticulated using impact mill and air-classified at different air classifying wheel speed(ACWS) in classifier. As ACWS increased from 5,000 rpm to 22,500 rpm, the contents of dietary fiber, protein and lipid of air classified microparticles(ACM) increased remarkably. Especially the ACM with ACWS over 15,000 rpm showed 36.41% dietary fiber and 16.66% protein. The dietary fiber and protein components were concentrated to 2.59.0 times as compared with whole yam powder. Concomitantly the non-fibrous carbohydrate decreased from 88.31% to 16.84. The damaged starch(%), WSI and WAI of ACM of ACWS over 15,000 rpm were 1.53.0 times higher than those of ACM under ACWS 15,000 rpm. The apparent viscosity of ACM was 0.0800 Pa s over ACWS 15,000 rpm and 0.0080 Pa s under ACWS 15,000 rpm. Judging from viscosity of ACM, the mucilage component of yam was concentrated to 10 times. In conclusion, the optimum process to separate and concentrate the mucilage from yam consisted of the microparticulation to 530μm and the air-classification at ACWS over 15,000 rpm.

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Impact of Application Rate of Non-ionic Surfactant Mixture on Initial Wetting and Water Movement in Root Media and Growth of Hot Pepper Plug Seedlings (비이온계 계면활성제 혼합물의 처리농도가 상토의 수분 보유 및 고추 플러그묘의 생장에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Jong-Myung;Moon, Byung-Woo
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 2011
  • In developing soil wetting agent using polyoxyethylene nonylphenyl ether (PNE) and polyoxyethylene castor oil (1:1; v/v), the effect of application rates on changes in concentration of PNE, initial wetting of peatmoss + perlite (7:3) medium, and growth of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L. 'Knockwang') plug seedlings were investigated. The elevation of application rates of wetting agent increased the amount of water retained by the root media. The treatment of 2.5 mLL1 showed similar water retention to + control (AquaGroL 3.0 mLL1). Most of the liquid wetting agent (LWA) incorporated during the medium formulation leached out in the first and second irrigation, then it decreased gradually until 10 times in irrigation. In investigation of the influence of LWA on position of water infiltrating into root media, the vertical water movements in treatments of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 mLL1 were much faster than those in 0.0 mLL1 (-control), but relative speed of water movement decreased by the elevation in application rate of LWA to 2.0 or 2.5 mLL1. The evaporative water loss of root media that to contained various rate of LWA and irrigated to reach container capacity was the fastest in -control among the treatments and it delayed as the application rate of LWA was elevated. The plant height of 22.2 cm in 0.5 mLL1 and stem diameter of 3.26 mm in 1.0 mLL1 were the highest among the treatments tested. The treatment of 1.0 mLL1 also had the heaviest fresh and dry weights such among treatments tested as 3.08 g and 0.861 g per plant, respectively. The elevated application rate over than 1.5 mLL1 resulted in decreased seedling growth. The results mentioned above indicate that optimum application rate of LWA is 1.0 mLL1.

Detection of flash drought using evaporative stress index in South Korea (증발스트레스지수를 활용한 국내 돌발가뭄 감지)

  • Lee, Hee-Jin;Nam, Won-Ho;Yoon, Dong-Hyun;Mark, D. Svoboda;Brian, D. Wardlow
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.54 no.8
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    • pp.577-587
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    • 2021
  • Drought is generally considered to be a natural disaster caused by accumulated water shortages over a long period of time, taking months or years and slowly occurring. However, climate change has led to rapid changes in weather and environmental factors that directly affect agriculture, and extreme weather conditions have led to an increase in the frequency of rapidly developing droughts within weeks to months. This phenomenon is defined as 'Flash Drought', which is caused by an increase in surface temperature over a relatively short period of time and abnormally low and rapidly decreasing soil moisture. The detection and analysis of flash drought is essential because it has a significant impact on agriculture and natural ecosystems, and its impacts are associated with agricultural drought impacts. In South Korea, there is no clear definition of flash drought, so the purpose of this study is to identify and analyze its characteristics. In this study, flash drought detection condition was presented based on the satellite-derived drought index Evaporative Stress Index (ESI) from 2014 to 2018. ESI is used as an early warning indicator for rapidly-occurring flash drought a short period of time due to its similar relationship with reduced soil moisture content, lack of precipitation, increased evaporative demand due to low humidity, high temperature, and strong winds. The flash droughts were analyzed using hydrometeorological characteristics by comparing Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), soil moisture, maximum temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and precipitation. The correlation was analyzed based on the 8 weeks prior to the occurrence of the flash drought, and in most cases, a high correlation of 0.8(-0.8) or higher(lower) was expressed for ESI and SPI, soil moisture, and maximum temperature.

