• Title/Summary/Keyword: IT산업

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Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidant Activities from Hot-air and Freeze Dried Aged Black Ginger (Zingiber officinale) (열풍 및 동결건조에 따른 숙성 흑생강의 이화학적 특성 및 항산화 활성)

  • Kim, Hun-Hwan;Lee, Soo-Jung;Chung, Yoon-Ho;Kim, Sung-Hee;Sung, Nak-Ju
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.153-161
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    • 2018
  • Hot-air and freeze dried powder from aged black ginger were mixed under the ratio conditions of sample "A" (8:2), "B" (5:5), "C"(2:8), "D" (10:0) and "E" (0:10), respectively. The physicochemical properties and antioxidant activities in the 5 kinds of powder were compared. The water absorption index was significantly higher in freeze dried powder, and it tended to be significantly increased depend on the ratio of freeze dried sample. The browning intensity was significantly higher in the hot-air dried samples, but the color intensity was not significant. Total and reducing sugar contents were significantly higher in freeze dried sample. Total sugar content in mixed sample tended to significantly increased as the amount of freeze dried sample. Total phenol content was significantly higher in the sample "A". The contents of gingerol and shogaol were significantly higher in mixed sample "A", 6-gingerol content showed no significant difference according to the drying method. Cholesterol absorption activity was significantly higher in the freeze dried sample "E". The DPPH radical scavenging activity showed a little difference according to the drying method, but the ABTS radical scavenging activity and reducing power in the hot-air dried sample were significantly higher than those of freeze dried. And the activity of mixed powder "A" was significantly higher than others. These results suggest that aged black ginger was superior in terms of quality and functionality of the hot-air drying compared to freeze-drying, and it would be economically effective to the mixed sample "A".

Developing English Proficiency by Using English Animation (영어애니메이션을 활용한 영어 의사소통 능력 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Jae-Hee
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.37
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    • pp.107-142
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the teaching English factors on student's communicative competence and motivation by using animation at the College. To achieve this purpose, this study presented an effective integrative teaching model to develop students communicative competence. The study created animation based teaching English model by using the animation of Frozen and applied it to lectures. Using animation in the classroom was a creative English teaching technique involving authentic activities like English dram, English guide contest, and various communicative activities A case study on the use of the animation in English classes at was examined and the language teaching syllabus were provided. In order to investigate the motivation and proficiency of learners, the writer chose 79 students who took the lecture. The study discovered the students' motivation and proficiency in English improved significantly. The results of experiment are as follows: First, using animation in the English class was found to have meaningful influence student's intrinsic motivation to learn English. Second, using animation in the English class was found to be effective for developing student's English proficiency. Third, appropriate materials should be selected and applied it to the real classroom activities. In conclusion, one of disadvantages of learning is less communication and the authentic interaction in a real life, so that the integrative teaching methodology which is combined English content and English animation content is also the effective method to improve student's intrinsic motivations in the age of global village.

World Logistics Evolution & Marketing Strategy for Korea's Enhanced Port Competition (세계물류발전과 한국의 항만경쟁력 강화를 위한 마케팅 전략)

  • Gim, Jin-Goo
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.363-384
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    • 2008
  • This study aims at improving Korea's competitiveness in port logistics through marketing strategy with integrating the conceptual approach into the empirical one and combining both the oldest military treatise and the newest evaluating model in social science that was applied by the HFP(hierarchical fuzzy process) model enhanced by the KJ method. The empirical results of this study show Busan in the middle among subject ports. At present, Korea plays a reciprocal role in the port market in East Asia, but in the medium- and long-term, Korea's ports will vie together with most major ports in the East Asian region. A descriptive investigation shows that Korea's developing tasks in port logistics must be considered in the context of the direction for developing port policies, the necessity of expanding port facilities in the capital region, securing the sufficient traffic volume through the establishment of the hinterland linking system and its positive utilization, and reforming the direction for developing the global logistics through increased port competitiveness. In the short- and medium-term, Korea must use the opportunity factor of 'Growth and open door policy of China' as a geoeconomic advantage and to utilize Korea's ports as a gate to Chinese foreign trade. With the rise of China's economy, China also plays a significant role in both port and airport markets. Hence, the linking system between the two must be established to meet the expanding traffic volume, especially in the capital area. Moreover, it is necessary for Korea to secure port logistics through the establishment of the hinterland linking system and its positive utilization. The great accomplishment of this paper is to present strategies to increase Korea's port competitiveness in the rapidly changing environments of world logistics with the focus on both the oldest military strategic treatise and the newest empirical method in social science. In order to reinforce this study, it needs further compensative research because the evaluation structure could be subdivided with more extensive and precise criteria.

