• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hours of sleep

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Hazardous Health Behaviour among Medical Students: a Study from Turkey

  • Nacar, Melis;Cetinkaya, Fevziye;Baykan, Zeynep;Yilmazel, Gulay;Elmali, Ferhan
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.17
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    • pp.7675-7681
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    • 2015
  • Background: Hazardous health behaviour in young people is an important factor that affects the individual risk for non-communicable diseases and other disorders later in life. This study aimed to determine the hazardous health behaviour of first and last class medical students of Erciyes University. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was carried out with 240 medical students from the first and 130 students from the last (sixth) class. Data were obtained by questionnaire between March-April 2012. In total, 339 students were included with a response rate of 91.6%. Socio-demographic characteristics, school success, self-reported economic difficulties, health perceptions, hazardous health behaviour related to chronic disease, tobacco, alcohol, substance use, body weight, height, traffic, violence and nutrition were assessed in line with the literature. Results: Of the participants; 64.0% were from first and 36.0% were from the last class. Mean ages for the first and last classes were $19.4{\pm}1.5$ and $24.0{\pm}1.5years$, respectively. In the current study, males exhibited more hazardous behaviour than females. Sime 19.8% of the students in the study group used alcohol, 35.4% used a waterpipe, and 24.8% used tobacco at least once. These rates increased in both genders in the last class and the increase in males was significant. Some 3.8% of the students in the current study used pleasure-inducing illegal substances at least once. All the students participating in the current study were single, the number of males reported not using condoms (8.6%) was 4.56 times higher compared to females. Some 64.0% of the students did not perform physical activity lasting at least 30 minutes for five times a week, 13.0% did not sleep for mean 7-8 hours daily, males having a 2.9 times higher risk. More than 1/3 of the students did not consume cooked vegetable dishes and 1/4 did not consume fresh fruits and salads, the rates were higher among males. Conclusions: In the current study, hazardous health behaviour was prevalent among medical students, with higher risks among males and last class students. According to these results, medical curriculum may be focused on decreasing hazardous health behaviour. In addition, in order to prevent unhealthy behaviour, the number of youth-friendly health facilities should be increased.

The Effect of Korean Adult's Mental Health On QOL(Quality Of Life) -The Fifth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2010 (연령대별 성인의 정신건강이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 -제5기(2010)국민건강영양조사를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Ye-Jong;Choi, Gum-Ju
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.321-327
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to find out how the adult's mental health in Korea has an impact on the quality of the life. By using '2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey' data, 4,211 people among 20-year-old to 59-year-old adults were enrolled in this study. Frequency and percentage t-test using the SPSS WIN18.0 Multiple regression analysis was conducted and the results of this study are as follows. First, it is showed that in the 20s and 30s the females are a little more sleep than the males regarding the relationship between sleeping hours and the quality of the life of adult men and women. However, there are no differences between the 40s and 50s groups. Second, it is indicated that adult men are higher than women for the subjective health status when it comes to the subjective health status and the usual perceived stress. Although there are no statistical differences according to the gender in the 40s and the 50s, they have a little stress in general. Third, it is confirmed that only the subjective health status and usual stress perception give an beneficial influence on the quality of adult's life in the adult's mental health variations and the quality of life. In summary, this study was found that the adults in the 20s and 50s could increase their satisfaction of their life if they have more positive thinking and less stress from their life. Therefore, the systematical education and programs to manage the health and stress are required.

Comparative study on the health and dietary habits of Korean male and female adults before and after the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: utilizing data from the 8th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2019-2021) (COVID-19 팬데믹 전후 한국 성인 남녀의 건강 및 식생활행태 비교연구: 국민건강영양조사 제8기(2019-2021년도) 자료 활용)

