• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hot Spring

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Meteorological Constraints and Countermeasures in Major Summer Crop Production (하작물의 기상재해와 그 대책)

  • Shin-Han Kwon;Hong-Suk Lee;Eun-Hui Hong
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.398-410
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    • 1982
  • Summer crops grown in uplands are greatly diversified and show a large variation in difference with year and location in Korea. The principal factor for the variation is weather, in which precipitation and temperature play a leading role and such a weather factors as wind, sun lights also influence production of the summer crops. Since artificial control of weather conditions as a main stress factor for crop production is almost impossible, it must be minimized only by an improvement of cultivation techniques and crop improvement. Precipitation plays a role as one of the most important factor for production of the summer crops and it is considered in two aspects, drought and excess moisture. This country, which belongs to monsoon territory, necessarily encounter one of this stress almost every year, even though the level is different. Therefore, the facilities for both drought and excess moisture are required, but actually it is not easy to complete for them. On this account, crops tolerant to drought, excess moisture and pests should be considered for establishing summer crops. For the districts damaged habitually every season, adequate crops should be cultured and appropriate method of planting, drainage and weed control should be applied diversely. Injuries by temperature is mainly attributed to lower temperature particularly in late fall and early spring, although higher temperature often causes some damages depending upon the kind of crops. Sometimes, lower temperature in summer season playa critical role for yield reduction in the summer crops. However, certain crops are prevented to some extent from this kind of stress by improving varieties tolerant to cold, hot weather or early maturing varieties. As is often the case, control of planting time or harvesting is able to be a good management for escaping the stress. Lodging, plant diseases and pests are considered as a direct or indirect damage due to weather stress, but these are characters able to be overcome by means of crop improvement and also controlled by other suitable methods. In addition, polytical supports capable of improving constitution of agriculture into modern industry is urgently required by programming of data for the damages, establishment of damage forecasting and compensation system.

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Studies on Kimchi for its Standardization for the Industrial Production Part 1. Survey of Status Industrial Production (김치의 공업적(工業的) 생산(生産)을 위한 공업표준화(工業標準化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) 제(第)1보(報) 공업적생산(工業的生産)을 위한 조사(調査))

  • Yu, Tai-Jong;Chung, Dong-Hyo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.116-123
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    • 1974
  • 1) In Seoul, it was known that the season for preparing Kimchies (fermented vegetables) for the winter was from the middle of November to early in December, in which the preparing rates of Kimchies in the middle of November, the end of November and early in December were 32.7%, 41.3% and 12.5%, respectively. The time that the largest quantity of them was prepared was about the end of November. 2) The average cost of Kimchies prepared for the winter for a family of four, five, six and seven was $10,000{\sim}15,000$ Won, $15,100{\sim}20,000$ Won, $10,100{\sim}20,000$ Won and $10,100{\sim}20,000$ Won, respectively, and the cost did not increase in proportion to members of a family. In case of the family of $6{\sim}7$, the cost for Kimchies showed a wide range compared with those for the family of $4{\sim}5$ 3) The main raw materials of kimchi for one person for the winter required $12{\sim}20$ heads of Chinese cabbages, $14{\sim}20$ roots of radishes, $4{\sim}7$ cloves of garlics and $300{\sim}500g$ of powdered red pepper. 4) The residents living in Seoul had prepared the several kinds of the pickles for the winter as follows; (1) Chinese cabbage Kimchi (98.9%), (2) Whole Chinese cabbage Kimchi (74.7%), (3) Kkakdugi (68.6%), (4) Dongchimi (66.4%) and (5) Chong-kak Kimchi (63.3%). It has, therefore. been considered that the five kinds of Kimchies mentioned above may be industrialized. 5) Uniqueness of the raw materials used for the most popular Chinese cabbage Kimchi was to use leeks, garlics, red peppers and gingers as spices, and it was also known that proper amounts of salted shrimp pickles and oysters was mixed to the Kimchies. Therefore, it had been considered that the characteristics of Chinese cabbage Kimchies for the winter had the hot taste with freshness. 6) For keeping the Kimchies during the winter about the half of the pickle jars was buried in the ground, and another half of them were wrapped in the straw bags or styropol and they were placed on the ground or kept in the basement, 7) In most case (80.9%), the salt concentration of pickling was adjusted by one's experiences, and only 19% of them was measured with the instruments. 8) Most of remaining kimchies were usually used for other cooks, but some of them were thrown away. 9) The ratio of the people who had ever bought the market Kimchies for their own edibility was 17.8% and most of them got it only in the spring and summer season. 10) About 18% of the residents living in the general houses in Seoul had ever bought the market Kimchies. It was also known that about 48% of the residents living in the general houses and about 79% of the residents living in the apartments wanted to purchase the market Kimchies if the production of the delicious Kimchies were industrialized. The season that the people wanted to get the market Kimchies was a little different each other among the residents. About 13.4% of the residents living in the general houses wanted to purchase the Kimchies during the summer, and 11.9% of them wanted to get it throughout the year. On the other hand, in case of the apartments, 25.2% of the residents wanted to get it during the summer and 24.4% of them wanted it throughout the year (4 seasons) and 19.9% of them wanted it during two seasons. The data mentioned above have shown that many residents hope strongly an industrial production of the Kimchies. It is also true that many residents living in both the general houses and apartments want to get the market kimchies throughout the year, and particulary during the summer season that most foods are very apt to be spoiled.

