• Title/Summary/Keyword: History taking

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Burqanism from the Origin of the Pastoral Nomadic Koryo Region and the Vision of Korean Livestock Farming (고려의 원시영역 유목초지, 그 부르칸(불함)이즘과 한국축산의 비전)

  • Chu Chae Hyok
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 2005
  • Khori(高麗) refers to the Chaabog(reindeer) that live on lichens(蘚) on Mt. Soyon(鮮) in which pastures are the cold and dry plateau of North Eurasia. Thus, the origin region of the Khori or Koguryo that are the ancestors of the reindeer-herding pastoral nomads(馴鹿 遊牧民) can be said to be the Steppe-Taiga-Tundra pastoral areas of North Eurasia and North America. When the pastoral nomads moved on to the great mountain(大山) zone of the Jangbaek(長白) to the Baekdu(白頭) Mountains, they could have been in contact with pastoral farmers or agricultural farmers living there and they became the farmers remaining on agricultural farms. They were the Koryo people, the ancestors of Korea. Staying in one place, they gradually forgot the origin of their reindeer-herding pastoral nomadic history in the Northwest area of Mt. Soyon, the small mountain(小山) zone of the Steppe-Taiga-Tundra pastoral areas. In other words, they lost their identity as reindeer-herding pastoral nomads when they entered the agricultural area after leaving the pastoral area. However, since their basic genes had already formed when they lived on the cold and dry plateau of North Eurasia, it is possible to study their pastoral nomadic history focusing on 'the minority living in the broad area(廣域少數)', by utilizing highly advanced biotechnological science and focusing on genes and information technology innovation, and removing various past hindrances in research. Therefore, it is not so difficult to restore the reindeerherding pastoral nomadic history of the Koguryo(高句麗) people and secure their pastoral nomadic identity, of which the first steps have already been taken into their historical stages. The Eurasian continent and the Korean peninsula, especially the cold and dry plateau of North Eurasia and the Korean peninsula have been closely related to each other ecologically and historically. They can never be a separate space at all. The Eurasian continent lies horizontally east to west and thus, the continent forms an isothermal zone. Also, since the time of producing their own foods, it was relatively easy for people with their technology to move to other places owing to the pastoral nomadic characteristic of mobility. Unlike the Chungyen(中原) region, western Asia and the regions covering the Siberia-Manchu-Korean peninsula where food production revolution was first made were connected to the Mongolian lichens route(蘚苔之路: Ni, ukinii jam) and steppe roads. Although the ecological conditions of nature have changed a bit throughout a long history, it was natural for the many tribes in North Asia living on the largest Steppe-Taiga-Tundra area in the world to have believed 'the legends related to animals in relation to their founders and ancestors(獸祖傳說)'. Assuming that Siberian tigers and the tigers living on Mt. Baekdu were connected ecologically and genetically because of the ecological characteristics of the animals, and their migration from plateau to plateau, we would suspect that the Chosun(朝鮮) tribe living on Mt. Baekdu were ethnically and culturally more closely connected to the farther removed Ural-Altai tribes that lived on the cold and dry plateau region than to the Han(i14;) tribe who lived in Chungyen(中原) that was close to Mt. Baekdu. More evidence is the structure of the Korean language which has the form of 'Subject + Object + Verb', which is assumed to have originated from the speedy lifestyle of the reindeer-herding pastoral nomads. The structure is quite different from that of the Han(漢) language, which is based on agricultural life. Also, it is natural for reindeer riding reindeerherding pastoral nomads or horse-riding sheep-herding pastoral nomads(騎馬, 羊遊牧民) to have held military and political power over the region and eventually to have established an ancient pastoral nomadic empire in the process of their conquest of agricultural regions. The stages for founding global empires in the history of mankind maybe largely divided into two, in terms of ecological conditions and occupations. They are the steppes and the oceans. Of course, the steppe-based empires were established based on the skills to deal with horses and the ability to shoot arrows while riding horses, along with the use of iron ware in the 8th century BC. The steppe-based empires became the foundation for an oceanic empire, which could have been established by the use of warships and warship guns since the 15th Century. Based on those facts, we know that Chosun, Puyo(夫餘), and Koguryo are the products of a developmental process of pastoral nomadic empires on the steppes. Maybe we can easily find the pastoral nomadic identity of the Koguryo more than we expected