  • Chaemin Kim;Eunjung Kim
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.65-80
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: This study aims to compare changes in physical factors, health behaviors, eating habits, and nutritional intake among Korean male and female adults over a period of three years (2019-2021) before and after the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Methods: This study utilized raw data from the 8th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2019-2021). The participants in this study included 6,235 individuals in 2019, 5,865 individuals in 2020, and 5,635 individuals in 2021. Individuals whose daily energy intake was less than 500 kcal or exceeded 5,000 kcal were excluded from the study. Results: In comparison to 2019, overweight/obesity rates, weight, waist circumference, weekend sleep hours, and resistance exercise days/week increased in both male and female during the COVID-19 pandemic. Regarding eating habits, the proportions of people skipping breakfast, not eating out, consuming health supplements, and recognizing nutritional labels increased in 2020 and 2021, whereas the rate of skipping dinner decreased. Total energy intake has continued to decrease for the two years since 2019. A comparison of nutrient intake per 1,000 kcal before and after the outbreak of COVID-19 revealed that intake of nutrients, including protein, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, riboflavin, and niacin increased, while folic acid intake decreased. In male, calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin, and niacin intakes increased, whereas iron, vitamin C, and folic acid intakes decreased. In female, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, and riboflavin intake increased significantly, while protein and niacin intake decreased significantly. Conclusions: After COVID-19, the obesity rate, breakfast skipping rate, health supplement intake, and nutritional label use increased, while the frequency of eating out, dinner skipping rate, and total energy intake decreased. These environmental changes and social factors highlight the need for nutritional education and management to ensure proper nutritional intake and reduce obesity rates in the post-COVID-19 era.

A Correction Effect of Multiaxial Lower Extremity Orthosis in Patients with Genu Valgum (다 축면 하지 보조기가 외반슬 교정에 미주는 효과)

  • Chang In-Su;Bae Sung-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.355-372
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of multiaxial lower extremity orthosis on correction of genu valgum. 20 volunteers among people visited department of Rehabilitation Medicine, chungnam national university hospital, who had been diagnosed as genu valgum without other musculoskeletal problems were included. 10 individuals(mean age: 9.gyrs) who had been taken multiaxial lower extremity orthosis at least 12month were included in experimental group and the other 10 individuals(mean age: 11.7yrs) refused taking this orthosis in the control group. We measured the Q-angle & femorotibial angle using plain roentgenogram images at visiting day and repeat same test after 1year follow up. Multiaxial lower extremity orthosis consist of proximal horizontal bar with both thigh cuff, central vertical bar and distal horizontal bar with both shoes. we narrowed inter-shoes distance from start to 6th month and inter-thigh cuff distance together with above correction for next 6month in the frontal plane and from 10th month, dorsiflexed both shoes in sagittal plane. Also, we rotate the both shoes externally and retract the proximal vertical bar every month. This orthosis have to be taken at least 4 hours during sleep. The result were as follows 1. There were no statistical significant difference in each parameter between the right and left Q-angle before multiaxial lower extremity orthosis. 2. The left Q angle reduced $-11^{\circ}$ between 1st day and after 1year follow up showed statistical significant difference between multiaxial lower extremity orthosis taking group and non-taking(p<0.001). 3. The right Q angle reduced $-13^{\circ}$ between 1st day and after 1year follow up showed statistical significant difference between multiaxial lower extremity orthosis taking group and non-taking(p<0.001). 4. There were no statistical significant difference in each parameter between the right and left femorotibial angle before multiaxial lower extremity orthosis. 5. The left femorotibial angle reduced $-10.1^{\circ}$ between 1st day and after lyear follow up showed statistical significant difference between multiaxial lower extremity orthosis taking group and non-taking(p<0.001). 6. The right femorotibial angle reduced $-11.2^{\circ}$ between 1st day and after 1year follow up showed statistical significant difference between multiaxial lower extremity orthosis taking group and non-taking(p<0.001).

