• 제목/요약/키워드: Image characteristic

검색결과 1,527건 처리시간 0.045초

남자대학생의 자기 이미지와 의복행동에 관한 연구 (Self-Image and Clothing Behavior of College Men)

  • 이명희;김현주
    • 복식
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    • 제38권
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    • pp.323-336
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to classify the contents of self-image of college men and to investigate how clothing behavior was influenced by self-image, age, major, and the expenses of clothing. Samples were 342 male students of univer-sity in Seoul. Results of this study were following : 1. Four factors of self-image derived by factor analysis : F. 1‘mature-unmatured’;F. 2‘characteristic-ordinary’; F. 3‘conservative-open’; F. 4‘dominant-submissive’.2. 5 variables of clothing behavior were influenced by real self-image. Fashion was influenced by characteristic, open, dominant image, and the expenses of clothing. The ex-planatory power of the 4 variables was 29.3%. Aesthetics was influenced by characteristic, submissive, conservative image, the expenses of clothing, and age(R2=28.7%). Modesty was influenced by conservative and ordinary im-age(R2=6.5%). Coformity was influenced by ordinary image and the expenses of clothing (R2=5.7%). Comfort was influenced by dominant image and age(R2=5.3%). 3. 5 variables of clothing behavior were influenced by ideal self-image. Fashion was influenced by unmatured, characteristic, sub-missive image, and the expenses of clothing (R2=28.9%). Aesthetics was influenced by characteristic image, the expenses of clothing, and age(R2=23.5%). Modesty was influenced by conservative, mature, and ordinary image (R2=8.3%). Coformity was influenced by ordinary image(R2=1.9%). Comfort was influenced by mature image and age(R2=5.6%). The findings indicated that self-image had a significant effect on fashion and aesthetics, and characteristic image and conservative image were important variables that affected clothing behavior of college men.

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확장된 퍼지 클러스터링 알고리즘을 이용한 영상 분할 (Image Segmentation Using an Extended Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm)

  • 김수환;강경진;이태원
    • 전자공학회논문지B
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    • 제29B권3호
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 1992
  • Recently, the fuzzy theory has been adopted broadly to the applications of image processing. Especially the fuzzy clustering algorithm is adopted to image segmentation to reduce the ambiguity and the influence of noise in an image.But this needs lots of memory and execution time because of the great deal of image data. Therefore a new image segmentation algorithm is needed which reduces the memory and execution time, doesn't change the characteristices of the image, and simultaneously has the same result of image segmentation as the conventional fuzzy clustering algorithm. In this paper, for image segmentation, an extended fuzzy clustering algorithm is proposed which uses the occurence of data of the same characteristic value as the weight of the characteristic value instead of using the characteristic value directly in an image and it is proved the memory reduction and execution time reducted in comparision with the conventional fuzzy clustering algorithm in image segmentation.

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외식 브랜드 이미지, 고객만족, 고객충성도의 영향관계 (Relationship among Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty in Foodservice)

  • 강병남;김형준
    • 한국조리학회지
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.201-214
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    • 2004
  • The brand image had an effect on customer loyalty degree "Traditional characteristic", "Reliability", "Future events sliced raw fish directivity". With it appears, causing the effect which is powerful in customer loyalty degree "Traditional characteristic or reputation of restaurant", "Reliability of advertisement". The brand image had an effect on customer satisfaction "Reliability", "Customer directivity", "Traditional characteristic". With appears and with it is referred from above together "Traditional characteristic of restaurant" or "Reliability of advertisement public information", "Policy of the restaurant management customer first of all poem".

