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Current status of sweetpotato genomics research (고구마 유전체 연구현황 및 전망)

  • Yoon, Ung-Han;Jeong, Jae Cheol;Kwak, Sang-Soo;Yang, Jung-Wook;Kim, Tae-Ho;Lee, Hyeong-Un;Nam, Sang-Sik;Hahn, Jang-Ho
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 2015
  • Sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam] grows well in harsh environmental conditions, and is cultivated as one of the top seven food crops in the world. Recently, sweetpotato is drawing interest from people as a healthy food because it is high in dietary fiber, vitamins, carotenoids and overall nutrition value. However, few studies have been conducted on sweetpotato genome sequencing in spite of its importance. This review is aimed at increasing the efficiency of sweetpotato genome sequencing research as well as establishing a base for gene utilization in order to control useful traits. Recently, animal and plant genome sequencing projects increased significantly. However, sweetpotato genome sequencing has not been performed due to polyploidy and heterogeneity problems in its genome. Meanwhile research on its transcriptome has been conducted actively. Recently, a draft of the diploid sweetpotato genome was reported in 2015 by Japanese researchers. In addition, the Korea-China-Japan Trilateral Research Association of Sweetpotato (TRAS) has conducted research on gene map construction and genome sequencing of the hexaploid sweetpotato Xushu 18 since 2014. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation launched the 'sweetpotato genomic sequencing to develop genomic tools for Sub-Sahara Africa breeding program'. The chloroplast genome sequence acquired during sweetpotato genome sequencing is used in evolutionary analyses. In this review, the trend of research in the sweetpotato genome sequencing was analyzed. Research trend analysis like this will provide researchers working toward sweetpotato productivity and nutrient improvement with information on the status of sweetpotato genome research. This will contribute to solving world food, energy and environmental problems.

