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Characteristics of Stone-monuments and geological studies on the rocks( I ) - Weonju-city, Weonju-gun, Hweongseong-gun and Honcheon-gun, Kangweon-do - (석조문화재의 특징과 암석에 대한 지질학적 연구( I ) - 강원도 원주시.원주군.횡성군 및 홍천군 지역 -)

  • Lee, S.H.;Park, K.R.
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.1 no.1 s.1
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    • pp.40-59
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    • 1992
  • Stone-monuments, distributed in this area, have been investigated and studied in geological and conservational points of view. They are seemed to have been built from the Shilla to Koryeo Kingdoms, although more systematic studies are needed. The used rocks in these monuments are mainly biotite granite of Jurassic age. They are strongly weathered and partly exfoliated along igneous lineation about 1-2 mm(maximum up to 5 mm). They are mainly effected by chemical weathering to be selectively dissolved and by various kind of moss. For conservation, it must be scientifically considered based on characteristics and kind of rock phase, factors on weathering process, situation and protection.

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Evaluation of Watershed Stability by the Forest Environmental and Stream Morphological Factors (산림환경 및 하천형태인자에 의한 유역안정성 평가)

  • Jung, Won-Ok;Ma, Ho-Seop
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2001
  • This study was carried out to analyze the characteristics of forest environmental and stream morphological factors by using the quantification theory(I) for evaluation of the watershed stability. Present annual mean sediment yield of erosion control dams were investigated in 167 sites of erosion control dam constructed during 1986 to 1999 in Gyeongbuk. The results obtained from this study were summarized as follows; According to the coefficients of partial correlation, each factor affecting to sediment was shown in order of gravel contents, number of first streams order, number of total streams, length of total streams, forest type, length of main stream, parent rock, stand age, soil texture, stream order, slope gradient, soil depth and aspect. Descriptions of class I were as follow; Igneous rock of parent rock, hardwood stands of forest type, less than 20 year of stand age, less than 30cm of soil depth, sandy clay loam of soil texture, more than 41% of gravel contents, south~east of aspect, 2,501~3,500m of length of main stream, 21~25 of number of total streams, 5,501~10,000m of length of total streams, 3 or more than 4 of stream order, more than 16 of number of first stream orders and more than 31 of slope gradient. Descriptions of class II were as follow; Metamorphic rock of parent rock, coniferous stands of forest type, more than 25 year of stand age, 31~40cm of soil depth, silt loam of soil texture, 11~20% of gravel contents, north~west of aspect, 2,501~3,500m of length of main stream, 16~20 of number of total streams, 3,501~5,500m of length of total streams, 3 of stream order, 11~15 of number of first stream orders and more than 31 of slope gradient. Descriptions of class III were as follow; Sedimentary rock of parent rock, mixed stands of forest type, more than 25 year of stand age, more than 51cm of soil depth, silty clay loam of soil texture, less than 10% of gravel contents, south~west of aspect, less than 500m of length of main stream, less than 5 of number of total streams, less than 1,000m of length of total streams, less than 1 of stream order, less than 2 of number of first stream orders and less than 25 of slope gradient. The prediction method of suitable site for erosion control dam divided into class I, II, and III for the convenience of use. The score of class I evaluated as a very unstable area was more than 8.4494. A score of class II was 8.4493 to 6.0452, it was evaluated as a moderate stable area, and class III was less than 6.0541, it was evaluated as a very stable area.

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A Preliminary Study on the Igneous Layering and Concentration of Fe-Ti Oxide Minerals within Amphibolite in Soyeonpyeong Island (소연평도 각섬암 내 화성기원 층상구조와 Fe-Ti 산화광물의 농집에 관한 예비연구)