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A Design Direction for Mobile phones between Comparison of Users from Korea, China and Japan (한중일 사용자 비교분석을 통한 모바일폰 디자인 방향)

  • Eune, Ju-Hyun;Jung, Hee-Yun;Kim, Yun-Jun
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.20 no.3 s.71
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2007
  • The competition to capture a larger slice of the market in Mobile Communication business is increasing among companies. In order to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage in the Asian market, it is critical to continue to develop new technology. Understanding the underlying distinctive characteristics and needs of each market and the cultural backgrounds that drive those needs is a necessary focus. Companies with marketing strategies based on a correct understanding of market needs will capture dominant positions in the market. The purpose of this study is to identify those differences in user behavior and cultural tendencies among different people in different countries in the mobile telecommunication market. This research is based on an on-line survey in three countries (Korea, China, and Japan). Below are the contents of the survey on the mobile phone based on: 1) User behavior 2) Design preference 3) Purchasing behavior 4) User awareness on manufacturer brand. Through the analysis of this questionnaire it is possible to identify the differences and similarities among countries dearly. 1) Cultural trends and perceptions related to mobile phone usage were largely caused by differences in the state of technology, policies and business strategies of mobile sonics carriers and manufacturers, and national tendencies, of each country. 2) Korean and Japanese users produced similar responses to the questions related to advanced technology, whereas Korean and Chinese users responded similarly to national tendency-related questions. 3) To the questions related to business strategies of mobile service carriers and manufacturers, users in all three countries displayed markedly different responses. Once again, accurate analysis of the differences and similarities related to mobile phone usage in each country will help the companies in this industry to gain a competitive edge in the market. This study should not stop at simple comparison but be a framework for giving companies a dear future direction for technological development.

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The geography of external control in Korean manufacturing industry (한국제조업에서의 외부통제에 관한 공간적 분석)

  • ;Beck, Yeong-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.146-168
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    • 1995
  • problems involved in defining and identifying it. However, data on ownership of business establishments may be useful and one of the best alternatives for this empirical research because of use of limited information about control This study examines the spatial patterns of external control in the Korean manufacturing activities between 1986 and 1992. Using the data on ownership iinkages of multilocational firms between 15 administrative areas, it was possible to construct a matrix of organizational control in terms of the number of establishments. The control matrix was disaggregated by three types of manufacturing industries according to the capital and labor requirements of production processes used in. On the basis of the disaggregated control matrix, a series of measures were calculated for investigating the magnitude and direction of control as well as the external dependency. In the past decades Korean industrialization development has risen at a rapid pace, deepening integration into the world economy, together with the continuing growth of the large industrial firms. The expanded scale of large firms led to a spatial separation of production from control, Increasing branch plants in the nation. But recent important changes have occurred in the spatial organization of production by technological development, increasing international competition, and changing local labor markets. These changes have forced firms to reorganize their production structures, resulting in changes of the organizational structures in certain industries and regions. In this context the empirical analysis revealed the following principal trends. In general term, the geography of corporate control in Korea is marked by a twofold pattern of concentration and dispersion. The dominance of Seoul as a major command and control center has been evident over the period, though its overall share of allexternally controlled establishments has decreased from 88% to 79%. And the substantial amount of external control from Seoul has concentrated to the Kyongki and Southeast regions which are well-developed industrial areas. But Seoul's corporate ownership links tend to streteh across the country to the less-developed regions, most of which have shown a significant increase of external dependency during the period 1986-1992. At the same time, a geographic dispersion of corporate control is taking place as Kyongki province and Pusan are developing as new increasingly important command and control reaions. Though these two resions contain a number of branch plants controlled from other locations, they may be increasingly attractive as a headquarters location with increasing locally owned establishments. The geographical patterns of external control observable in each of three types of manufacturing industries were examined in order to distinguish the changing spatial structures of organizational control with respect to the characteristics of the production processes. Labor intensive manufacturing with unskilled iabor experienced the strongest external pressure from foreign competition and a lack of low cost labor. The high pressure expected not only to disinte-grate the production process but also led to location of production facilities in areas of cheap labor. The linkages of control between Seoul and the less-developed regions have slightly increased, while the external dependency of the industrialized regions might be reduced from the tendency of organizational disintegration. Capita1 intensive manufacturing operates under high entry and exit barriers due to capital intensity. The need to increase scale economies ied to an even stronger economic and spatial oncentration of control. The strong geographical oncentration of control might be influenced by orporate and organizational scale economies rather than by locational advantages. Other sectors experience with respect to branch plants of multilocational firms. The policy implications of the increase of external dependency in less-developed regions may be negative because of the very share of unskilled workers and lack of autonomy in decision making. The strong growth of the national economy and a scarcity of labor in core areas have been important factors in this regional decentralization of industries to less-developed regions. But the rather gloomy prospects of the economic growth in the near future could prevent the further industrialization of less-developed areas. A major rethinking of regional policy would have to take place towards a need for a regional policy actively favoring indigenous establishments.

