• Title/Summary/Keyword: Image difference

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Change of electroencephalograph during 3-dimensional image load (입체 TV 영상(3D) 주시시의 유발전위)

  • Cho, Am
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 1990
  • To investigate and analyze of the human brain-wave changes during 3-dimenslonal image load were expected to take not only an important basic information of 3-dimensional TV usage but also 3-dimensional image design. In this experiment, to analyze the difference of visual analyze handing system for which we present the 2- dimensional image having no parallex and 3-dimensional image by visual evoked potentials(VEP). 2-dimensional image and 3-dimensional image displayed on the screen through video. In the test, the time interval was one sec for presentation of stimulus considering united time of visual information of right eye and left eye during watching the 3-dimensional image also display time interval was 200 mesc for each stimulus image. Results are as follow, (1) N190 appears faster 16msec-20msec in the point of Fz, Cz, Pz, Oz when loaded 3D4 angle than 2D3 angle. (2) About of the P300, 3D4 angle(Otherwise, Oz point was reverse) and in the case of no equipment of liquid crystal shutter, there appeared PEAK near the P250. (3) There were 5% significant difference when the liquid crystal shutter was equiped and didn't, Therefore, this phenomenon show the possibility that Liquid crystal shutter influences on Visual Evoked Potentials.

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Body Image and Quality of Life in Women with Mastectomy (유방절제술 환자의 신체상과 삶의 질의 관계)

  • Park, Geum-Ja;Choi, J.S.
    • Asian Oncology Nursing
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.86-92
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: This study was designed to investigate the body-image and quality of life in breast cancer patients with mastectomy. Methods: Data were obtained by self-reported questionaries from 110 patients undergone mastectomy from August 1 to 31, 2007. And data were analyzed using SPSS/PC WIN 12.0 program and frequency, percentage, mean, minimum, maximum, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe test, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient were used. The results of the study were as follows; 1) Mean of Body image of the subjects was $52.54{\pm}6.67$ (range of scale; 17 to 85). Mean of quality of life was $118.01{\pm}34.37$ (range of scale; 0 to 10). 2) There was no significant difference with the score of body image by demographic and disease-related characteristics of subjects. 3) There was significant difference with the score of quality of life by the work type and economic status of subjects. 4) Relationship between body image and quality of life showed moderately strong positive correlation (r=0.408, p<0.0001). Conclusion: Mean of body image and of quality of life in mastectomy patients were moderate. Relationship between body image and quality of life showed moderately strong positive correlation. Therefore, for improving the quality of life, it is needed to improve body image in breast cancer patients with mastectomy.

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The Effects of the Body Image.Body Distortion and the Self-esteem on the Clothing Behaviors (신체이미지.신체왜곡 및 자아존중감이 의복행동에 미치는 영향 -태도적.지각적 신체이미지 측정을 중심으로-)

  • 송경자;김재숙
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.68-79
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    • 1999
  • The purposes of the study, based on the social comparison theory, were 1) to examine the body image and the body distortion of the late adolescent through the attitudinal and perceptual measurement of the body image and to examine the self-esteem, 2) to examine the difference of the clothing behaviors depending on the level of the body image, the body distortion and the self-esteem, 3) to examine the difference in the clothing behavior, the body image and the self-esteem according to sex. The sampling method was a convenient sampling and the subjects were 137 undergraduate students in Chungnam national University. The results of this study were as follows : The results of analysing the factors to the response of attitudinal body image emerged three factors (appearance interest, weight concern, and body satisfaction). The results of analysing the response of the clothing behavior showed four factors (fashion interest, psychological dependence of clothing, conformity to clothing, and exhibitionism of clothing). The positive group to the body image showed more interest in the fashion and had the tendency of depending on the clothing psychologically, and also showed that the group revealed much exhibitive attitude by using the clothing. The group of perceiving the face rather correctly tends to do the conformity behaviors, but the group distorting the shoulder width wider than tends to reveal more conformity behaviors. The group with the higher self-esteem had little interested in the fashion and also did the conformity behaviors slightly.

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Small Target Detection Method under Complex FLIR Imagery (복잡한 FLIR 영상에서의 소형 표적 탐지 기법)

  • Lee, Seung-Ik;Kim, Ju-Young;Kim, Ki-Hong;Koo, Bon-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.432-440
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we propose a small target detection algorithm for FLIR image with complex background. First, we compute the motion information of target from the difference between the current frame and the created background image. However, the slow speed of target cause that it has the very low gray level value in the difference image. To improve the gray level value, we perform the local gamma correction for difference image. So, the detection index is computed by using statistical characteristics in the improved image and then we chose the lowest detection index a true target. Experimental results show that the proposed method has significantly the good detection performance.