A Study on the Presence of Post-Miesianism and Its Future (Post-Miesianism의 실체와 미래에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Jin
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.10 no.4 s.28
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    • pp.77-92
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    • 2001
  • 현대의 건축시기는 다원성의 시기 또는 복합성의 시기라고 불리운다. 모더니즘과 포스트모더니즘의 시기를 거치며 다양한 형태적 실험의 과정을 겪었고 수많은 이데올로기와 이론들로 무장된 논쟁의 역사도 갖게 되었다. 이러한 현대건축의 다양성은 건축디자인이라는 전문직의 사회에 기여하는 역할을 반추(反芻)함과 동시에 다변하는 인간사고의 역동성을 반영하고 있다. 건축관련 책자나 저널 등에서 흔히 발견할 수 있는 Neo-Classicism, Deconstructivism, Minimalism, High-Tech, New Moderns 등등의 건축양식들은 스타일을 지칭하는 언어라기보다는 건축적 사고를 지칭하는 언어라고 할 수 있다. 결국 건축디자인이라는 작업은 인간을 둘러 싼 건조환경의 생성에서 출발하는 것이므로 건축적 사고방식은 그 시기의 사회현상과 밀접한 관계를 맺게 된다. 20세기 말부터 불어닥친 디지털 문화의 사회변혁은 전 세계를 하나의 채널로 엮게 되었고, 이러한 영향들은 지역과 민족, 그리고 종교적인 요소들까지도 혼합하여 국경을 초월한 미래의 새로운 이상들을 꿈꾸게 되었다. 19세기 산업혁명과 함께 급속히 벨라진 인류문명의 진보는 필수적으로 세계화를 동반하는 것이고, 세계화와 지역성사이의 괴리를 통해 나타나는 문화적 비판과 충돌은 아직도 진행상태인 것이다. 세계화라는 통염은 문명의 보편성을 기반으로 하며 전통문화의 파괴가 뒤따를 수밖에 없는데, 현재와 같이 IT혁명을 통해 급속도로 빨라진 세계문화의 교류는 한 국가가 뿌리를 내리고 있는 문화적 유산이라는 토양을 포기하여야 할 단계에 와 있다고 논평할 정도이다. 여기서 건축은 문화적 상징으로 작용하게 되는데, 그것이 심미적이든 관습적이든 또는, 경제적이든 건축가는 해답의 제시라는 임무에 직면하게 된다. 20세기에 진행된 모더니즘의 건축은 구조와 공간에 대한 고전건축의 숙원을 고덕건축이 이룬 것처럼 15세기 르네상스 시대로부터 진행된 형태와 공간, 기능, 그리고 아름다움과 기술(technology) 또는 경제성 등에 대한 건축적 의문과 탐구를 일단락지었다고 할 수 있다. 이러한 모더니즘의 한복판에 Mies van der Rohe라는 거장이 깊은 발자국을 남기며 한 시대를 이루었고 그가 남긴 시대정신의 이념과 가치를 Miesianism이라고 부른다. 실용성과 도덕성을 근본으로 하는 Miesianism은 대중에 호소하는 미적 표현주의를 부정하고 지역정서를 중시하는 문맥적 접근방식을 경시함으로써 보편화라는 현상을 불러일으킨 국제주의 양식의 한 부류로 비판을 받아왔다. 즉, Miesianism의 단순하고 강렬한 외형적 요소는 그것이 내포하는 기술적 합리성이나 공간적 완결성을 무시한 채 전 세계에 영향을 미쳤고 동시에 지역적 저항을 받게 되었다. 시카고 및 전 세계의 Miesian들, 즉 Mies van der Rohe의 제자들이나 그로부터 영향을 받은 수많은 건축가들은 이러한 저항과 비판에 직면하게 되며 새로운 사고의 시대적 요구 앞에 고뇌하게 된다. 한국에서는 1978년 Mies van der Rohe의 제자인 김종성이 미국에서 서울로 돌아와 '서울건축컨설탄트'를 설립하며 본격적으로 Miesianism의 규범적 건축론을 설파하기 시작하였다. 이른바 시카고 국제주의학파의 건축전수라고 할 수 있는데 '서울건축컨설탄트'를 통하여 배출된 김종성의 제자들은 명쾌하고도 간결한 건축해법의 경험을 토대름대로의 정체성을 갖고자 노력하였으나 결국 다원적 가치를 요구하는 시대적 흐름 속에 혼란을 겪고 있는 것 또한 사실이다. 본 연구는 Miesianism의 기원을 밝히고 그것의 실수와 오류를 밝힘과 동시에 현대의 여러 가지 건축유형들과 비교하여 봄으로써 Post-Miesianism의 실체와 그 미래에 대하여 고찰하여 보고자 한다. 미스의 유산이라고 할 수 있는 Miesianism의 요체는 첫째, Schinkel로부터 이어받은 시대정신의 사명감, 둘째, Berlage가 전해준 전문가로서의 도덕성을 바탕으로 하여 이루어진 기술적 합리성의 실현, 그리고 마지막으로 그 당시의 추상예술에 대한 이해로써 받아들인 nee-Suprematism의 아방 가르데적인 자세라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 이것들을 전파하고 수용하는 과정에서 미스적인 단순하고 명쾌한 외관이 더욱 강한 인상을 남기게 되었고 또한 미스가 현대성의 본질이라고 믿는 기술의 전수는 모든 외관을 동일하게 만드는 International Style로서의 보편적 획일성을 초래하였다. Mies van der Rohe의 강력하고 규범적인 dogma는 그의 제자들에게는 강렬한 카리스마로 각인되었고, Mies가 원한 것이 아닐지라도 그들을 하나의 틀 속에 가두는 영향력을 행사하였다. 2세대이든 3세대이든 기술적 합리성과 추상적 단순미라는 믿음을 맹목적으로 추종할 때 그들은 Miesian으로 남아있게 되며, 거기서 벗어났을 때 non-Miesian, 또는 배신자로 취급하기까지 하였다. 이것은 미스의 제자들에게 강한 족쇄가 되어 형태적 또는 개념적 변화의 시도를 어렵게 하였고 시대적 요구에 부응하지 못한다는 평가에 이르게 되었다. 문화의 다양성과 역동성을 인정함과 동시에 Miesianism에 대한 새롭고 시대에 적합한 해석을 기대하게 되는데, 이러한 기대 속에서 우리는 Post-Miesianism이라는 새로운 유형을 엿볼 수 있게 된다. Post-Miesianism의 징후를 현대의 다양한 건축유형에서 발견할 수 있는데, High-Tech의 구축적이고 정밀한 건축 기술적 해법과 Minimalism의 반복성을 통한 추상미의 표현 등에서 뿐만이 아니라 Post-Modernism의 인간성의 추구나 문맥적 고려, 또는 해체주의의 형이상학적이고 아방가르데적인 실험주의 정신까지조차 Post-Miesianism이 공유할 수 있는 부분이 있다고 보여진다. 또한, 미스의 영향이 2세대, 3세대의 건축가들에게 미치면서 여러 방향으로 변질되어 가는 것을 우리는 발견할 수 있으며 그러한 시대성에 적응하는 시도들이야말로 새로운 미래를 향한 Post-Miesianism의 실체인 것이다. Mies가 말하였듯이 한 시대의 끝은 그 시대가 완전히 이해되었을 때이며, 모더니즘의 숙제는 아직 해결되지 않았으므로 Miesianism의 탐구는 Post-Miesianism이라는 새로운 주제로 계속될 것이다. 이를 통하여 21세기 디지털 문명의 시대 속에서 현대건축이 안을 수밖에 없는 보편성과 지역성의 충돌이라는 문제의 해결에 한 발걸음 다가갈 수 있기를 기대하여 본다.