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The impact of anthropogenic factors on changes in discharge and quality of water in the Hadano basin, Japan (인위적인 요인이 하천의 유량과 수질변화에 미친 영향 - 일본 하다노 분지를 사례 로 -)

  • ;Yang, Hea-Kun
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.242-254
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    • 1995
  • The Hadano Basin is located at a distance of about 70kms and 60kms from Tokyo and Yokohama and lies in the south-west part of the Kanto region in Japan. The basin area, which correspoends to the catchment of the Kaname River, is about areal size of 60.7$\textrm{km}^2$ and extends about length of 8kms in E-W direction and about width of 5kms in N-S direction (Fig.1). The Hadano basin is filled with thick pile of the alluvum from deposits composed of volcanic materials, mostly came from the Hakone Volcano and overlain by Fuji Volcanic ashes. Fluvial deposits form the good aquifer, therefore water resources of Handano City has been largely depending upon the eroundwater. Urbanization and industrialization of the basin has been rapid in the last thirty years, after activation of "Factory Attraction Policy of Hadano City" in 1956. Growth in population and number of factory due to urbanization changed the land-use pattern of the basin rapidly and increased the water demands. Therefore, Hadano City exploited a new source of water supply, and have introduced the prefectureal waterworks since 1976. On the other hand, the rapid urbanization has brought about the pollution of streams in the basin by domestic sewage and industrial waste water. Diffusion rate of sewerage systems in Hadano City is 38% in 1993. In ordcr to examine the impact of anthropogenic factors on river environments, the author took up the change of land-use and diffusion area of sewerage as parameters, and performed field surveys on water discharge and quality. The survey has been made at upstream and downstream of the main stream regularly per month, to get informati ons about the variation of discharge and water quality aiong the stream and its diurnal fluctuation. Annual variation has been analyzed based the data from Hadano City Office. The results are summarized as follows. 1. Stream discharge has been increasing by urbanization (Fig.3). Water quality (C $l^{-10}$ , N $H^{+}$$_{ 4}$-N, BOD) has been improving gradually after the application of sewerage service, yet water pollution load at the lower station has increased than that at the upper one because of the larger anthropogenic discharge volumes (Fig.4). 2. Corrclation coefficient of discharges between upper and lower was 0.81-0.92. Pollutant loads of the R. Kamame after the confluence with R. Kuzuha grew up by 2.4-3.7 times as compared with its upper reaches, and it increased to 3.7-6.9 times after the confluence with the R. Muro (Fig.5). 3. The changes of water quality along the stream can be divided into two groups (Fig.6a). First: water quality of the R. Kaname and R. Shijuhachisse is becoming worse towards the lower reaches because the water from branches are polluted. Second: water quality are improved in the lower where spring and small branch streams supply clear water, for example R. Mizunashi, R. Muro and R. Kuzuha. 4. Measured discharge at the upper station in the R. Shijuhachisse is 0.153㎥/sec, and about 55% of this is recharged until it reaches to the lower point. The R. Mizunashi has a discharge of 1.155㎥/sec at the upper point, is recharged 0.24㎥/sec until the midstream and groundwater spring 0.2㎥/sec at the lower reaches. R. Kuzuha recharged all the mountain runoff (0.2㎥/sec) at the upper reaches. The R. Muro is supplied by many springs and the estimated discharge of spring was 0.47㎥/sec (Fig.6b). 5. Diurmal variations in discharge and water quality are influenced clearly by domestic and industrial waste waters (Fig.7, 8).ed clearly by domestic and industrial waste waters (Fig.7, 8).