  • Kim, Eui-Jun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.375-387
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    • 2017
  • Amphibolite-hosted Fe-Ti mineralization at the Soyeonpyeong Island, located in central western part of the Korean Peninsula is a typical orthomagmatic Fe-Ti oxide deposit in South Korea. The amphibolite intruded into NW-SE trending Precambrian metasedimentary rocks. Lower amphibolite is characterized by igneous layering, consisting of feldspar-dominant and amphibole-Fe-Ti oxide-dominant layers. The igneous layering shows complicated and/or sharp contact. In contrast, upper amphibolite has a more complicated lithofacies (garnet-bearing, coarser, and schistose), and massive Fe-Ti oxide ore alternates with schistose amphibolite. NS- and EW-trending fault systems lead to redistribute upper amphibolite-hosted Fe-Ti orebody and igneous layering of lower amphibolite, respectively. The whole-rock compositions of amphibolite and Fe-Ti oxide ore reflect their constituent minerals. Amphibolite shows significantly positive Eu anomalies whereas Fe-Ti oxide ore has weak negative Eu anomalies. Plagioclase (Andesine to oligoclase) and Fe-Ti oxide minerals have constant composition regardless of their distribution. Amphibole has a compositionally variable but it doesn't reflect the chemical evolution. Mineral compositions within individual layers and successive layers are relatively constant not showing any stratigraphic evolution. This suggests that there are no successive injections of Fe-rich magma or assimilation with Fe-rich country rocks. Contrasting Eu anomalies between amphibolite and Fe-Ti oxide ore also suggest that extensive plagioclase fractionation during early crystallization stage cause increase in Fe2O3/FeO ratio and overall Fe contents in the residual magma. Thus, Fe-rich residual liquids may migrate at the upper amphibolite by filter pressing mechanism and then produce sheeted massive Fe-Ti mineralization during late fractional crystallization.

Review on the Triassic Post-collisional Magmatism in the Qinling Collision Belt (친링 충돌대의 트라이아스기 충돌 후 화성작용에 대한 리뷰)

  • Oh, Chang Whan;Lee, Byung Choon;Yi, Sang-Bong;Zhang, Cheng Li
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.293-309
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    • 2014
  • The Qinling-Dabie-Sulu-Hongseong-Odesan collision belt was formed by the collision between the North China and South China Cratons during late Permian to Triassic. During the collision, Triassic post-collision igneous rocks regionally intruded in the Qinling and the Hongseong-Odesan collision belts which represent the western and eastern ends of the collision belt, respectively. However, no and minor Triassic post-collision igneous activities occur in the Dabie and Sulu belts respectively. The peak metamorphic pressure conditions along the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu-Hongseong-Odesan belt indicate that the slab break-off occurred at the depth of ultra-high pressure (UHP) metamorphic condition in the Dabie and Sulu belts and at the depths of high pressure (HP) or high pressure granulite (HPG) metamorphic condition in the Qinling and Hongseong-Odesan belts. In the Dabie and Sulu belts the heat supply from the asthenospheric mantle through the gab formed by slab break-off could not cause an extensive melting in the lower continental crust and lithospheric mantle directly below it due to the very deep depth of slab break-off. On the other hand, in the Qinling and Hongseong-Odesan belts, shallower slab break-off caused the emplacement of regional post collision igneous rocks. The post-collision igneous rocks occur in the area to the north of the Mianlu Suture zone in the western Qinling belt and crop out continuously eastwards into the areas to the north of the Shangdan Suture zone in the eastern Qinling belt through the areas within the South Qinling block. This distribution pattern of post collision igneous rocks suggests that the Triassic collision belt in the Mianleu Suture zone may be extended into the Shangdan Suture zone after passing through the South Qinling block instead into the boundary between the South Qinling block and the South China Craton.

Deep geoelectrical structure of Gyeongsang basin (경상분지의 심부 지전기 구조)

  • Park Gyesoon;Lee Choon-Ki;Lee Heuisoon;Kwon Byung-Doo;Cho In-Ky;Oh Seok-Hoon
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.203-208
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    • 2005
  • We have performed magnetotelluric (MT) surveys to investigate the deep crustal structure of Gyeongsang basin. The MT data were collected in the frequency range from 0.00042 to 320Hz along a profile across the Gyeongsang basin, and 2-D inversion was carried out to interpret the geoelectrical structure. We also extracted gravity data around the MT profile from KIGAM database and calculated the density inversion to compare with the geoelectrical structure. The results obtained are good agreement with geological distribution and indicate contrasts of physical properties of sedimentary rock, igneous rock and metamorphic rock.

