• Title/Summary/Keyword: IL-6 and IL-10

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Quality Change during Harvest Time and Storage of Various Cabbages Grown on High Land by Different Transplanting Times (정식시기에 따른 고랭지 양배추의 수확 및 저장중 품질변화)

  • Eum, Hyang-Lan;Lee, Young-Hoon;Hong, Sae-Jin;Shin, Il-Sheob;Yeoung, Young-Rok
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of climate conditions during cultivation and harvesting on the quality and storability of fresh bulb cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata). Plug seedlings of six cabbage cultivars were transplanted to Gangneung-Wonju University high elevation research station in Gangwon province (780 m above sea level, lat. $37.5^{\circ}N$.) and harvested with four different harvest times like August 3 ($1^{st}$), August 13 ($2^{nd}$), August 23 ($3^{rd}$), and September 10 ($4^{th}$), respectively from 50 days after transplanting. Weight loss, Hunter color factors, firmness, and soluble solids content (SSC) of the cabbage bulbs were investigated during storage at $3^{\circ}C$ (85% RH) and $25^{\circ}C$ (60% RH). Decreased bulb weight and poor quality cabbages were apparent at the late transplanting (July 14) and harvest (September 10) respectively. Quality index such as firmness and SSC at August 23 ($3^{rd}$) harvested cabbage was better than August 3 ($1^{st}$) and August 13 ($2^{nd}$) cabbages due to the good weather condition just before harvesting. The cv. 'Speed king' and 'Minix 40' showed good qualities among the cultivars, especially when the bulbs were harvested during sunny day conditions from one week before harvesting. Also SSC was influenced by weather condition before harvesting rather than transplanting date, while firmness was influenced by transplanting and harvest date. However, the differences among the cultivars were not significant. The potential of storage as maintaining the quality was different, depending on weather conditions at harvest time. Generally the storage periods of six cultivars were around 3~5 days and 9~10 days at room and low temperature, respectively. However, the August 3 ($1^{st}$) harvested cabbage lost their marketable quality very fast because of rainy and cloudy weather condition before harvesting and also storability of bulbs was 2 days and 4 days at room temperature and $3^{\circ}C$, respectively. Quality index was also not significant difference among cultivars.

Effect of Harvest Time on Yield and Feed Value of Whole Crop Barleys with Different Awn Types (망 특성이 다른 청보리의 수확시기별 수량 및 사료가치)

  • Song, Tae-Hwa;Han, Ouk-Kyu;Yun, Seong-Kun;Park, Tae-Il;Kim, Kee-Jong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.361-370
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to obtain basic a information on growth characteristics, productivity, and feed values of whole crop barleys with different awn types. The field experiments were conducted on land at Iksan, Jeollabuk-do province in Korea for one year. Six barleys with three different awn types, such as Youngyang (rough), Yuyeon (hood), Youho (hood), Iksan449 (hood), Iksan456 (hood), and Iksan448 (awnless), were used in this study. Barleys were harvested on five growth stages after (DAH); 20 days after heading (20 DAH), 25 DAH, 30 DAH, 35 DAH, and 40 DAH. Heading was earlier in Yuyeon (April 22), while was later in Iksan448 (April 29). The maximum dry matter and total digestible nutrients (TDN) yields, 11.8 and 8.1 ton per ha, respectively, was recorded in Ikan456 harvested at 35~40 DAH, followed by Youngyang, Yuyeon, Iksan448, Youho and the lowest in Iksan449. They were increased significantly with advancing crop maturity. Crude protein content was the highest in Iksan448 (10.9%) and the lowest in Youho (9.7%) and that was decreased significantly with late harvest. Total digestible nutrients (TDN) and relative feed value (RFV) were the highest in Iksan448 (73.0%, 183.8, respectively) and the lowest in Iksan456 (68.0%, 135.4, respectively) and they were increased significantly with late harvest. The mean RFV evaluated by awn types was the highest in Iksan448 (183.8) of awnless, the lowest in Youho (149.5) and Iksan456 (135.4), indicated the insufficiency of hooded type barleys as good fodder use. Therefore, in this study suggest that hooded barley should improve forage productivity as well as quality.

