• Title/Summary/Keyword: Human character development

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Research on Technology Production in Chinese Virtual Character Industry

  • Pan, Yang;Kim, KiHong;Yan, JiHui
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.64-79
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    • 2022
  • The concept of Virtual Character has been developed for a long time with people's demand for cultural and entertainment products such as games, animations, and movies. In recent years, with the rapid development of concepts and industries such as social media, self-media, web3.0, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and Metaverse, Virtual Character has also expanded new derivative concepts such as Virtual Idol, Virtual YouTuber, and Virtual Digital Human. With the development of technology, people's life is gradually moving towards digitalization and virtualization. At the same time, under the global environment of the new crown epidemic, human social activities are rapidly developing in the direction of network society and online society. From the perspective of digital media content, this paper studies the production technology of Virtual Character related products in the Chinese market, and analyzes the future development direction and possibility of the Virtual Character industry in combination with new media development directions and technical production methods. Consider and provide reference for the development of combined applications of digital media content industry, Virtual Character and Metaverse industry.

The Proportion of Game Character and Game Image (게임캐릭터의 등신비율과 게임이미지)

  • Choi, Woo-Seok
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.165-172
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    • 2016
  • Since the advent of digital games with hardware development a key component of the game characters are changed to retard the rate at which types of users based on their favorite theory of human proportion. Many popular to gamers in the game according to the change in the retard rate in a unique image of the character. Studies on the head and body proportion are thought that up to now been insufficient. The purpose of this study is to examine a fundamental human proportion that has importance as a molding factor in the game character development, it investigated the characteristics of the game character, and classifying the retard rate of the game character, through the research method of analyzing the results, into the retard rate look for and investigate studying the effect on future game images. Five types of game characters that make up the analysis were analyzed with a unique image, and the more specialized users prefer retard rate, the figurative exaggeration to retard rate than the actual main body. Utilizing a bit exaggerated the difficulties of the character looks relatively small proportion character in the graphic wallpaper increased visibility. The proportion of a game character through the study is considered as a very important factor as the game image in the game development.

Implementing Character Education in the Family and Consumer Sciences Education Curriculum

  • Kwon, Yoo-Jin
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2008
  • Character education is an opportunity for students to develop character through teaching values in schools. In the past, students have been taught values at home but contemporary society has strongly encouraged the public schools to provide time for children to learn values because society is facing a crisis of human values that affects the behavior of individuals. According to research findings, the primary benefit of character education is to develop the intellectual, personal, and social aspects of students. However, there are some problems concerning how to teach values and how to evaluate student outcomes in public schools. This article explores the current character education in the U. S. through a review of the literature in order to reach a better understanding of how character education might be included in the Family and Consumer Sciences Education curriculum.

Research on Digital Human Character Design Applicable to Stage Art

  • Zhihui Chen;Xinyi Shan;Jeanhun Chung
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.227-233
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    • 2024
  • With the rapid development of digital technology, digital human character design has brought richer visual experiences and creative expressions to stage art. This thesis focuses on its unique application in stage art, exploring design and performance optimization, immersive experiences, and multimedia integration. The study shows that digital human character design enhances stage art with immediacy, interactivity, and multimedia integration, while also driving innovation in traditional stage art expressions.

Parents' Perceptions on Character and Character Education in Family (인성개념에 대한 부모의 인식과 가정 내 인성교육에 관한 연구)

  • Chin, Meejung;Lee, Hyun Ah;Seo, HyunSeok
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.85-97
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    • 2014
  • This study attempted to explore parents'perceptions on character and character education for their children using a focus group interview method. According to previous research, the concept of character consists of wholeness of three components: relationship, individuality, and morality. This study investigated how parents' perception differ from the widely agreed concept of character. Forty-four mothers and ten fathers participated in eleven focus group interviews. The results showed that parents recognized social relationship and self realization as two most important components of character education of children. However, the parents paid less attention on morality and wholeness. The parents conceptualized character as an alternative to academic achievement. For example, they considered self realization as an alternative to academic achievement. These tendencies could be a barrier in character education in family. Based on these findings, this study recommends that parent education should take more attention on character education in family and help parents develop a balanced understanding on the concept of character.

