• 제목/요약/키워드: Hours of sleep

검색결과 359건 처리시간 0.028초

우리나라 청소년의 수면시간이 자살생각에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Sleep Duration on Suicidal Ideation in Korean Adolescents)

  • 박현주
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of sleep duration on suicidal ideation in Korean adolescents. Methods: This study used the data drawn from Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey in 2013. A total data of 63,301 adolescents were included in the analysis. Included variables were general characteristics, health status variables, hours of sleep, and suicidal ideation. For sample description weighted percentage and means were used. Rao-Scott ${\chi}^2$ test and simple and multiple logistic regression with dummy variables were conducted with use of SAS 9.2. Results: Among general characteristics and health status variables, gender, grade, school level, school achievement, family's economic status, living with parents, subjective health, happiness, stress, and feeling of despair were found to be significantly related to suicidal ideation. Rates of having suicidal ideation were 22.4% in the case of students with less than 5 hours of sleep and 12.9% in students with 8 or more hours of sleep. After controlling general characteristics and subjectively perceived variables, hours of sleep was still significantly related to suicidal ideation. That is, compared to adolescents with 8 hours or more of sleep, those with less than 5 hours of sleep showed significantly higher risk for having suicidal ideation (adjusted odds ratio: 1.20, p<.001). Conclusion: These findings suggest that short sleep has negative effects on psychological health in adolescents. Particularly, less than 5 hours of sleep has harmful effect on adolescents' increased risk for having suicidal ideation.

한국인의 수면시간과 우울 및 자살생각과의 관계 (Relationships between Sleep Duration and Depression or Suicidal Thoughts in Korean Adults)

  • 배상숙
    • 보건의료산업학회지
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 2018
  • Objectives : This study was conducted to examine the relationships between Korean adult's daily hours of sleep, depression, and suicidal thoughts using data from the 7th National Health and Nutrition Survey. Methods : This study utilized a depression screening tool, the 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), for the 6,355 participants of the health and mental health survey. T-tests, cross analysis, correlation analysis, and logistic regression analysis were used. Results : The results showed that sufficient hours of sleep decreased depression. The depression score for females (3.19) was significantly higher than for males (2.10; p<.001). The participants in the depression group slept less than 7 hours per day (p<.01). Conclusions : The study results showed a significant correlation between sleep duration and depression when health-related factors and social factors influencing sleep were controlled. The results also indicated that this correlation may vary based on gender. This study implies that further studies are necessary to identify the causal relationship between sleep duration and depression.

입원에 따른 아동의 수면 양상의 변화 (The Changes in Children's Sleeping Patterns caused by Hospitalization)

  • 박문희;이애란
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.265-273
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the children's sleeping patterns, such as the sleeping hours and the nature of sleep disruptions following hospitalization and its accompanying factors. The data were collected from December, 1997 to March, 1998 using a questionnaire developed by researchers. The subjects were 76 children in a hospital. The results of this study were summarized as follows : 1. The average sleeping hours (sleep duration) at night were 10 hours and 10 minutes and 9 hours and 9 minutes before and after hospitalization respectively. There was a significant difference (p<0.01). The average sleeping hours in the day time were 1 hour 28 minutes and 2 hours and 26 minutes before and after hospitalization respectively. There was a significant difference(P<0.01). 2. The mean bed time(sleep onset) was 10: 22 pm and 10 : 28 pm before and after hospitalization respectively. There was no significant difference. 3. The mean hour of rising(sleep termination) was 7: 54 am 7 : 08 am before and after hospitalization respectively. There was a significant difference (p<0.01). 4. The mean number of sleep disruption was 0.72 and 1.94 before and after hospitalization respectively. There was a significant difference(P<0.01). The sleep disruptions were influenced by crying of other children(53.9%), lights(28.9), nursing procedures(18.4%), noise of TV(17.l%) and noise of visitors (15.8%).

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대전 지역 신생아의 수면/활동 양상에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Sleep/Activity Pattern in Newborn Baby)