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Analysis of Ecotype, Growth and Development, Yield and Feed Value of Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) Genetic Resources (케나프 수집 유전자원의 생태형·생육특성 및 수량과 사료가치 분석)

  • Kang, Chan-Ho;Yoo, Young-Jin;Choi, Kyu-Hwan;Kim, Hyo-Jin;Shin, Yong-Kyu;Lee, Gong-Jun;Ko, Do-Young;Song, Young-Ju;Kim, Chung-Kon
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.556-566
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we collected 29 Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) genetic resources from 10 countries to confirm the possibility of the introduction into Korea. The Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) has the broad industrial use like feed and the 5 times more strong $CO_2$ absorption capacity compared to general plant. So recently it is considered as a good industrial source. We analyzed ecotype, growth and development, yield and feed value of collected resources. They were divided into 3 groups depending on flowering time, early maturing type blooming in early July, mid-late maturing type blooming from end of August to early September and late maturing type blooming in end of October. Early maturing type could get fruitful seed but dropped yield (average 7,895 kg/10a) and late maturing type could get high yield (average 12,572 kg/10a) but deletion. The other side mid-late maturing type could get yield over a certain level (average 11,207 kg/10a) and fruitful seed was ensured. The yields analyzed by resources indicated that K12 (Hongma 300) collected in China, K25 from India, K22 from Russia and K21 (Khonkaen 60) variety from China were more than 13,500 kg per 10a. Feed value of early maturing type had inclined to more better than other types, but like dry digestible matter (DDM) and dry matter intake (DMI) of some late maturing types like K12, K21, K22 which had a high yielding ability were more better than that of early maturing types'. So relative feed value (RFV) which considered comprehensive item for feed value were indicated K21 was 102.5, K12 was 116.2 and K22 was 120.2. 'Jangdae' the variety developed in Korea which could complement of other types' had a good quality for yield 10,975 kg/10a and 12.5% crude protein content and 101.9 of the relative feed value. So we need to be taken power to collection of mid-late maturing types resources.

Treatment of Industrial Wastewater by Electrochemical Method (전기화학적방법을 이용한 산업폐수 처리)

  • Cho, Ju-Sik;An, Myoung-Sub;Lee, Hong-Jae;Heo, Jae-Seon;Sohn, Bo-Kyoon;Heo, Jong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.134-141
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    • 2000
  • For electrochemical treatment of industrial wastewater, the effects of voltage, distance between electrodes, initial pH and NaCl concentrations on removal of pollutants were investigated in a batch electrolysis system. Temperature and pH in electrochemical reactor increased with increase in supplied voltage, but no significant change in EC was found. Removal of COD, turbidity, T-N and T-P were also enhanced with increase in the voltage. On the conditions of short distances between electrodes and long electrochemical reaction times, it was found that COD and T-N were very effectively removed in the system. Regardless of the distances, more than 80% of turbidity and T-P were removed at the beginning of reaction. When initial pH of the wastewater was about 7, the highest efficiency of COD removal was found in the system. On the other hand, removal efficiency of turbidity was unlikely affected by initial pH of the wastewater. T-N removal was increased with increase in initial pH. T-P was successfully removed in the pH range of 5 to 9 with varying removal efficiency of 79 to 96% after 2 minutes of electrochemical reaction time. Addition of NaCl into the electrochemical reactor increased removal efficiency of electrochemical treatment. The highest removal efficiency of COD and T-P, turbidity and T-N was obtained at NaCl concentrations of 500mg/L, 1,000 mg/L and 500mg/L, respectively.