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Geochrononlogy and thermal history of the Chuncheon granite in the Gyeonggi massif, South Korea

  • Jin, Myung-Shik;Shin, Seong-Cheon;Kim, Seong-Jae;Choo, Seung-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.122-129
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    • 1993
  • We report Rb-Sr whole rock, K-Ar and fission track mineral ages for the Chuncheon granite in the Precambrian Gyeonggi massif. The Rb-Sr whole rock define an age of 196±9 Ma with an initial ratio of 0.7159±0.0006, suggesting that the granitic magma might have been generated from crustal sources (S-type), or probably mixed mantle and crustal materials, and emplaced into the massif in the late Triassic or the early Jurassic. K-Ar mineral ages of hornblende, muscovite and biotite are ~210 Ma, ~180 Ma and 166-170 Ma respectively, and fission track zircon and apatite ages are 65-70 Ma, ~35 Ma respectively. These ages indicate that the granitic magma might have been emplaced at about 7 to 9 km from the paleosurface, and rapidly cooled down up to 300C until middle Jurassic (~170 Ma) with a rate of about 10C/Ma, due to thermal difference between the magma and the wall rock. During middle Jurassic to late Cretaceous (about 170-70 Ma), the granite pluton is assumed to have uplifted to 4 to 6 km level under the paleosurface with a rate of 30 m/Ma and slowly cooled down with a rate of about 1C/Ma owing to relatively slow denudation of the massif. In late Cretaceous to the present, the pluton might have more rapidly uplifted to the present level with a rate of 85 m/Ma and rapidly cooled down with a rate of about 3C/Ma compared to those of middle Jurassic to late Cretaceous time because of extensive igneous activities accompanied by tectonism in the Gyeonggi massif.

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Petrology of enclaves in the granite around Bangeujin, Ulsan

  • Lee, Joon-Dong;Kim, Jong-Sun;Choi, Bo-Sim
    • Proceedings of the Mineralogical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2000.05a
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    • pp.24-24
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    • 2000
  • We studied about petrological characteristics of the Bangeujin granite belongs to porphyritic biotite granite, petrogenesis of the enclaves in the granite and contact metamorphism of the sedimentary rock around the granite. The enclaves in the granite are concentrated in the eastern part of the Mipo fault but in the western part, these are rare. The enclaves can be divided into three types according to the petrographical characteristics. These three types are: (1) enclaves having few phenocrysts and fine grained igneous texture and ellipsoid is predominant; (2) enclaves similar In petrographical characteristics and having many phenocrysts considered as being originated from the granitic host rock; and (3) enclaves corresponding to granite in mode composition, having large phenocrysts and of which the matrix is corresponding to fine granular. First two types are correspond to mafic micro granular enclaves and the third is corresponds to felsic microgranular enclaves. In addition, the felsic microgranular enclaves capture the mafic microgranular enclaves. The fact that the compositions of biotite and plagioclase in the enclaves are nearly identical with those of biotite and plagioclase in the granitic host rock is considered as the results of supporting magma mingling. The major elements show well the linear variations as the SiOz. content increases. The rare earth elements content decrease with increasing SiOz content, interpreted as the results of magma mingling. Therefore, we can conclude that the Bangeujin granite captured the felsic microgranular enclaves formed by collapse of early chilled margin during the crystallization and there was magma mingling by the injection of the mafic magma after that time. In addition, these aspects are predominant in the eastern part of the Mipo fault is considered as related to the fault movement.vement.

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Geologic and Geochemical study on the rock sequences containing oily materials in Southwestern Coast Area of Korea (한국서남해안지역(韓國西南海岸地域)에 분포(分布)하는 함유질물층(含油質物層)에 대(對)한 지질학적(地質學的) 및 지구화학적연구(地球化學的硏究))

  • Lee, Dai Sung;Lee, Ha-Yong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.45-73
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    • 1976
  • This study has been made for the enlargement of a previous work of 1964 which was carried out by an author of this work emphasizing the stratigraphy, micropaleontology, depositional environment, and structural tectonics of the studied area. The stratigraphic sequences of the area are groupped into four units: (1) basement of Pre-Cretaceous, (2) lower sediments of Late Cretaceous, (3) upper sediments of Late Cretaceous and (4) igneous rocks of Late Cretaceous and Tertiary (?). The oldest rocks consisting of schists and gneisses of Pre-Cambrian and schistose granite' of Jurassic age are exposed at the base of this area on which the thick Cretaceous sediments were deposited. These old rocks are unconformably overlain by the lower sedimens of Late Cretaceous composed of three members, an alternation of black shale and tuffaceous sediments, fine tuff and rhyollite flow in ascending order. The oily material was found from the black shales of the alternation m"ember as semi-solid greaselike material, oily order and microscopic granular spherical material and oily stain. The lower sediments are also overlain, in low-angleunconfromity, by the 'upper sediments having three members, an alternation of volcanic conglomerate and andesitic tuff, rhyollitic tuff and andesite flow in the same order. The igneous suit of diabase, diorites, biotite granite, porphyritic granite and porphyries of the latest Cretaceous and small exposure of pitchstone of Tertiary (?) intruded into the pre-existed rocks above mentioned. Considerable amount of ostra- coda microfossils have been chemically extracted from the black shales of the lower sediments and the identification of the fossils suggests that the depositional environment of the sediments were under fresh or brackish water condition. The distribution of the geology and its tectonic data also suggest a combination of dome and basin structures in the area of San-i peninsula and Jin-do as shown in fig. 8. Between these two units an anticlinal structure was constructed. As a result of this study, a seismic survey in a district between U-su-yong and north coast of Jin-do is recommended to determine the underground features.