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블라우스용 소재의 드레이프성과 질감이미지가 구매선호도에 미치는 영향 (Effect of the Drapability and the Texture Image on the Purchase Preference of Blouse Fabrics)

  • 김여원;반홍우;나미희;최종명
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.1025-1034
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the evaluation of fabric characteristics on the drapability, texture image and preference of blouse fabrics, and to analyze the effects of the texture image, objective and subjective drapability on the preference. As specimen, silk and polyester fabrics were collected. 52 female subjects evaluated 16 specimens with semantic differential scale of 18 fabric image and 20 sensibility. Data were analyzed through factor analysis, pearson correlational coefficient using spss win 12.0. For the evaluation, structural characteristics such as fiber contents, weave type, weight and thickness were analyzed. The results were as follows: The evaluation results of objective and subjective drapability showed differences. Sensory image factors of blouse fabrics were 'surface smoothness', 'elasticity', 'weight' and 'flexibility'. Sensibility image factors were 'elegance', 'classic', 'characteristic' and 'mannish'. 'Elegance', 'classic' and 'characteristic' of sensibility images showed high correlation with 'surface smoothness' and 'elasticity' of sensory image, also 'mannish' of sensibility image showed significant correlation with 'weight' of sensory image. The significant fabric characteristics affecting objective drapability were density, weight, thickness. The significant texture image factors affecting objective drapability were 'weight', 'flexibility' of sensory image and 'elegance' of sensibility image. On the other hand, the significant factors affecting subjective drapability were thickness of fabric characteristics and 'elegance', 'characteristic', 'mannish' of sensibility images. 'Elegance', 'characteristic' and 'classic' of sensibility image, 'elasticity' of sensory image and subjective drapability affected on the purchase preference.

스케일 스페이스 특징점을 이용한 영상 워터마킹 (Image Watermarking Based on Feature Points of Scale-Space Representation)

  • 서진수;유창동
    • 대한전자공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전자공학회 2005년도 추계종합학술대회
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    • pp.367-370
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes a novel method for content-based watermarking based on feature points of an image. At each feature point, watermark is embedded after affine normalization according to the local characteristic scale and orientation. The characteristic scale is the scale at which the normalized scale-space representation of an image attains a maximum value, and the characteristic orientation is the angle of the principal axis of an image. By binding watermarking with the local characteristics of an image, resilience against affine transformations can be obtained. Experimental results show that the proposed method is robust against various image processing steps including affine transformations, cropping, filtering, and JPEG compression.

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영상매칭을 위한 특성정보 추출 (Extraction of Characteristic Information for Image Matching)

  • 이동천;염재홍;김정우;이용욱
    • 한국측량학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국측량학회 2004년도 춘계학술발표회논문집
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    • pp.171-176
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    • 2004
  • Image matching is fundamental process in photogrammetry and computer vision to identify and to measure corresponding features on the multiple images. Uniqueness of the matching entities and robustness of the algorithm are the key issues that have influence on quality of the matching result. The optimal solution could be obtained by utilizing appropriate matching entities in the first place. In this study, candidate matching points were extracted by interest operator, and an area-based matching method was applied with characteristics of the gray value distribution as the matching entities. The characteristic information is based on the concept of "intrinsic image" (or parameter image). The information was utilized as additional and/or complementary matching entities. Matching on interest points with the characteristic information resulted in high quality of matching because matching windows were created with surrounding pixels of the interest points that contain distinct and unique features. The experiment shows that matching quality and reliability increase by exploiting interest operator, and the characteristic information has potential to be matching entity.

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한국 전통문양의 이미지 형상화 소고 (A Study on the Figuration of Korean Traditional Pattern Images)

  • 장수경
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제22권8호
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    • pp.1001-1010
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the images and characteristic formative elements of Korean traditional patterns. The Korean pattern image could be interpreted into visual elements of design based on the images, the characteristic formative elements of Korean traditional patterns, and their relationships. Fourteen patterns selected from 5 groups of Korean patterns were used as stimuli. An image evaluation using a 2-point sementica scale of 19 bipolar adjectives, and an impression evaluation of which results were presented by visual drawing using lines and shapes were carried out. The data were analyzed by correspondence analysis and cluster analysis. The major findings are as follows; 1. Fourteen patterns and 19 adjectives were marked on a perception map composed of two (x and y-) axes. The bipoles of x- and y axes were soft-hard and splendid-artless, respectively. 2. Four clusters semerged to account for the dimensional sturucture of 14 patterns and 19 adjectives. These were splendid image, soft image, individualistic image, and sophisticated image. However there was no pattern which belonged to the cluster, sophisticated image. The Korean pattern image was founded to be better related to the kind of patterns than the type of patterns. 3. The characteristic formative elements obtained from the impression test were contour of motif, repeated line or shape, various curved lines, and decorative elements. 4. The splendid image was related to Bongwhang patterns and detailed line and complexity. The individualistic image was related to the abstractive form of Bongwhang pattern and the decorative form of Cloud pattern both of which have the characteristics of point-symmetry and abstraction, and Turtle-back pattern. In this case, the related charac-teristic formative element was identified to be repeated lines. The soft image was related to Moran, Cloud, and Taegeuk patterns. The related characteristic elements were various types of curved lines, decorative elements, and rounded contours.

