• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hospital, general

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Left Atrial Myxoma Associated with Mitral Regurgitation and Coronary Artery Disease (승모판막폐쇄부전 및 관상동맥질환과 동반된 좌심방 점액종)

  • Baek, Man-Jong;Na, Chan-Young;Oh, Sam-Sae;Kim, Woong-Han;Whang, Sung-Wook;Lee, Cheol;Chang, Yun-Hee;Jo, Won-Min;Kim, Jae-Hyun;Seo, Hong-Ju;Park, Yoon-Ock;Moon, Hyun-Soo;Paik, Young-Kwan;Kim, Chong-Whan
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.36 no.11
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    • pp.862-865
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    • 2003
  • Obstructive intracardiac lesions, like mitral stenosis or insufficiency (MR), by myxomas of the left atrium have been commonly reported, but the attenuation of MR by myxoma combined with coronary artery disease is very rare. We report a 70-year-old female patient whose left atrial myxoma had attenuated moderate MR to mild MR and required mitral valve surgery after removal of the myxoma. She also had coronary artery disease, severe pulmonary hypertension and moderate tricuspid regurgitation due to the mitral valve lesions obstructed by myxoma. The patient underwent removal of myxoma, mitral and tricuspid valve reconstructions, and coronary artery bypass grafting. She was discharged at the postoperative 14 day without any problems.

A Study on the Spatial Composition and Area Analysis of O.P.D in General Hospitals that Offer the Cooperative Treatment between Western and Oriental Medicine (양.한방 협진을 운영하는 종합병원 외래진료부의 공간 구성 및 면적분석에 관한 연구)

  • Park, You-Sun;Park, Jae-Seung
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.216-224
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to examine a special type of hospital known as Western Oriental medicine treatment designed to provide the best treatment by combining the advantages of Western and Oriental medicine, The actual conditions of the organizations and operations of O.P.D and how the cooperative treatment between Western and Oriental medicine is conducted at general hospitals that operate the cooperative treatment by applying a drawing analysis and an area analysis, and provide materials that help design hospitals that offers the cooperative treatment based on the information. According to the results of this study, the forms of the cooperative treatment between Western and Oriental medicine included several methods; to operate the cooperative center separately between an Oriental hospital and a general hospital, to operate the cooperative hospital, using several floors for an Oriental hospital inside a general hospital, and to operate the cooperative center in specialized centers inside a general hospital and the type of cluster that offers the cooperative treatment in specialized centers is known as the best appropriate treatment.

Determinants of a Surgery Hospital Following a First-time Diagnosis of Cancer at a General Hospital in the Metropolitan Area (암 최초 진단 후 수술 병원 결정요인: 수도권 소재 일개 종합병원을 대상으로)

  • Shin, Chang Ho;Kim, Bomgyeol;Sim, Hyung Seop;Kim, Tae Hyun;Jang, Suk-Yong;Lee, Sang Gyu
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2021
  • Purposes: This study aimed to identify relevant factors that determine cancer surgery at a medium-sized general hospital where patients are diagnosed with cancer. Methodology: The study subjects were 1,530 patients diagnosed with cancer between November 2013 and October 2019 at a 400-bed general hospital located in the metropolitan area. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the patient characteristics, cancer types, and characteristics of treatment experience of the study subjects, in addition to the determinants of cancer surgery in the hospital. Findings: Among 1,530 cases diagnosed with cancer, 353 cases (23.1%) were operated at the hospital where the cancer diagnosis was made. As determinants of surgery after a fist-time diagnosis at a general hospital, the likelihood of having surgery at the hospital, for colorectal cancer patients compared to stomach cancer patients (Odds Ratio=2.38), bladder and kidney cancer patients (Odds Ratio=1.79). According to the results of an additional survey conducted, it was found that important determinants of decisions on a hospital to receive cancer surgery were the kindness of the staff including doctors and nurses, and the trust in the medical skills and technique of the doctor. Practical Implication: The management of general hospitals should take note of the fact that it is important to establish proactive strategies for hospital management including strengthening the rapport between patients and medical institutions based on the kindness of medical staff (doctors and nurses) and staff, in addition to promoting cancer adequacy evaluation results and introducing one-stop systems.

