• Title/Summary/Keyword: Image pixel

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Supermultiview and Electro-Holographic 3-D Imaging Display (전자 홀로그래피 및 초 다시점 3차원 영상 디스플레이)

  • Son, Jung-Young;Lee, Hyung;Sung, Chang-Kyung;Kim, Jung
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.237-244
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    • 2013
  • Supermultiview and electro-holographic displays are promising displays for the future because they provide continuous parallaxes as their depth cue. But they are still in the early development stage due to the lack of supporting technologies. Achieving the continuous parallax in the supermultiview relies more on the number and size of pixels in the pixel cell/elemental image rather than the number of different view images. For the electro-holographic display, it also relies on the number and size of pixels in the panel. So these two methods share the same requirements for achieving the parallax. But the image displayed on the holographic display provides more impressive visual appeal than that on the supermultiview because the image can be floated on the front space of the display.

In-orbit Stray Light Analysis for Step and Stare observation at Geostationary Orbit

  • Oh, Eunsong;Hong, Jinsuk;Ahn, Ki-Beom;Cho, Seongick;Ryu, Joo-Hyung;Kim, Sug-Whan
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.218.2-218.2
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    • 2012
  • In the remote sensing researches, the reflected bright source such as snow, cloud have effects on the image quality of wanted signal. Even though those signal from bright source are adjusted in corresponding pixel level with atmospheric correction algorithm or radiometric correction, those can be problem to the nearby signal as one of the stray light source. Especially, in the step and stare observational method which makes one mosaic image with several snap shots, one of target area can affect next to the other snap shot each other. Presented in this paper focused on the stray light analysis from unwanted reflected bright source for geostationary ocean color sensor. The stray light effect for total 16 slot images each other were performed according to 8 band filters. For the realistic simulation, we constructed system modeling with integrated ray tracing technique which realizes the same space time in the remote sensing observation among the Sun, the Earth, and the satellite. Computed stray light effect in the results of paper demonstrates the distinguishable radiance value at the specific time and space.

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Denoising ISTA-Net: learning based compressive sensing with reinforced non-linearity for side scan sonar image denoising (Denoising ISTA-Net: 측면주사 소나 영상 잡음제거를 위한 강화된 비선형성 학습 기반 압축 센싱)

  • Lee, Bokyeung;Ku, Bonwha;Kim, Wan-Jin;Kim, Seongil;Ko, Hanseok
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.246-254
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose a learning based compressive sensing algorithm for the purpose of side scan sonar image denoising. The proposed method is based on Iterative Shrinkage and Thresholding Algorithm (ISTA) framework and incorporates a powerful strategy that reinforces the non-linearity of deep learning network for improved performance. The proposed method consists of three essential modules. The first module consists of a non-linear transform for input and initialization while the second module contains the ISTA block that maps the input features to sparse space and performs inverse transform. The third module is to transform from non-linear feature space to pixel space. Superiority in noise removal and memory efficiency of the proposed method is verified through various experiments.

Feature-Based Disparity Estimation for Intermediate View Reconstruction of Multiview Images (3차원 영상의 중간시점 영상 합성을 위한 특징 기반 변이 추정)

  • 김한성;김성식;손정영;손광훈
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.26 no.11A
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    • pp.1872-1879
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    • 2001
  • As multiview video applications become more popular, correspondence problem for stereo image matching plays an important role in expanding view points. Thus, we propose an efficient dense disparity estimation algorithm considering features of each image pair of multiview image sets. Main concepts of the proposed algorithm are based on the region-dividing-bidirectional-pixel-matching method. This algorithm makes matching process efficient and keeps the reliability of the estimated disparities. Other improvement have obtained by proposed cost function, matching window expanding technique, disparity regularization, and disparity assignment in ambiguous region. These techniques make disparities more stable by removing false disparities and ambiguous regions. The estimated disparities are used to synthesize intermediate views of multiview images. Computer simulation demonstrates the excellence of the proposed algorithm in both subjective and objective evaluations. In addition, processing time is reduced as well.

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The Real-Time Height Measurement through a Geometry Information and 0bject Extraction (기하학 정보와 객체 추출을 통한 실시간 높이 측정)

  • Kim Jong Su;Kim Tae Yong;Choi Jong Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.12C
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    • pp.1652-1659
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we propose the algorithm that automatically measures the height of the object to move on the base plane by using the geometric information. To extract a moving object from real-time images creates the background image and each pixel is modeled by the three values. The extracted region is represented by cardboard model and calculates the coordinate center in the each part. The top and bottom point of an object are extracted by the calculated coordinate center and an iterative computation. The two points, top and bottom, are used for measuring the height. Given the vanishing line of the ground plane, the vertical vanishing point, and at least one reference height in the scene; then the height of any point from the ground may be computed by specifying the image of the point and the image of the vertical intersection with the ground plane at that point. Through a confidence valuation of the height to be measured, we confirmed similar actual height and result in the simulation experiment.