  • 김태임;심미경;김미종
    • 부모자녀건강학회지
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.25-40
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the sleep/activity patterns of neonates and to provide a baseline data in developing an effective maternal-child nursing intervention strategies. The subjects of this study were 57 normal newborn babies from birth to 4 weeks of age, who visited the Postpartum Care Center and two General Hospitals and One Local clinic in Taejon. The data were collected from October 28th, 1999 to April 28th, 2000. The instrument used in this study was NCASA developed by Barnard and validated by the Academic Society of Parent-Child Health. The data were analyzed with the SPSS PC+ 7.5 for window program using means, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The mean amount of daytime sleep was 7.45 hours, nighttime sleep was 4.27 hours, and the total daily sleep was 11.72 hours. The mean amount of longest sleep period was 4.32 hours. The mean regularity of daytime sleep was 35.55%, the nighttime sleep was 44.82%, and the total daily sleep was 39.02%. The mean frequency of nighttime awakenings was 2.44 times. 2. The mean amount of daytime awake periods was 8.54 hours, the nighttime awake periods was 3.72 hours, and the daily total awake periods was 12.27 hours. The mean amount of the longest awake period was 3.98 hours. 3. The mean frequency of daytime feeding was 5.18 times, the nighttime feeding was 2.50 times, and the total daily feeding was 7.49. The mean of regularity of total daily feeding was 61.34%. 4. According to an analysis of sleep patterns based on newborn's age, there were some statistically significant differences noted in the following factors ; amount of nighttime sleep (F=7.65, p=.002), longest sleep period(F=5.84, P=.006). 5. According to an analysis of activity patterns based on newborn's age, there were some statistically significant differences noted in the following factors ; amount of nighttime activity (F=7.64, P=.002), longest activity period (F=4.34, P=.020), frequency of nighttime feeding(F=3.89, p=.029), frequency of total daily feeding(F=3.76, P=.033), and regularity of daily feeding(F=4.66, P=.016). In conclusion, the newborn baby slept more during the daytime than nighttime and more active during the daytime. And there were some irregular sleep/activity pattern noted during 1 to 2 weeks of newborn baby. The results of this study will contribute to maternal-child health nursing practice and nursing research, and provide an information to parents about what to expect their newborn baby.

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대학생의 수면시간이 스트레스 및 우울에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Sleep Duration on Stress and Depression in College Students)

  • 김민호;박성호
    • 대한통합의학회지
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.261-270
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    • 2021
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of sleep duration on stress and depression in college students. The results obtained will be used as a foundational framework for fostering a healthy sleep culture among college students and for formulating measures to improve the quality of their sleep. Ultimately, we intend to produce a publicity and educational material. Methods : For this study, a survey involving 100 college students was conducted, after which data based on a final total of 95 respondents were analyzed. The information on stress and depression were first analyzed in terms of general characteristics and then organized based on the data collected to investigate the effects of sleep duration on stress and depression. The participants were divided into the following groups: "less than 6 hours," "6 to 7 hours," and "7 to 8 hours." BEPSI-K (Brief encounter psychosocial instrument-Korean) was used for stress evaluation, while K-CESD-R (Korean version of center for epidemiologic studies depression scale-revised) was utilized for depression evaluation. Results : First, according to sleep duration, the BEPSI-K scores showed a statistically significant difference in each group (p<.01). In the post-hoc test, there was a difference among the "less than 6 hours" group, the "7 to 8 hours" group. A statistically significant difference was noted (p<.01). In addition, sleep duration had a statistically significant effect on the negative (-) direction of the BEPSI-K (p<.01). Second, the K-CESD-R score according to sleep duration showed a statistically significant difference in each group (p<.01). Notably, in the post-hoc test, the "less than 6 hours" group differed from the "6 to 7 hours" group, "7 to 8 hours" group. A statistically significant difference was noted (p<.01). In addition, sleep duration had a statistically significant effect on the negative (-) direction of the K-CESD-R (p<.01). Third, for the correlation between sleep duration and stress and depression, a negative (-) correlation was found between sleep duration and BEPSI-K and K-CESD-R. Meanwhile, a positive (+) correlation was found between BEPSI-K and K-CESD-R. Conclusion : Based on the findings of this study, the sleep duration of college students has an effect on stress and depression. The results of this study can be used as a foundational framework in formulating a plan for improving the quality of sleep of college students.

일개 지역 영아의 수면 및 포유양상에 관한 연구 (Sleep and Feeding Patterns in Infancy)

