• Title/Summary/Keyword: IS-GEO

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Shear-Rate Dependent Ring-Shear Characteristics of the Waste Materials of the Imgi Mine in Busan (부산 임기광산 광미의 전단속도에 따른 링 전단특성 연구)

  • Jeong, Sueng-Won;Ji, Sang-Woo;Yim, Gil-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.30 no.7
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    • pp.5-15
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    • 2014
  • Abandoned mine deposits are exposed to various physico-chemical geo-environmental hazards and disasters, such as acid mine drainage, water contamination, erosion, and landslides. This paper presents the ring shear characteristics of waste materials. The ring shear box with a rotatable O-ring was used in this study. Three tests were performed: (i) Shear stress-time relationship for given normal stress and shear speed, (ii) shear stress as a function of shear speed, and (iii) shear stress as a function of normal stress. For a given normal stress (50 kPa) and speed (0.1 mm/sec), the materials tested exhibit a strain softening behavior, regardless of drainage condition. The peak and residual shear stresses were determined for each normal stress and shear speed. The shear stress was measured when shear speed is equal to 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 50, 100 mm/sec or when normal stress is equal to 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 150 kPa. From the test results, we found that the shear stress increases with increasing shear speed. The shear stress also increases with increasing normal stress. However, different types of shearing mode were observed in drained and undrained conditions. Under drained condition, particle crushing was observed from the shearing zone to the bottom of lower ring. Under undrained condition, particle crushing was observed only at the shearing zone, which has approximately 1 cm thick. It means that a significant high shear speed under undrained condition can result in increased landslide hazard.

A 3D Magnetic Inversion Software Based on Algebraic Reconstruction Technique and Assemblage of the 2D Forward Modeling and Inversion (대수적 재구성법과 2차원 수치모델링 및 역산 집합에 기반한 3차원 자력역산 소프트웨어)

  • Ko, Kwang-Beom;Jung, Sang-Won;Han, Kyeong-Soo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we developed the trial product on 3D magnetic inversion tentatively named 'KMag3D'. Also, we briefly introduced its own function and graphic user interface on which especially focused through the development in the form of user manual. KMag3D is consisted of two fundamental frame for the 3D magnetic inversion. First, algebraic reconstruction technique was selected as a 3D inversion algorithm instead of least square method conventionally used in various magnetic inversion. By comparison, it was turned out that algebraic reconstruction algorithm was more effective and economic than that of least squares in aspect of both computation time and memory. Second, for the effective determination of the 3D initial and a-priori information model required in the execution of our algorithm, we proposed the practical technique based on the assemblage of 2D forward modeling and inversion results for individual user-selected 2D profiles. And in succession, initial and a-priori information model were constructed by appropriate interpolation along the strke direction. From this, we concluded that our technique is both suitable and very practical for the application of 3D magentic inversion problem.

Seismic First Arrival Time Computation in 3D Inhomogeneous Tilted Transversely Isotropic Media (3차원 불균질 횡등방성 매질에 대한 탄성파 초동 주시 모델링)

  • Jeong, Chang-Ho;Suh, Jung-Hee
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.241-249
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    • 2006
  • Due to the long tectonic history and the very complex geologic formations in Korea, the anisotropic characteristics of subsurface material may often change very greatly and locally. The algorithms commonly used, however, may not give sufficiently precise computational results of traveltime data particularly for the complex and strong anisotropic model, since they are based on the two-dimensional (2D) earth and/or weak anisotropy assumptions. This study is intended to develope a three-dimensional (3D) modeling algorithm to precisely calculate the first arrival time in the complex anisotropic media. Considering the complex geology of Korea, we assume 3D TTI (tilted transversely isotropy) medium having the arbitrary symmetry axis. The algorithm includes the 2D non-linear interpolation scheme to calculate the traveltimes inside the grid and the 3D traveltime mapping to fill the 3D model with first arrival times. The weak anisotropy assumption, moreover, can be overcome through devising a numerical approach of the steepest descent method in the calculation of minimum traveltime, instead of using approximate solution. The performance of the algorithm developed in this study is demonstrated by the comparison of the analytic and numerical solutions for the homogeneous anisotropic earth as well as through the numerical experiment for the two layer model whose anisotropic properties are greatly different each other. We expect that the developed modeling algorithm can be used in the development of processing and inversion schemes of seismic data acquired in strongly anisotropic environment, such as migration, velocity analysis, cross-well tomography and so on.

