• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hospital, general

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Effects of Private Insurance on Medical Expenditure (민간의료보험 가입이 의료이용에 미치는 영향)

  • Yun, Hee Suk
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.99-128
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    • 2008
  • Nearly all Koreans are insured through National Health Insurance(NHI). While NHI coverage is nearly universal, it is not complete. Coverage is largely limited to minimal level of hospital and physician expenses, and copayments are required in each case. As a result, Korea's public insurance system covers roughly 50% of overall individual health expenditures, and the remaining 50% consists of copayments for basic services, spending on services that are either not covered or poorly covered by the public system. In response to these gaps in the public system, 64% of the Korean population has supplemental private health insurance. Expansion of private health insurance raises negative externality issue. Like public financing schemes in other countries, the Korean system imposes cost-sharing on patients as a strategy for controlling utilization. Because most insurance policies reimburse patients for their out-of-pocket payments, supplemental insurance is likely to negate the impact of the policy, raising both total and public sector health spending. So far, most empirical analysis of supplemental health insurance to date has focused on the US Medigap programme. It is found that those with supplements apparently consume more health care. Two reasons for higher health care consumption by those with supplements suggest themselves. One is the moral hazard effect: by eliminating copayments and deductibles, supplements reduce the marginal price of care and induce additional consumption. The other explanation is that supplements are purchased by those who anticipate high health expenditures - adverse effect. The main issue addressed has been the separation of the moral hazard effect from the adverse selection one. The general conclusion is that the evidence on adverse selection based on observable variables is mixed. This article investigates the extent to which private supplementary insurance affect use of health care services by public health insurance enrollees, using Korean administrative data and private supplements related data collected through all relevant private insurance companies. I applied a multivariate two-part model to analyze the effects of various types of supplements on the likelihood and level of public health insurance spending and estimated marginal effects of supplements. Separate models were estimated for inpatients and outpatients in public insurance spending. The first part of the model estimated the likelihood of positive spending using probit regression, and the second part estimated the log of spending for those with positive spending. Use of a detailed information of individuals' public health insurance from administration data and of private insurance status from insurance companies made it possible to control for health status, the types of supplemental insurance owned by theses individuals, and other factors that explain spending variations across supplemental insurance categories in isolating the effects of supplemental insurance. Data from 2004 to 2006 were used, and this study found that private insurance increased the probability of a physician visit by less than 1 percent and a hospital admission by about 1 percent. However, supplemental insurance was not found to be associated with a bigger health care service utilization. Two-part models of health care utilization and expenditures showed that those without supplemental insurance had higher inpatient and outpatient expenditures than those with supplements, even after controlling for observable differences.

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Case report: Application of Implant Supported Removable Partial Denture due to Multiple Dental Implant Loss of the Fixed Implant Supported Prosthesis (다수의 임플란트발거로 임플란트 고정성 보철이 실패한 환자에서의 잔존 임플란트를 이용한 부분 가철성 국소의치 수복증례)

  • Kang, Jeong Kyung;Nam, Gi Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.34-40
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    • 2014
  • There are several treatment options for rehabilitation of partial edentulism including the use of conventional or implant-retained fixed prostheses. However, such prosthetic options cannot always be possible because of compromised general and oral health (i.e. loss of supporting tissues, medical reasons, extensive surgical protocol and osseointegration failure of dental implant) as well as the affordability of patients. In some cases, removable partial denture provides easier access for oral hygiene procedures and the ability to correct discrepancies in dental arch relationships than implant fixed prosthesis. Recently, Implant Supported Removable Partial Denture (ISRPD) where to place dental implant in strategic position has been suggested to improve the limitation and shortcomings of conventional RPD. ISPRD can overcome mechanical limition of conventional RPD by placing implant in a favorable position and can be cost-effective, prosthetic solution for partially edentulous patients who are not immediate candidates for extensive, fixed implant supported restorations. Incorporation of dental implants to improve the RPD support and retention and to enhance patient acceptance should be considered when treatment planning for RPD. In this case, 59 years old male patient who received dental treatment of implant fixed prosthesis on both side of the upper jaw and implant overdenture on lower jaw showed implant abutment screw fracture on #15i and osseointegration failure on multiple number of implants. After removing failed implants, we planned ISRPD using #15i,24i,25i,26i and #23 natural tooth for RPD abutment. We fabricated #23 surveyed crown,#24i=25i=26i surveyed bridge and #15i gold coping for support,retention and stability for RPD. Periodic follow up check for 2years has been performed since the ISRPD delivery to the patient. No sign of screw loosening, fracture or bone resorption around abutment implants were detected.

