• 제목/요약/키워드: Hours of sleep

검색결과 359건 처리시간 0.022초

의사결정나무 분석을 이용한 성인 암경험자의 문제수면 위험군 예측: 2013-2016년도 국민건강영양조사 자료 분석 (Identification of Risky Subgroups with Sleep Problems Among Adult Cancer Survivors Using Decision-tree Analyses: Based on the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2013 to 2016)

  • 김희선;정석희;박숙경
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.103-113
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study was performed to assess problems associated with sleep (short and long sleep duration) and to identify risky subgroups with sleep problems among adult cancer survivors. The study is based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES VI and VII) from 2013 to 2016. Methods: The sociodemographic and clinical data of 504 Korean cancer survivors aged 20-64 years was extracted from the KNHANES VI and VII database. Descriptive statistics for complex samples was used, and decision-tree analyses were performed using the SPSS WIN 24.0 program. Results: The mean age for survivors was approximately 51 years. The mean sleep duration was 6.97 hours; 36.2% of participants had short (< 7 hours) and 9.9% had long (> 8 hours) sleep duration. From the decision-trees analyses, the characteristics of the adult cancer survivors related to sleep problems were presented with six different pathways. Sleep problems were analyzed according to the survivors' sociodemographic information (age, education, living status, and occupation), clinical characteristics (body mass index, hypercholesterolemia, and anemia) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The HRQoL (${\leq}0.5$ or > 0.5 cutoff point) was a significant predictor of the participants' sleep problems because all six pathways were started from this predictor in the model. Conclusion: Health care professionals could use the decision-tree model for screening adult cancer survivors with sleep problems in clinical or community settings. Nursing interventions considering these specific individual characteristics and HRQoL level should be developed to have adequate sleep duration for Korean adult cancer survivors.

대한민국 공군 조종사의 일일 활동량에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Korean Air Force Pilot's Daily Activities)

  • 임정구
    • 한국항공운항학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2013
  • Pilots' fatigue is one of the most serious threat to flying safety. Fatigue is influenced by many factors like sleep deprivation, daily activities, aging, stress, etc. This study was designed to investigate military pilots' daily activities. 20 pilots' daily activity was monitored by activity monitor, Fitbit(R), and the survey about sleep time and flight time was conducted. They placed Fitbit(R) on their waist for 5 days. During flight, they removed Fitbit(R) that had been used for checking their steps and walking distances. It was found that the average sleep time is 6.7 hours for fighter pilots. It was a little shorter than average sleep time for adults, 8 hours. Average steps per day was 6,838 which is more than sedentary worker's but less than active worker's. Their daily activities were not as high as we had expected. But their sleep time was very short. Flight surgeons should recommend them to take a rest and get sleep during rest period.

General Worker's Sleep Disturbances and the Degree of Cold-Heat Symptoms: a national cross-sectional survey

  • Min Kyung Hyun
    • 대한약침학회지
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.199-210
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: Few studies have examined the impact of healthy sleep among general workers on individuals and society. Therefore, the status and risk factors of sleep disturbances among general workers were investigated. In addition, this study assessed the degree to which cold and heat symptoms are associated with sleep disturbances. Methods: A nationwide cross-sectional study was conducted through an online questionnaire focused on sleep disturbances of the general public in 2021. The degree of cold-heat pattern Identification (CHPI) of the general public was also surveyed. Descriptive statistics and multivariate logistic regression were used to derive the study results. Results: Data from 2,822 workers out of 3,900 valid questionnaires were analyzed. Approximately half of the respondents (49.93%) had sleep disturbances. Among the types of work, self-employed, two-shift work, and working more than 53 hours were associated with sleep disturbances. Sleep disturbances were positively associated with six cold and heat symptoms: three cold symptoms (coldness of the abdomen, coldness of body, and pale face) and three heat symptoms (body feverishness, feverishness of the limbs, and drinking cold water). Conclusion: Customized policies to maintain healthy work are needed for self-employed work, two-shift work, and long working hours, which are risk factors for workers' sleep disturbances. In addition, medical personnel can effectively diagnose and treat sleep disturbances considering the worker's cold and heat symptoms.

