• Title/Summary/Keyword: Image hiding

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  • Funahashi, Keita;Inazumi, Yasuhiro;Horita, Yuukou
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.01a
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    • pp.678-683
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    • 2009
  • A lot of researches [1] have been conducted on digital watermark embedding in brightness. A prerequisite for the digital watermark is that the image quality does not change even if the volume of the embedded information increases. Generally, the noise on complex images is perceived than the noise on fiat images. Thus, we present a method for watermarking an image by embedding complex areas by priority. The proposed method has achieved higher image quality of digital watermarking compared to other method that do not take into consideration the complexity of blocks, although the PSNR of the proposed method is lower than for a method not based on block complexity.

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High Capacity Steganographic Method (고용량 스테가노그래픽 방법 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Jong;Jung, Ki-Hyun;Yoo, Kee-Young
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.155-161
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes a high capacity data hiding method using modulus function of pixel-value differencing (PVD) and least significant bit (LSB) replacement method. Many novel data hiding methods based on LSB and PVD methods were presented to enlarge hiding capacity and provide an imperceptible quality. A small difference value for two consecutive pixels is belonged to a smooth area and a large difference one is located on an edge area. In our proposed method, the secret data are hidden on the smooth area by the LSB substitution method and PVD method on the edge area. From the experimental results, the proposed method sustains a higher capacity and still a good quality compared with other LSB and modified PVD methods.

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Error Resilient Scheme in Video Data Transmission using Information Hiding (정보은닉을 이용한 동영상 데이터의 전송 오류 보정)

  • Bae, Chang-Seok;Choe, Yoon-Sik
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.10B no.2
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2003
  • This paper describes an error resilient video data transmission method using information hiding. In order to localize transmission errors in receiver, video encoder embeds one bit for a macro block during encoding process. Embedded information is detected during decoding process in the receiver, and the transmission errors can be localized by comparing the original embedding data. The localized transmission errors can be easily corrected, thus the degradation in a reconstructed image can be alleviated. Futhermore, the embedded information can be applied to protect intellectual property rights of the video data. Experimental results for 3 QCIF sized video sequenced composed of 150 frames respectively show that, while degradation in video streams in which the information is embedded is negligible, especially in a noisy channel, the average PSNR of reconstructed images can be improved about 5 dB by using embedded information. Also, intellectual property rights information can be effectively obtained from reconstructed images.

Selective Shuffling for Hiding Hangul Messages in Steganography (스테가노그래피에서 한글 메시지 은닉을 위한 선택적 셔플링)

  • Ji, Seon-su
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.211-216
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    • 2022
  • Steganography technology protects the existence of hidden information by embedding a secret message in a specific location on the cover medium. Security and resistance are strengthened by applying various hybrid methods based on encryption and steganography. In particular, techniques to increase chaos and randomness are needed to improve security. In fact, the case where the shuffling method is applied based on the discrete cosine transform(DCT) and the least significant bit(LSB) is an area that needs to be studied. I propose a new approach to hide the bit information of Hangul messages by integrating the selective shuffling method that can add the complexity of message hiding and applying the spatial domain technique to steganography. Inverse shuffling is applied when extracting messages. In this paper, the Hangul message to be inserted is decomposed into the choseong, jungseong and jongseong. It improves security and chaos by applying a selective shuffling process based on the corresponding information. The correlation coefficient and PSNR were used to confirm the performance of the proposed method. It was confirmed that the PSNR value of the proposed method was appropriate when compared with the reference value.

Invisible Data Hiding for Few-Color Image (다치 컬러 영상을 위한 비가시적 데이터 은닉)

  • 박영란;박지환
    • Proceedings of the Korea Multimedia Society Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.69-72
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    • 2003
  • 스테가노그라피는 송/수신자간에 비밀 통신을 할 때 제3자가 기밀 정보를 인식하지 못하도록 디지털화된 각종 미디어에 몰래 숨겨서 통신을 한 수 있는 데이터 은닉의 한 분야이다. 특히 흑/백으로만 구성된 이진 영상 및 색상의 표현이 제한된 다치 영상 등에서 비시각적으로 기밀정보를 숨긴다는 것이 일반 컬러 영상에 비해 많은 어려움을 수반한다. 본 제안방식은 시각적인 영향을 작게 주는 패턴에만 기밀 데이터를 삽입하는 방식으로 기밀 데이터를 은닉시킨 후에도 화질의 열화가 거의 발생하지 않아 시각적으로 인지하기 어렵도록 개선한 방식이다.