Marine Environment and the Distribution of Phytoplankton Community in the Southwestern Sea of Korea in Summer 2005 (여름 한국서남해역의 해양환경과 식물플랑크톤 군집분포)

  • Yoon, Yang-Ho;Park, Jong-Sick;Park, Yeong-Gyun;Noh, Il-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 2007
  • We carried out a study on the marine environment, such as water temperature, salinity, density and chlorophyll ${\alpha}$, and the distribution of phytoplankton community, such as species composition, dominant species and standing crops in the Southwestern Sea of Korea during early summer 2005. According to the analysis of a T-S diagram, three characteristics of water masses were identified. We classified them into Korean and Chinese coastal water, the cold water and the oceanic water. The first was characterized by high temperature and low salinity in the surface layer influenced by river run offs from China and Korea, the second by low temperature and salinity in bottom layer originated from the bottom cold water of the Yellow Sea, and the third by high temperature and high salinity influenced by Tsushima warm currents. The internal discontinuous layer among them was formed at the intermediate depth (about $10{\sim}20\;m$ layer). And the thermal front appeared in the central parts between Tsushima warm currents and Korean and Chinese coastal waters in the Southwestern Sea of Korea. Chlorophyll ${\alpha}$ concentration was high values in the Korean coastal waters and sub-surface layers. But It was low concentration in the Tsushima warm currents regions. The $Chl-{\alpha}$ maximum layers appeared in the sub-surface layer below thermocline. The phytoplankton community in the surface and stratified layers was composed of a total of 40 species belonging to 26 genera. Dominant species were 2 diatoms, Paralia sulcata, Skeletonema costatum and a dinoflagellate, Scripsiella trochoidea. Standing crops of phytoplankton in the surface layer were very low with cell density ranging from 5 to $3.8\;{\times}\;10^3\;cells/L$. Diatoms were controlled by the expanded low salinity coastal waters of the low salinity with high concentrations of nutrients. Otherwise phytoflagellates were dominant in the high temperature regions where the Tsushima warm currents approches the Southwestern Sea of Korea in early summer.

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Monitoring and Risk Assessment of Cadmium and Lead in Agricultural Products (국내 농산물의 카드뮴 및 납 함량 조사 및 위해 평가)

  • Kim, Ji-Young;Choi, Nam-Geun;Yoo, Ji-Hyock;Lee, Ji-Ho;Lee, Young-Gu;Jo, Kyoung-Kyu;Lee, Cheol-Ho;Hong, Su-Myeong;Im, Geon-Jae;Hong, Moo-Ki;Kim, Won-Il
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.330-338
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    • 2011
  • BACKGROUND: This study was conducted to investigate the agricultural product (Pulses, Lettuces, Pumpkins, Apples, Pears and Tangerines) in Korea, monitoring of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) contaminations of agricultural products in cultivated areas and abandoned mine areas were investigated, and risk assessment was performed through dietary intake of agricultural products. METHODS AND RESULTS: The average contents of Cd and Pb ranged from 0.001 to 0.018 mg/kg and from 0.007 to 0.032 mg/kg respectively. The result was showed that contents of Cd and Pb did not exceed maximum residual levels established by CODEX except pumpkins and apples. The average daily intake were in the range of $1.06{\times}10^{-3}$ to $4.76{\times}10^{-2}{\mu}g/kg$ b.w./day at the mean and 95th percentile for Cd, $4.53{\times}10^{-3}$ to $8.35{\times}10^{-2}{\mu}g/kg$ b.w./day at the mean and 95th percentile for Pb for general population, based on the Korean public nutrition report 2008. The Hazard Index (HI) from the ratio analysis between daily exposure and safety level values was smaller than 1.0. CONCLUSION(s): This results demonstrated that human exposure to Cd and Pb through dietary intake of agricultural produces from abandoned mine areas might not cause adverse effect exceeding to those from non-contaminated areas.

Effect of Oyster Shell Powder on Quality Properties and Storage Stability of Emulsion-type Pork Sausages (굴패각 첨가가 유화형 돈육 소시지의 품질 및 저장안정성에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Jae-Joon;Park, Sung-Hyun;Choi, Jung-Soek;Kim, Jong-Hee;Lee, Sang-Hwa;Choi, Suk-Hyun;Choi, Yang-Il;Jung, Dong-Soon
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.469-476
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the functional effects of adding oyster shell powder on the quality properties and storage stability of emulsion-type pork sausages to substitute phosphates as a curing agent. Seven treatments were prepared: T1 (Control), T2 (0.3% STPP), T3 (1.5% NaCl), T4 (1.5% NaCl + 0.5% whey protein), T5 (1.5% NaCl + 0.5% whey protein + 0.15% oyster shell powder), T6 (1.5% NaCl + 0.5% whey protein + 0.3% oyster shell powder), and T7 (1.5% NaCl + 0.5% whey protein + 0.5% oyster shell powder). Significant differences were observed for ash in the proximal analysis. Adding 0.5% oyster shell powder significantly increased pH values when compared to the other treatments. Pork sausages with 0.3% oyster shell powder had significantly improved water holding capacity and cooking loss. Adding oyster shell powder (0.15, 0.3, and 0.5%) resulted in significantly higher hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, and chewiness values than those in the other treatments. No significant differences were observed among treatments during 14 d of cold storage at $4^{\circ}C$.