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Comparison of Production Performances between Early- and Late-feathering Chickens in Parent Stocks of Korean Native Chicken (토종종계에 있어 조우성 개체와 만우성 개체간 생산능력 비교 고찰)

  • Kim, Ki Gon;Cho, Eun Jung;Choi, Eun Sik;Kwon, Jae Hyun;Jung, Hyun Chul;Sohn, Sea Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 2019
  • Currently, feather-sexing, which is based on differences in feather development at hatching, is a widely used chick sexing method in the poultry industry. For effective chicken feather-sexing, paternal early-feathering (EF) chickens and maternal late-feathering (LF) chickens must be bred. Therefore, it is critical to identify the effect of EF and LF patterns on production traits in chickens. Thus, the purpose of this study is to analyze and compare the production performances between 522 EF and 232 LF chickens in order to establish the Korean native chicken feather-sexing lines. The results showed that the survival rate of the LF group was significantly higher than that of the EF group from hatching to 52 weeks of age (P<0.05). Body weight, however, was not significantly different between the two groups at all ages. LF and EF groups did not significantly differ in age at first egg laying. However, the hen-day and hen-housed egg production of the LF group were significantly higher than those of EF group (P<0.01). No significant differences were found between the EF and LF groups in all egg quality indicators such as egg weight, eggshell color, albumin height and Haugh unit. Because the breeding target of Korean native commercial chicken is meat-type chicken, feather-sexing strains of Korean native chicken should be established using weighing-based paternal EF lines and laying-based maternal LF lines. Therefore, these results are critical for establishing desirable and effective feather-sexing strains.

Foodservice Characteristics and Satisfaction of the Elderly with the Welfare Facilities in the Northern Gyeonggi-do Area (경기 북부지역 복지시설 이용노인의 급식 현황 및 만족도 조사)

  • Kim, Young Soon;Park, Young Shim;Choi, Byung Bum
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.872-880
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to assess the characteristics and satisfactions related with facility foodservice for the elderly in the Northern Gyeonggi-do area (Republic of Korea). To accomplish this, a survey was conducted to investigate the general characteristics of the elderly, health information, and satisfaction with the foodservice of a welfare facility in the area. The main sources of health information for both the male and female elderly included 'health professionals' (49.0, 45.7%) and the 'mass media' (34.4, 33.5%), and they were revealed to trust the information from 'health professionals' (65.6, 59.5%), more so than the 'mass media' (19.8, 20.8%). The principal diseases of the elderly were 'hypertension' (27.1%), 'diabetes' (21.9%), 'palsy' (19.8%) in males, and 'hypertension' (32.4%), 'diabetes' (24.9%), 'arthritis' (15.0%) in females. Most male and female elderly indicated the main reasons for skipping a meal to be 'no appetite' (37.5, 53.8%) and 'indigestion'(19.1, 17.3%), respectively. The facility foodservice was used by the male elderly for the reasons of 'irritating to cook' (28.1%), 'to meet a friend' (26.0%), and 'economic' (14.6%), while the female elderly used it for the reasons of 'economic' (25.4%), 'to meet a friend' (23.1%), and 'irritating to cook' (23.1%). The reasons for satisfaction with the facility were subject to 'meal supply' (28.0, 37.2%), 'social exchanges' (20.0, 22.3%), and 'good facilities' (18.7, 18.2%). Regarding the officers and nurses of the facility, 13.3% and 9.3% of males and 8.3% and 12.4% of females indicated satisfaction, respectively. The satisfaction with foodservice influenced the welfare facilities, and providing a successful environment for foodservice requires strengthening of the education of facilities employees to become friendlier. Based on these results, greater efforts should be made to provide meaningful information regarding the facility foodservice for the elderly related to the silver service industry in the Northern Gyeonggi-do area as soon as possible.