Actiwatch 를 이용한 철도소음에 의한 수면방해의 정량적 평가 (Assessment of Sleep Disturbance on Night-time Instantaneous Railway Noise by using Actiwatch)

  • 홍지영;김재환;임창우;김규태;성동원;이수갑
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2006년도 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.759-763
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    • 2006
  • The World Health Organization(WHO) has recommended population of sleep disturbance as one of the environmental health indicators. But the percentage of respondents who felt highly sleep disturbed, that is, %HSD can???thave application to sleep disturbance from instantaneous noise. Therefore, this study has been carried out to present the technique for assessing sleep disturbance on instantaneous noise quantitatively. The study of sleep disturbance on night time instantaneous railway noise has been undertaken. Noise monitor has been in operation from 22 hours to 7 hours during 6 nights at 12 locations. To assess instantaneous noise induced sleep disturbance, it was decided to measure body movement by actiwatch. %motility was used as indicators of sleep disturbance. %motility is the expected value of probability of motility value during 7 epochs (105s) of any noise event. The measures of instantaneous motility have been related to measures of instantaneous railway noise events. The relationship shows that %motility is a good predictor for assessing sleep disturbance and Korean is more sensitive to noise than European although the railway noise have been considered in this study. This study can be extended to assessing long-term sleep disturbance and give a guideline far policy decision.

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대학생의 수면양상과 주간졸음증에 영향을 미치는 요인 (Sleep Patterns and Factors Associated with Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in University Students)

  • 이혜련;신미경;원종순
    • 기본간호학회지
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.425-433
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate sleep patterns and predictors of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in university students. Methods: Participants were 120 university students who were attending two universities in S-city and C-city. Data were collected from May 20 to June 15, 2012 using self-report questionnaires which included Johns' Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Yi's Sleep Quality Scale, and Beck Depression Inventory. Data were digitalized and analyzed using frequency, percentages, means and standard deviations, Wilcoxon rank sum test, Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, and multiple logistic regression with SAS 9.0. Results: Mean total sleep time was 6.6 hours on weekdays, 8.1 hours on weekends. Mean sleep latency was 19.1 minutes and the score for mean sleep quality was 22.6. Prevalence of EDS was 12.5%. Depression was significantly different between EDS and Non-EDS students (t=2.17, p=.030). Multiple logistic regression showed that the only factor associated with EDS was depression (adjusted odds ratio of depression=5.33, 95% Confidence Interval=1.49-19.04). Conclusion: Results of this study indicate that university students experience short sleep time, low sleep quality, and common EDS with depression, suggesting that students with complaints of EDS should be completely assessed for depression as well as sleep problems.

우리나라 성인에서 수면시간이 정신증상, 자살생각 및 자살시도에 미치는 영향: 성별차이를 중심으로 (Impact of Sleep Time on Psychic Symptoms, Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempt in Korean Adults : Focus on Gender Difference)

  • 홍영경;이무식
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제21권5호
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    • pp.372-383
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    • 2020
  • 본 연구는 우리나라 성인의 수면시간이 정신증상, 자살생각 및 자살시도에 미치는 영향에 대해 성별차이를 중심으로 분석했다. 이를 위하여 지역사회건강조사 2017년 자료를 이용하였으며, 총 228,381명을 대상으로 하였다. 성인남성과 여성으로 나누어서 로지스틱 회귀분석을 수행하였으며, 주요 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 여성은 남성에 비해 더 짧거나 긴 수면을 하는 비율이 높았다. 둘째, 5시간 이하의 짧은 수면인 경우에 스트레스, 우울, 자살생각의 비율이 높았다. 반면 자살시도는 9시간 이상 긴 수면을 취하는 경우에 더 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 성인 남성의 경우 6~8시간의 수면시간을 기준으로 했을 때, 짧은 수면을 하는 사람의 스트레스가 1.84배 높았고, 1.98배 우울증상이 높았으며, 1.88배 자살생각이 높았고, 2.38배 자살시도가 높았다. 9시간 이상의 긴 수면을 하는 사람의 우울증상은 1.79배, 자살생각은 1.60배, 자살시도는 2.39배 높았다. 넷째, 성인 여성의 경우 6~8시간의 수면시간을 기준으로 했을 때, 짧은 수면을 하는 사람의 스트레스가 2.09배 높았고, 우울증상은 1.94배, 자살생각은 1.96배, 자살시도는 2.90배 높았다. 긴 수면을 하는 사람의 우울증상은 1.49배, 자살생각은 1.45배, 자살시도는 1.71배 높았다. 다섯째, 긴 수면을 하는 사람의 스트레스는 남녀모두 6~8시간 수면하는 사람보다 높게 나타났지만, 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다. 향후 연구에서는 특정한 수면장애들이 자살생각 및 자살시도에 어떠한 영향을 주는지에 대한 전향적 연구가 필요하다.

