• Title/Summary/Keyword: Human response

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International Disaster Assistance Based on Human Focused Emergency Response System : Example of Health Disaster Assistance to Iraq (인간 중심의 긴급 대응체계를 근거로 한 국제 방재 지원 - 이라크 보건의료방재지원 사례 중심)

  • Wang, Soon Joo
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.129-146
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    • 2007
  • The disaster preparedness system in Korea has been developed in spite of many obstacles, but there are still many problems for response to various kinds of disasters in 21th century. Disaster response system in Korea was focused on policy, administration, hardwares in the past. But in the future it is necessary to change the system to adapt the global needs about the human based disaster response system and capacity to assist the international disaster by official assistance and research for that field. Because nearly all the disasters are associated with the safety, welfare, injury, disability and survival of human, health disaster preparedness and response system should be a important part in the whole disaster system considering the common value of human right to disaster preparedness for human.

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Nonlinear Virtual Coupling for Stable Haptic Interaction (안정된 햅틱 인터페이스를 위한 비선형가상커플링)

  • 이문환;이두용
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.9 no.8
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    • pp.610-615
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes a nonlinear virtual coupling fur haptic interface, which offers better performance while maintaining stability of the system. The nonlinear virtual coupling is designed based on a human response model. This human response model exploits delay between the human Intention and the actual change of arm impedance. The proposed approach provides with less conservative constraints for the design of stable haptic interface, compared with the traditional passivity condition. This allows increased performance that is verified through experiments.

Exploring the Effects of the Virtual Human with Physicality on Co-presence and Emotional Response

  • Shin, Kwang-Seong;Jo, Dongsik
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.67-71
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    • 2019
  • With continued technology innovation in the fields of computer graphics (CG) and virtual reality (VR), digital animated avatars (or virtual humans) are evolving into ones that are more interactive at a suitable location such as museum, airport, and shopping mall. Specially, the form of the avatar (or the virtual human) realistically need to be expressed in a way that matches the users' physical space. In recent many researches, the form of virtual human has been expressed as mixed-reality human (MRH)-the virtual human combines with the physicality as the real part. In this paper, we propose to carry out a study comparing various MRH on co-presence and emotional response in two-typed virtual humans depending on how many actual parts are included: (1) (Level 1) small parts in the virtual human combined virtual components (e.g., the head only) and (2) (Level 2) large parts in the virtual human with the physicality as the real part such as head, arms, and upper body). We report on the implemented results of our virtual humans and experimental results on co-presence and emotional response.

How Can We Approach the Affective Quality? : A Study on the Affective Response and Structural Approach to the Affective Quality (감성의 이해를 통한 감성품질의 구조적 접근 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Choe, Jaeho
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.73-77
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    • 2013
  • Affective quality is considered one of the most influential factors for the competitive power of consumer products. Since the human affective response is very abstract and comprehensive, it is very difficult to understand and manipulate the Affective Quality in scientific method. This study suggested the three-level hierarchical structure of the human affection according to the human affective response process, and subdivided the Affective Quality into three subordinate concepts such as 'Organoleptic Quality', 'Affective Quality Factor' and 'Overall Affective Quality.' Also the categories of adjectives which used to express the human affections for the three levels of affective structure were suggested. The results of this study could be used as a frame of systematic approach method to the Affective Quality.

Human Response Capability and Customer Relationship Management Advantage: The Direct, Indirect, and Interactive Roles of Information Technology Service Application

  • Yang, Yi-Feng;Chen, Ching-Yaw;Lee, Yu-Je;Lee, Shyh-Hwang
    • East Asian Journal of Business Economics (EAJBE)
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2014
  • The main purpose of this study intends to study the theoretical interconnection between human response capability and customer relationship management advantage while considering the essential role of service application of information technology as direct, indirect (mediating), and interactive (moderating) influences in the theory. Based on the study sample, the new findings help comprehend the overall interconnected relationship which includes the direct and indirect (mediating) effects of information technology service capability and human response capability as well as their interaction (moderation) on customer relationship management advantage. The new insights interprets the two capabilities (human and information technology) are vital to business because they are the foundation set of service resources significantly to enhance customer relationship management advantage.

Impacts of Digital and Human Knowledge Resources on Customer Response Capability of Customer Service Representatives (비대면 서비스 조직에서 디지털 및 인적 지식자원이 상담사의 고객대응역량에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Sujeong
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.123-140
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    • 2020
  • In call centers where customers contact a firm's customer service without face-to-face interaction, customer service representatives (CSRs) determine its service competitiveness. In other words, a firm's service excellence relies on its CSRs. Drawing on the concept of agility from service and information technologies studies, this study conceptualizes customer response capability as a variable consisting of customer response expertise and customer response agility, and further verifies its effects on customer service performance. Moreover, this study examines whether a firm's digital and human knowledge resources are related to CSRs' customer response capability. To empirically test the proposed hypotheses, the partial least squares analysis is conducted with a total of 371 responses collected on CSRs from two insurance call centers. The findings indicate that a firm's digital and human knowledge resources enhance CSRs' customer response expertise and customer response agility, thereby increasing customer service performance. The results draw the conclusion that CSRs' customer response capability is a key antecedent of superior customer service.