Organic Acidopathies as Etiologic Diseases of Seizure Disorders in Korean Childhood and Adolescent Age Group (한국인 소아청소년기 발작의 원인질환으로서의 유기산대사이상질환)

  • Kim, Hui Kwon;Lee, Jong Yoon;Lee, Ye Seung;Bae, Eun Joo;Oh, Phil Soo;Park, Won Il;Lee, Hong Jin
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Inherited Metabolic disease
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: Acute symptomatic seizures are caused by structural changes, inflammation or metabolic changes of brain, such as tumor, stroke, meningitis, encephalitis and metabolic disorders. Inherited metabolic disorders that can cause seizures are organic acidopathies, lysosomal storage disorders, peroxisomal disorders and mineral disorders. We have done this study to find out the importance of organic acidopathies causing seizure disorders in Korean childhood and adolescent patients. Method: Retrograde analysis for 1,306 patients with seizure disorders whose clinical informations are available and have done urine organic acid analysis for 5 years period, between Jan. 1st 2007 to Dec. 31th 2011. Statistical analysis was done with Student's t test using SPSS. Result: Out of 1,306 patients, 665 patients (51%) showed abnormalities on urine organic acid analysis. The most frequent disease was mitochondrial respiratory chain disorders (394, 30.1%), followed by mandelic aciduria (127, 9.7%), ketolytic defects (81, 6.2%), 3-hydroxyisobutyric aciduria (19, 1.4%), glutaric aciduria type II (10, 0.8%), ethylmalonic aciduria (4), propionic aciduria (4), methylmalonic aciduria (3), glutaric aciduria type I (3), pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency (3), pyruvate carboxylase deficiency (3), isovaleric aciduria (2), HMG-CoA lyase deficiency (2), 3-methylcrotonylglycinuria (2), fatty acid oxidation disorders (2), fumaric aciduria (1), citrullinemia (1), CPS deficiency (1), MCAD deficiency (1). Conclusion: On neonatal period, mandelic aciduria due to infection was found relatively frequently. Mitochondrial disorders are most frequent etiologic disease on all age group, followed by ketolytic defects and various organic acidopathies. The number and diversities of organic acidopathies emphasize meticulous evaluation of basic routine laboratory examinations and organic acid analysis with initial sample on every seizure patient.

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Risk Assessment of As, Cd, Cu and Pb in Different Rice Varieties Grown on the Contaminated Paddy Soil (중금속 오염 논토양에서 재배된 벼 품종간 위해성평가 비교)

  • Kim, Won-Il;Kim, Jin-Kyoung;Yoo, Ji-Hyock;Paik, Min-Kyoung;Park, Sang-Won;Kwon, Oh-Kyung;Hong, Moo-Ki;Yang, Jay-E;Kim, Jeong-Gyu
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.53-57
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    • 2009
  • Heavy metal pollution may be one of the most serious challenges confront crop production and human health. Therefore, the selection of heavy metal tolerance cultivars which adapted to the contaminated fields will introduced a suitable solution for management this critical environmental risk. The objectives of this research is to assess human health risk using geochemical analyses and exposure assessment of heavy metals in rice cultivars. Risk for inhabitants in the closed mine area was comparatively assessed for As, Cd, Cu and Pb in 10 rice varieties as a major exposure pathway. The average daily dose (ADD) of each heavy metal was estimated by analyzing the exposure pathways to rice and soil. For the non-carcinogenic risk characterization, Hazard Quotient (HQ) and Hazard Index (HI) were calculated using toxicity indices provided by US-EPA IRIS. The different rice varieties revealed a wide range of HI values from 23.6 to 34.3, indicating that all rice varieties have a high potential toxic risk. The DA rice variety showed the lowest HI value while the TB rice variety the highest. The probabilities of cancer risk for As via rice consumption were varied with rice varieties ranging from 2.0E-03 to 3.5E-03 which exceeded the regulatory acceptable risk of 1 in 10,000 set by US-EPA. The DA rice variety also showed the lowest value while the TB rice variety gave the highest value. Our results indicate that risk assessment can be contribute to screen the pollution safe rice cultivars in paddy fields affected by the mining activity.

A New High Grain Yielding Forage Rye Cultivar, "Seedgreen" (종자 생산량이 많은 호밀 신품종 "씨드그린")