Validation and Calibration of Semi-Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire - With Participants of the Korean Health and Genome Study - (반정량식품섭취빈도조사지의 타당성 검증 및 보정 - 지역사회 유전체 코호트 참여자를 대상으로 -)

  • Ahn, Youn-Jhin;Lee, Ji-Eun;Cho, Nam-Han;Shin, Chol;Park, Chan;Oh, Berm-Seok;Kimm, Ku-Chan
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.173-182
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    • 2004
  • We carried out a validation-calibration study of the food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) that we had previously developed for a community-based cohort of the Korean Genome and Health Study of the Korea National Genome Research Institute. We have collected a total of 254 3-day diet records (DRs) from 400 subjects, 200 each randomly selected from the two study cohorts of Ansung and Ansan. FFQ was administered at the time of cohort recruitment in 2001, and DRs were collected during a two month period from January through February of 2002. The mean age was 52.2 years. Farming for men and housewife for women were the most common occupations. The majority of the subjects had undergone 6∼12 years of education. The general characteristics including demographic and other data were not different from the total cohort subjects. Absolute levels of consumed nutrients including total energy (energy), protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iron, retinol, carotene, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C were compared. The average of energy intake was not significantly different between the data collected by the 2 methods. However, consumptions of protein and fat were higher in data of DRs, whereas that of carbohydrate was higher in FFQ data. Significant correlation of each nutrient consumption between the data sets was observed (p < 0.05) except in the case of iron, while the average correlation coefficient between them was 0.22 ranging from 0.33 for energy to 0.11 for iron. The results of cross classification by quantile for exact classification ranged from 25.2% (carotene) to 35.0% (phosphorus), and from 64.6% (vitamin A) to 76.4% (retinol) for adjacent classification. The proportion of completely opposite classification was 8.1% in average. Calibration slope was estimated by regression and calibration parameters ranged from 0.025 for carotene to 0.423 for niacin. We conclude that the FFQ we have developed is an appropriate tool for assessing the nutrient intakes as ranking exposures in epidemiology studies in view that amounts of consumed nutrients obtained by FFQ were similar to those collected by DRs, that correlations between consumed nutrients collected by these methods were significant, and that classification results were relatively fair. The correlation coefficients, however, were lower than expected, which may be mainly due to the survey season. In fact, any short-term dietary survey cannot accurately reflect the overall dietary intakes that change heavily depending on seasons. Further studies including the analysis of chemical indices would be helpful for the studies of causal relationship between the diet and disease.

Gastric Epithelial Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis in Children with Helicobacter pylori Infection (소아 Helicobacter pylori 감염에서 위 상피세포의 증식과 세포사)