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Comparison of Dietary Status and Health Behaviors according to the Obesity in Male Workers (남자 직장인의 비만도에 따른 건강행동과 식행동 비교)

  • Rhie, Seung Gyo;Jang, In Yong
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.411-427
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    • 2013
  • To investigate the comparison of dietary status and health behaviors according to obesity, 239 male workers were selected and classified as normal (18.5-22.9 27.2%), overweight (23-24.9, 37.7%), and obese (25-29.9, 35.2%) by body mass index ($kg/m^2$). The SAS (ver. 9.2) program was used and verified by the chi-square and f-value methods. Drinking frequency(2-3 times a week) was higher in normal males(45.3%), but not as high as in obese males (48.1%) (p<0.001). Smoking frequency and amount were the highest in overweight males, but not-quit-smoking was high in obese males(51.9%) (p<0.001). Exercise time was longer in normal males(108 minutes) than other groups(69 overweight males, and 82 obese males (p<0.01). Obese groups(73.8%) slept well (p<0.001), but overweight males(44.4%) showed less than 6 hours of sleep (p<0.01). Meal frequency differed by group(two meals a day 67.7% in normal males (p<0.001), no-snack 65.5% in obese males(p<0.001). The frequency of eating-out was once a day in normal males (38.5%), differed in the eating-out time (lunch(45.8%) in normal males, dinner in overweight males(52.1%) and obese males(59.5%) (p<0.01). Korean food (49.3%) was selected, but noodle differed by group(10.2% normal 21.5% obese (p<0.01). Self-perception of body differed from the body's actual condition(p<0.001). For weight control, exercise(56.4%) was practiced more than diet(18.6%). Nutrition knowledge was poor (correct answer rate was 36.7% in normal males, 41.7% in overweight males, and 46.7% in obese males). For eating attitudes, obese males answered more in "flexible to change eating habits", "supplemented when poor eating"(p<0.001), normal responded in "impact on nutrition to health", "try new food for health"(p<0.01). From these results, it is evident that male workers, especially overweight ones, must work to learn more about health and nutrition so as to combat chronic diseases.

The Convergent factors influencing of the Middle Aged Women's Perceived Aging (중년 여성들의 노화인식에 영향을 미치는 복합적 요인)

  • Jung, Moon-Sin;Kwon, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.493-501
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to present cosmetic countermeasures for preventing fast aging process in the middle age and accepting healthy aging both physically and mentally by investigating the perception of aging according to the health condition, lifestyle and psychological condition targeting mid-aged women in 40s to 50s residing in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do Province. The data collection period was from July 25 to Sept 1, 2015. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression. It was shown that as the age was higher, the menopause ratio was higher, drinking, exercise volume and hours of sleep were reduced and the stress and psychological pressure were higher. According to the menopausal status, the status of facial aging showed a significant difference (${\chi}^2=39.692^{***}$, p<.001), and it also showed a difference according to the status of leisure (hobby) activity (${\chi}^2=22.470^{***}$, p<.01). Also, as higher the age and closer to the menopause in items including the progress of aging, anxiety about aging and improvement efforts, more negative perception was shown, indicating that it is necessary to prepare cosmetic countermeasures for mid-aged women in like a second puberty 40s to 50s although aging and menopause around 50s are very natural. If a beauty alternative is provided, it will help them to have a successful retirement.

The association between the type of menstrual sanitary products used and menstrual discomfort: A PSM analysis (사용 생리대 유형과 월경불편감의 관련성: PSM 분석)

  • Hyunju Dan;Heeja Jung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.389-396
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    • 2024
  • This is a descriptive study to investigate the association between types of menstrual sanitary products used and menstrual discomfort. The participants included 1,484 women who used either disposable sanitary pads or tampons, out of a total of 1,571 women aged 19-40 years and data collection was conducted from September 2020 to August 2021. The survey was conducted through an online and mobile survey platform, with participants proceeding to take part after clicking the 'agree' button. Data analysis involved 1:4 propensity score matching, descriptive statistics, chi-square tests, t-tests, and hierarchical regression analysis. The results indicated that among the participants, 94.1% used disposable sanitary pads, while 5.9% used tampons. In the final model, significant influencing factors identified were age 30 or older (β=-.157, p=.043), standing for 1-4 hours at work (β=-.131, p=.040), experiencing sleep disorders (β=.337, p<.001), and tampon use (β=.130, p=.005). Therefore, it is essential for nurses to incorporate information about various menstrual sanitary products' characteristics into their menstrual education for women of reproductive age.