  • 김영희
    • 여성건강간호학회지
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    • 제6권4호
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    • pp.566-578
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to ascertain infant's sleep and feeding patterns for the purpose of building up the positive parent-child relationship and setting up a preliminary parenting education program. The subjects were 16 infants who were cared for in their houses. The data was collected using NCASA developed by Barnard et al. from October 1st to December 3lth, 1999. The analysis of data was done with SPSSWIN for descriptive statistics and t-test, ANOVA, Correlation Analysis. The result were as follows: 1. The average day sleep of the infant was 9.51 hours, night sleep was 6.27 hours, and total sleep was 15.84 hours. The longest period of day sleep was 3.02 hours, and the longest period of night sleep was 3.72 hours. The regularity of day sleep was 34.78%, night sleep was 61.72% and total was 43.76%. 2. The frequency of daytime feeding was 5.13 times, nighttime was 2.44 times and total was 7.38 times. The regularity of feeding was 52.14%. 3. In the correlation between sleep and feeding patterns, night sleep was negatively correlated with feeding method(r=-.52, P<0.05), the longest period of day sleep was negatively correlated with feeding method(r=-.73, P<0.001), feeding frequency(r=-.60, P<0.05), the regularity of feeding(r=-.70, P<0.001). The longest period of night sleep was negatively correlated with feeding frequency (r=-.53, P<0.05). Feeding method was positively correlated with feeding frequency(r=.71, P<0.001), the regularity of feeding(r=.57, P<0.05). Day sleep was positively correlated with total sleep(r=.93, P<0.001), the regularity of total sleep was positively correlated with the longest period of day sleep(r=.54, P<0.05), total sleep(r=.65, P<0.001). The regularity of feeding was positively correlated with feeding method(r=.57, P<0.05), total feeding frequency(r=.50, P<0.05), the frequency of daytime feeding(r=.61, P<0.05). Feeding method was positively correlated with total feeding frequency(r=.71, P<0.001). In conclusion, the study showed that infants slept more in the nighttime than in the daytime, but after 3 months the pattern changed and showed that nighttime sleep was increased. Also the regularity of night sleep was increased with the infant's age. Total feeding frequency was decreased with the infant's age, and the regularity of feeding was increased in infants who slept shorter periods in the daytime than in the nighttime.

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교대근무와 수면시간이 우리나라 임금근로자의 대사증후군에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Shift Work and Hours of Sleep on Metabolic Syndrome in Korean Workers)

  • 박현주
    • 한국직업건강간호학회지
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.96-107
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of shift work and hours of sleep on metabolic syndrome in Korean workers. Methods: This study used the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data of 2014. The study included 1,579 Korean workers aged over 20. $x^2$ test, t-test, and hierarchical multiple logistic regression were used for statistical analysis of data. Results: From the univariate analysis, hours of sleep, regular work, occupational group, sex, age, marital status, education, smoking, and self-rated health were significantly related to metabolic syndrome. After adjusting demographic, occupational, and health-related variables, workers with under 6 hours/day of sleep showed higher risk for metabolic syndrome (AOR: 1.56, 95% CI: 1.01~2.44), and shift work was not significantly related to metabolic syndrome. Male laborers and workers aged 40 or older also showed higher risk for metabolic syndrome. Conclusion: Results of this study suggest that workers with under 6 hours of sleep, male laborers and workers aged 40 or older are the risk groups of metabolic syndrome. Therefore, prevention and management program for metabolic syndrome should be implemented for this population.

서울시 임대아파트에 거주하는 일부 저소득 중장년의 만성질병별 건강행태 비교연구 (A Comparative Study of Health Behaviors by Chronic Diseases of the Low-income Middle-aged People in Seoul's Apartment Residents)

  • 양준모;박해모;이선동
    • 대한예방한의학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.11-30
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    • 2014
  • Objective : To compare the differences in health behaviors by chronic diseases of middle-aged living in Seoul's low-income housing Method : Of the 1469 residents aged 35 to 60 living in low-income housing in Seoul's District A, 318 were equal probability of selection method selected. t-test, ANOVA, $x^2$, OR(95% CI, P-value) were selected to analyze the data, and the confidence interval was 5%. Results : There were no significant differences in all health behaviors by vascular and metabolic, But there was a statistically significant difference for gastrointestinal diseases caused by sleep hours(p=0.001), liver diseases caused by smoking, drinking and sleep hours(p=0.004, p=0.001, and p=0.033, respectively), musculoskeletal diseases caused by sleep hours and health exam(p=0.0000 and p=0.002, respectively). Also, statistically significant differences were found for tumors caused by sleep hours(p=0.004), depression by the sleep hours and health exam(p=0.001 and p=0.013, respectively), allergies by in sleep hours(p=0.004), thyroid diseases by smoking and health exam(p=0.013 and p=0.007, respectively). After adjusting for the confounding factors for diseases, OR was obtained for each health behavior. There were no statistically significant differences in all health behaviors for vascular, metabolic, and tumors. However, the OR for gastrointestinal diseases 4.10(1.63-10.36, 0.0028) and 2.96(1.05-8.41, 0.0041) at 5-7 and 7-9 sleep hours. The OR for liver diseases was 3.13(1.03-9.48, 0.0437) at 7-9 sleep hours, the OR values for musculoskeletal diseases were 2.91(1.23-6.88, 0.00149), and 4.46(1.68-11.86, 0.0027) at 5-7 and 7-9 sleep hours. OR for depression were 4.82(1.70-13.66, 0.0031) and 4.13(1.19-14.31, 0.0026) at 5-7 and 7-9 sleep hours. OR for allergy were 2.78(1.22-6.32, 0.0015) and 3.93(1.49-10.39, 0.0058) at 5-7 and 7-9 sleep hours. There were statistical significances for liver diseases for 1-2 times of health exam at 0.35(0.14-0.90, 0.00301), for liver diseases for 1-2 times of health exam at 0.35(0.14-0.90, 0.00301), for musculoskeletal diseases for 3-4 times of health exam at 0.26(0.09-0.79, 0.0175), for depression for 3-4 times of health exam at 0.17(0.04-0.66, 0.0106), for allergies for 1-2 times of health exam at 0.30(0.13-0.70, 0.0055), and for thyroid diseases for 1-2 times and annually of health exam at 0.07(0.01-0.60, 0.00154), 0.09(0.01-0.96, 0.0461). We known significant difference the health behaviors by the diseases. especially in sleep hours and health exam times Conclusion : Only sleep hours and health exam caused statistically significant differences in chronic diseases. but the sleep hours was postitively correlated with the risk of disease, while health exam were inversely related.