when we trace the origins and history of the Korean tribe living in the pastures located in the northwest area of Mt. Jangbaek by focusing on pastoral nomadic mobility and organization just as we have investigated the historic origins of Anglo-Saxons in America by focusing on the times before the 15th Century. In the process, we should keep in mind that English culture originated from the Industrial Revolution and was directly delivered to the American continent, although America was far from England and was not an intermediate point on long sojourns either. Further, American culture came back to England in a more advanced form later. The most important thing currently to be resolved is to cause Koreans to look back on their own history in a freer way of thinking and with diverse, profound, and sharp insight, taking away the old and existing conventional recognition that is entangled with complicated interests with Korean people and other countries. The meanings of Chosun, Khori, and Solongos have been interpreted arbitrarily without any historic evidence by the scholars who followed conventional tradition of fixed-minded aristocrats in an agricultural society. If the Siberian cultural properties of the stone age, the earthenware age, the bronze age, and the iron age are analyzed in such a way, archaeological discovery will never be able to contribute to the restoration of the Koguryo's pastoral nomadic identity. One should transcend the errors that tend to interpret the cultural properties discovered in the pastoral nomadic regions as not being differentiated from those of agricultural regions and just interpret them altogether from the agricultural point of view. A more careful intention is required in the interpretation of cultural properties of ancient Korean empires that seem to have been formed due to mutual interactions of pastoral nomadic and agricultural cultures. Also, it is required that the conventional recognition chain of 'reverse-genes' be severed, which has placed more weight on agricultural properties than pastoral nomadic ones, since their settlement on agricultural farms was made after the establishment of their ancient pastoral nomadic empires. There is no reason at all to place priority on stoneware, earthenware, bronze ware, and iron ware than on wooden ware(木器) and other ware which were made of animal skins(皮器), bones and horns(骨角器), in analyzing the history in the regions of reindeer or sheep pastures. Reading ancient Korean history from the perspective of pastoral nomadic history, one feels strongly the instinctive emotions to return to the natural 'mother place'. The reindeer-herding pastoral nomadic identity of the Koguryo people that has been accumulated in volumes in their genes and hidden deep inside and have interacted organically could be reborn with Burqanism(Burqan refers to 不咸 in Chinese), which was their religion by birth and symbolized as the red willow(紅柳=不咸). The mother place of the Koguryo's people is the endless vast green pastures of North Eurasia and North America, where we anticipated the development of Korean livestock farming following the inherent properties in the genes of the reindeer-herding pastoral nomads with Korean ancestors. We anticipate that the place would be the core resource that could contribute to the development of life of living creatures following the inherent properties of their genes and biotechnological factors. In other words, biotechnology used for a search for clues on the well-being of humans could be the fruit brought by Burqanism of the Koguryo people and the fruit of the globalization of Korean livestock farming. It is the Chosun farmer in China come from the vast nomadic reindeer pastures of North Eurasia that resolved the food problem of a billion Chinese people with lowland paddy rice seeds (水稻) by transforming Heilongjiang Province(黑龍江省) into an oceanic lowland paddy rice field(水田). Even Mao Tse-tung(毛擇東) could not resolve the food problem by his revolution campaigns for tens of years. Today is the very time that requires the development of special livestock farming following the inherent properties of the ancient Korean reindeer-herding pastoral nomads that respected the dignity of life on the cold and dry plateau of North Eurasia and the America continent. I suggest that research should be started from the pastures of the Dariganga Steppe in East Mongolia that was the homeland of Hanwoo(韓牛) and the central horse-herding steppe place(牧馬場) of Chingis Khan's Mongolia. The Dariganga Steppe is awash with an affluent natural environment for pastoral nomadic living however, the quality of life of the pastoral nomads there is still low. I suggest we Koreans, the descendents of the Koguryo, should take our first steps for our livestock farming business project and develop the Northern nomadic pastures, here at the pastures of the Dariganga Steppe, which is the Mongolian core place of state-of-the-art technology for military weapons.

