• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hydrochloric acid

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Changes of Phenolic Compounds and Pectin in Asian Pear Fruit during Growth (배의 생장시기에 따른 페놀성물질과 펙틴의 변화)

  • Zhang, Xian;Lee, Fan-Zhu;Eun, Jong-Bang
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2007
  • The changes in phenolic compounds and pectin content were investigated during the growth of 3 cultivars (Hosui, Niitaka and Chuwhangbae) of Asian pear (Pyrus pyrifolria) fruits. The amounts of total phenolic compounds in peel, flesh and core was 20.61-22.98mg/g, 0.87-1.23mg/g and 6.39-37.96mg/g during early growth, respectively, and decreased with pear growth. Arbutin, chlorogenic acid and epicatechin were detected in each part of all three cultivars during early growth; of these, arbutin content was the highest. Caffeic acid, catechin and 4-hydroxymethyl benzoic acid were detected in the peel and core during the ripening process. The total pectin content in the flesh of Hosui, Niitaka, and Chuwhangbae cultivars decreased from 5.93mg/g, 5.99mg/g and 5.40mg/g to 1.07mg/g, 1.60mg/g and 1.63mg/g, respectively. Of the soluble pectins, the hydrochloric acid-soluble pectin content was the highest, 3.21-3.45mg/g, and decreased during growth.

Spectrophotometric Determination of Submicrogram Amounts of Orthophosphate Suitable for Water Analysis (水質分析을 目的한 極微量燐酸鹽의 高感度比色定量法)

  • Chong Hun Won
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 1964
  • The critical examination of the spectrophotometric method for determining microgram quantities of phosphate by the n-butyl acetate extraction as molybdophosphoric acid and subsequent development of the molybdenum blue has been made. In this procedure from 2 to 8 ${\mu}g$. of phosphate-phosphorus can be determined under optimum conditions. The final concentration of ammonium molybdate and the final acidity of perchloric acid for the formation of heteropoly acid are suitable to be ranges of 0.5 to 1.1% and 0. 5 to 1. 1 N respectively, and subsequently extracted with 10 ml. of n-butyl acetate. The extract is developed to molybdenum blue with 5.0 ml. of 1. 3% stannous chloride in 1N hydrochloric acid. The color is stable for at least one hour in the use of perchloric acid for the condensation. In order to determination of submicrogram amounts of phosphate, the sensitivity of the molybdenum blue method is hardly sufficient, a sensitive and stable molybdenum(V)-thiocyanate complex method has been investigated. By the procedure less than 1.2 ${\mu}g$. of phosphate-phosphorus can be determined with an accuracy of less than 5% the relative error. The molybdenum(Ⅵ) extracted by the above procedure is reduced to molybdenum(V) in the extract directly with a solution of 4 to 10% of stannous chloride, 0.5 to 1.5 mM of copper, and 0.1 to 0.9 N of perchloric acid as final concentration in 4.3 to 6.3 N of hydrochloric acid or 9.0 to 13.0 N of sulfuric acid by heating for one minute in boiling water, after cooling, the molybdenum(V)-thiocyanate complex color is developed by adding 6.0 M ammonium thiocyanate solution making the final concentration to be in a range of 0.4 to 0.9 M. This procedure the very sensitive, reliable, and stable can be applied to determining submicrogram amounts of phosphate in natural waters with a precision of 1.6 ${\times}\;10^{-2}$ the standard deviation as absorbance.

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The Studies on The Tetrazotization of Aromatic Diamines (I). Tetrazotization of p-Phenylenediamine in Hydrochloric Acid and Perchloric Acid (방향족 디아민의 Tetrazo 화에 관한 연구 (제1보). 염산 및과염소산 중에서 p-Phenylenediamine의 Tetrazo 화)

  • Woo Young Lee;Youn Young Lee;Sae Hee Chang
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.262-268
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    • 1973
  • p-Phenylenediamine was tetrazotized with sodium nitrite in an excess amount of concentrated hydrochloric acid media at -10$^{\circ}$C. It was also tetrazotized almost completely in 45% perchloric acid media. The two diazo groups in the tetrazonium salt were substituted by halogen, and the degree of tetrazotization reaction was observed by dihalobenzene yielded. The result of the tetrazotization was dependent upon the stability of the tetrazonium salt, and the stability was determined by concentration and quantity of the acid media. In dilute acid media the tetrazonium salt was unstable and completely decomposed. In concentrated acid media, though the tetrazonium salt was stable, tetrazotization reaction was retarded. To harmonize the two opposing tendencies it was advisable to find the optimum acidity of media at which the salt was fairly stable. About $40{\sim}45$% of the acid media was suitable. The fact that the $H^+$ ion behaved as a negative catalyst supported the assumption that the diazotization reaction is primarily a reaction between the free amine and a nitroso group. The reaction of tetrazotization is expressed with respect to the kinetics and mechanism of diazotization.

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Separation of Fe(Ⅱ) from Co(Ⅱ), Ni(Ⅱ), Pb(Ⅱ) Using Amberlite IRA 400 Loaded with Alizarin Red S (Alizarin Red S가 결합된 Amberlite IRA 400 에 의한 Co(Ⅱ), Ni(Ⅱ), Pb(Ⅱ) 중 Fe(Ⅱ)의 분리)

  • Cha, Ki Won;Park, Chan Il;Kang, Ji Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.172-176
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    • 1998
  • An anion exchange resin which has Alizarin Red S (ARS) as functional group was prepared by batch method. The resin is stable in acidic solutions below 0.5 M hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and sulfuric acid and adsorption capacity of Fe(Ⅱ) ion on the resin was larger than other metal ions. The preconcentration and the separation of Fe(Ⅱ) ion from the mixture solution were carried out with the pH 4.5 buffer solution and 0.1 M $HNO_{3}$ as eluents.