Spatio-Temporal Semantic Sensor Web based on SSNO (SSNO 기반 시공간 시맨틱 센서 웹)

  • Shin, In-Su;Kim, Su-Jeong;Kim, Jeong-Joon;Han, Ki-Joon
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2014
  • According to the recent development of the ubiquitous computing environment, the use of spatio-temporal data from sensors with GPS is increasing, and studies on the Semantic Sensor Web using spatio-temporal data for providing different kinds of services are being actively conducted. Especially, the W3C developed the SSNO(Semantic Sensor Network Ontology) which uses sensor-related standards such as the SWE(Sensor Web Enablement) of OGC and defines classes and properties for expressing sensor data. Since these studies are available for the query processing about non-spatio-temporal sensor data, it is hard to apply them to spatio-temporal sensor data processing which uses spatio-temporal data types and operators. Therefore, in this paper, we developed the SWE based on SSNO which supports the spatio-temporal sensor data types and operators expanding spatial data types and operators in "OpenGIS Simple Feature Specification for SQL" by OGC. The system receives SensorML(Sensor Model Language) and O&M (Observations and Measurements) Schema and converts the data into SSNO. It also performs the efficient query processing which supports spatio-temporal operators and reasoning rules. In addition, we have proved that this system can be utilized for the web service by applying it to a virtual scenario.

Development of Identity-Provider Discovery System leveraging Geolocation Information (위치정보 기반 식별정보제공자 탐색시스템의 개발)

  • Jo, Jinyong;Jang, Heejin;Kong, JongUk
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.1777-1787
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    • 2017
  • Federated authentication (FA) is a multi-domain authentication and authorization infrastructure that enables users to access nationwide R&D resources with their home-organizational accounts. An FA-enabled user is redirected to his/her home organization, after selecting the home from an identity-provider (IdP) discovery service, to log in. The discovery service allows a user to search his/her home from all FA-enabled organizations. Users get troubles to find their home as federation size increases. Therefore, a discovery service has to provide an intuitive way to make a fast IdP selection. In this paper, we propose a discovery system which leverages geographical information. The proposed system calculates geographical proximity and text similarity between a user and organizations, which determines the order of organizations shown on the system. We also introduce a server redundancy and a status monitoring method for non-stop service provision and improved federation management. Finally, we deployed the proposed system in a real service environment and verified the feasibility of the system.

Detailed Processing and Analysis on the Single-channel Seismic Data for Site Survey of Daecheon-Wonsando Subsea Tunnel (대천-원산도 해저터널 부지조사를 위한 단일채널 탄성파자료의 정밀 처리 및 분석)

  • Kim, Won-Sik;Park, Keun-Pil;Kim, Hyun-Do;Cheong, Snons;Koo, Nam-Hyung;Lee, Ho-Young;Park, Eui-Seob
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.336-348
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    • 2010
  • The Single-channel seismic survey with the source of bubble pulser and drilling survey was carried out in 2008 and 2009 for the site survey of Daecheon-Wonsando area, which was a proposed area of Korea-China subsea tunnel. The goal of this study is to analyze the depth and characteristics of acoustic basement for the stability assessment and tunnel design in this proposed area through combining drilling data with this single-channel seismic data after detailed processing. For this purpose, among the data processing schemes which are usually applied to multi-channel seismic data, we applied the F-K filtering to eliminate the AC(alternating current) noise and the post-stack depth migration to produce depth section. As a result, we verified that the improved depth section could be obtained from single-channel seismic data, and the distribution and characteristics of basement could be analyzed in survey area through the combined analysis with drilling data. However, we could not interpret the detailed structures, fault and fracture zone, due to the quality of bubble pulser source and single-channel data. We expect that those detailed structures can be analyzed when higher resolution seismic data is provided. Therefore, we recommend some items for future seismic survey of subsea tunnel to obtain the high resolution seismic data.

Design and Implementation of Service Model for Tailored Residential Space based on 3D Cadastral Information (3차원 지적정보 기반 맞춤형 주거 공간정보 서비스 모델 개발)

  • Bae, Sang Keun;Shin, Yun Ho;Lee, Seong Gyu;Joo, Yong Jin
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2015
  • Recently, Through the linkage and opening, the fusion of the spatial information, it is necessary for productive ecosystem to provide a variety of information and to increase the civil use. Depending on the economic growth, demand for quality of life and well-being has been on the increase. Spatial information service contents for the public convenience has emerged to solve the problem such as health, safety, welfare and discomfort of daily life This study aims to implement search services for a tailored residence space through the three-dimensional data modeling on cadastral information. To achieve this goal, we established the requirements for deriving a registered object by investigating recent trend with respect to existing cadastral data model and defined property and relationship. Focusing on Songpa-gu, Jamsil station in Seoul, we implemented search services for a tailored residence space for three-dimensional right analysis in conjunction with residential and commercial complex building. As a result, we derived a way to supply 3D cadastre information through open platforms (VWorld) and to represent efficiently, which is able to improve the quality of spatial information service contents for the public convenience as well as to widen utilization of information.

