• Title/Summary/Keyword: IC Card System or Smart Card System

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Implementation for the Biometric User Identification System Based on Smart Card (SMART CARD 기반 생체인식 사용자 인증시스템의 구현)

  • 주동현;고기영;김두영
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2004
  • This paper is research about the improvement of recognition rate of the biometrics user identification system using the data previously stored in the non contact Ic smart card. The proposed system identifies the user by analyzing the iris pattern his or her us. First, after extracting the area of the iris from the image of the iris of an eye which is taken by CCD camera, and then we save PCA Coefficient using GHA(Generalized Hebbian Algorithm) into the Smart Card. When we confirmed the users, we compared the imformation of the biometrics of users with that of smart card. In case two kinds of information was the same, we classified the data by using SVM(Support Vector Machine). The Experimental result showed that this system outperformed the previous developed system.

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Development of T-commerce Processing Payment Module Using IC Credit Card(EMV) (IC신용카드(EMV)를 이용한 T-커머스 결제처리 모듈 개발)

  • Choi, Byoung-Kyu;Lee, Dong-Bok;Kim, Byung-Kon;Heu, Shin
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.19A no.1
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2012
  • IC(Integrated circuits)card, generally be named smard card, embedded MPU(Micro Processor Unit) of small-size, memory, EEPROM, Card Operating System(COS) and security algorithm. The IC card is used in almost all industry such as a finance(credit, bank, stock etc.), a traffic, a communication, a medical, a electronic passport, a membership management and etc. Recently, a application field of IC card is on the increase by method for payments of T-commerce, as T-commerce is becoming a new growth engine of the broadcating industry by trend of broadcasting and telecommunication convergence, smart mechanization of TV. For example, we can pay in IC credit card(or IC cash card) on T-Commerce. or we can be provided TV banking service in IC cash card such as ATM. However, so far, T-commerce payment services have weakness in security such as storage and disclosure of card information as well as dropping sharply about custom ease because of taking advantage of card information input method using remote control. To solve this problem, This paper developed processing payment module for implementing TV electronic payment system using IC credit card payment standard, EMV.

Fault Tree Analysis and Fault Modes and Effect Analysis for Security Evaluation of IC Card Payment Systems (IC카드 지불결제 시스템의 보안성 평가를 위한 고장트리 분석(FTA)과 고장유형과 영향 분석(FMEA))

  • Kim, Myong-Hee;Jin, Eun-Ji;Park, Man-Gon
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 2013
  • The demands of IC card payment system has been increased according to the rapid advancement of the IT convergence application technologies. Recently IC card payment systems are in demands of the usage space at anytime and anywhere by developing the wireless communication technology and its related multimedia processing technology. Therefore the security of IC card payment system becomes more important and necessary. There are many fault analysis methods to evaluate the security and safety of information systems according to their characteristics and usages. However, the only assessment method to evaluate the security of information systems is not enough to analyse properly on account of the various types and characteristics of information systems by the progress of IT convergence and their applications. Therefore, this paper proposes an integrative method of the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Fault Modes and Effect Analysis/Criticality (FMEA/C) based on criticality to evaluate and improve the security of IC card payment system as an illustration.

Comparison of Algorithm Performance in the Smart Card used as the TETRA terminal encryption module (TETRA 단말기용 스마트카드에서의 알고리즘 성능 비교)

  • Ahn Jae-Hwan;Park Yong-Seok;Jung Chang-Ho;Ahn Joung-Chul
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.183-186
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    • 2006
  • It is studied the implementation possibility of some encryption algorithms which meet the performance requirements in the smart card used in the TETRA system End-to-End Encryption. It is measured the operation time of the algorithm in the smart card which has 32 bit smart card controller made by Samsung Electronics. The algorithms used in the performance comparison are AES, ARIA, 3DES, SEED, IDEA which are the domestic or international standards. The input and output time of the smart card are measured using the smart card protocol analyzer. The pure algorithm operation time is calculated by the repeated algorithm operations. This measurement results can be used as the criteria for the selection of algorithm which will be used in the TETRA End-to-End encryption system. The algorithm which has better performance can be used for the implementation of additional functions in the smart lard, because of the enough time margin.

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Comparative Analysis of ViSCa Platform-based Mobile Payment Service with other Cases (스마트카드 가상화(ViSCa) 플랫폼 기반 모바일 결제 서비스 제안 및 타 사례와의 비교분석)