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Acid Resistance Properties of RSLMC for Maintenance and Repair (유지 보수를 위한 RSLMC의 산성 저항성)

  • Hong, Chang-Woo;Kim, Dong-Ho;Lee, Hun-Jae;Kwon, Hyouk-Chan;Yun, Kyong-Ku
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.22 no.A
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    • pp.161-168
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    • 2002
  • Latex modified concrete is governed by both cement hydration and polymer film formation processes in its binder phase. Such the reactions are expected to improve the polymer-cement co-matrixes themselves and the bond between the cement hydrates and aggregates, and to improve the properties of hardened latex-modified concrete. The purpose of this study was to study the strength and chemical resistance of Rapid-setting latex modified concrete(RSLMC) with the main experimental variables such as latex content(0, 5, 10, 15, 20%) and water-cement ratio(36, 38, 40%) at latex content 15%. Water absorption test was earned out to estimate water permeability resistance. Chemical resistance test was carried out to measure the weight change and to observe the appearance of RSLMC immersion in hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, and calcium choloride.

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Studies on Persimmon Wine (감술제조에 관한연구)

  • 편재영
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.455-461
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    • 1999
  • The possibility of wine making from soft and dried persimmon and the effects of treatment for persimmon on the quality of wine have been investigated. Soft persimmon was pretreated by two method of heat and hydrochloric acid treatment. Fermentation mash was composed of 12% persimmon and 15% of sucrose and was fermented at 17$^{\circ}C$ for 36 days. The fermentation using persimmons which were untreated and treated by acid was not successful because of contamination caused by lactic acid and acetic acid bacteria. Acidity of the fermented broth produced from boiled dried acid treated and untreated persimmon was 4,4, 5.0, 5,8 and 13.5ml(0.1N NaOH/10ml broth) respectively. Ethanol concentration of the fermented broth produced from boiled dried acid treated and untreated persimmon was 11.2, 10.0, 9.4 and 6.1% v/v respectively. The wine fermented for 28day's fermentation using boiled persimmon as substate had the best quality and stability. After 36day's fermentation using boild persimon following composition was obtained: 4.65% of total sugar 3.65% of reducing sugar 0.03mg/ml of protin 0.17$\mu$/ml of amino acid and 13.02 $\mu$g/ml of pectin. The pH and yeast cell of the boiled persimmon broth were 3.4 and 5.75 logCFU/ml. Fermented wine using dried persimmon had aslo good quality but the fermentation rate was slow.

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A Study on the Microdetermination of Nicotine in Contaminated Beverage by Thin-Layer Chromatography (커피음료중(飮料中)에 위화(僞和)된 Nicotine의 미량분석(微量分析)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Duk-Heng;Lee, Yong-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.23-25
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    • 1979
  • A trace amount of nicotine, main constituent in tobacco, contaminated in coffee, was identified by the T.L.C method. The Eastman chromagram plate was used and determined with the linear scanning by transmission method. It was possible to identify nicotine in coffee beverage regardless of types of tobacco. Ten micrograms of nicotine could be determined in a cup of coffee (75ml), which was acidified with hydrochloric acid.

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Preparation and Identification of Crystal Modification of Piroxicam

  • Suh, Jung-Jin;Kim, Bong-Hee;Ko, Jung-Gil
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 1985
  • Data obtained from X-ray diffractometry, thermal analysis, IR spectroscopy and microscopic observation were used for the identification and characterization of four crystalline modifications of piroxicam. form a was crystallized from sodium hydroxide-hydrochloric acid and from c was obtained by crystallization from toluene. Form b and d was crystallized from methanol under the different temperature conditions. Relative rates of dissolution and solubility of four crystal forms of piroxicam in distilled water were measured.

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Nephrotoxicity Studies of 3-Monochloropropane-1,2-diol

  • Yum, Young-Na;Oh, Jae-Ho;Kim, Sheen-Hee;Hwang, Myung-Sil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Toxicology Conference
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    • 2003.10b
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    • pp.194-194
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    • 2003
  • Certain chlorinated propanols occur as contaminants in hydrolysed vegetable proteins. Processing of defatted vegetable proteins by traditional hydrochloric acid hydrolysis leads to the formation of 3-MCPD. The objective of this study was to determine the nephrotoxicity of 3-MCPD.(omitted)

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Corrosion Inhibitors For Zinc in 2 M HCI Solution

  • A. S. Fouda;L. H. Madkour;A. A. El-Shafel;S. A. Abd ElMaksoud
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.454-458
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    • 1995
  • Inhibiting action of semicarbazide, thiosemicarbazide, sym. diphenylcarbazide towards corrosion of zinc in hydrochloric acid has been investigated. The rate of corrosion depends on the nature of the inhibitor and its concentration. The values of inhibition efficiency from, weight loss, thermometric measurements are in good agreement with those obtained from polarization studies. From the polarization studies, the inhibitors used act as mixed absorption type inhibitors, increased adsorption resulting from an increase in the electron density at the reactive C=S and C=O groups and N-atoms. The thermodynamic parameters of adsorption obtained using Bockris-Swinkels adsorption isotherm reveal a strong interaction of these carbazides on zinc surface.