Incarcerated Hiatal Hernia with Perforation after Laparoscopic Total Gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y Reconstruction: a Case Report

  • Wang, Nai-Yu;Tsai, Chung-Yu;Liu, Yuan-Yuarn;Chen, I-Shu;Ho, Kai-Hung
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.132-137
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    • 2019
  • The occurrence of hiatal hernia after total gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y reconstruction is rare. We report the case of a 76-year-old man who presented with dyspnea, vomiting, and fever around 8 days after total gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y reconstruction. Abdominal computed tomography revealed a hiatal hernia containing part of the small intestine in the left thoracic cavity. Emergent reduction and repair of the hiatal hernia were performed later. Operative findings revealed that the Roux limb was incarcerated in the left pleural cavity. Esophagojejunostomy leakage, perforation of the small intestine with transient ischemic change, and pyothorax were also found. Thus, feeding jejunostomy, thoracoscopic decortication, and diversion T-tube esophagostomy were performed. Considering that the main cause of hiatal hernia is blunt dissection with division of the phrenoesophageal membrane, approximating the crus with 1 or 2 figure-8 sutures, according to the size of the defect, to prevent the incidence of hiatal hernia after total gastrectomy may be performed.

Analysis on the utilization Pattern of a General Hospital - With Cases of General Hospital Inpatients in the Provincial Area - (종합병원 이용형태에 관한 분석 - 지방소재 종합병원 입원환자 중심 -)

  • Jung, Yong-Mo;Jun, Sun-Kyong;Lee, Yong-Chul
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.14-24
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    • 2009
  • This study aims at deriving any useful information necessary to strengthen the competitiveness for growth through empirical analyses on general hospital located in a province in order to countermeasure the opening and competition of medical markets. The characteristics of user were identified on the basis of disease groups under KCD in the research method. In addition, the analysis on the expenses of diagnosis and treatment was divided into the treatment progress and degree of hospital resource utilization And the regression was carried out to identify the impacts of characteristics of inpatient users on the degree of hospital resource utilization. As a result of major research, the inpatient users of the general hospital located in the provincial area in consideration of inpatient users were formed around the inpatient disease groups representative for Korea(diseases of the respiratory system, injury and poisoning & certain other consequences of external causes). And it was understood that most of residents within a distance of 40 minute by the public transportation were using. And mostly were under the age of 9 or over 60, and the provision of medical features such as the degree of consultation and operational functions were inadequate. When we classify inpatient treatment cost for each resource application as the medical cost being the center of patient care function, the equipment and human resource application sector are constituted over half. Accordingly, the following suggestions are made as plans to strengthen the competitiveness for the growth of general hospitals located in the provincial areas on the basis of analytical results. First, it is necessary to have the characterization matching to the age and disease groups with a high frequency. Second, it is necessary to increase the degree of hospital resource utilization according to the characterization. Third, it is necessary to concentrate on public relations. The above suggestion, as a method for securing image improvement and competitive power as a general hospital, and through expansion of social function that a regional general hospital needs to secure not only as an individual institution but also as a general hospital, it can be seen that a general improvement of image as a regional general hospital is possible.