  • Lee, June-Yeop;Lee, Kyoung-Jun
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.163-178
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    • 2014
  • Following research proposes "Virtualization of Smart Cards (ViSCa)" which is a security system that aims to provide a multi-device platform for the deployment of services that require a strong security protocol, both for the access & authentication and execution of its applications and focuses on analyzing Virtualization of Smart Cards (ViSCa) platform-based mobile payment service by comparing with other similar cases. At the present day, the appearance of new ICT, the diffusion of new user devices (such as smartphones, tablet PC, and so on) and the growth of internet penetration rate are creating many world-shaking services yet in the most of these applications' private information has to be shared, which means that security breaches and illegal access to that information are real threats that have to be solved. Also mobile payment service is, one of the innovative services, has same issues which are real threats for users because mobile payment service sometimes requires user identification, an authentication procedure and confidential data sharing. Thus, an extra layer of security is needed in their communication and execution protocols. The Virtualization of Smart Cards (ViSCa), concept is a holistic approach and centralized management for a security system that pursues to provide a ubiquitous multi-device platform for the arrangement of mobile payment services that demand a powerful security protocol, both for the access & authentication and execution of its applications. In this sense, Virtualization of Smart Cards (ViSCa) offers full interoperability and full access from any user device without any loss of security. The concept prevents possible attacks by third parties, guaranteeing the confidentiality of personal data, bank accounts or private financial information. The Virtualization of Smart Cards (ViSCa) concept is split in two different phases: the execution of the user authentication protocol on the user device and the cloud architecture that executes the secure application. Thus, the secure service access is guaranteed at anytime, anywhere and through any device supporting previously required security mechanisms. The security level is improved by using virtualization technology in the cloud. This virtualization technology is used terminal virtualization to virtualize smart card hardware and thrive to manage virtualized smart cards as a whole, through mobile cloud technology in Virtualization of Smart Cards (ViSCa) platform-based mobile payment service. This entire process is referred to as Smart Card as a Service (SCaaS). Virtualization of Smart Cards (ViSCa) platform-based mobile payment service virtualizes smart card, which is used as payment mean, and loads it in to the mobile cloud. Authentication takes place through application and helps log on to mobile cloud and chooses one of virtualized smart card as a payment method. To decide the scope of the research, which is comparing Virtualization of Smart Cards (ViSCa) platform-based mobile payment service with other similar cases, we categorized the prior researches' mobile payment service groups into distinct feature and service type. Both groups store credit card's data in the mobile device and settle the payment process at the offline market. By the location where the electronic financial transaction information (data) is stored, the groups can be categorized into two main service types. First is "App Method" which loads the data in the server connected to the application. Second "Mobile Card Method" stores its data in the Integrated Circuit (IC) chip, which holds financial transaction data, which is inbuilt in the mobile device secure element (SE). Through prior researches on accept factors of mobile payment service and its market environment, we came up with six key factors of comparative analysis which are economic, generality, security, convenience(ease of use), applicability and efficiency. Within the chosen group, we compared and analyzed the selected cases and Virtualization of Smart Cards (ViSCa) platform-based mobile payment service.

Design of Linear Systolic Arrays of Modular Multiplier for the Fast Modular Exponentiation (고속 모듈러 지수연산을 위한 모듈러 곱셈기의 선형 시스톨릭 어레이 설계)

  • Lee, Geon-Jik;Heo, Yeong-Jun;Yu, Gi-Yeong
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.26 no.9
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    • pp.1055-1063
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    • 1999
  • 공개키 암호화 시스템에서 주된 연산은 512비트 이상의 큰 수에 의한 모듈러 지수 연산으로 표현되며, 이 연산은 내부적으로 모듈러 곱셈을 반복적으로 수행함으로써 계산된다. 본 논문에서는 Montgomery 알고리즘을 분석하여 right-to-left 방식의 모듈러 지수 연산에서 공통으로 계산 가능한 부분을 이용하여 모듈러 제곱과 모듈러 곱셈을 동시에 수행하는 선형 시스톨릭 어레이를 설계한다. 설계된 시스톨릭 어레이는 VLSI 칩과 같은 하드웨어로 구현함으로써 IC 카드나 smart 카드에 이용될 수 있다.Abstract The main operation of the public-key cryptographic system is represented the modular exponentiation containing 512 or more bits and computed by performing the repetitive modular multiplications. In this paper, we analyze Montgomery algorithm and design the linear systolic array for performing modular multiplication and modular squaring simultaneously using the computable part in common in right-to-left modular exponentiation. The systolic array presented in this paper could be designed on VLSI hardware and used in IC and smart card.

Analysis of Security Threats from Increased Usage of Mobile App Services (모바일 앱 서비스 이용 증가로 인한 보안 위협 분석)

  • Choi, Heesik;Cho, Yanghyun
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.45-55
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    • 2018
  • Recently, because the arrival of the fourth industrial revolution era, many information and telecommunication services have grown rapidly in the mobile business market. So, companies are based Mobile Apps on user customized services and expanding their services. From the standpoint of the business, to generate revenue, the company needs to maintain the existing current computer environment and develop Mobile Apps to offer convenience in various areas such as finance, admiration, e-commerce and sales support. However, as the number of users increase due to expansion of various Mobile services, security threats that are related to Mobile Apps are increasing and its damage is also increasing. Due to the rapid technological transformation of Mobile devices using the Internet, the level of security threats to Smartphones are rising and getting more advance, so this thesis is structured as follows. In Chapter 2, it will look at the overall trends of Mobile Apps as related research. In Chapter 3, it will discuss various security concerns that related to the latest Mobile Apps and learn about the threatening factors. In Chapter 4, it will compare and analyze the threatening factors. Then it will find and suggest the possible plan. In Chapter 5, it will end with conclusion. Finally, to protect mobile devices from security threats, the environment of operating system which manages the resources and data of Apps needs to be protected. Also, it is important that users to have awareness and check activation FinTech technology security in the process of simple payment with fingerprint or IC card.