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Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Biomass and Cell Size of Bacteria and Protozoa in Lake Paldang and Kyungan Stream (팔당호와 경안천에서 박테리아와 원생생물의 생물량과 세포크기의 시 ${\cdot}$ 공간적 분포)

  • Son, Ju-Youn;Kong, Dong-Soo;Hwang, Soon-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.39 no.3 s.117
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    • pp.378-389
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    • 2006
  • Seasonal changes of biomass and cell size of bacteria and protozoa, and factors affecting their distribution in Lake Paldang and Kyungan Stream were analyzed from April to December, 2005. Bacterial abundance at Paldang Dam and Kyungan Stream was similar, but it did not much increase during hot summer period. Protozoan carbon biomass was much greater at Kyungan Stream compared to Paldang Dam. HNAN generally accounted for the majority of total protozoan biomass, but ciliates made up the highest proportion in April and November at Paldang Dam and June at both sites. PNAN showed low biomass at both sites, but it was high during spring and fall season. Small-sized HNAN ($3{\sim}7\;{\mu}m$) numerically predominated the protozoan community at both sites. Average cell size of HNAN was bigger at Kyungan Stream where nutrients concentration was much higher than Paldang Dam. Average cell size of ciliates varied seasonally; it was relatively small during the summer. HNAN biomass significantly correlated with Chl-a concentration and ciliates biomass at Paldang Dam, indicating that HNAN increase might link to the ciliates increase. At Kyungan Stream, HNAN biomass showed a significant relationship with PNAN biomass, and Chl-a concentration was closely related with both of HNAN and PNAN biomass. Ciliate biomass showed significant relationship with nutrient (TN, TP) and particulate matter (SS) only at Kyungan Stream. At both sites, protozoan biomass was significantly correlated with bacterial biomass, and ciliates were additionally related flagellates. High biomass of microbial components and the close relationships among them suggest that the energy transfer through the microbial loop may important in the plankton food web of Lake Paldang ecosystem.

Mushroom growth and cultivation environment at cultivation house of vinyl bag cultivation Shiitake mushroom on high-temperature period (고온기 표고 톱밥재배용 재배사 내의 환경 제어시스템과 버섯생육 온도)

  • Jhune, Chang-Sung;Kong, Won Sik;Park, Hye-Sung;Cho, Jae-Han;Lee, Kang-Hyo
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.263-269
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    • 2014
  • Although sawdust cultivation of shiitake (Lentinula edodes) is becoming more common, it is insufficiently competitive in spring and autumn, the best time to breed shiitake. Thus, it is urgently needed to develop a technique for all year round cultivation of shiitake using mushroom growing beds. In the present study, the temperature changes according to the location of shiitake cultivation facilities were investigated. We confirmed that a refrigerator, an air conditioner, triple membranes, shiitake cultivation beds, fog nozzles which were installed in the shiitake cultivation facilities play an important role in keeping the low temperature. Bag cultivation of shiitake was tested in temperature variation from $14^{\circ}C$ to $29^{\circ}C$ with a $3^{\circ}C$ interval to know its cultivating temperature range in hot summer season. In summary, the sawdust cultivation of shiitake is possible when the temperature difference between top and bottom is maintained below $1^{\circ}C$. And the temperature of the shiitake cultivation facilities should be maintained below $23^{\circ}C$ in the induction period for fruitbody formation.