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The clinical pattern of intentional injuries at a primary Saudi Arabian trauma center

  • Shirah, Bader Hamza;Shirah, Hamza Asaad;Zabeery, Ibrahim Abdulaziz;Sogair, Osama Abdulqader;Alahmari, Ahmed Medawi;Alhaidari, Wael Awad;Alamri, Maher Hamdan;Aljabri, Waal Nafa
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The term "intentional injuries" refers to a spectrum of injuries resulting from self-inflicted injuries, interpersonal violence, and group acts of violence. Intentional injuries are underreported in Saudi Arabia. This study aimed to analyze and evaluate the characteristics of intentional injuries in patients who presented to the emergency department of a primary trauma center in Medina, Saudi Arabia in 2013. Methods: A prospective cohort database analysis of the clinical patterns and treatment outcomes of 252 patients who had intentional injuries between January and December 2013 was done. Results: The proportion of trauma patients with intentional injuries was 1.3%. The mean age was 34.2±9.4 years, 141 patients (56.0%) were male, and 111 (44.1%) were female (male to female ratio, 1.27:1). The majority (n=159, 63.1%) of injuries occurred at night. Most occurred outside the home (n=180, 71.0%). Financial problems (n=62, 24.6%) and social disputes (n=61, 24.2%) were the most common reasons. Sharp objects (n=93, 36.9%) were the most common weapons used. The head and neck were the most commonly injured areas (n=63, 54.4%). Superficial cuts (n=87, 34.5%), were the most common type of injury. Suturing of wounds (n=54, 21.4%) and surgical debridement (n=47, 18.7%) were the most commonly performed modalities of management. Conclusions: We conclude that intentional injuries in Saudi Arabia are a health care hazard that is, unfortunately, underreported. The clinical pattern is similar in most aspects to international reports but differs in certain features due to the specific religious and conservative characteristics of the community. Nationwide clinical studies are strongly recommended.

Endoscopic internal drainage with double pigtail stents for upper gastrointestinal anastomotic leaks: suitable for all cases?

  • Bin Chet Toh;Jingli Chong;Baldwin PM Yeung;Chin Hong Lim;Eugene KW Lim;Weng Hoong Chan;Jeremy TH Tan
    • Clinical Endoscopy
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.401-407
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    • 2022
  • Background/Aims: Surgeons and endoscopists have started to use endoscopically inserted double pigtail stents (DPTs) in the management of upper gastrointestinal (UGI) leaks, including UGI anastomotic leaks. We investigated our own experiences in this patient population. Methods: From March 2017 to June 2020, 12 patients had endoscopic internal drainage of a radiologically proven anastomotic leak after UGI surgery in two tertiary UGI centers. The primary outcome measure was the time to removal of the DPTs after anastomotic healing. The secondary outcome measure was early oral feeding after DPT insertion. Results: Eight of the 12 patients (67%) required only one DPT, whereas four (33%) required two DPTs. The median duration of drainage was 42 days. Two patients required surgery due to inadequate control of sepsis. Of the remaining 10 patients, nine did not require a change in DPT before anastomotic healing. Nine patients were allowed oral fluids within the 1st week and a soft diet in the 2nd week. One patient was allowed clear oral feeds on the 8th day after DPT insertion. Conclusions: Endoscopic internal drainage is becoming an established minimally invasive technique for controlling anastomotic leak after UGI surgery. It allows for early oral nutritional feeding and minimizes discomfort from conventional external drainage.

Synchronous Cancers of Hepatic Angiosarcoma and Gallbladder Adenocarcinoma, Mimicking Gallbladder Cancer with Hepatic Invasion: a Case Report

  • Choi, Jiyoung;Kim, Hyuk Jung;Jang, Suk Ki;Paik, So Ya;Kim, Ki Ho
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.90-94
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    • 2020
  • Synchronous primary cancers in the liver and gallbladder have been rarely reported. We report a case of synchronous cancers of hepatic angiosarcoma and gallbladder adenocarcinoma, mimicking gallbladder cancer with hepatic invasion. Additionally, the clinical implications, the radiologic features, and the diagnostic difficulties are further discussed.