  • Jung, Ji-Ah;Zhe, Jin;Han, Woon-Sup;Seo, Jeong-Wan
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2002
  • Purpose; Dysregulation of gastric epithelial cell proliferation and apoptosis are important in development of ulcer, atrophy and neoplasia in Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of infection of H. pylori on gastric epithelial cell proliferation and apoptosis in children. Methods: Histological grading by updated Sydney system, PCNA immunostaining and TUNEL method were performed in H. pylori positive (N=58) and negative (N=40) gastric biopsy specimens. Results: In H. pylori positive children, there were significantly higher grade of polymorphonuclear neutrophil activity (P=0.000), chronic inflammation (P=0.000), epithelial damage (P=0.000) and lymphoid follicles (P=0.000) than in H. pylori negative children. Intestinal metaplasia was not seen in H. pylori positive children. PCNA index was significantly different between H. pylori positive children (67.8±18.1367.8±18.13) and H. pylori negative children (54.8±14.4654.8±14.46, P=0.000). There was positive correlation between PCNA index and H. pylori density (r=0.277, P=0.007), polymorphonuclear neutrophil activity (r=0.280, P=0.007) and chronic inflammation (r=0.284, P=0.006). Apoptosis index of H. pylori positive children (0.44±0.4470.44±0.447) was significantly higher than of H. pylori negative children (0.14±0.1960.14±0.196, P=0.000). There was positive correlation between apoptosis index and H. pylori density (r=0.472, P=0.000), polymorphonuclear neutrophil activity (r=0.370, P=0.001) and chronic inflammation (r=0.483, P=0.000). There was positive correlation between PCNA index and apoptosis index (r=0.353, P=0.003). Conclusion: The PCNA and apoptosis index in H. pylori positive children were significantly higher than in H. pylori negative children. This study suggested that gastric epithelial cell proliferation and apoptosis are important to pathogenesis of H. pylori infection in children.

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A Survey on Status of Pregnancy and Delivery at a Rural Village, Nepal(Dolakha Bazar Area) (네팔 돌카지역의 임신분만 환경)

  • Ahn, Young-Woo;Kang, Yune-Sik;Kam, Sin;Lee, Jong-Young
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.29 no.4 s.55
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    • pp.721-732
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    • 1996
  • This study was conducted to investigate the status of pregnancy and delivery and relationship among knowledge, attitude and practice about pregnancy and delivery in poor country, Nepal. A questionnaire survey by interviewer was conducted to examine the general characteristics, knowledge about pregnancy and delivery, attitude about pregnancy and delivery, the rate of prenatal care and delivery condition of women who had an experience of delivery during last year(1994.4.131995.4.12)(1994.4.131995.4.12) at a rural area, nepal(Dolakha Bazar Area). The major findings are as follows ; Among respondents, 87.5 percentage never had health education and the degree of knowledge about pregnancy and delivery was low. Among respondents, 56.6 percentage had the attitude that they didn't want antenatal care, 42.8 % of respondents answered that they wouldn't visit hospital or health center when vaginal bleeding occurred and 82.9% thought that the delivery itself was dirty. The proportion of women who experienced antenatal care was 28.3%, the proportion of health facilities delivery was 5.3%, which was very low and 82.6% of home delivery case didn't sanitate the tool to cut the umbilical cord. The women who had positive attitude about antenatal care and health facility utilization experienced more antenatal care and health facilities delivery. On consideration of above findings, health education for pregnancy and delivery is required to improve mother-child health status in poor country. To make efficient health education, the target population group, such as the uneducated, inhabitants far from health center or medical facility, must be chosen. To help the poor countries in medical field, the study on health status and its related factors on these countries like this article would be required.

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The Study on the Effects of Hospice Care on the Pain Management of the Terminal Cancer Patients (호스피스간호가 말기암환자의 통증에 미치는 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Mae-Ok
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.34-44
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to elucidate the effects of hospice care on pain management of the terminal cancer patients. Method : The subjects of the study were 37 terminal cancer patients hospitalized in the general hospital in JeonJu with the hospice care nit. The data were collected using the questionaire with interviews from July to Nov. in 2000. The severity and interference of pain were examined with the self reported survey based on the Korean version of Brief Pain Inventory (BPI-K). The data were analyzed with the mean, SDs, paired t-test. The hospice care to provide for three weeks. Results : 1) The mean scores of the worst pain for the last 24-hours measured with the pain severity of BPI-K were pre-intervention (6.35) and post (4.76). The pain interference of BPI-K in pre-intervention was enjoy (8.22), work (7.46), walk (7.08) and activity (7.08), while post was of enjoy (6.62), work (6.43), walk (6.11) and activity (5.78), respectively. 2) In pain severity, significant difference was found between the pre-intervention and post in all of followings. - worst pain for last 24 hours (t=4.085, P=.000) - least pain for last 24 hours (t=4.020, P=.000) - average pain for last 24 hours (t=4.254, P=.000) - pain right now (t=4.017, P=.000) 3) In pain interference, significant difference was found between the pre- intervention and the post in all of followings. - activity (t=3.137, P=.003) - mood (t=6.713, P=.000) - walk (t=2.027, P=.050) - work (t=2.132, P=.040) - relate (t=4.143, P=.000) - sleep (t=4.071, P=.000) - enjoy (t=3.881, P=.000) Conclusion : The terminal cancer patients who were offered hospice care had significantly lower hospice care pain and pain interference than those without hospice care. According to these results, hospice care can be regarded as an effective modality in relief of pain in the terminal ill-patients.