A survey on the habit of dieting and food constrained by superstition (식습관(食習慣)과 금기식(禁忌食)에 관(關)한 조사(調査))

  • Lee, Geum-Yeong;Suh, Myung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 1973
  • 1. Generally speaking, our people have been carrying out the government policy of using grains other than rice comparatively well. But it is desirable that the government heirs the whole nation as well as the farmers to understand better the scientific meaning of using foods made from the flour of various grains. This will greatly improve the nation's eating habits, for it will make people discard the habit of eating only boiled-rice, which will not only improve our national health but will also increase the national income. 2. For the purpose of improving health and developing intellectual faculties of our mind, we had better, if possible, get much protein from plants(especially beans) which we can obtain more readily than from animals. However if we must use animal protein, we should dependonly on livestock. Pregnant women and new-born children must not be in ill health because of malnutrition caused by following groundless superstitions about foods: for example, some religions forbid the use very healthful foods or some traditional conventions do the blend of certain foods together with other victuals. 3. It is good that we conquer the difficulty of living in the season of spring poverty by having other substitute for regular victuals. But it requires us to pay a careful attention to the food and to do research on many foods problems such as food pollution. Farmers should cooperate with each other and help those who have very little arable land, or even those who have no place for cultivating, to grow miscellaneous cereals on the land which other farmers don't use that year. 4. On the whole, farmers have a good appetite for any, food, whatever it is. Neverthless, because they aren't econmically well-off, they generally eat hot meals only for breakfast and supper in the busy faming season. They eat a tepid lunch which, they think saves time and cooking fuel. In conclution, I feel sorry that many village farmers still steeped in conventional thought and superstition are inclined to have an unbalanced diet of boiled-rice and that they continue not to use the floor from other grains all the year round. when these unscientific dieting customs mentioned above are discarded, we will be able to enjoy good health, better knowledge or intellegence, and higher income. Then we will ba able to make our present lives more self-reliant and self-supporting.

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Production of Amylase by a Thermophi1ic Fungus, Mucor Sp. (고온성(高溫性) 사상균(絲狀菌) Mucor Sp.에 의(依)한 Amylase의 생산(生産))

  • Lee, Sang Ho;Park, Yoon Joong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.153-163
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    • 1988
  • This experiment was carried out to obtain the thermophilic fungus producing amylase and to investigate properties of the amylase. The selected strain, L-11 was obtained from soil in the vicinity of a hot spring and identified as Mocor sp.. And then the conditions for enzyme production in wheat bran cultures and properties of the crude enzyme were investigated. Furthermore, the enzyme was purified and the characteristics of purified enzyme were studied. The results obtained were as follows: 1. On the wheat bran medium added 80-100% water, amylase was effectively produced by the selected strain, L-11 for 48 hrs incubation at $50^{\circ}C$. 2. When the crude enzyme solution of the strain L-11 was passed through DEAE-Sephadex A-50 column chromatography, two peaks having amylase activity were obtained, and one peak was that of the main enzyme (enzyme of B peak). 3. The purified enzyme (enzyme of B peak) was recognized as single protein band on polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. 4. In the hydrolysis reaction of soluble starch by the enzyme of main amylase, oligosaccharides produced at early stage were maltose and maltotriose mainly and procedure of the reaction maltose amount of maltose and glucose was increased. 5. The strain L-11 was recognized as a special strain producing ${\alpha}-amylase$ mainly and scarcely glucoamylase. 6. The optimum pH, optimum temperature, pH stability, and temperature stability of ${\alpha}-amylase$ were pH 4.0, $60-65^{\circ}C$, pH 4.0-9.0, and below$70^{\circ}C$.

