• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hospital, general

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The Relationship between Zinc protoporphyrin and Lead levels in Normal Adults' Blood And Comparison of Zinc protoporphyrin values by High Performance Liquid Chromatograph and Hematofluorometer (정상인에서 혈중 연과 zinc protoporphyrin과의 상관관계 및 HPLC 와 Hematofluorometer로 측정한 zinc protoporphyrin량간의 비교)

  • Kim, Kangyoon;Kim, Hyunwook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 1993
  • Blood samples obtained from 200 adults who had visited the "S" general hospital were analyzed to compare the zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) levels quantified by high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) and by hematofluorometer (HF) to investigate the methodological difference if any and the relationship between the levels of blood lead and ZPP among no-lead exposed adults. Also investigated were the distribution of ZPP and protoporphyrin IX (PPIX) concentrations, the establishment of normal levels of blood ZPP and blood lead, and the contribution of age and sex factors to these values. These subjects had no previous occupational exposure to lead. The results obtained were as follows : 1. The mean values of blood lead for male and female subjects were 9.46±2.44μg/dl and 8.09±2.17μg/dl, respectively. The difference observed in the mean concentrations between male and female subjects was statistically very significant. 2. The mean values of blood ZPP by HPLC for male and female subjects were 15.94±4.55μg/dl and 22.26±6.61μg/dl, respectively. The difference observed in the mean concentrations between male and female subjects was statistically not significant. The mean values of blood PPIX by HPLC for male and female subjects were 2.51±1.78μg/dl and 2.81±1.56μg/dl, respectively. The difference observed in the mean concentrations between male and female subjects was statistically not significant. 3. The mean values of blood ZPP by HF for male and female subjects were 28.44±7.11μg/dl and 37.77±8.04μg/dl, respectively. The difference observed in the mean concentrations between male and female subjects was statistically very significant. 4. No statistically significant correlation was found between the levels of blood ZPP and blood lead. 5. The ratio of ZPP and protoporphyrin IX (PPIX) concentration to erythrocyte protoporphyrin (EP, EP=ZPP+PPIX) concentration was 87.4% and 12.6%, respectively. 6. A statistically very significant correlation was found between the ZPP concentrations determined by HPLC and the values by HF (r=0.7565). The ZPP concentraitons quantified by HF were 1.75 times as high as the values obtained by HPLC. 7. The blood ZPP concentrations quantified by HPLC, HF, and spectrofluorometer (SF) from the blood samples obtained from 14 lead-exposed workers and from 16 no-lead exposed adults showed wide variations. The ZPP concentrations by HF were the highest followed by the levels obtained by SF and by HPLC. In the exposed group, no statistically significant difference was found among three methods of quantifying blood ZPP levels. In the no-lead exposed group, however, statistically significant difference was observed among these methods. The ZPP concentrations by HF were about twice as high as those of by HPLC or by SF. Among three methods of quantifying blood ZPP (HPLC, SF and HF), the results revealed significant difference. Therefore it is suggested that objective methods of quantifying blood ZPP and a system of correcting different ZPP levels be developed by the ministry of Labor.

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Review of 2014 Major Medical Decisions (2014년 주요 의료판결 분석)

  • Jeong, Hye Seung;Lee, Dong Pil;Yoo, Hyun Jung;Lee, Jung Sun
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.155-190
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    • 2015
  • The court sentenced meaningful decisions related to the medical service in 2014. The court assumed the negligence of medical staff in the accident if being broken while using the medical equipment for not an original purpose at the time of surgery and ruled that the compensation for damage can be recognized in recognition of the causal relationship between the explanation duty violation and side effect's happening when unproven surgery on safety is implemented regarding the duty of explanation, that in the case of cosmetic surgery, the subject on the duty of explanation needs to be expanded compared to the general medical practice and that the duty of explanation cannot be accepted for the range that cannot be expectable. Also, the court has provided the requirement and limitation of self-determination exercise in case of the crash between patient's self-determination and doctor's duty of care and has ruled that as automobile insurance contract is a contract with the insurance company to pay regarding liability for car accidents, treating patients and taking the insurance money is not illegal activity even for the unlicensed hospital violating the medical law while established. The judgment stating the opinion that medical practitioners cannot be punished according to the medical law prohibiting the receiving of rebate in case that medical practitioners did not receive benefit while the medical institution itself gained an unfair economic benefit also stands out. And the court has ruled that even if the medical institution who received a business suspension is closed, the suspension is still effective in case that the same operator opens a new medical institution in the same place, ruled on the requirement to conduct a medical service outside of the medical institution that the doctor opened and ruled that the administrative penalty cannot be conducted prior to the conviction on charge of violating the medical law.