Developing Local Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (지자체 생물다양성 관리전략 구축)

  • Kim, Geunhan;Kong, Seok-Jun;Kim, Min-Kyeong;Lee, Moung-Jin;Song, Jiyoon;Jeon, Seong-Woo
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.3-20
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    • 2014
  • Due to habitat damage associated with climate change and human activities, biodiversity has decreased all over the world. In order to prevent further reduction in biodiversity, the international community has endeavored to establish a cooperative system, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Until now, most biodiversity strategic planning has been led by the national government. However, the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan is conservative and its strategic plan is vague. Therefore, we propose a method for managing local biological resources called the Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. In order to provide the strategic plans and detailed plans for the Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, the report has examined several cases including Convention on Biological Diversity, Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, and the biodiversity strategies and action plans of the Republic of Korea and several other countries. As a result, the report demonstrates the survey and protection of bio-species, the designation and monitoring of conservation region, the management of the integrated eco-network, the establishment of biodiversity organizations and capacity building, the methods to promote networking and traditional knowledge, and the strategy for development in bioindustry. Consequently, the implementation of biodiversity management strategies by local governments will play a significant role in preserving and increasing biodiversity by realizing the goals of Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020.

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A Study on the Method for Three-dimensional Geo-positioning Using Heterogeneous Satellite Stereo Images (이종위성 스테레오 영상의 3차원 위치 결정 방법 연구)

  • Jaehoon, Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.325-331
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    • 2015
  • This paper suggests an intersection method to improve the accuracy of three-dimensional position from heterogeneous satellite stereo images, and addresses validation of the suggested method following the experimental results. The three-dimensional position is achieved by determining an intersection point of two rays that have been precisely adjusted through the sensor orientation. In case of conventional homogeneous satellite stereo images, the intersection point is generally determined as a mid-point of the shortest line that links two rays in at least square fashion. In this paper, a refined method, which determines the intersection point upon the ray adjusted at the higher resolution image, was used to improve the positioning accuracy of heterogeneous satellite images. Those heterogeneous satellite stereo pairs were constituted using two KOMPSAT-2 and QuickBird images of covering the same area. Also, the positioning results were visually compared in between the conventional intersection and the refined intersection, while the quantitative analysis was performed. The results demonstrated that the potential of refined intersection improved the positioning accuracy of heterogeneous satellite stereo pairs; especially, with a weak geometry of the heterogeneous satellite stereo, the greater effects on the accuracy improvement.

Application of Terrestrial LiDAR to Monitor Unstable Blocks in Rock Slope (암반사면 위험블록 모니터링을 위한 지상 LiDAR의 활용)

  • Song, Young-Suk;Lee, Choon-Oh;Oh, Hyun-Joo;Pak, Jun-Hou
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.251-264
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    • 2019
  • The displacement monitoring of unstable block at the rock slope located in the Cheonbuldong valley of Seoraksan National Park was carried out using Terrestrial LiDAR. The rock slopes around Guimyeonam and Oryeon waterfall where rockfall has occurred or is expected to occur are selected as the monitoring section. The displacement monitoring of unstable block at the rock slope in the selected area was performed 5 times for about 7 months using Terrestrial LiDAR. As a result of analyzing the displacement based on the Terrestrial LiDAR scanning, the error of displacement was highly influenced by the interpolation of the obstruction section and the difference of plants growth. To minimize the external influences causing the error, the displacement of unstable block should be detected at the real scanning point. As the result of analyzing the displacement of unstable rock at the rock slope using the Terrestrial LiDAR data, the amount of displacement was very small. Because the amount of displacement was less than the range of error, it was difficult to judge the actual displacement occurred. Meanwhile, it is important to select a section without vegetation to monitor the precise displacement of unstable rock at the rock slope using Terrestrial LiDAR. Also, the PointCloud removal and the mesh model analysis in a vegetation section were the most important work to secure reliability of data.