A Documentational Study on the Development of Chi-Kung-Hak (기공학(氣功學) 발달(發達)에 관한 문헌적(文獻的) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim Woo-Ho;Hong Won-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Medical Ki-Gong Academy
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.13-59
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    • 1996
  • Dep. of Classics &Medical History, College of Oriental Medicint, Kyung Hee University Today, many people are more interested Today, many people are more interested in preventing the disease than curing it. Chi-Kung(氣功) is the way of Life-Cultivation(養生法) peculiar to the orient, it is reported in china that Chi-Kung has an excellent curative value not only in curing the disease but also in preventing it. But the full-scale study of Chi-Kung is not be made up to now in Korea, so I studied the developmental history of chinese Chi-Kung through the oriental medical books. From this study, I reached the following conclusions; 1. Chi-Kung is naturally derived from the self-preservation instinct to adapt oneself to circumstances of the nature, but in the investigation from the documentational records, it is originated in the treatment method of the Sam-Huang-O-Jae(三皇五帝) period to cure the abnormal circulation of the vital force and blood caused by damp(濕). 2. As the principle and the method of the Life-Cultivation of the Chun-Chu-Jeon-Kook(春秋戰國) period were recorded in Huang-Jae-Nai-Gyung(黃帝內經) detailly and the remedy examples by ancient Chi-Kung such as Tao-Yin(導引), Haeng-Chi(行氣) were presented, we considered that theoretical basis of the development of Life-cultivation and Chi-Kung study was furnished in that period. 3. A famous doctor, Hwa-Ta(華引) lived in Han dynasty, researched the theory and practice of Tao-Yin transmitted from the former generations, as that result, he formed a kind of medical, gymnastics what is called O-Keum-Hi(五禽?). It is considered that 'O-Keum-Hi' is a Tao-Yin method developed more practically and systemetically than the Tao-Yin appeared in the 'Jang-Ja'(莊子) or 'Hoy-Nam-Ja'(淮南子). 4. In Wui-Jin-Nambook-Jo(魏曺南北朝) periods, the contents of Chi-Kung were more abundant under the influence of Buddhism(佛敎) and Taoism(道敎). Galhong(葛洪), the author of 'Po-Bak-Ja'(抱朴子) arranged the ancient Chi-Kung method systematically first of all, Tao-Goeng-Gyung, the author of 'Yang-Seong-Yeun-Myung-Rok'(養性延命錄) recorded the 'Yook-Ja-Geul'(六字訣) first time. 5. There is a new development of Chi-Kung therapy in Soo-Tang-Odae(隋唐五代) periods, especially So-Won-Bang(巢元方), the author of 'Jey-Bang-Won-Hwu-Ron' collected almost all of the Chi-Kung method, for curing the disease formed before Soo(隋) period. From that fact, we supposed that Chi-Kung was utilized more widely in curing the disease. 6. 'So-Ju-Cheon-Hwa-Hu-Peob'(小周天火候法) was adopted as the best orthodox approach under the influence of Nae-Tan-Taoist(道敎內丹學波) in Song-Keum-Won(宋金元) periods, especially in the song dynasty, 'Pal-Dan-Geum'(八段錦) was appearde and assignment of six-Chi(六氣) for bowel and viscera in the 'Yook-Ja-Geul'(六字訣) was decided firmly, that is to say Lung-Si(肺-?), Heart-Kha(心-呵), Spleen-Hoa(脾-呼), liver-Hoe(肝-噓), Kidney-chui(賢-吹), Three-Burner-shi(三焦-?). 7. In Myung-Cheong(明淸) periods, The general practitioner applied the principle of 'Byun-Jeng-Ron-Chi(辨證論治) to the Chi-Kung field, and after Myung dynasty the style of doing 'Yook-Ja-Gyel'(六字訣) was developed to the moving style. 8. Today, in china, the study on the Chi-Kyung is being progressed constantly under the positive assistance of government, Chi-Kung-Hak(氣功學) has taking its place as a branch of study step by step. It is considered that the establishment of Chi-Kung-Hak Classroom(氣功學敎室) and Medical Chi-Kung Center(氣功療法室) for special and systematic research are needed, at the same time the settlement of institutional system for training the Chi-Kung technician(氣功師) is also needed.