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Petrochemical Study of Igneous Rocks Occurring in the Northwestern Part of Keumsan Area, Chungnam-do (충남 금산군 서북부에 분포하는 화성암류에 대한 암석화학적 연구)

  • Kim, Won-Sa;Min, Kyoung-Nam
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2 s.48
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2006
  • Igneous rocks occurring in the northwesern part of Keumsan area, Chungcheongnam-do were studied petrogeochemically. The geology of this area is composed mainly of the Precambrian biotite gneiss, age-unknown Ogchon supergroup, Jurassic biotite granite, and Cretaceous volcanic rocks, pink feldspar granite and quartz porphyry. The biotite granite is gradually changes to leucocratic nature by going from center to periphery of the rock mass. It shows variation, with distance from the center, in chemical components: SiO2,Na2OandK2O increase, whereas Fe2O3,CaO,P2O5,MgO,andTiO2 decrease. Based on geochemical data, the biotite granite and quartz porphyry belong to subalkaline series and I-type. They show calc-alkaline differentiation trend. The biotite granite shows little negative Eu-anomaly pattern, whereas quartz porphyry show marked negative Eu-anomaly pattern, indicating that quartz porphyry was evolved further, when compared with biotite granite.

Mineralogy and Genesis of Fe-Cu and Au-Bi-Cu Deposits in the Geodo Mine, Korea (거도광산(巨道鑛山) Fe-Cu 및 Au-Bi-Cu 광상(鑛床)에 대(對)한 광물학적(鑛物學的) 및 성인적(成因的) 연구(硏究))

  • Ko, Jai Dong;Kim, Soo Jin
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.189-204
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    • 1982
  • The Geodo mine is located in the southern limb of the Hambaeg syncline. Geology of the area consists of Paleozoic-Mesozoic sedimentary Rocks and Cretaceous igneous rocks. The important igneous rocks presumably related to skarnization and ore mineralization in the area, are the early granodiorite and the late porphyritic granodiorite. Two mineralogical types of ore deposits are recognized in the area. They are the Fe-Cu deposits in the Myobong formation and the Au-Bi-Cu deposits in the Hwajeol formation. Contact metamorphism due to granodiorite intrusion includes hornfelsization, exoskarnization and endoskarnization. Wall-rock alterations related to the Fe mineralization are grouped into the hydrothermal replacement skarnization and the hydrothermal filling skarnization. Another hydrothermal alteration is associated with the Cu mineralization. Various mineralogical analyses have been applied for the identification of minerals. They include optical microscopy, chemical analysis, etching test, X-ray diffraction, and infrared absorption spectroscopic analyses. The ore minerals in these ore deposits are classified into two groups;hypogene and supergene minerals. Hypogene minerals consist of magnetite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and chalcocite. Supergene minerals consist of chalcocite, bornite, and geothite. Ore minerals show various kinds of ore texture: open-space filling, exsolution, replacement, and cementation texture. The gangue minerals consist of quartz, diopside, epidote, garnet and plagioclase in the hornfelsic zone, garnet, diopside, scapolite, actinolite, sericite, chlorite, quartz, and calcite in the skarn zone, and, epidote, chlorite, sericite, quartz, and calcite in the late hydrothermal alteration zone. This study shows that the Fe-Cu deposits are of metasomatic pipe type with the later hydrothermal fillings, and the Au-Bi-Cu deposits are of hydrothermal fissure-filling type. The mineralization is probably related to the intrusion of porphyritic granite.

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