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춘.하 여성 재킷용 소재의 구조적 특성이 감성이미지와 소비자 선호에 미치는 영향: 오프라인과 온라인의 비교를 중심으로 (The Effects of the Structural Characteristics of Women's Jacket Fabrics for Spring.Summer on the Sensibility Image and Consumer Preference: The Comparison of Offline and Online)

  • 김희숙;최종명;나미희
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제49권1호
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    • pp.121-133
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    • 2011
  • This research was designed to compare the subjective evaluation of texture image and preference between offline and online by structural characteristics of women' jacket fabrics for spring and summer. 78 participants evaluated the sensibility image and preference of various fabrics. The data were analysed by factor analysis, t-test, Pearson's productive correlation, regression, and multi dimensional scale. The results were as follows: Sensibility image factors of women' jacket fabrics were 'classic' 'sophisticated' 'natural' 'characteristic' and 'practical'. Between offline and online, sensibility images showed no differences. In sensibility images, 'classic'-'sophisticated', 'natural'-'practical', and 'practical'-'characteristic' images showed significant correlation. By analyzing the contribution of fabric structure on sensibility images, density affected on the 'classic' image offline and online. By the results of regression analysis, thickness, density and weave affected on the tactile preference. In sensibility images, 'classic', 'sophisticated' 'characteristic' images were the influencing factor. 'Sophisticated', 'natural', 'characteristic' and 'practical' images affected on the purchase preference.

패션에 나타난 한국미의 조형성과 디자인 요소 (Design Factor and Formative Characteristic on Korean Aesthetic in Fashion)

  • 유현정
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to help understanding of Korean fashion image by studying of design factor and formative characteristic. The methods of this study are the study of academic literatures as well as practical study through the analysis of case studies about actual works. The summary of this study's results is like followings. First, Perspectives seeing formative characteristic on Korean fashion image are Shape with a line, color, material, pattern, accessories. Second, Design factors deciding Korean fashion image are pattern, then in order of shape, color, material, accessories. Third, In results on design factor deciding Korean fashion image, when fashion designers focus on pattern, pattern is focused on without regard for other design factor. But color and material are accompanied by other design factor in expressing Korean fashion image. As fashion design point expressing Korean astetic, use of pattern is minimized other design factor, color and material are used with other design factor, then Korean fashion image will come out more than other time else. If We develop Korean fashion design to concentrate on shape and pattern, Korean fashion culture will be known to world people and beautiful value of Korean fashion will be handed effectively.

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형태학적 특징을 이용한 향상된 치아 검출 방법 (Improved Tooth Detection Method for using Morphological Characteristic)

  • 나승대;이기현;이정현;김명남
    • 한국멀티미디어학회논문지
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    • 제17권10호
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    • pp.1171-1181
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we propose improved methods which are image conversion and extraction method of watershed seed using morphological characteristic of teeth on complement image. Conventional tooth segmentation methods are occurred low detection ratio at molar region and over, overlap segmentation owing to specular reflection and morphological feature of molars. Therefore, in order to solve the problems of the conventional methods, we propose the image conversion method and improved extraction method of watershed seed. First, the image conversion method is performed using RGB, HSI space of tooth image for to extract boundary and seed of watershed efficiently. Second, watershed seed is reconstructed using morphological characteristic of teeth. Last, individual tooth segmentation is performed using proposed seed of watershed by watershed algorithm. Therefore, as a result of comparison with marker controlled watershed algorithm and the proposed method, we confirmed higher detection ratio and accuracy than marker controlled watershed algorithm.