Effect of Charade Techniques on a Character's Personality Development : Focusing on the Movie "April Story" (셔레이드 기법이 인물의 성격구축 결정에 미치는 영향 : 영화 "4월 이야기"를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Seong-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.127-141
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    • 2012
  • With the help of information technology for a film, characteris both the composition of the story and one of the most important elements that lead the story. Character has a close relationship with personality description, and the character's age, background, education, and occupation help decide his or her personality. Charades are important in that by describing a character's psychology using charade techniques, it gives a stronger impression than by describing with merely lines or narration. When a man's thought changes, their behavior changes; when a behavior is repeated, it becomes habit; when a habit is repeated, it becomes nature. The nature is the person's personality, otherwise called character. Therefore, charade techniques describe a character's psychology well, and consequently, it has maintained its importance. Because human nature and in-depth psychological description have a connection with a character's personality development, I would like to discuss the topic through this research. By using Director Shunji Iwai's "April Story" as the text, the effects of charade techniques on a character's personality development in film will be analyzed by seeking and presenting the methodology shown within the work through charade-acting techniques used by the characters for the development of character's personality.

A study on the architectural design for Community welfare facilities through human knowledge/geographical place - Proposal design for Dochon welfare community center - (인문.지리적 장소성 반영을 통한 지역사회복지시설 설계연구 - 도촌종합사회복지관 현상설계 -)

  • Jeong, Hyeock-Jin;Oh, Sae-Won
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2009
  • New city development policy caused many effects such as destruction of nature and area native culture extinction through fast development within short period. The architectural context is remains by post-modern most difficult problem had left to architects. We need to find the design method that communicate and contacts character of place, cultural context through the actual project. In this study, we propose the method of aspect of compose space and design elements to succeed the cultural place and context, desirable development through the design proposal for Dochon welfare center. In Dochon area, there is no original character of the place because of indiscreet development. Dochon synthesis society welfare facilities is openable to people by space that nature and human contacts and accomplishes relation, Made efforts to do so that can do part that causes human's ripple effect of contact with human and accomplishes traffic and recovers identity of Dochon area at the same time recovery of community consciousness.

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A Study on Character's Emotional Appearance in Distinction Focused on 3D Animation "Inside Out" (3D 애니메이션 "인사이드 아웃" 분석을 통한 감성별 캐릭터 외형특징 연구)

  • Ahn, Duck-ki;Chung, Jean-Hun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.361-368
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzes into the characteristic appearance in distintion with emotional changes toward visual forms of psychology along with character development in the 3D animation industry. In this regard, the study seeks to propose essential targets of the five emotional characters from the Pixar's animation Inside-Out to prove psychological effects to the character's visual appearance. As a previous research, the study analysis the visual representations oriented toward both emotional facial expression and emotional color expression using both Paul Ekman and Robert Plutchik's human basic emotion research. The purpose of this study is to present the visual guideline of emotional character's appearance through the various human expression for differentiated character development in animation production.

Character Classification with Triangular Distribution

  • Yoo, Suk Won
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.209-217
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    • 2019
  • Due to the development of artificial intelligence and image recognition technology that play important roles in the field of 4th industry, office automation systems and unmanned automation systems are rapidly spreading in human society. The proposed algorithm first finds the variances of the differences between the tile values constituting the learning characters and the experimental character and then recognizes the experimental character according to the distribution of the three learning characters with the smallest variances. In more detail, for 100 learning data characters and 10 experimental data characters, each character is defined as the number of black pixels belonging to 15 tile areas. For each character constituting the experimental data, the variance of the differences of the tile values of 100 learning data characters is obtained and then arranged in the ascending order. After that, three learning data characters with the minimum variance values are selected, and the final recognition result for the given experimental character is selected according to the distribution of these character types. Moreover, we compare the recognition result with the result made by a neural network of basic structure. It is confirmed that satisfactory recognition results are obtained through the processes that subdivide the learning characters and experiment characters into tile sizes and then select the recognition result using variances.

A Study on Character Design Using [Midjourney] Application

  • Chen Xi;Jeanhun Chung
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.409-414
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    • 2023
  • In recent years, the emergence of a number of AI image generation software represented by [Midjourney] has brought great impetus to the development of the field of AI-assisted art creation. Compared with the traditional hand-painted digital painting with the aid of electronic equipment, broke the traditional sense of animation character creation logic.This paper analyzes the application of AI technology in the field of animation character design through the practice of two-dimensional animation character . This is having a significant impact on the productivity and innovation of animation design and character modeling. The key results of the analysis indicate that AI technology, particularly through the utilization of "Midjourney,"enables the automation of certain design tasks, provides innovative approaches, and generates visually appealing and realistic characters. In conclusion, the integration of AI technology, specifically the application of "Midjourney," brings a new dimension to animation character design. The utilization of AI image generation software facilitates streamlined workflows, sparks creativity, and improves the overall quality of animated characters. As the animation industry continues to evolve, AI-assisted tools like "Midjourney" hold great potential for further advancement and innovation.