The characteristics of neurocardiogenic syncope in children (소아 신경-심인성 실신의 특징)

  • Lee, Kyung Yeon;Lee, Jin Young;Kim, Myoung Hyun;Lee, Jeong Eun;Kim, Yong Dae;Lee, Eun Ju;Lim, Young Su;Kim, Won Seop
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.512-517
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : Syncope is relatively common in children and adolescents. Among the etiologies of syncope, neurocardiogenical syncope is the most common, but it is often confounded with seizure. We investigated the clinical features of patients under the age of 15 with neurocardiogenical syncope, compared to patients with neurologic disorders including epilepsy. Methods : Among the children who visited the Department of Pediatrics at Cheongju St. Mary's Hospital and Chungbuk National University Hospital from March 2005 to February 2007, we retrospectively analyzed 69 patients whose chief complaint was syncope. We classified the patients by syncope etiology and made comparisons between the neurocardiogenical syncope (NCS) group and the neurological disorders (ND) group regarding to age; location; time and season in which syncope occurred; associated symptoms, including seizures, provocation factors; prodromes; duration of syncope; frequency of previous syncope; birth history; associated disease; past medical history; family history; neurological exam; physical exam; laboratory findings; electrocardiography; electroencephalography (EEG); head-up tilt test; brain CT; and MRI. Results : Among 69 syncope patients, 53 (76.8%) were in the NCS group and 11 (15.9%) were in the ND group. There were no statistically significant differences between the two study groups except for the presence of prodromes and EEG abnormalities. The presence of prodromes in the NCS group was more common than in the ND group [46.9% (23/49) vs. 9.1% (1/11), (P=0.038)]. The EEG abnormality in the ND group was more common than in the NCS group [90% (9/10) vs. 5.8% (3/52), (P<0.01)]. Conclusion : Our study suggests that detailed history-taking, including that concerning prodromes, is important for the accurate diagnosis of neurocardiogenical syncope, and EEG should be obtained if neurological disorders are suggested.

Berating on the Historical view in Korea dynasty's Medicine (1) (고려시대(高麗時代) 의학사관(醫學史觀) 질정(叱正)(1) - 고려초기(高麗初期) 의학(醫學)에 관한 김두종(金斗鍾)의 역사인식에 대한 비판 -)