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The Hiding Scheme of Mass Security Messages Using the Difference Value of Image (영상의 차분 값을 이용한 대량의 비밀 메시지 은닉 기법)

  • 박영란;박지환
    • Proceedings of the Korea Multimedia Society Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.171-174
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    • 2004
  • 커버 영상에 비밀 메시지를 은닉하기 위한 효과적인 스테가노그라피 기법을 제안한다. 커버 영상을 겹치지 않게 연속된 3개의 픽셀 단위로 블록을 나누어, 가운데 픽셀을 중심으로 좌·우 픽셀과의 차분을 각각 계산하여 비밀 메시지를 은닉한다 본 논문에서는 영상의 질을 높이면서 대량의 비밀 메시지를 숨길 수 있는 방식을 제안한다. 또한, 비밀 메시지를 은닉시킬 때, 커버 영상의 특성을 고려하여 영상에 적응적으로 데이터를 삽입하였다.

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Authentication Technologies of X-ray Inspection Image for Container Terminal Automation

  • Kim, Jong-Nam;Hwang, Jin-Ho;Ryu, Tae-Kyung;Moon, Kwang-Seok;Jung, Gwang-S.
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.1684-1688
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, authentication technologies for X-ray inspection images in container merchandises are introduced and a method of authentication for X-ray inspection images is proposed. Until now, X-ray images of container merchandises have been managed without any authentication of inspection results and environments, it means that there was no any action for protection of illegal copy and counterfeiting of X-ray images from inspection results. Here, authentication identifies that who did inspect container X-ray images and, whether the container X-ray images were counterfeited or not. Our proposed algorithm indicates to put important information about X-ray inspection results on an X-ray image without affecting quality of the original image. Therefore, this paper will be useful in determining an appropriate technology and system specification for authentication of X-ray inspection images. As a result of experiment, we find that the information can be embedded to X-ray image without large degradation of image quality. Our proposed algorithm has high detection ratio by Quality 20 of JPEG attack.

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A Domain-independent Dual-image based Robust Reversible Watermarking

  • Guo, Xuejing;Fang, Yixiang;Wang, Junxiang;Zeng, Wenchao;Zhao, Yi;Zhang, Tianzhu;Shi, Yun-Qing
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.4024-4041
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    • 2022
  • Robust reversible watermarking has attracted widespread attention in the field of information hiding in recent years. It should not only have robustness against attacks in transmission but also meet the reversibility of distortion-free transmission. According to our best knowledge, the most recent robust reversible watermarking methods adopt a single image as the carrier, which might lead to low efficiency in terms of carrier utilization. To address the issue, a novel dual-image robust reversible watermarking framework is proposed in this paper to effectively utilize the correlation between both carriers (namely dual images) and thus improve the efficiency of carrier utilization. In the dual-image robust reversible watermarking framework, a two-layer robust watermarking mechanism is designed to further improve the algorithm performances, i.e., embedding capacity and robustness. In addition, an optimization model is built to determine the parameters. Finally, the proposed framework is applied in different domains (namely domain-independent), i.e., Slantlet Transform and Singular Value Decomposition domain, and Zernike moments, respectively to demonstrate its effectiveness and generality. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed dual-image robust reversible watermarking framework.

An Automatic Face Hiding System based on the Deep Learning Technology

  • Yoon, Hyeon-Dham;Ohm, Seong-Yong
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.289-294
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    • 2019
  • As social network service platforms grow and one-person media market expands, people upload their own photos and/or videos through multiple open platforms. However, it can be illegal to upload the digital contents containing the faces of others on the public sites without their permission. Therefore, many people are spending much time and effort in editing such digital contents so that the faces of others should not be exposed to the public. In this paper, we propose an automatic face hiding system called 'autoblur', which detects all the unregistered faces and mosaic them automatically. The system has been implemented using the GitHub MIT open-source 'Face Recognition' which is based on deep learning technology. In this system, two dozens of face images of the user are taken from different angles to register his/her own face. Once the face of the user is learned and registered, the system detects all the other faces for the given photo or video and then blurs them out. Our experiments show that it produces quick and correct results for the sample photos.

Steganalysis Based on Image Decomposition for Stego Noise Expansion and Co-occurrence Probability (스테고 잡음 확대를 위한 영상 분해와 동시 발생 확률에 기반한 스테그분석)

  • Park, Tae-Hee;Kim, Jae-Ho;Eom, Il-Kyu
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.94-101
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposes an improved image steganalysis scheme to raise the detection rate of stego images out of cover images. To improve the detection rate of stego image in the steganalysis, tiny variation caused by data hiding should be amplified. For this, we extract feature vectors of cover image and stego image by two steps. First, we separate image into upper 4 bit subimage and lower 4 bit subimage. As a result, stego noise is expanded more than two times. We decompose separated subimages into twelve subbands by applying 3-level Haar wavelet transform and calculate co-occurrence probabilities of two different subbands in the same scale. Since co-occurrence probability of the two wavelet subbands is affected by data hiding, it can be used as a feature to differentiate cover images and stego images. The extracted feature vectors are used as the input to the multilayer perceptron(MLP) classifier to distinguish between cover and stego images. We test the performance of the proposed scheme over various embedding rates by the LSB, S-tool, COX's SS, and F5 embedding method. The proposed scheme outperforms the previous schemes in detection rate to existence of hidden message as well as exactness of discrimination.