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Evaluation of Characteristics of Re-liquefaction Resistance in Saturated Sand Deposits Using 1-g Shaking Table Test (1-g 진동대시험을 이용한 포화된 모래지반의 재액상화 강도 특성 평가)

  • Ha Ik-Soo;Kim Myoung-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2005
  • Many case histories of re-liquefaction phenomena seem to support the idea that sand deposits, if they once have been liquefied, could be reliquefied again by a subsequent earthquake even though the earthquake is smaller than the previous one. The magnitude of the strains induced in the initial liquefaction has a significant influence on the resistance of the sample to re-liquefaction. The deposits undergoing liquefaction experience large shear strain during liquefaction. And this previous strain changes the microstructure into highly anisotropic structure such as columnlike structure and connected voids. This type of anisotropy is so unstable that it can reduce re-liquefaction resistance. It is blown that the extent of anisotropic structural change depends on the gradation characteristics of ground. The purpose of this study is to estimate the correlation between the gradation characteristics of the sand and the ratio of re-liquefaction resistance to liquefaction resistance. In this study, 1-g shaking table tests were carried out on five different kinds of sands. During the tests the values of excess pore pressure at various depths and surface settlements were measured. Re-liquefaction resistances were not affected by the initial void ratio and the effective confining pressures, and the deposits of all test sands which had once been liquefied were reliquefied in the cyclic loading number below 1 to 1.5. The ratio of re-liquefaction resistance to liquefaction resistance linearly decreased as $D_{10}/C_u$ increased, and was constant as about 0.2 above the value of $D_{10}/C_u$, 0.15 mm.

Effects in Response to on the Innovation Activities of SMEs to Dynamic Core Competencies and Business Performance (중소기업의 혁신활동이 핵심역량과 기업성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Ahn, Jung-Ki;Kim, beom-seok
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.63-77
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    • 2018
  • In the rapidly to change global market in recent years, as the era of merging and integrating industries and the evolution of technology have come to an era in which everything can not be solved as a single company, it is evolving into competition for the enterprise network rather than the competition for the enterprise unit. In a competitive business environment, it is necessary to provide not only for the efforts as an individual companies but also the mutual development efforts to enhance output through the innovation activities based on the interrelationship with the business partners. In spite of the recent efforts and research through core competencies and innovation activities, some of business activities were unable to achieve enough progress in business performance and this study mainly focused to improve business performance for those companies. This study targeted CEOs and Directors who participates in "manufacturing performance innovation partnership project" carried by The foundation of Large, SMEs, Agriculture, Fisheries cooperation Korea and studied the influences of innovation activities to the core competencies and business performance. Detailed variables in this study were extracted from the previous research and used for verification. The study is designed to determine the influence of individual innovation activities to the core competencies and business performance. Innovation activities as a parameter, the relationship between core competencies and business performance was examined. In the examination of the innovation activities as a meditated effect, those activities carried by SMEs (Collaboration in Technology, Manufacturing, and Management innovations with Large Scale Business) through partnership in manufacturing innovation is significantly related business performance. Therefore, the result reveals that the individual SMEs are having own limitation in the achievement of significant progress in business performance with their own capabilities, and using the innovation activities act as catalyst through the collaboration with large scale businesses would result significant progress in business performance. Mutual effort in collaborative innovation activities between large scale businesses and SMEs is one of the most critical issues in recent years in Korea and the main focus of this study is to provide analysis which demonstrates where the SMEs are required to focus in their innovation activities.