Gender Differences in Pain in Cancer Patients (성별에 따른 암환자의 통증 차이)

  • Kim, Hyun-Sook;Lee, So-Woo;Yun, Young-Ho;Yu, Su-Jeong;Heo, Dae-Seog
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.14-25
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : To determine whether there exist gender differences in pain in Korean cancer patients and whether the depression and performance that are often expressed differently between men and women with cancer interact with pain. Method : The results of survey were collected from 140 in- and out-patients (78 male and 62 female) who had cancer treatment at one of the university hospital in Seoul for four months from February of 1999. The severity and interference of pain were examined with the self-reported survey based on Korean version of Brief Pain Inventory (BPI-K). Demographic and clinical information for all patient were compiled by reviewing their medical records, and the level of depression was examined with the Korean version of Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-K). Usual statistical methods, e.g., frequences, means and SDs were used to characterize the sample. The chi-square tests for categorical data and t-test for numerical data were used for group comparison. And the correlation between variables were performed using Pearson correlation coefficient. Resuts : 1) The mean scores of the worst pain for last 24-hours measured with the pain severity of BPI-K were 5.77 in male and 6.45 in female. The pain interference of BPI-K in men was in the order of mood (5.49), enjoy (5.36), and work (5.00), and in women were work (7.48), enjoy (7.16), and mood (6.53). 2) In pain severity, significant difference was found between men and women in the average pain for last 24-hours (t=-2.130, P=.035). In pain interference, significant difference was found between men and women in activity (t=-2.450, P=.015), mood (t=-2,321, P=.022), walk (t=-2.762, P=.007), work (t=-4.946, P=.000), relate (t=-2.595, P=.010), sleep (t=-2.071, P=.040), enjoy (t=-3.198, P=.001). 3) It was found that the items of pain and depression are significantly correlated in men but not in women. Men also exhibited higher correlation in the items of pain and performance status than women. Conclusions : Women report significantly greater average pain for last 24-hours and for all items of pain interference than men. Pain and depression are significantly correlated in men. The results of this study suggest that gender differences in pain should be considered for planning effective pain management program.

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Analysis of Dietary Habits by MDA(Mini Dietary Assessment) Scores and Physical Development and Blood Parameters in Female College Students in Seoul Area (서울 지역 여대생의 식생활 평가에 따른 식습관, 신체 발달 및 혈액 인자 비교 연구)

  • Choi, Kyung-Soon;Shin, Kyung-Ok;Huh, Seon-Min;Chung, Keun-Hee
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.856-868
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to investigate causes for health problems among college women by analyzing factors related to their dietary habits, physical development, health habits, and blood parameters. The subjects were ages 20 to 24 years, lived in the Seoul area and were randomly selected during March, 2008 to August, 2009. The average height and weight of the overall subjects were $162.02{\pm}4.89\;cm$ and $53.96{\pm}7.00\;kg$, respectively. According to a 3-point assessment scale for the subjects' dietary habits, the average point value was 21.2. The percentage of subjects that ate breakfast daily was only 30.5%, and they omitted regular meals at least once a week. Approximately 83.5% of the subjects reported eating out often or frequently, and preferred Korean foods when they ate out. The subjects had interim meals (snacks) one or two times daily, and 40.4% of them preferred unbalanced meals. As their interim meals, among the 'good' group, ate breaded potatoes (39.3%), carbonated beverages, and ice cream (36.8%), whereas the 'poor' group, drank milk and ate dairy products (38.0%) as well as fast food and fried food (22.8%). Intakes of energy, fat, vitamins $B_2$ and $B_6$, niacin, folic acid, calcium, iron, zinc, and phosphorus were higher in the 'poor' group. The average hemoglobin level ($13.77{\pm}1.00\;g/dL$) among the subjects was within normal range; while 2.7% of subjects had hemoglobin levels under 11.1 g/dL (standard value) and were examined as anemic. The degree of interest in health was 24.5% higher among the subjects who had poor dietary habits. In contrast, among those who had good dietary habits, 49.6% reported they had no interest in regular exercise. The subjects reported that regular meals, nutrient intake, sufficient rest, and sleep as necessary to maintain health. The average amount of sleep obtained by the subjects was 6~8 hours. Among the 'poor' group, 36.2% reported that they exercised regularly, whereas 18.5% of the subjects in the 'good' group reported regular exercise (p<0.05). In conclusion, it appears necessary to provide nutrition education through teaching and to promote nutrition and health to college women so they can control their individual health status and create practicable dietary plans.