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Diagnostic Classification of Chest X-ray Pneumonia using Inception V3 Modeling (Inception V3를 이용한 흉부촬영 X선 영상의 폐렴 진단 분류)

  • Kim, Ji-Yul;Ye, Soo-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.773-780
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    • 2020
  • With the development of the 4th industrial, research is being conducted to prevent diseases and reduce damage in various fields of science and technology such as medicine, health, and bio. As a result, artificial intelligence technology has been introduced and researched for image analysis of radiological examinations. In this paper, we will directly apply a deep learning model for classification and detection of pneumonia using chest X-ray images, and evaluate whether the deep learning model of the Inception series is a useful model for detecting pneumonia. As the experimental material, a chest X-ray image data set provided and shared free of charge by Kaggle was used, and out of the total 3,470 chest X-ray image data, it was classified into 1,870 training data sets, 1,100 validation data sets, and 500 test data sets. I did. As a result of the experiment, the result of metric evaluation of the Inception V3 deep learning model was 94.80% for accuracy, 97.24% for precision, 94.00% for recall, and 95.59 for F1 score. In addition, the accuracy of the final epoch for Inception V3 deep learning modeling was 94.91% for learning modeling and 89.68% for verification modeling for pneumonia detection and classification of chest X-ray images. For the evaluation of the loss function value, the learning modeling was 1.127% and the validation modeling was 4.603%. As a result, it was evaluated that the Inception V3 deep learning model is a very excellent deep learning model in extracting and classifying features of chest image data, and its learning state is also very good. As a result of matrix accuracy evaluation for test modeling, the accuracy of 96% for normal chest X-ray image data and 97% for pneumonia chest X-ray image data was proven. The deep learning model of the Inception series is considered to be a useful deep learning model for classification of chest diseases, and it is expected that it can also play an auxiliary role of human resources, so it is considered that it will be a solution to the problem of insufficient medical personnel. In the future, this study is expected to be presented as basic data for similar studies in the case of similar studies on the diagnosis of pneumonia using deep learning.

A Comparative Analysis of Clinical Features and Treatment Outcomes of Intussusception according to Age Distribution (연령에 따른 장중첩증의 임상양상 및 치료에 대한 비교분석)

  • Park, Bum Chul;Kim, Seok Young;Jung, Su Jin
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.150-156
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: We divided the children diagnosed with intususception into three different age groups and compared the clinical symptoms and treatment outcomes in order to analysis diagnosis and treatment of Intusussception. Methods: A retrospective chart review was established of 159 patients diagnosed with intussuception who had been admitted to Department of Pediatrics and General Surgery, Bundang CHA hospital from January, 2000 to May, 2004. We divided the patients into three groups, according to their age. Those who were under five months of age (group I; 21 patients), those between 5~11 months of age (group II; 61 patients), and those older than 11 months of age (group III; 77 patients). Then we compared the age, sex, seasonal distribution of occurrence, the cause, the clinical features, radiologic review, the type of intusussception, surgical methods, recurrence rate and treatment outcomes, among these three groups. Results: On comparing the clinical symptoms and signs among the three groups, the most common major clinical symptom and sign was irritabiltity in all three groups. Vomiting with irritability was statistically more common in group I (p<0.05) and bloody stool was most frequent in group III. The average time taken until a diagnosis was made after the symptom onset was, 21 hours in group I, 20 hours in group II and 22 hours in group III. Which showed no significant difference. But there was a higher rate of delayed diagnosis in group I, which took over 48 hours until the diagnosis was made (group I; 23.8%, group II; 4.9%, group III; 7.8%). Simple abdominal X-rays showed more frequent instances of intestinal obstruction in group I (p<0.05). The primary treatment done was barium enema which showed a failure rate of 52.4% in group I, 26.2% in group II and 14.3% in group III. Showing the highest failure rate in group I. Conclusion: The youngest group had vague symptoms which lead to delayed diagnosis and more frequent surgical procedures. As so, we advocate the importance of further evaluation and close observation, considering intussusception in children with symptoms of irritability and vomiting, especially in the early infant group.