  • Kim, Hong-Kyoon
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-33
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    • 2003
  • From the study on Doo-Jong Kims view of history about the early Korea$(Korea\;herewith\;stands\;for\;Korea\;dynasty\;A.D.918{\sim}1392)s$ Medicine, I came to a conclusion as follows. 1. Doo-Jong Kim is stressing on the fact that Early Koreas Medicine inherited from Shilla dynasty and seemingly expressing the pride of national medical science. But actually he distorted the Koreas independent growth with flunkeyism and insisted that Koreas medicine only took over Shilla dynastys which based on Chinese Tang dynastys medical science. As a result, Koreas medicine was blurred and evaluated as nothing but Tangs medicine. But, the reasons of Doo-Jong Kims viewpoints were not based on the fact, but on his speculation. 2. About the medical system, Doo-Jong Kim viewed that Korea copied Chinese Soo & Tangs medical system, But the fact is that Korea only borrowed a part of Chinese medical systems name, for examples, Tae-I-Gam, Sang-Yak-Kook, Sang-Sik-Kook, etc., and its actual functions were different and grew in Koreas own way, As a result, the titles or roles in the system were very different from those of Chinas. Especially, Korea saw much development in Science of Acupuncture and Moxibustion that there was a specialist on Acupuncture, called I-Chim-Sa, and even had much influences on Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustions growth, exporting Hwang-Je-Ne-Kyong to Chinese Song dynasty. 3. About the education system of medicine, Doo-Jong Kim viewed that Koreas medicine was only a copy of Shilla dynastys which was based on Chinese Tang dynastys, taking the medical examination curriculum as an example. The fact is that Tangs medical curriculum was three, Bon-Cho, Kab-Ul, Maek-Kyong, Shilla had seven, Bon-Cho-Kyong, Kab-Ul-Kyong, So-Moon-Kyong, Chim-Kyong, Maek-Kyong, Myong-Dang-Kyong, Nan-Kyong, and Korea had ten, So-Moon-Kyong, Kab-Ul-Kyong, Bon-Cho-Kyong, Myong-Dang-Kyong, Maek-Kyong, Dae-Kyong-Chim-Kyong, Nan-Kyong, Ku-Kyong, Ryu-Yon-Ja-Bang, So-Kyong-Chang-Jeo-Ron. Simply considering this, it is so clear that Koreas medical curriculum was much more upgraded one than that of China. 4. About the examination system for civil service, Doo-Jong Kim expressed that Shilla dynasty did not have such system, and only expounded knowledge of Shilla medicine, In case of China, Tang danasty Hyang-Kong was only a qualification test for civil service, which the result was completely dependent on applicants social status, Song danasty examination system was composed of three steps of Hyang-Si, Sung-Si, Jeon-Si (See Note1), but it stuck to formality by having Jeon-Si of anti-fraudulence use. On the other hand, examination system for civil service in Korea dynasty started in 958 by an advice of Ssang-Ki, Chin-Si in 977 and K대-Ja-Si (See Note 1), a kind of Hyang-Si, in 1024., Three steps of examination system made employment for civil service strictly fair, Moreover, it was possible for offsprings of concubine to be an applicant. These easily explain that the examination system of Korea dynasty was more upgraded one than that of China, Tang & Song dynasty. Hyang-Si : Exam in local area Sung-Si : Exam in province for those who passed Hyang-Si Jeon-Si : Exam held with Koea Kings supervision for those who passed Hyang-Si Keo-Ja-Si : Selective exam in local area like Hyang-Si. From the reasons above, it is clear that Doo-Jong Kim was much biased by flunkeyism through Japanese colonialisam and expressed his view on Korea Medical History based on such theory of heteronomy and stasis. Moreover, without rigid historical evidence on records, he distored the fact by translating incorrectly on his purpose. Therefore, Doo-Jong Kims Korean Medical History must be reevaluated through rigid historical research and his mistranslation should be corrected.

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The Changes of Bone and Soft Tissue after Maxillary Anterior Segmental Osteotomy and Advancement Genioplasty (상악전방분절절골술과 턱끝전진술 후 안면골격과 연부조직의 변화)

  • Kim, Jin Woo;Shin, Han Kyung;Jung, Jae Hak;Kim, Young Hwan;Sun, Hook;Yoon, Chang Shin;Yun, Sung Ho
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.635-640
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Mid and lower facial convexity is more common in Oriental people than in Caucasian. Bimaxillary dentoalveolar protrusion is characterized by procumbent teeth, protruding lips, acute nasolabial angle, gummy smile, receding chin, facial convexity. Especially, pure maxillary dentoalveolar protrusion is less frequent than bimaxillary dentoalveolar protrusion. Therefore, it is important to make an accurate decision for the operation throughout the history taking, cephalogram, dental cast to arrive at accurate diagnosis and surgical plan. Methods: From December 2002 to June 2004, ten patients with maxillary dentoalveolar protrusion and microgenia were corrected by maxillary anterior segmental osteotomy and advancement genioplasty. 10 patients were analyzed by preoperative and postoperative clinical photography, posteroanterior and lateral cephalograms. Results: No major complications were occurred throughout the follow-up period except one of the over-recessed, otherwise most of the patients were satisfied with the result. Conclusion: We could correct the occulusal relationship with teeth and improve lower facial profile, asthetically and functionally, by maxillary anterior segmental osteotomy and advancement genioplasty.