A study for the factors on choosing hospitals and patients satisfaction between Geriatric Hospitals and General Hospitals (노인병원과 종합병원의 선택요인 및 환자만족도 분석)

  • Yoon, Seo-Jung;Yu, Seung-Hum;Kim, Young-Hoon;Lee, Ji-Jeon
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.46-75
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    • 2004
  • This research anticipated on acknowledging the inpatients factors in choosing which hospital for the geriatric hospital and general hospital they would prefer to go to the analization of different factors in patients satisfaction, and the relation between satisfactory standards and the patients intentions on recommendation or re-visiting the hospital. The statistical data was based upon the 359 question and answer papers that were done by inpatients that were hospitalized in two geriatric hospitals and two general hospitals, and the methods used for analyzing were frequency, t-test, factor analysis, and hierarchical multiple regression. The results are as follows. 1. The factors on choosing hospitals between geriatric hospital and general hospitals were different. The priority for the geriatrics was kindness, and then considerate nursing, and the reliance of treatment. The patients of general hospitals looked first for reliance of treatment, reputation and history of the hospital, and the kindness of the staff. The kindness of the staff, good nursing, and easy procedures were the primary factors of choosing geriatric hospital. 2. The four primary factors in choosing which hospital patients would go to were the predominance of the facilities, kindness and convenience, the reliance and proximity of medical treatment, and recommendation. The patients in the geriatric hospital first looked for kindness and convenience, second the reliance and proximity of medical treatment, third predominance of facilities, and last recommendation. The general hospitals main priority was the reliance and proximity of medical care, second predominance of facilities, kindness and hospitality, and last recommendation. 3. The satisfaction rate was higher in the geriatric hospital compared to general hospitals, but the satisfactory of factors were very similar. Patients in the geriatric hospital were pleased with the hospital staffs kindness, quick nursing and the improvement of inconvenient matters, and clear diagnosis of the doctors. The general hospital patients were satisfied with the hospital staffs clear explanation and accurate diagnosis 4. The analysis in the satisfactory factors turned out to be the environment of the hospital, kindness of the staff, and convenience. Both the patients of the geriatric hospital and general hospitals were very pleased with the kindness of the hospital staff. Ranking second and third was convenience and service for the geriatric hospital, and environment of the hospital and convenience for the general hospital. 5. According to a rank of multiple recurrent analysis of the patients satisfaction and the intention of re-visiting in addition to intention of solicitation, in the case of a geriatric hospital, when the intention of re-visiting is the dependent variable, the first stage shows that the less insurance the patient has, the higher was the intention of re-visiting. In the second stage, the more satisfied the patient is of the staffs kindness, the higher was the intention of re-visiting. Further more, when the intention of solicitation is the dependent variable, the first stage shows that not all the independent variables were significant, but the second stage shows that the more satisfied the patient is of the staffs kindness and the hospital along with the medical treatment expenses, the higher was the intention of solicitation. 6. In the first stage of a rank of multiple recurrent analysis of the satisfaction of the general hospital and the intention of re-visiting, not all the variables were significant, but in the second stage, all the satisfaction by factors were significant. Moreover, when the intention of solicitation was the dependent variable, the first stage shows not all the variables were significant, but in the second stage, all the satisfaction by factors were significant. That is to say, in the case of a general hospital, the satisfaction of the hospital and the medical treatment expenses were high, and the more satisfied the patient is of the hospitals environment and the staffs kindness, the intention of re-visiting and the intention of solicitation was higher.

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An Architectural Study on the Specialized Care Center in the General Hospital (국내 종합병원 전문 진료센터의 건축 계획적 연구)

  • Jeong, Ka-Young;Yang, Nae-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.216-221
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    • 2007
  • This study is about an architectural change for traditional hospitals to meet the challenges of the rapidly changing general hospital through a case study on specialized centers in Korea. Rapidly changed social facts are made new paradigm which is not functional organization but patient centered. It makes many changes from traditional hospital to specialized center, such as disease based care organization, cancer center. The purpose of this study is to find architectural design guidelines for general hospitals which are struggling to change from to functionally organized hospital to the new disease and organ based care center that are patient focused. In order to find applicable design guidelines, analyze general hospital's organizational features and their factors.

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