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A Study on Effectiveness of the Hospital-based Home Nursing Care of the Early Discharged Surgical Patients and its Cost Analysis (조기퇴원 수술환자의 병원중심 가정간호 효과 및 비용분석에 관한 연구)

  • 박경숙;정연강
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.545-556
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    • 1994
  • Medical insurance and health care delivery system enabled Korean people to get the necessary medical service, but it caused increased needs for medical service, and resulted in the occurence of some problems such as a lack of manpower and medical facilities. In order to solve these problems, many countries, which already had medical insurance system had developed home care system and it has been regarded effective both in reducing costs and in increasing the rates of turnover of bed. Recently, Korea has included home nursing care in its health care delivery system, and some models of the hospital based home nursing care had been tried and its effects had been evaluated. So, author tried to run a home nursing care for the Cesarean section mothers and evaluate Its effects both in the mother's health and costs. This study was designed as a Quasi-experimental study. Subjects were thirty mothers who got Cesarean section operation in hospital in Seoul. Experimental group consisted of 15 volunteers, and control group were selected by means of matching technique. Data were gathered from February 1st to March 26th by two assistants who were trained by author. Experimental group were discharged on the 4th day after their operation, and got nursing care and assessment about their home three times on the 5th, 6th, and 7th day. Control group stayed in the hospital until 7th day as usual and were checked on the same day as above mentioned To evaluate the state of physiological recovery, vital signs, H.O.F, presence of edema in the legs, bathing, appetite, sleep, presence of pain or discomfort in the breasts, amount of lochia, color of lochia, defecation urination. To compare incidence of complication in experimental group with that in control group, specific assessment was done such variables as smell of lochia, presence of inflammation of operation wound, dizziness, and presence of immobilization in the extremities. The activities of daily living were checked Satisfaction of nursing were checked To calculate costs, author asked subjects to specify expenditure including hospital charge, traffic enpenses, and food expenses. The results were as fellows. 1. On effectiveness of home nursing careThere were n significant differences between experimental and control group in incidence of abnormal symptoms and any complication. The number of taking a bath [POD #5 P=0.001, #6 P=0.0003, #7 P=0.001] and the degree of appetite [POD #5 P=0.03, #6 P=0.02, #7 P=0.013] were significantly higher in experimental group than in control group. Contrary to author's expectation, the degree of the activities of daily living in experimental group was not higher than that of control group. All of the experimental group said they were satisfied with the home nursing care. 2. Cost analysis 1) Hospital charge of experimental group was lower than that of control group. [P=0.009] By taking home nursing care, average period of hospitalization was shortened to 3.1 days, and family members could save 22.8 hours. Total amount of money saved by early discharge was 3,443,093 Won. It is estimated that total amount of money saved by early discharge in a year will be 40,398,956 Won. 2) Home nursing care charge of 15 mothers was 1,781,633 Won. It is estimated that total amount of money Saved by it in a year Will be 20,904,493 Won. It was lower altogether than hospital charge of the three days which is 5th, 6th, 7th day of operation. The average cost of single home visit was calculated 10,940 Won. It took 87 minutes per round and it costed 1,017.3 Won. The average hour of home care was 39.0 minutes. 3) It is expected that early discharge can bring forth the increase of hospital income. On the condition that the rate of running bed is 100%, the expected increase of hospital income will be 202,374, 026 Won in a year. Suggestions for further study and nursing practice are as follows : 1. For the welfare of patients and the increased rates of running bed, home nursing care system should be included in the hospital nursing care system. 2. Studies to test effect of home nursing care on the patients with other diseases are needed. 3. Establishment of law on the practice of home nursing care is strongly recommended.

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