The roles of Subcontractors' Entrepreneurship on the Relationship Commitment towards the Parent Companies (수급사업자의 기업가정신이 관계몰입을 유도하는 경로)

  • Nak Hwan Choi;Cheol Seob Byeon;Yong Gyun Lee
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.51-84
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    • 2011
  • It seems essential to examine the factors that may affect relationship commitment of subcontractors to parent companies in the industrial market in Korea in an effort to construct a win-win-type cooperative network among them. Lots of studies have been focusing on the consumer goods market. Relatively few studies have been focused on industrial market. In the industrial goods market subcontractors used to sell their parts or services only to a small number of parent companies in a large quantity, resulting in decisive control of subcontractors over the quality of parent companies' finished goods. This is why relationship between subcontractors and parent companies is extremely important. From this viewpoint, this study aims to survey and analyze empirically the paths leading to relationship commitment of subcontractors toward the parent companies which are required to incite them to build up a collaborative network by means of subcontractors' entrepreneurship. For this aim, market orientation effects of entrepreneurship as well as factors of performance and trust are particularly set forth as the bases of developing hypotheses in this study in order to explore the paths from entrepreneurship to relationship commitment as follows. First, the path of entrepreneurship-market orientation-communication-trust- relationship commitment; second, the path of entrepreneurship-market orientation-performance-relationship commitment; third, the path of entrepreneurship-market orientation-transaction specific asset investment -trust-relationship commitment; and fourth, the path in which the entrepreneurship is expected to promote direct transaction specific asset investment by parent companies to induce their trust and, eventually, relationship commitment of subcontractors. The outcomes of the empirical analysis in this study may be summed up as follows: First, the conclusions of preceding studies are also supported here by the fact that the entrepreneurship of subcontractors promotes their market orientation (hypothesis 9), indicating that the entrepreneurship can facilitate collection, proliferation of and response to market informations. On the contrary, however, the assumption that the entrepreneurship of subcontractors might directly accelerate transaction specific asset investment by parent companies (hypothesis 8) is rejected. Second, although the influence of subcontractors' entrepreneurship on parent companies' investment of assets peculiar to their transactions is not affirmed, the assumption is found to be supported that subcontractors' market orientation would expedite the parent companies' investment of assets peculiar to their transactions. Moreover, it is also confirmed that parent companies' investment of assets peculiar to transactions would promote subcontractors' trust toward the parent companies (hypothesis 6), signifying that parent companies may level up their trust in subcontractors when they make great amount of efforts to invest in the assets peculiar to transactions, not behaving opportunistically, Third, the hypotheses 4 and 5 also turn out to be supported by the analysis as the former assumes that market orientation could promote communication and the latter relates that the communication between subcontractors and parent companies would prompt trust, both results in affirming that market orientation could introduce open communication to speed up sharing of information and that sharing of information by way of communication might give an impetus to trust. Fourth, the assumption that subcontractors' market orientation would expedite performance (hypothesis 3) is also proved favorably to the significant level equivalent to that of preceding studies. Fifth, same as preceding studies, it is also verified in this study that the benefit (outcomes) awarded by parent companies to subcontractors will be a direct cause exercising a positive impact upon relationship commitment(hypothesis 2) and that the trust of subcontractors toward parent companies may have affirmative influence on the relationship commitment(hypothesis 1). Overall, the first, second and third paths are identified as being supported by the hypotheses among constituent factors, while the fourth path is deemed meaningless since it is shown that the entrepreneurship exercises no effects on parent companies' investment in the assets peculiar to transactions.