A Study on The Status of Health Examination and Health Management of Industrial Companies in the Taegu and Kyungbook Areas (일부 경북지역 산업장의 제특성에 따른 건강진단과 보건관리 실태)

  • Kim, Sang-Soon;Kim, Jung-Nam;Park, Jung;Kim, Ok-Ran;Cha, Kyung-Mi;Kwak, Ou-Ke;Park, Kyung-Min;Choi, Yoon-Hee;Bak, Kyung-Shin
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this study was to find the status of health examination and health management of industrial companies located in Taegu and Kyung book areas. It will provide basic information for the provision of effective health management of industrial workers. 49 companies were selected as a study sample group, and data was collected by using a structured Questionnaire which was developed by the members of the Community Health Nursing Academy of Korean Nursing. The health managers of the companies filled out the Questionnaire. The data was gathered from Dec 20, 1992 to Jan 20. The results of the study was as follows : 1. The Study sample showed 85.7% manufacturing companies having 300 or more workers. 2. All the companies had health managers, and companies which had 1,000 or more workers had industrial physicians and nurses. Only 12.2% of the industrial physicians were full time employees, and almost all industrial nurses were full time employees. Except for industrial physicians and nurses, the proportion of hygienists (6.1%), nurses aids (4.1%), and environmental engineers (22.4%) with full time employment statuss was very low. The mean age of industrial physicians was 49.2 while that of industrial nurses was 27.2. The length of work experiences currently ranges for 1 to 3 years for all health workers: physicians, nurses, hygienists, and environmental engineers. 3. Health examination and follow up care 94.31% took general health examinations. Of those, the proportion of the workers, who were determined as C grade(in need of close examination) was 43.86%. The proportion of the workers who were determined as D grade was 22.19%. 13.28% of the workers evaluated at the D grade were taken as a gauge for temporary leave from work. While 8.7% and .09% of them were taken as gauge for a change in job, and or shortening work hours respectively. The proportion of workers who must have taken special examination was 65.04% and of those the proportion of the workers who actually took, the examination was 98.55%. 75% of the workers who were recommended for follow up care were given follow up care. The special examinations were done the most frequently to detect the effects of physical agents (59.2%). Direct notice to individual workers was used the most frequently as a method of notification after a special examination (61.2%). The length of time taken to receive the result of a special examination was less than 1 month (38.9%) and 36.7% had taken up to two months (36.7%.). Most results of special examination were obtained within 2 months. The referral rate of consulting special examination by health managers was estimated at 95.9%. 4. 89.8% of the companies had. their own company dispensaries and 75.5% of those. had separate dispensaries. 32.7% of the companies designated local clinics for health management of workers. Industrial nurses performed health examination the most frequently(1.4 points). Health appraisal for work places were. done the least(0.83 points).

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Standards of Protection in Investment Arbitration for Upcoming Climate Change Cases (기후변화 관련 사건에 적용되는 국제투자중재의 투자자 보호 기준)

  • Kim, Dae-Jung
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.33-52
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    • 2014
  • Although climate change is a global scale question, some concerns have been raised that principles of investment arbitration may not adequately address the domestic implementation of climate change measures. A recent ICSID investment arbitration of Vattenfall v. Germany with regard to the investor's alleged damages from the phase-out of nuclear plants is a salient climate change case. The 2005 Kyoto Protocol was made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and it provides a number of flexible mechanisms such as Joint Implementation (JI) and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol allows dispute settlement through investor-state arbitration. Any initiation of stricter emission standards can violate the prohibition on expropriations in investment agreements, regardless of the measures created to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The effect-based expropriation doctrine can charge changes to existing emission standards as interference with the use of property that goes against the legitimate expectation of a foreign investor. In regulatory chill, threat of investor claims against the host state may preclude the strengthening of climate change measures. Stabilization clauses also have a freezing effect on the hosting state's regulation and a new law applicable to the investment. In the fair and equitable standard, basic expectations of investors when entering into earlier carbon-intensive operations can be affected by a regulation seeking to change into a low-carbon approach. As seen in the Methanex tribunal, a non-discriminatory and public purpose of environmental protection measures should be considered as non-expropriation in the arbitral tribunal unless its decision would intentionally impede a foreign investor's investment.

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The Changes and the Determinants of Korea's Market Share in U.S., Japanese, and Other DECO Imports (한국수출(韓國輸出)의 시장점유율(市場占有率) 분석(分析) : 대미(對美)·日(일)·여타(餘他) OECD 수출실적(輸出實績)을 중심으로)