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The Characteristic of Selective Attachment and Bioleaching for Pyrite Using Indigenous Acidophilic Bacteria at $42^{\circ}C$ ($42^{\circ}C$에서 토착호산성박테리아의 황철석 표면에 대한 선택적 부착과 용출 특성)

  • Park, Cheon-Young;Kim, Soon-Oh;Kim, Bong-Ju
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 2010
  • The bioleaching experiment under $42^{\circ}C$ was effectively carried out to leach the more valuable element ions from the pyrite in the Gangyang mine waste. Bacteria can survive at this temperature, as indigenous acidophilic bacteria were collected in the Hatchobaru acidic hot spring, in Japan. To enhance the bacterial activity, yeast extract was added to the pyrite-leaching medium. The indigenous acidophilic bacteria appeared to be rod-shaped in the growth-medium which contained elemental sulfur and yeast extract. The rod-shaped bacteria ($0.7\times2.6\;{\mu}m$, $0.6\times7\;{\mu}m$, $0.8\times5\;{\mu}m$ and $0.7\times8.4\;{\mu}m$) were attached to the pyrite surface. The colonies of the rod-shaped bacteria were selectively attached to the surroundings of a hexagonal cavity and the inner wall of the hexagonal cavity, which developed on a pyrite surface. Filament-shaped bacteria ranging from $4.92\;{\mu}m$ to $10.0\;{\mu}m$ in length were subsequently attached to the surrounding cracks and inner wall of the cracks on the pyrite surface. In the XRD analysis, the intensity of (111), (311), (222) and (320) plane on the bacteria pyrite sample relatively decreased in plane on the control pyrite sample, whereas the intensity of (200), (210) and (211) increased in these samples. The microbiological leaching content of Fe ions was found to be 3.4 times higher than that of the chemical leaching content. As for the Zn, microbiological leaching content, it was 2 times higher than the chemical leaching content. The results of XRD analysis for the bioleaching of pyrite indicated that the indigenous acidophilic bacteria are selectively attacked on the pyrite specific plane. It is expected that the more valuable element ions can be leached out from the mine waste, if the temperature is increased in future bioleaching experiments.

Thermal and Uplift Histories of the Jurassic Granite Batholith in Southern Jeonju: Fission-track Thermochronological Analyses (전주 남부지역 쥬라기 화강암질 저반체의 지열사와 융기사: 피션트랙 열연대학적 해석)

  • Shin, Seong-Cheon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.389-410
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    • 2016
  • Wide ranges of fission-track (FT) ages were obtained from the Jurassic granite batholith in Jeonju-Gimje-Jeongeup area, southwestern Okcheon Belt: sphene=158~70 Ma; zircon=127~71 Ma; apatite=72~46 Ma. Thermochronological analyses based on undisturbed primary cooling and reset or partially-reduced FT ages, and some track-length data reveal complicated thermal histories of the granite. The overall cooling of the batholith is characterized by a relatively rapid earlier-cooling (${\sim}20^{\circ}/Ma$) to $300^{\circ}C$ isotherm since its crystallization and a very slow later-cooling ($2.0{\sim}1.5^{\circ}/Ma$) through the $300^{\circ}C-200^{\circ}C-100^{\circ}C$ isotherms to the present surface temperature. It is indicated that the large part of Jurassic granitic body experienced different level of elevated temperatures at least above $170^{\circ}C$ (maximum>$330^{\circ}C$) by a series of igneous activities in late Cretaceous. Consistent FT zircon ages from duplicate measurements for two sites of later igneous bodies define their formation ages: e.g., quartz porphyry=$73{\pm}3Ma$; diorite=$73{\pm}2Ma$; rhyolite=$72{\pm}3Ma$; feldspar porphyry=$78{\pm}4Ma$ (total weighted average=$73{\pm}3Ma$). Intrusions of these later igneous bodies and pegmatitic dyke swarms might play important roles in later thermal rise over the study area including hot-spring districts (e.g., Hwasim, Jukrim, Mogyokri, Hoebong etc.). On the basis of an assumption that the latercooling of granite batholith was essentially controlled by the denudation of overlying crust, the uplift since early Cretaceous was very slow with a mean rate of ~0.05 mm/year (i.e., ~50 m/Ma). Estimates of total uplifts since 100 Ma, 70 Ma and 40 Ma to present-day are ~5 km, ~3.5 km and ~2 km, respectively. The consistent values of total uplifts from different locations may suggest a regional plateau uplift with a uniform rate over the whole granitic body.