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Changes in Cytomegalovirus Seroprevalence in Korea for 21 Years: a Single Center Study

  • Choi, Sae Rom;Kim, Kyung-Ran;Kim, Dong Sub;Kang, Ji-Man;Kim, Sun Ja;Kim, Jong Min;Oh, Soo-young;Kang, Choel-In;Chung, Doo Ryeon;Peck, Kyong Ran;Kang, Eun-Suk;Kim, Yae-Jean
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is mostly asymptomatic but can be detrimental to certain hosts. We investigated changes of CMV seroprevalence in Koreans before and after the year 2000. Methods: We reviewed laboratory values of patients who were tested for CMV immunoglobulin G (IgG) at Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea, from January 1995 to December 2015. Changes in seroprevalence were analyzed by gender, age, region, and tested year period (period 1, 1995-2005 vs. period 2, 2006-2015). Results: Overall CMV seropositivity was 94.1% (10,900/11,584). There was no significant difference for CMV seropositivity among the two periods (94.2% vs. 94.1%) (P=0.862). CMV seropositivity in the 11 to 20-year age group in period 2 (78.8%) was significantly lower than that of period 1 (89.9%) (P=0.001). The seropositivity of individuals aged 31-40 years (97.4%) was significantly higher than that of younger age groups (P<0.001) and lower than that of older age groups (P<0.001). Of 2,441 females of reproductive age (from 15 to 49), CMV seropositivity was 97% (2,467/2,441). The seropositivity in women aged 20-24-years was higher than that of men in the same age group (97.6% vs. 85.6%, P=0.003). No significant difference was observed among different regions. Conclusions: Overall CMV seropositivity of Koreans was estimated to be 94% and the average seropositivity of reproductive women was 97%. Monitoring of the changes in seroprevalence including the reproductive age group is needed in the future.

A Study on the Characteristics and Consultation Type of Inpatients Referred for Delirium and Depressive Disorder (섬망 및 우울장애로 자문 의뢰된 입원환자의 임상적 특징 및 의뢰 형태에 관한 연구)

  • Seong min Lee;Seung-Ho Ryu;Jee Hyun Ha;Hong Jun Jeon;Doo-Heum Park
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.10-18
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    • 2023
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of patients referred for delirium and depressive disorder and to find direction of improvement of consultation-liason psychiatry in general hospital. Methods : We performed a retrospective computed chart review of the 4,966 inpatients hospitalized at Konkuk University Hospital who were referred to the Department of Psychiatry from August 1, 2005 to December 31, 2011. Results : Depressive disorder shows the order of frequency of consultation type Parallel-Complementary-Mending. Delirium shows the order of frequency of consultation type Mending-Parallel-Complementary. When comparing 'follow up consultation' and 'without follow up consultation' group within the depressive disorder, the proportion of men in the 'follow up consultation' group was higher. In the analysis of the consultation type, the 'follow up consultation' group showed the order of consultation type Parallel-Mending- Complementary, and type Parallel-Complementary-Mending in the 'without follow up consultation' group. When comparing 'follow up consultation' and 'without follow up consultation' group within the delirium, the proportion of the surgical field in the 'follow up consultation' group was higher. In the analysis of the consultation type, both group showed the order of consultation type Mending-Parallel- Complementary. Conclusions : Doctors in each department and psychiatrists should pay attention to delirium symptoms that may occur in surgical inpatients and preventive measures should be taken. Screening tests should be conducted in medical patients to properly evaluate coexisting psychiatric diseases. Risk factors of Delirium and Depressive disorder should be identified from the time of hospitalization, and actively discussing treatment plans and early interventions could improve the quality of medical services.