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Difference in the Set-up Margin between 2D Conventional and 3D CT Based Planning in Patients with Early Breast Cancer (조기유방암환자의 이차원치료계획과 삼차원치료계획의 방사선조사범위의 차이)

  • Jo, Sun-Mi;Chun, Mi-Son;Kim, Mi-Hwa;Oh, Young-Taek;Kang, Seung-Hee;Noh, O-Kyu
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.177-183
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Simulation using computed tomography (CT) is now widely available for radiation treatment planning for breast cancer. It is an important tool to help define the tumor target and normal tissue based on anatomical features of an individual patient. In Korea, most patients have small sized breasts and the purpose of this study was to review the margin of treatment field between conventional two-dimensional (2D) planning and CT based three-dimensional (3D) planning in patients with small breasts. Materials and Methods: Twenty-five consecutive patients with early breast cancer undergoing breast conservation therapy were selected. All patients underwent 3D CT based planning with a conventional breast tangential field design. In 2D planning, the treatment field margins were determined by palpation of the breast parenchyma (In general, the superior: base of the clavicle, medial: midline, lateral: mid - axillary line, and inferior margin: 2 m below the inframammary fold). In 3D planning, the clinical target volume (CTV) ought to comprise all glandular breast tissue, and the PTV was obtained by adding a 3D margin of 1 cm around the CTV except in the skin direction. The difference in the treatment field margin and equivalent field size between 2D and 3D planning were evaluated. The association between radiation field margins and factors such as body mass index, menopause status, and bra size was determined. Lung volume and heart volume were examined on the basis of the prescribed breast radiation dose and 3D dose distribution. Results: The margins of the treatment field were smaller in the 3D planning except for two patients. The superior margin was especially variable (average, 2.5 cm; range, -2.5 to 4.5 cm; SD, 1.85). The margin of these targets did not vary equally across BMI class, menopause status, or bra size. The average irradiated lung volume was significantly lower for 3D planning. The average irradiated heart volume did not decrease significantly. Conclusion: The use of 3D CT based planning reduced the radiation field in early breast cancer patients with small breasts in relation to conventional planning. Though a coherent definition of the breast is needed, CT-based planning generated the better plan in terms of reducing the irradiation volume of normal tissue. Moreover it was possible that 3D CT based planning showed better CTV coverage including postoperative change.

Soviet Union's School Health Program (소련(蘇聯)의 학교보건사업(學校保健事業) 비교(比較))

  • Nam, Eun Woo;Kwon, Hyuck Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.136-145
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    • 1991
  • In the Soviet Union School health services are provided as an integral part of the health care delivery system, which is under the Ministry of Health. This paper presents an overview of the Soviet Union's health care delivery system, the model for the delivery of school health service, the role and training of school personnel involved in school health services and implications the Soviet model may have for the countries. 1. School health services are a part overall Soviet health system under the Ministry of Health. 2. Municipal and rural health departments implement programs at the local level. Diagnosis and treatment are conducted through "polyclinics" that are outreach divisions of a district hospital. 3. Education institutions for the development of health manpower, including medical schools and nursing schools, are under the Ministry of Health, as are medical and scientific search institutes.