A Study on the Water Reuse Systems (중수도개발연구(中水道開發研究))

  • Park, Chung Hyun;Lee, Seong Key;Chung, Jae Chul
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 1984
  • Water supply has been mainly dependent on the construction of the dams in Korea. It is difficult, however, to continue to construct dams for many reasons, such as the decrease of construction sites, the increase of construction costs, the compensation of residents in flooded areas, and the environmental effects. Water demands have increased and are expected to continue increasing due to the concentration of people in the cities, the rise of the living standard, and rapid industrial growth. It is acutely important to find countermeasures such as development of ground water, desalination, and recycling of waste water to cope with increasing water demands. Recycling waste water includes all means of supplying non-potable water for their respective usages with proper water quality which is not the same quality as potable water. The usages of the recycled water include toilet flushing, air conditioning, car washing, yard watering, road cleaning, park sprinkling, and fire fighting, etc. Raw water for recycling is obtained from drainage water from buildings, toilets, and cooling towers, treated waste water, polluted rivers, ground water, reinfall, etc. The water quantity must be considered as well as its quality in selecting raw water for the recycling. The types of recycling may be classified roughly into closed recycle systems and open recycle systems, which can be further subdivided into individual recycle systems, regional recycle systems and large scale recycle system. The treatment methods of wastewater combine biochemical and physiochemical methods. The former includes activated sludge treatment, bio-disc treatment, and contact aeration treatment, and the latter contains sedimentation, sand filtration, activated carbon adsorption, ozone treatment, chlorination, and membrane filter. The recycling patterns in other countries were investigated and the effects of the recycling were divided into direct and indirect effects. The problems of water reuse in recycle patterns were also studied. The problems include technological, sanitary, and operational problems as well as cost and legislative ones. The duties of installation and administrative organization, structural standards for reuse of water, maintenance and financial disposal were also studied.

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An Analysis on the Role of Enabling Technology in the Relationship between Core Technology and Business Model during the Process of Disruptive Innovation (와해성 혁신과정에서 핵심기술과 비즈니스 모델간의 관계와 보완기술의 중요성 분석: 인터넷 쇼핑몰 사례를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Su;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Kil-Sun
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.79-109
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    • 2011
  • In his highly cited book, Innovator's Dilemma (1997), Christensen introduced a notion of disruptive technology that is based on the observations from disk-drive industry and used it as an explanatory variable through which new entrants outperform incumbents in the industry. In explaining his later observations of disruptive innovations in other industries, however, his early theory based on disruptive technology has been applied to all cases without careful distinction between the notions of technology and business model (Markides, 2006). Furthermore, it has been criticized that his model suffers from lack of enough explanatory power and other important factors that are necessary to fully explain the observed phenomena in various cases (Danneels, 2004). Motivated by the critics in literature, the current study carefully distinguishes between innovation of technology and innovation of business model in the process of disruptive innovation, and apply our framework to the case of internet shopping mall business. Our study yields two main results. First, the internet-related business model which Christensen argued as an example of disruptive innovation is accomplished through two distinctive and separable growth phases: a period of technology growth and a period of business model growth. Second, in the process of disruptive innovation, the notion of enabling technology plays an important bridging role that connects core technology and business model. Furthermore, we confirm that the success of business model innovation depends on the degree of maturity of the enabling technologies. In conclusion, Christensen's notion of disruptive innovation can be further detailed in terms of technology innovation and business model innovation, and if there exist enabling technologies, the chance of success of the business model is higher when the enabling technology is matured rather than when the core technology is merely acknowledged as a disruptive technology.

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