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A Remote Measurement of Water Level Using Narrow-band Image Transmission (협대역 영상전송을 이용한 원격 수위 계측시스템)

  • Kim, Ki-Joong;Lee, Nam-Ki;Han, Young-Joon;Hahn, Hern-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.24 no.10
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    • pp.54-63
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    • 2007
  • To measure water levels from remote cites using a narrowband channel, this paper developed a difference image based JPEG communication scheme and a water level measurement scheme using the sparsely sampled images in time domain. In the slave system located in the field, the images are compressed using JPEG after changed to difference images, among which in a period of data collection those showing larger changes are sampled and transmitted. To measure the water level from the images received in the master system which may contain noises caused by various sources, the averaging scheme and Gaussian filter are used to reduce the noise effects and the Y axis profile of an edge image is used to read the water level. Considering the wild condition of the field, a simplified camera calibration scheme is also introduced. The implemented slave system was installed at a river and its performance has been tested with the data collected for a month.

High-quality Stitching Method of 3D Multiple Dental CT Images (3차원 다중 치과 CT 영상의 고화질 스티칭 기법)

  • Park, Seyoon;Park, Seongjin;Lee, Jeongjin;Shin, Juneseuk;Shin, Yeong-Gil
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.1205-1212
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we propose a high-quality stitching method of 3D multiple dental CT images. First, a weighted function is generated using the difference of two distance functions that calculate a distance from the nearest edge of an overlapped region to each position. And a blending ratio propagation function for two gradient vectors is parameterized by the difference and magnitude of gradient vectors that is also applied by the weighted function. When the blending ratio is propagated, an improved region growing scheme is proposed to decide the next position and calculate the blending intensity. The proposed method produces a high-quality stitching image. Our method removes the seam artifact caused by the mean intensity difference between images and vignetting effect. And it removes double edges caused by local misalignment. Experimental results showed that the proposed method produced high-quality stitching images for ten patients. Our stitching method could be usefully applied into the stitching of 3D or 2D multiple images.

The Development of Multi-view point Image Interpolation Method Using Real-image

  • Yang, Kwang-Won;Park, Young-Bin;Huh, Kyung-Bin
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.129.1-129
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we present an approach for matching images from finding interesting points and applying new image interpolation algorithm. New algorithms are developed that automatically align the input images match them and reconstruct 3-D surfaces. The interpolation algorithm is designed to cope with simple shapes. The proposed image interpolation algorithm generate a rotation image about vertical axes by an any angle from 4 base images. Each base image that was obtained from CCD camera has an angle difference of 90$^{\circ}$ The proposed image interpolation algorithm use the geometric analysis of image and depth information.

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Watermarking Algorithm using LSB for Color Image with Spatial Encryption

  • Jung, Soo-Mok
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.242-245
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, watermark embedding technique was proposed to securely conceal the watermark in color cover image by applying the spatial encryption technique. The embedded watermak can be extracted from stego-image without loss. The quality of the stego-image is very good. So it is not possible to visually distinguish the difference between the original cover image and the stego-image. The validity of the proposed technique was verified by mathematical analysis. The proposed watermark embedding technique can be used for intellectual property protection, military, and medical applications that require high security.

Moving object Tracking Algorithm Based on Specific Color Detection (특정컬러정보 검출기반의 이동객체 탐색 알고리듬 구현)

  • Kim, Young-Bin;Ryu, Kwang-Ryol;Sclabassi, Robert J.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.277-280
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    • 2007
  • A moving object tracking algorithm for image searching based on specific color detection is proposed in this paper. That is preprocessed for a luminance variation and noise cancellation to be robust system. The motion tracking is used the difference between input image and reference image in R, G, B each channels for a moving image. The proposed method is enhanced to 15% fast in comparison with the contour tracking method and the matching method, and stable.

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Extraction and Shape Description of Feature Region on Ocular Fundus Fluorescein Angiogram (형광 안저화상에 관한 특수 영역의 유출 및 모양)

  • Go, Chang-Rim;Ha, Yeong-Ho;Kim, Su-Jung
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 1987
  • An image feature extraction method for the low contrast fluoresceln angiogram in dlabetes was studied. To obtain effective image segmentation, an adaptive local difference image is generated and relaxation process are applied to this difference Image. By the use of distance transformed data with segmented image, shape and location of feature regions were obtained. It was shown that the location and shape descriptions of Impaired blood vessel networks and retinal regions are can he utilized for the diagnosis of diabetes and other disease.

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