Treatment Efficiency of Existing Forms of Pollutants in Sewage Treatment Plant by Natural Purification Method (자연정화공법에 의한 하수처리장에서 오염물질의 존재형태별 처리효율)

  • Seo, Dong-Cheol;Lee, Byeong-Ju;Hwang, Seung-Ha;Lee, Hong-Jae;Cho, Ju-Sik;Lee, Sang-Won;Kim, Hong-Chul;Heo, Jong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2006
  • A study was conducted to investigate the behavior of pollutant forms at each area in the sewage treatment plant by natural purification method. The sewage treatment plant by natural purification method that consisted of aerobic and anaerobic area was constructed. The efficiency of sewage treatment depending on the operation time, the loading amount of pollutant season variation were investigated. The removal amount of BOD, COD, TOC and SS in the aerobic area was significantly increased as the treatment proceeded. Decreased BOD, COD, TOC, SS, T-N and T-P depending on the loading amount of pollutants in the aerobic and ananerobic area were mostly insoluble BOD (IBOD), insoluble COD (ICOD), soluble TOC (STOC), volatile SS (VSS), dissolved T-N (DTN) and dissolved T-N (DTP) types, respectively. The removal efficiency of BOD, COD, TOC, SS, T-N and T-P in hot season (summer and autumn) were more than that in cold season (spring and winter). The removal efficiencies of BOD, COD, TOC, SS, T-N and T-P of the effluent were about 92, 89, 73, 95, 46 and 84% in all seasons, respectively.

Evaluation of Treatment Efficiencies of Pollutants under Different Pollutant Fractions in Activated Sludge-Constructed Wetland System for Treating Piggery Wastewater (활성슬러지-인공습지 공법에 의한 돈사폐수처리시스템에서 오염물질의 분획별 정화효율 평가)

  • Kim, Seong-Heon;Seo, Dong-Cheol;Park, Jong-Hwan;Lee, Choong-Heon;Choi, Jeong-Ho;Kim, Hong-Chul;Ha, Yeong-Rae;Cho, Ju-Sik;Heo, Jong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.344-350
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    • 2012
  • BACKGROUND: To design and develop a constructed wetland for effective livestock wastewater treatment, it is necessary to understand the removal mechanisms of various types of pollutants in constructed wetlands. The objective of this study was to evaluate the treatment efficiency of pollutants under different types of fraction in constructed wetland system for treating piggery wastewater. METHODS AND RESULTS: The piggery wastewater treatment plant that consisted of activated sludge tank, aerobic and anaerobic beds was constructed. The concentration of COD(Chemical oxygen demand) in effluent by fraction was 71.5 mg/L for soluble COD, 142 mg/L insoluble COD. The concentration of SS(Suspended solid) in effluent by existing form was 102 mg/L for volatile SS, 15.5 mg/L for fixed SS. The concentration of T-N(Total nitrogen) and T-P(Total phosphorus) in effluent by existing form were 12.8 mg/L and 3.05 mg/L for dissolved form, 35.0 mg/L and 1.93 mg/L for suspended form. The removal efficiencies of COD, SS, T-N and T-P in hot season(summer and autumn) were higher than those in cold season(spring and winter). The removal efficiencies of COD, SS, T-N and T-P in effluent were 98.0, 99.0, 98.2 and 99.2% for all seasons, respectively. CONCLUSION(S): The results indicated that removal types of pollutants were insoluble COD(ICOD), volatile SS(VSS), dissolved T-N(DTN) and dissolved T-P(DTP) in constructed wetlands for treating piggery wastewater.