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Comprehensive Review on the Implications of Extreme Weather Characteristics to Stormwater Nature-based Solutions (자연기반해법을 적용한 그린인프라 시설의 극한기후 영향 사례분석)

  • Miguel Enrico L. Robles;Franz Kevin F. Geronimo;Chiny C. Vispo;Haque Md Tashdedul;Minsu Jeon;Lee-Hyung Kim
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.353-365
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    • 2023
  • The effects of climate change on green infrastructure and environmental media remain uncertain and context-specific despite numerous climate projections globally. In this study, the extreme weather conditions in seven major cities in South Korea were characterized through statistical analysis of 20-year daily meteorological data extracted fro m the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). Additionally, the impacts of extreme weather on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) were determined through a comprehensive review. The results of the statistical analysis and comprehensive review revealed the studied cities are potentially vulnerable to varying extreme weather conditions, depending on geographic location, surface imperviousness, and local weather patterns. Temperature extremes were seen as potential threats to the resilience of NbS in Seoul, as both the highest maximum and lowest minimum temperatures were observed in the mentioned city. Moreover, extreme values for precipitation and maximum wind speed were observed in cities from the southern part of South Korea, particularly Busan, Ulsan, and Jeju. It was also found that extremely low temperatures induce the most impact on the resilience of NbS and environmental media. Extremely cold conditions were identified to reduce the pollutant removal efficiency of biochar, sand, gravel, and woodchip, as well as the nutrient uptake capabilities of constructed wetlands (CWs). In response to the negative impacts of extreme weather on the effectiveness of NbS, several adaptation strategies, such as the addition of shading and insulation systems, were also identified in this study. The results of this study are seen as beneficial to improving the resilience of NbS in South Korea and other locations with similar climate characteristics.

The Effect of the Quality of Education Service on the Performance of Education Service through Relationship Commitment in Franchise Beauty Academy: Moderating Effect of Trust Level (프랜차이즈 뷰티 아카데미의 교육서비스 품질이 관계 몰입을 통한 교육 서비스 성과에 미치는 영향 연구: 신뢰 수준의 조절효과)

  • Kim, Chang-Bong;Kim, Hee-Su
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.193-211
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    • 2021
  • Recently, interest in Korean Wave craze and K-beauty, led by K-pop, is increasing. In addition, the popularity and influence of the domestic beauty service industry has increased, and the economic and cultural ripple effects have been continuously expanding. The need to professional manpower training in response to the demand for manpower due to the growing development of domestic beauty services is emphasized, and the number of trainees who are actual consumers of beauty academy is increasing. Therefore, the purpose of our study is to examine the importance of quality factors of educational services to achieve educational purposes in the educational services provided by the Beauty Academy and the relationship between relationship commitment and educational service performance. Furthermore, it is to draw the importance of administrative support services, educational programs as well as educational service provision activities. However, the research for professional manpower training according to the provision of beauty services is insufficient compared to the development speed of the beauty industry. Therefore, at the present time when beauty service education is emphasized, our study will examine the relationship between relationship commitment and educational service performance based on the quality of education service by the students of domestic beauty academy. The measurement variables set for our study are program, instructor quality, tuition, external service, service fairness, relationship commitment, trust level, and educational service performance. The variables were analyzed and derived through the survey, and the following contents were derived from the empirical analysis. First, the quality of education service provided by the beauty academy, such as program, external service, service fairness, relationship commitment and trust level, had a significant effect on relationship commitment. Educational services provided by the institute, such as the systematicity and diversity of educational programs, enabled students to have a uniform relationship commitment. The quality of education service itself is to learn the expertise necessary for providing beauty service from the standpoint of the students and play an organic role in the relationship with the institute. Second, the moderating effect of trust level between academies and students was significant in the quality of education service and the relationship commitment. This means that students will feel higher level of service quality through the practical trust relationship of the students about the educational services provided by the institute. Based on the results of the empirical analysis, the implications of our study are to find ways to improve the students' ability and satisfaction represented by the results of educational services. This is because the quality of education services provided by the institute called Beauty Academy will have a great impact on the career choice of educational facilities and students. The characteristics of consistency, convenience, and knowledge orientation of education itself should be considered comprehensively, and a strong market position should be established through image formation through external service factors, which are external environments of academies.Furthermore, in terms of presenting differentiated strategies with competitors, the educational service quality factors play a significant role in the commitment to the relationship with the students, so the role of relationship marketing will be important for the psychological stability experienced by the students by grasping the demand accompanying the behavior of the students in advance.