  • Yoo, Jung-ho
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.3-30
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    • 1991
  • This paper examines Korea's exports of manufactures to the United States, Japan, and other OECD member countries in the 1974-89 period, focusing on the market share in the trade partners' imports. It decomposes the growth of exports into various effects, following the "constant-market-shares" analysis. For this purpose, the entire period is divided into three subperiods: 1974-78, 1978-83, and 1983-89. The paper also estimates a regression model of the market share determination, using the data of Korea's market share in U.S. imports. In the three subperiods under study, Korea's exports grew at different paces for varied reasons. The average annual growth rate was 28 %, 11 %, and 21 %, respectively. A large drop in the "competitiveness effect", that is, in the market-share growth rate, was mainly responsible for the decline in the export growth rate. The largest drop in the competitiveness effect was found in the light manufactures exports in the second period. The market share did not regain the rapid growth momentum. The main reason for the rise in export growth rate in the last subperiod was the "market-size effect"-a rise in the growth rate of the trade partners' imports. According to the regression results, high intensities in physical and human capital tended to lower the Korean manufacturing industries' market shares in the United States. This negative correlation was stronger in the case of human capital intensity, suggesting that Korea is relatively poorer in human capital endowment than in physical capital endowment when compared to the United States. This negative correlation between the market share and each of the two intensities became weaker overtime. This may be interpreted as the consequence of both physical and human capital accumulation which were faster than the labor force growth. Depreciation of the Japanese yen was estimated to have a negative influence on the Korean manufacturing industries' market share in the United States, and this negative influence became stronger each year in the 1980s. This seems to reflect the intensifying competition between the two countries' exports in U.S. import markets. The Heavy and Chemical Industry Policy of the 1970s, which promoted a number of selected industries by providing them with various incentives and inevitably discriminated against the rest of the industries, was estimated to have had strong negative effects on the export performance of the light manufacturing industries. This finding and the largest decline in the "competitiveness effect" -found in the light manufactures exports in the 1978-83 period-indicate that the Heavy and Chemical Industry Policy was mainly accountable for the drop in the export growth rate during the period. On the other hand, the rise in export growth rate during the subsequent subperiod was greatly impacted by the large scale exchange rate realignments of major currencies, especially by the appreciation of the Japanese yen, and other changes in international economic conditions.

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Polyculture of Fleshy Shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis and White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei with River Puffer Takifugu obscurus in Shrimp Ponds (축제식 양식장에서의 대하, 흰다리새우와 황복의 복합양식)

  • Jang, In-Kwon;Jun, Je-Cheon;Jo, Gook-Jin;Cho, Yeong-Rok;Seo, Hyung-Chul;Kim, Bong-Lae;Kim, Jong-Sheek
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.278-288
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    • 2007
  • Shrimp culture in Korea had been rapidly developed during 1990's and the production of farmed shrimp reached 3,268 mt from 2,605 ha in 2001. However the shrimp production decreased to 2,368 mt in 2004 because of the mass mortality due to outbreak of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). WSSV which is one of the most serious threats associated with cultured shrimp around the world has given the economic damages to shrimp culture industry every year since it was found from the shrimp ponds in the west coast of the South Korea in 1993. Various polyculture technologies of shrimp with shellfish, finfish or seaweeds have been implemented to reduce economic damages by mass mortalities of shrimp. Among them, the polyculture of shrimp with carnivorous fish can suppress or delay the viral outbreak of shrimp ponds because the fish may selectively eat the moribund shrimps infected by virus. To determine the selective predatory effect of river puffer Takifugu obscures on WSSV infected shrimp, postlarvae of Litopenaeus vannamei and Fenneropenaeus chinensis. One-year old river puffers were stocked to four earthen ponds of $1,616-1,848\;m^2$ in surface area as followings: polyculture LvP, L. vannamei ($43.4/m^2$)+puffer ($0.22/m^2$); control Lv, L. vannamei ($46.9/m^2$); polyculture FcP, F. chinensis ($30.3/m^2$)+puffer ($0.25/m^2$); control Fc, F. chinensis ($24.6/m^2$). Ponds of control Fc and polyculture FcP had mass mortalities by WSSV outbreak on the $51^{st}$ and $57^{th}$ days of culture respectively. The shrimps of polyculture LvP and control Lv were harvested on the $95^{th}\;day$. Shrimp survival rates of polyculture LvP and control Lv were 32.4% and 18.2% respectively and shrimp productivity of polyculture LvP was 69.2% higher than that of control Lv. Concentration of nutrients (TAN, $NO_2-N$, $NO_3-N$) was maintained within optimal ranges for shrimp growth although that of polyculture ponds showed at least two times higher than that of control ponds. The results suggest that polyculture of L. vannamei with river puffer is higher than monoculture in survival rate and productivity. In addition, F. chinensis should be carefully cultured because this species shows much higher susceptibility to WSSV than L. vannamei.