  • Han, Ouk-Kyu;Hwang, Jong-Jin;Park, Hyung-Ho;Kim, Dea-Wook;Oh, Young-Jin;Park, Tae-Il;Ku, Ja-Hwan;Kwon, Young-Up;Kweon, Soon-Jong;Park, Kwang-Geun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 2015
  • "Seedgreen" (Secale cereal L.), a new rye cultivar was developed by National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), RDA in 2013. It was developed from an open pollination from within 10 rye varieties or lines including "Chochun" in 1995. The line "SR95POP-S1-140-9-1-3-7-5-3" was selected for its excellent agronomic appearance, and was placed in yield trials for three years from 2008 to 2010. The new cultivar was designated "Homil50" and was placed in regional yield trials at the five locations around Korea from 2011 to 2013, during which time the name "Seedgreen" was given. This cultivar is an erect plant type and of a long size, with a dark-green leaf color, a yellowish-white colored, medium-diameter culm, and a brown-colored, medium-size grain. The heading and maturation dates of Seedgreen were April 22 and June 16, which were 3 days and 2 days earlier than that of "Gogu", respectively. Seedgreen also showed better winter hardiness and a greater resistance to lodging and wet injury compared to those of the check cultivar. Over three years, the average dry matter yield of Seedgreen was 8.3 ton $ha^{-1}$ (fresh yield = 39.8 ton $ha^{-1}$), which was harvested in late April and was lower than that of the check cultivar Gogu. The seed productivity of Seedgreen was approximately 4 ton $ha^{-1}$, which was 16 % more than that of the check. Seedgreen was higher to than Gogu in term of protein content (10.5% and 9.7%, respectively), total digestible nutrients (TDN) (58.3% and 57%, respectively), and TDN yield $ha^{-1}$ (4.81 ton and 4.77 ton, respectively). This cultivar is recommended as a fall sowing crop in areas where the average daily minimum-mean temperatures are higher than $-12^{\circ}C$ in January, and as a winter crop for whole-crop forage before the planting of rice or green manure around Korea.

Determination of Appropriate Location for Baby Leaf Vegetable in Multi Bench System of Rice Seedling Nursery Facility During High Temperature Periods (다단식 벼육묘시설을 활용한 고온기 어린잎채소 재배 적정 위치 선발)

  • Kim, Jae Kyung;Kim, Il Seop;Kang, Ho Min;Choi, Ki Young
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.286-292
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to investigate the suitable of layer on growth of six baby leaf vegetables using existing facilities and equipment in rice seedling nursery. Three kinds of Lactuca(lettuce 'Jinppallola' and 'Romain white', and indian lettuce), two of Brassica(tatsoi and red tatsoi) and amaranth were used as the materials. After sowing, the rice seedling tray was placed in multi bench system($L120{\times}W60{\times}H195cm$, 10th floor), which were low(1st) layer above 15cm, middle(4th) layer above 115cm and high(7th) layer above 175cm apart from ground. Irrigation was sprayed 2~3 times a day using a automatic irrigation system. The growth characteristics and leaf color were investigated when leaf vegetables were reached the optimum size(within 10cm of plant height). During the culture periods(29th Jun.~31th Jul. 2017), daytime average temperature was $27.4{\sim}28.3^{\circ}C$ regardless of layers but solar irradiance was higher in the high-layer than low and middle-layer of 37% and 22%, respectively. The leaf length, leaf width and number of leaves in middle and high-layer have a tendency to increase but, fresh weight was different according to the layer. When the correlation between accumulation radiation and growth was analyzed, all of growth factor of Amaranth showed a high correlation and other cultivars showed correlation with each growth factors. As a result, It is suitable that amaranth and red tatsoi for high-layer, Indian lettuce and tatsoi for middle and high-layer and 'Romain white' for middle-layer. The growth of red lettuce 'Jinppallola' was good at low layer, but leaf color expression was poor. So the high layer is suitable for 'Jinppallola'.

Prevalence of Orthostatic Dysregulation in Elementary School Students and Frequency of Individual Symptoms (학동기 아동의 Orthostatic Dysregulation의 유병률과 임상증상의 빈도에 대한 연구)

  • Yang, Eun Seok;Kim, Eun-Young;Moon, Kyoung-Rae;Park, Sang Kee;Park, Young Bong;Rho, Young Il
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.138-142
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : The purpose of the present study was to access the prevalence of orthostatic dysregulation(OD) and the frequency of each category for major and minor criteria among elementary school students using the OD questionnaire. Methods : We carried out inquiry by questionnaire as to the frequency of OD among two elementary schools with 725 students, 10 to 12 years of age, residing in Gwangju, Korea. The questionnaire was made according to criteria proposed by the Japan OD Study Group. Results : Of the 725 students(male 390; female 335) questioned, the OD was found in 338 students (53.5 percent). Prevalence of OD in males(59.2 percent) was significantly higher than in females(46.8 percent)(P<0.05). Palpitation with slight exercise(95.9 percent) was the most frequent major symptom. Headaches(85.8 percent) were the most frequent minor symptom among cases of OD. Conclusion : The prevalence of OD in elementary school students in this study(53.5 percent) was higher than in other studies. Contrary to studies from other countries, the male to female ratio was reversed. Because the diagnostic criteria seem to be dependent on subjective reporting of the symptoms, a newer diagnostic system based on more objective findings should be established.