The Effects of Nursing Work Environment and Role Conflict on Job Embeddedness among Nurses of Long-term Care Hospital (요양병원 근무 간호사의 직무배태성에 미치는 영향: 근무환경과 역할갈등 중심으로)

  • Son, Sookyeon;Kim, Shinmi
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.663-677
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    • 2019
  • This study was performed to identify the relationship and effects of nursing work environment and role conflict on job embeddedness among nurses working in long-term care hospitals. The data were collected from 200 nurses working in 10 long-term care hospitals from G - province from July to August 2018. Structured questionnaires assessing general characteristics and three major variables were distributed to the study participants and final 190 data set were analyzed using SPSS ver 25.0 program. Study results were as follows; mean score of job embeddedness was 2.98±0.46 out of 5 and the score of sub-domains were in order of fit, links, and sacrifice. The average score of the nursing work environment was 3.14 ± 0.42 and the leadership was the highest sub-domain followed by the working system, the relationship with peers, and the support of the institution. Overall role conflicts score was 3.43 ± 0.51, and environmental disorder, role ambiguity, lack of ability, lack of cooperation were reported in order as sub-domains. Job embeddedness of the study participants showed a statistically significant positive correlation with the nursing work environment and negative correlation with the role conflict. Factors affecting job embeddedness were nursing work environment, age, and role conflict, and the explanatory power of the model was 50.4%. The findings suggest that the overall level of job embeddedness of nurses working in long-term care hospitals is below middle level and efforts to improve job embeddedness through strategies related to nursing work environment and role conflict in organizational level. In addition, the relationship between age and job embeddedness needs to be studied further.

Impact of a 'Proactive Self-Audit Program of Fraudulent Claims' on Healthcare Providers' Claims Patterns: Intravenous Injections (KK020) (부당청구 예방형 자율점검제가 의료기관의 청구행태에 미치는 영향: 정맥 내 일시주사(KK020)를 중심으로)

  • Hee-Hwa Lee;Young-Joo Won;Kwang-Soo Lee;Ki-Bong Yoo
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.163-177
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    • 2024
  • Background: This study aims to examine changes in fraudulent claim counts and total reimbursements before and after enhancements in counterfeit claim controls and monitoring of provider claim patterns under the "Proactive self-audit pilot program of fraudulent claims." Methods: This study used the claims data and hospital information (July 2021-February 2022) of the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service. The data was collected from 1,129 hospitals assigned to the pilot program, selected from the providers who filed a claim for reimbursement for intravenous injections. Paired and independent t-tests, along with regression analysis, were utilized to analyze changing patterns and factors influencing claim behaviors. Results: This program led to a reduction in the number of fraudulent claims and the total amount of reimbursements across all levels of hospitals in the experimental groups (except for physicians below 40 years old). In the control group, general hospitals and hospitals demonstrated some significant decreases based on the duration since opening, while clinics showed significant reductions in specified subjects. Additionally, a notable increase was observed among male physicians over the age of 50 years. Overall, claims and reimbursements significantly declined after the intervention. Furthermore, a positive correlation was found between hospital opening duration and claim numbers, suggesting longer-established hospitals were more likely to file claims. Conclusion: The results indicate that the pilot program successfully encouraged providers to autonomously minimize fraudulent claims. Therefore, it is advised to extend further support, including promotional activities, training, seminars, and continuous monitoring, to nonparticipating hospitals to facilitate independent improvements in their claim practices.