Long Commute Time and Sleep Problems with Gender Difference in Work-Life Balance: A Cross-sectional Study of More than 25,000 Workers

  • Kim, Soojin;Kim, Yangwook;Lim, Sung-Shil;Ryoo, Jae-Hong;Yoon, Jin-Ha
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.470-475
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    • 2019
  • Background: There is a lack of statistical analysis investigating the relationship between sleep problems and commute time in Korea. We aimed to analyze the association between representative health symptoms, sleep disturbances, and commute time according to working hours in Korea. Methods: The 4th Korean Working Conditions Survey data were used for analysis, and unpaid family workers and workers who work fewer than three days in a week were excluded. Commute time, working hours, and sleep hours were assessed using self-reported questionnaires. Odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for sleep problems were calculated using a multivariate logistic regression model with ≤10 min commute time as the reference group. Results: Among a total of 28,804 workers (men = 14,945, women = 13,859), 2.6% of men and 3.2% of women experienced sleep problems. In both sexes, long commute time (51-60 minutes and >60 minutes) showed an increased OR [men, 2.03 (CI = 1.32-3.13) and 2.05 (CI = 1.33-3.17); women, 1.58 (CI = 1.05-2.39) and 1.63 (CI = 1.06-2.50), respectively]. In stratification analysis of working hours, long commute time (51-60 and > 60 minutes) showed an increased OR in men working >40 hours/week [2.08 (CI = 1.16-3.71) and 1.92 (CI = 1.08-3.41), respectively]. Furthermore, long commute time (41-50, 51-60, and >60 minutes) showed an increased OR in women working >40 hours/week [2.40 (CI = 1.27-4.55), 2.28 (CI = 1.25-4.16), and 2.19 (CI = 1.17-4.16), respectively]. Moreover, commute time >60 minutes showed an increased OR in women working ≤40 hours/week [1.96 (CI = 1.06-3.62)]. Conclusion: This large cross-sectional study highlights that long commute time is related to sleep problems in both sexes. Shorter commute times and decreased working hours are needed to prevent sleep problems in workers.

청소년 수면시간과 치주질환의 관련성 (Relationship of Sleep Duration to Periodontal disease in Youth)

  • 이선희
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제15권9호
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    • pp.311-319
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 국민건강영양조사 제5기 3차년도(2012) 원시자료를 활용하여 청소년의 수면시간과 치주질환의 관계를 파악하고자 하였다. 연구대상은 만 12~18세 청소년 593명이며, SPSS WIN 18.0 통계 프로그램을 사용하여 청소년의 일반적 사항, 건강습관, 구강건강관리, 정신건강에 따른 수면시간과 치주질환, 그리고 수면시간과 치주질환의 관련성에 대하여 분석한 결과, 청소년 수면시간은 연령이 증가할수록, 가구소득이 높은 그룹에서 수면시간이 짧았으며, 칫솔질 빈도가 높은 경우 수면시간이 길게 나타났다. 청소년의 8시간이상 수면그룹에 비해서 5시간이하 수면그룹에서 치주질환이 2.28배(OR = 2.28, 95% CI: 1.07, 4.86) 높게 나타났다. 이상의 결과로 보아 청소년기의 부족한 수면은 치주건강과 관련이 있는 것으로 확인되었다.