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Effects of Leukocyte Depleted Priming Solution on Cardiopulmonary Edema by Extracorporeal Circulation (백혈구제거 혈액성 충진액이 체외순환 후 심폐부종에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Si-Hoon;Kim, Young-Du;Jin, Ung;Jo, Keon-Hyun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.34 no.9
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    • pp.704-710
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    • 2001
  • Background: Extracorporeal circulation using pump-oxygenator is an inevitable process to keep vital sign during cardiac arrest for open heart surgery. However, the diversion of blood through nonendothelialized channels appears to stimulate inflammatory response, and leukocyte activation may lead to cardiopulmonary edema. Our study evaluated the effect of leukocyte-induced cardiopulmonary edema using three different pump-oxygenator priming solutions; non-hemic crystalloid solution ; leukocyte-depleted homologous blood; non leukocyte-depleted homologous blood in priming solutions. Material and Method: Each different priming solution was used on five dogs, and the effect of leukocyte-induced cardiopulmonary edema during cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB) was evaluated. For each dog after 2 hours of exracorporeal circulation and another 4 hours of post-pump period, the dog was sacrificed and its heart and lung tissues were obtained for measuring Wet/Dry ratio. Arterial O2partial pressure(PaO2) and CO2partial pressure(PaCO2) were checked. For the evaluation of ventilatory function, CO2partial pressure difference between arterial blood (PaCO2) and exhaled air(EtCO2) was measured. Result: 1. No significant difference was seen in arterial PaO2and PaCO2among groups. 2. Ventilatory function evaluated by PaCO2and EtCO2showed no significant difference between non-hemic and blood-mixed priming solution (P<0.05). 3. Cardiac and lung Wet/Dry ratios were remarkedly lower in the leukocyte-depleted group. There was no significant difference between the non-hemic and blood-mixed groups. Conclusion: Based upon this result, we concluded that the leukocyte depletion from homologous blood of CPB priming solution has a beneficial effect in reducing cardiopulmonary edema compared with non leukocyte-depleted or crystalloid priming solutions.

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Cryosurgery of Lung with 2.4 mm Cryoprobe: An Experimental in vivo Study of the Cryosurgery in Canine Model (냉동침을 이용한 폐 냉동수술의 동물실험: 냉동수술 방법의 비교 실험)

  • Kim Kwang-Taik;Chung Bong-Kyu;Lee Sung-Ho;Cho Jong-Ho;Son Ho-Sung;Fang Young-Ho;Sun Kyung;Park Sung-Min
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.39 no.7 s.264
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    • pp.520-526
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    • 2006
  • Background: The clinical application of cryosurgery the management of lung cancer is limited because the response of lung at low temperature is not well understood. The purpose of this study is to investigate the response of the pulmonary tissue at extreme low temperature. Material and Method: After general anesthesia the lungs of twelve Mongrel dogs were exposed through the fifth intercostal space. Cryosurgical probe (Galil Medical, Israel) with diameter 2.4 mm were placed into the lung 20 mm deep and four thermosensors (T1-4) were inserted at 5 mm intervals from the cryoprobe. The animals were divided into group A (n=8) and group B (n=4). In group A the temperature of the cryoprobe was decreased to 120C and maintained for 20 minutes. After 5 minutes of thawing this freezing cycle was repeated. In group B same freezing temperature was maintained for 40 minutes continuously without thawing. The lungs were removed for microscopic examination on f day after the cryosurgery. In four dogs of the group A the lung was removed 7 days after the cryosurgery to examine the delayed changes of the cryoinjured tissue, Result: In group A the temperatures of T1 and T2 were decreased to the 4.1±11Cand31±5C respectively in first freezing cycle. During the second freezing period the temperatures of the thermosensors were decreased lower than the temperature during the first freezing time: T156.4±9.7C,T218.4±14.2C,T318.5±9.4CandT435.9±2.9C. Comparing the temperature-distance graph of the first cycle to that of the second cycle revealed the changes of temperature-distance relationship from curve to linear. In group B the temperatures of thermosensors were decreased and maintained throughout the 40 minutes of freezing. On light microscopy, hemorrhagic infarctions of diameter 18.6±6.4mm were found in group A. The infarction size was 14±3mm in group B. No viable cell was found within the infarction area. Conclusion: The conductivity of the lung is changed during the thawing period resulting further decrease in temperature of the lung tissue during the second freezing cycle and expanding the area of cell destruction.