A Study on the Wang-bing's Comprehension of No-Ja(老子) in Hwangje-Naegyeongsomunju(黃帝內經素問注) (왕빙의 "노자(老子)"이해에 관한 고찰(考察);"황제내경소문주(黃帝內經素問注)"를 바탕으로)

  • Kim, Do-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.86-100
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    • 2006
  • For the purpose of understanding Wang-bing's idea, which was influenced by Taoism and Hyeonhak(玄學), I investigated the quotations from the No-Ja in the Hwangje-Naegyeongsonumju, and came to the following conclusions. 1. In the process of writing notes on the Hwangje-Naegyeongsomun, Wang-bing quoted No-Ja 19 times at 17 passages. Through this annotating process, he suggested the vision of the universe and the vision of the formation of all things. And he emphasized that abstaining from desire and satisfaction are essential for one's well being. In other words, he insisted on following the rules of EumYang(陰陽) and Fourseasons, to preserve Cheonjin(天眞). 2. Wang-bing wanted to establish a systematic medical theory by revising the Hwangje-Naegyeongs omun. In the front part, where he mentioned contents of jeonwongibon, he tried tosearch a way of well being, through taking care of one's health. And there his Taoistic idea becomes obvious. 3. The Hwangje-Naegyeongsomun was written under the influence of Hwangno(黃老) idea - the series of Taoism of Chunchu-Jeonguk(春秋戰國) era. Likewise Wang-bing's revision on the Hwangje-Naegye ongsomun was based on the Taoism of Dang dynasty, which succeeded to the WiJinHyeonhak(魏晉玄學). This shows a series of relationship. 4. It is no wonder that Wang-bing used quotation from scriptures of Taoism in his annotating work on the Hwangie-Naegyeongsomun, The fact that this quotations are mainly mentioned in the front part, also shows that he emphasized the theme of well being, by intention.

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Clinical & Nutritional Assessments of Long-term Survivors of Biliary Atresia (수술후 10년 이상 장기 생존 담도폐쇄증 환장에서의 영양상태 및 임상적 특성에 관한 분석)

  • Chun, Yong-Soon;Kim, Woo-Ki
    • Advances in pediatric surgery
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.125-130
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    • 1998
  • To assess the clinical and nutritional status of long-term survivors of biliary atresia, history taking, medical record review, physical examination (height, weight, MAC, TSF), blood tests (LFT, prothrombin time, platelet count, prealbumin, calcium) and liver needle biopsy were performed in 12 patients in whom Kasai procedure were performed more than 10 years ago at Department of Pediatric Surgery in Seoul National University Hospital. None were below the 5th percentile in height and weight. TSF was above the 75th percentile in all patients and showed good subcutaneous fat deposition. MAC was above the 5th percentile in all patients. Serum prealbumin level was abnormal in 2 patients with abnormal liver function and revealed visceral protein malnutrition. Serum calcium level was decreased below normal range in 4 patients with abnormal liver function. One patient had mild ascites. Five patients had abnormal liver function and 7 patients showed clinical manifestation of portal hypertension. Liver needle biopsy was performed in 5 patients and no cirrhotic change was observed. Although some patients who have survived for more than 10 years after Kasai procedure developed protein malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies, growth and development and nutritional status were generally satisfactory. Five patients(42%) showed normal liver function and no portal hypertension. In conclusion, Kasai procedure is satisfactory as a primary treatment in biliary atresia but significant portion of long-term survivors had abnormal liver function and portal hypertension. Continuous and careful follow-up is necessary to determine when liver transplantation may be indicated.