Small Target Detection Using Cross Product Based on Temporal Profile in Infrared Image Sequences (적외선 영상 시퀀스에서 시간적 프로파일 기반의 외적을 사용한 소형 표적 검출)

  • Kim, Byoung-Ik;Bea, Tea-Wuk;Kim, Young-Choon;Ahn, Sang-Ho;Kim, Duk-Gyoo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.35 no.1C
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    • pp.8-16
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents a new small target detection method using the cross product of the temporal pixels based on the temporal profile in infrared (IR) image sequences. The temporal characteristics of small targets and the various backgrounds are different. A new algorithm classifies target pixels and the background pixels through the hypothesis testing using the cross product of pixels on the temporal profile and predicts the temporal backgrounds based on the results. The small targets are detected by subtracting the predicted temporal background profile from the original temporal profile. For the performance comparison between the proposed algorithm and the conventional algorithms, the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves is computed in experiment. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has better discrimination and a lower false alarm rate than the conventional methods.

Construction of the image database of Earth's lava caves useful in identifying the lunar caves

  • Hong, Ik-Seon;Jeong, Jongil;Sohn, Jongdae;Oh, Suyeon;Yi, Yu
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.138.2-138.2
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    • 2012
  • Cave on the Moon is considered as the most appropriate place for human to live during the frontier lunar exploration. While the lava flows, the outer crust gets cooled and solidified. Then, the empty space is remained inside after lava flow stops. Such empty space is called the lava caves. Those lava tubes on the Earth are formed mostly by volcanic activity. However, the lava tubes on satellite like Moon and planet like Mars without volcanic activity are mostly formed by the lava flow inside of the crater made by large meteorite impact. Some part of lava tube with collapsed ceiling appears as the entrance of the cave. Such area looks like a deep crater so called a pit crater. Four large pit craters with diameter of > 60 m and depth of > 40 m are found without difficulty from Kaguya and LRO mission image archives. However, those are too deep to use as easily accessible human frontier base. Therefore, now we are going to identify some smaller lunar caves with accessible entrances using LRO camera images of 0.5 m/pixel resolution. Earth's lava caves and their entrances are well photographed by surface and aerial camera in immense volume. Thus, if the image data are sorted and archived well, those images can be used in comparison with the less distinct lunar cave and entrance images due to its smaller size. Then, we can identify the regions on the Moon where there exist caves with accessible entrances. The database will be also useful in modeling geomorphology for lunar and Martian caves for future artificial intelligence investigation of the caves in any size.

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A Study on the Individual Recognition with Skull Image Composition (두개골 영상합성에 의한 개인감정시스템 연구-II)

  • 송현교;이양원;강민구
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, a new superimposition scheme using a computer vision system was proposed with 7 pairs of skull and ante-mortem photographs, which were already identified through other tests and DNA fingerprints at the Korea National Institute of Scientific Investigation. At this computer vision system, an unidentified skull was caught by video-camcoder with the MPEG and a ante-mortem photograph was scanned by scanner. These two images were processed and superimposed using pixel processing. Recognition of the individual identification by anatomical references was performed on the two superimposed images. This image processing techniques for the superimposition of skull and ante-morterm photographs simplify used the previous approach taking skull photographs and developing it to the same size as the ante-mortem Photographs. This system using various image Processing techniques on computer screen, a more precise and time-saving superimposition technique could be able to be applied in the area of computer individual identification.

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A Image Post-processing Method using Modified MSDS (수정된 MSDS를 이용한 영상의 후처리 기법)

  • 김은석;채병조;오승준
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.24 no.8B
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    • pp.1480-1489
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, we propose a new post-processing method which can solve a problem of MSDS(Mean Squared Difference of Slope) method. Using that method the blocking artifacts can significantly be reduced without any restriction, which is a major drawback of block-based DCT compression method. In this approach, the OSLD(Overlapped Sub-Laplacian Distribution) of dequantized block boundary pixel difference values is defined and used to categorize each block of an image into one of four types. Those types are also classified into one of two classes: an edge and a non-edge classes. A slope across the block boundary is used to quantify discontinuity of the image. If an absolute estimated quantization error value of a DCT coefficient is greater than the corresponding quantization step size, it is saturated to the step size in the edge class. The proposed post-processing method can improve not only the PSNR value up to 0.1~O.3 dB but visual quality without any constraints determined by ad-hoc manner.

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A Correction of Color Temperature and Consistency for 3D Stereoscopic Images (3D 입체영상을 위한 색온도와 색 일치 보정)

  • Kim, Jeong-Yeop;Kim, Sang-Hyun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.18B no.3
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    • pp.139-146
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    • 2011
  • The color correction is the important process of influencing on the picture quality of the 3D stereoscopic images. Existing colorcorrecting methods handle the processing intensifying a correspondence among a left and right image using a histogram based on any one side. In case of color correction based on a histogram, it is difficult to correct tone of image, because the color temperature is not converted enough. And in this paper, the color temperature correction and color consistency correction is proposed without using histogram. The proposed color correction method by color temperature gives 3 in CIE-${\Delta}E$ for each pixel on the images captured with same illuminants and the conventional gives similar results. For color consistency, the proposed gives 9 in CIE-${\Delta}E$ on the images captured with different illuminants while the conventional gives 18. The proposed method shows better results than the conventional in color consistency processing.