Effect of Global Ischemic Preconditioning After Cardioplegic Arrest -Langendorff Isolated Heart Study- (단기간의 심근허혈이 심근보호에 미치는 영향 -적출 쥐 심장의 연구-)

  • Cheon, Young-Jin;Lee, In-Sung;Kim, Yeon-Soo;Choi, Young-Ho;Kim, Kwang-Taik;Kim, Hyoung-Mook;Kim, Hark-Jei;Lee, Gun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 1998
  • Ischemic preconditioning is known to have protective effect on myocardial function at prolonged ischemic insult but the mechanism of the effect is not clearly known. The effect of the preconditioning on the global ischemia using cardioplegic solution is not well known. To evaluate the effect of global myocardial preconditioning on the functional recovery after cardioplegic arrest and two hours of hypothermic storage, we used the isolated rat heart and two hours cardioplegic arrest time at 0C. In the experimental group(n=10), after baseline functional data was obtained, ischemic preconditioning was induced with 1 min of global normothermic ischemia for three times before the arrest period. In the control group(n=10), hearts underwent no ischemic precondi- tioning. After 2 hrs of cardioplegic arrest and storage in the 0C cardioplegic solution reperfusion was done and hemodynamic data were collected at post-reperfusion 20 min. Heart with ischemic preconditioning showed improved functional recovery at post reperfusion 20 min in peak developed pressure and dP/dT. In percent change of the peak pressure, preconditioning group showed 93.20±15.7% recovery rate compared to baseline data, and control group showed 67.3±15.6% recovery rate. In percent change of the dP/dT, control group showed 54.7±18.2% recovery rate and preconditioning group showed 78.1±15.1% recovery rate. Percent changes in heart rate and coronary flow showed no significant difference between two groups and there was no significant differences in amount of cardioplegic delivery between groups. Our data suggest ischemic preconditioning may have protective effect on recovery state after cardioplegic arrest and 2 hr ischemic storage of isolated rat heart and its mechanism is not related to the amount of the cardioplegic delivery amount.

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Toxic Effect of Azalea Extract on Cardiovascular System (진달래 꽃잎의 추출물이 심혈관계에 미치는 영향)

  • Chun, Jun-Ha;Chung, Sung-Bok;Kang, Seung-Ho;Kim, Yeong-Jo;Shim, Bong-Sub;Lee, Hyun-Woo;Shin, Dong-Gu;Park, Jong-Min
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.52-62
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    • 1991
  • The toxic effect of azalea extract, expecially on cardiovascular system, is relatively unclear. The purpose of this study is to study the possible underlying mechanism and effect of toxic ingredient of azalea on cardiovascular system. The 71 healthy rabbits were divided into 10 groups : In group as preliminary study ; 4cc of normal saline was administered intravenously(N) ; 0.7gm/kg and 1.0gm/kg of azalea extract was administered respectively in the same route, volume(A1, A2) ; atropine was administered intravenously(A) ; after pretreatment with atropine(0.04mg/kg) to block parasympathetic system, azalea extract was injected like the above groups(AA1, AA2) ; normal saline, 0.7gm/kg and 1.0gm/kg of azalea extract were administered respectively with 0.2cc(1 : 1000) epinephrine(E0,E1,E2). We measured the following indices at I minute interval during first 10 minutes and then 10 minute interval during next 30 minutes : RR interval, QTc interval, maximal systolic and diastolic pressure drop with occuring time and presence of significant arrhythmia. The results were as follows : 1. The changes of RR interval, QTc interval were significantly increased in groups by Azalea extract. The blood pressure change was significantly decreased in groups by Azalea extract. There were no significant differences according to dosage of Azalea extract. 2. The changes of RR interval, blood pressure were significant differences between administration of atropine and Azalea extract after pretreatment with atropine, but not in the change of QTc interval. 3. There were no significant differences in the change of RR interval, ATc interval, blood pressure drop according to pretreatment with atropine. 4. The interaction between epineprine and Azalea extract was not noted by the effect of epineprine itself. 5. The ST change by 0.7gm/kg, 1.0gm/kg of Azalea extract was revealed in 1 case(14.0%), 7 case(100%), respectively. 6. Most of all cases with arrhthymia, ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, were noted in the group by epineprine, except one case by Azalea extract(1.0gm/kg). It was idioventricular rhythm. In conclusion, azalea extract has negative inotropic and chronotropic effect with arrhythmogenic potential possibly through direct myocardial ischemia or injury but we cann't be absolutely exclusive of actions of autonmic nervous system, especially parasympathetic nervous system.

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