Effects of Isoflurane Anesthesia on Post-Anesthetic Sleep-Wake Architectures in Rats

  • Jang, Hwan-Soo;Jung, Ji-Young;Jang, Kwang-Ho;Lee, Maan-Gee
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.291-297
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    • 2010
  • The sleep homeostatic response significantly affects the state of anesthesia. In addition, sleep recovery may occur during anesthesia, either via a natural sleep-like process to occur or via a direct restorative effect. Little is known about the effects of isoflurane anesthesia on sleep homeostasis. We investigated whether 1) isoflurane anesthesia could provide a sleep-like process, and 2) the depth of anesthesia could differently affect the post-anesthesia sleep response. Nine rats were treated for 2 hours with $ad$ $libitum$ sleep (Control), sleep deprivation (SD), and isoflurane anesthesia with delta-wave- predominant state (ISO-1) or burst suppression pattern-predominant state (ISO-2) with at least a 1-week interval. Electroencephalogram and electromyogram were recorded and sleep-wake architecture was evaluated for 4 hours after each treatment. In the post-treatment period, the duration of transition to slow-wave-sleep decreased but slow wave sleep (SWS) increased in the SD group, but no sleep stages were significantly changed in ISO-1 and ISO-2 groups compared to Control. Different levels of anesthesia did not significantly affect the post-anesthesia sleep responses, but the deep level of anesthesia significantly delayed the latency to sleep compared to Control. The present results indicate that a natural sleep-like process likely occurs during isoflurane anesthesia and that the post-anesthesia sleep response occurs irrespective to the level of anesthesia.

수면검사다원검사와 수면잠복기반복검사 (Polysomnography and Multiple Sleep Latency Test)

  • 조재욱
    • Annals of Clinical Neurophysiology
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 2012
  • Polysomnography is used to diagnose many types of sleep disorders including sleep apnea, periodic limb movement disorder, REM sleep behavior disorder, parasomnias, and narcolepsy. It is a comprehensive recording of the biophysiological changes that occur during sleep. The polysomnography monitors many body functions parameters including EEG, EOG, EMG, ECG, respiratory airflow, respiratory effort, and pulse oximetry during sleep. Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) is performed for diagnosing narcolepsy and excessive daytime sleepiness. It is usually to be done after an overnight polysomnography. The test consists of four or five 20-minute nap opportunities that are scheduled two hours apart.

Sleep Assessment During Shift Work in Korean Firefighters: A Cross-Sectional Study

  • Jeong, Kyoung Sook;Ahn, Yeon-Soon;Jang, Tae-Won;Lim, Gayoung;Kim, Hyung Doo;Cho, Seung-Woo;Sim, Chang-Sun
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.254-259
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    • 2019
  • Background: This cross-sectional study assessed the sleep quality using the ActiGraph and investigated the relationship between the parameters of sleep assessment and the type of shift work in Korean firefighters. Methods: The participants were 359 firefighters: 65 day workers (control group) and 294 shift workers (shift work group: 77 firefighters with 3-day shift, 72 firefighters with 6-day shift, 65 firefighters with 9-day shift, and 80 firefighters with 21-day shift). Sleep assessments were performed using the ActiGraph (wGT3X-BT) for 24 hours during day shift (control and shift work group) and night shift and rest day (shift work group). The participants recorded bed time and sleep hours during the measurement period. Results: Sleep efficiency, total sleep time, and percentage of wake after sleep onset during night work were lower in the shift work group than control group (p < 0.05). Sleep efficiency decreased in night shift and increased in rest day, whereas wake after sleep onset increased in night shift and decreased in rest day (p < 0.05). Among shift work groups, sleep efficiency of 6-day shift was higher in day shift, and sleep efficiency of 21-day shift was lower in night shift than other shift groups (p < 0.05). Conclusion: We found that the sleep quality in night shift of the shift work group was poorer than the control group. As to the type of shift work, sleep quality was good in 6-day shift and poor in 21-day shift. Thus, fast rotating shift such as 6-day shift may be recommended to improve the sleep quality of the firefighters.

청소년의 수면에 영향을 미치는 요인: 제7-8기 국민건강영양조사 자료(2016-2020) 활용 (Factors Influencing Sleep among Korean Adolescents: Using Data from the 7th-8th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2016-2020)

  • 정미라;정은
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.181-189
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to identify the factors influencing sleep among Korea adolescents. Methods: This was a secondary data analysis of the 7th-8th National Health and Nutrition Survey 2016-2020. Participants were 1,984 people age 12-18. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, χ2 test, and complex sample multiple logistic regression analysis. Results: The risk of sleeping more than 10 hours was 2.50 times higher in normal subjects, than subjects underweight in body weight perception (95% CI= 1.29-4.81). The risk of sleeping more than 10 hours was 2.10 times higher in overweight subjects, than subjects underweight in body weight perception (95% CI= 1.14-3.87). The risk of sleeping less than 8 hours was 1.36 times higher in subjects high in stress status, than subjects low in stress status (95% CI= 1.05-1.75). The risk of sleeping more than 10 hours was 1.99 times higher in subjects who had not eaten, than subjects who had been eating breakfast (95% CI= 1.11-3.55). Conclusion: Thus, it is necessary to intensify sleep management required through proper health behavior as well as the mental health management of adolescents and improvement in eating behavior.