The Effects of the Human-body Stiffness on the Response of the Footbridge (사람의 강성이 교량의 거동에 미치는 영향)

  • 신혜린
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.261-266
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    • 2000
  • This paper consider the effects of the human-body stiffness on the response of the footbridge to ground shaking by an earthquake. A mass-spring, suggested by Tianjian Ji(1999), describing the stiffness of the human body and an inert mass specified in the Code as the appropriate human whole-body model are used and the responses of the structure in both cases to ground shaking are were compared. Finally this paper ascertains whether the consideration of the human body as a mass is safe in the aseismic design.

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청각 감성의 생리적 신호변화에 대한 연구

  • 황민철;김지은;김철중
    • Proceedings of the ESK Conference
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    • 1996.04a
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    • pp.259-263
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    • 1996
  • Psychological action is physiological response of outernal stimulus. Physiological response is accompanied b physiological signals which are EEG, EMG, GSR, ECG, BP, and tec. Physiological signals are recently studied for determination of human phychological state. Psychological activity causes electric potential of brain. Physiological signal is considered as measurement of human psychological state. Aditory sensibility which is one of the sense of human may determine differences between positive and negative feeling. EEG and GSR variation with auditory quality of stimulus can be define human negative and positive mental state. This study is to characterize parameters which can determine negative and positive psycholigical state of human.

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Expert Recommendation Scheme by Fields Using User's interesting, Human Relations and Response Quality in Social Networks (소셜 네트워크에서 사용자의 관심 분야, 인적 관계 및 응답 품질을 고려한 분야별 전문가 추천 기법)

  • Song, Heesub;Yoo, Seunghun;Jeong, Jaeyun;Park, Jaeyeol;Ahn, Jihwan;Lim, Jongtae;Bok, Kyoungsoo;Yoo, Jaesoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.60-69
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    • 2017
  • Recently, with the rapid development of internet and smart phones, social network services that can create and share various information through relationships among users have been actively used. Especially as the amount of information becomes enormous and unreliable information increases, expert recommendation that can offer necessary information to users have been studied. In this paper, we propose an expert recommendation scheme considering users' interests, human relations, and response quality. The users' interests are evaluated by analyzing their past activities in social network. The human relations are evaluated by extracting the users who have the same interesting fields. The response quality is evaluated by considering the user's response speed and response contents. The proposed scheme determines the user's expert score by combining the users' interests, the human relations, and the response quality. Finally, we recommend proper experts by matching queries and expert groups. It is shown through various performance evaluations that the proposed scheme outperforms the existing schemes.

Human Cytomegalovirus Replication and $Ca^{2+}$ Response in Human Cell Lines of Neuronal Origin (신경세포에서의 Human Cytomegalovirus 증식과 이에 따른 세포내 유리칼슘 농도 변화)

  • Kang, Kyung-Hee;Lee, Chan-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Society of Virology
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1996
  • Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) replication and $Ca^{2+}$ response in human cell lines of neuronal origin were investigated. SK-N-SH (neuroblastoma cells) and A172 cells (glioblastoma cells) were used. SK-N-SH cells were permissive for HCMV multiplication with a delay of one day compared to virus multiplication in human embryo lung (HEL) cells. The delay of HCMV multiplication in SK-N-SH cells appeared to be correlated with a delay in the $Ca^{2+}$ response. The cytoplasmic free $Ca^{2+}$ concentration ($[Ca^{2+}]_i$) began to increase at 12 h p.i. in HCMV-infected SK-N-SH cells, while $[Ca^{2+}]_i$ increase in HCMV-infected HEL cells was observed as early as 3 h p.i. On the whole, the level of the increase in $[Ca^{2+}]_i$ in SK-N-SH cells was about 30% of that in HEL cells. On the other hand, in A172 cells infected with HCMV, neither production of infectious virus nor detectable increase in $[Ca^{2+}]_i$ was observed. Treatment with TPA of HCMV-infected SK-N-SH cells resulted in $[Ca^{2+}]_i$ increase at 6 h p.i. The stimulatory effect of TPA on HCMV- induced $[Ca^{2+}]_i$ increase continued until 12 h p.i., but TPA failed to stimulate the $Ca^{2+}$ response in SK-N-SH cells at 24 h p.i., suggesting that the effect of TPA had disappeared in SK-N-SH cells at that time point. In conclusion, SK-N-SH cells are permissive for HCMV replication and the delay in $Ca^{2+}$ response may be a consequence of the lower responsiveness of SK-N-SH cells than HEL cells to HCMV infection.

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