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A Survey of medical contents in Korean Medical Textbooks and Intervention Usage (한의 임상 지식 및 중재법 활용현황 조사)

  • Son, Mi Ju;Jerng, Ui Min;Han, Chang-Hyun;Kwon, Ohmin
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.79-92
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    • 2014
  • Objectives : This study aimed to investigate the medical contents of Korean medical textbooks and intervention usage in clinical practice. Method : We conducted an email survey of Doctors of Korean Medicine(DKMs) registered with the Association of Korean Medicine and analyzed the 259 responses that we received. Results : 1, The study showed that most DKMs used western medical knowledge concerning "history taking and diagnosis"(96.5%), "management and prevention"(95.8%), "causes and overview"(91.9%), and "prognosis"(90.3%). DKMs did not usually use western medical knowledge with regard to "diagnosis and treatment evaluation tools"(40.9%) or "western medical treatments"(25.1%) in their clinical practice. 2. Of the DKMs surveyed, 39.0% usually used traditional and western medical terms at similar levels of frequency in explaining their patients' conditions, while 35.9% used western medical terms more often and 20.8% used Korean traditional medical terms more often. 3. Most DKMs usually used acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping therapy, Moxibustion in their practice and used herbal prescriptions presented in Dongeuibogam(57.1%), Bangyakhappyeon(52.9%), and Sa-Sang Constitutional Medicine(36.7%), although 27.8% used their own herbal prescriptions in creating for patients. In practice, DKMs usually used meridian acupuncture(64.1%), needling myofascial trigger points(54.8%), sa-am acupuncture(42.1%), dong-shi acupuncture therapy(24.7%), and constitutional acupuncture therapy(8.5%). Conclusions : We found that most DKMs use western medical contents as well as Korean medical contents in clinical practice. New Korean medical contents should be establish based on these results.

Radiological Follow-up of a Cerebral Tuberculoma with a Paradoxical Response Mimicking a Brain Tumor

  • Kim, Jeong-Kwon;Jung, Tae-Young;Lee, Kyung-Hwa;Kim, Seul-Kee
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.307-310
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    • 2015
  • We report a case of a paradoxical response of a tuberculoma in the brain mimicking a brain tumor. A 76-year-old woman presented with a 2 week history of headache, dysarthia, and orthopnea. Brain magnetic resonance images (MRI) revealed two rim-enhancing lesions on the pons and occipital lobe, and chest computed tomography showed randomly distributed miliary nodules. The tentative diagnosis was tuberculosis (TB) of the brain and lung. She complained of right hemiparesis and worsening general weakness after taking the anti-TB medication. On the monthly follow-up images, the enhanced lesions were enlarged with increased perfusion and choline/creatinine ratio, suggesting a high grade glioma. A surgical resection was completed to diagnose the occipital lesion, and the tuberculoma was pathologically confirmed by a positive TB-polymerase chain reaction. The anti-TB medication was continued for 13 months. A follow-up MRI showed decreased size of the brain lesions associated with perilesional edema, and the clinical symptoms had improved. Brain tuberculoma could be aggravated mimicking brain malignancy during administration of anti-TB medication. This paradoxical response can be effectively managed by continuing the anti-TB drugs.

Correlations of Information Gathering Scores between Checklists and Interstation Works in a Clinical Performance Examination (임상수행평가에 있어 채점표와 사이시험의 정보모음 점수 간의 상관관계)

  • Kim, Jong Hoon
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Until now, students wrote only differential diagnoses and plans during the interstation work (IW) portion of clinical performance examinations (CPX). The contents of history taking (Hx) and the physical examination (PE) were only evaluated using checklists. This study addressed the correlations of Hx and PE scores from the checklists and the subsequent IW to research the necessity of adding Hx and PE sections in to the IW. Methods: One hundred and thrity-three students participated in a ten case CPX, and eight cases were used in this study. Immediately following the 12 minute patient encounter, students were given 6 minutes to write the IW. For the Hx and PE section, students were instructed to write the findings that they considered key information in approaching the patient's problem. The Hx and PE sections of the IW were scored using the same items that appeared on the SP checklist. Calculations of Spearman's rho were performed to find the relationship between the checklist scores and IW scores of Hx and PE sections. Results: Correlations of Hx and PE scores between the SP checklists and IW were low to moderate. Across the eight cases, the median Spearman's rho was 0.37 with a range of 0.14 to 0.54. Conclusion: We suggest that, because SP checklist scores measure only what information the students gather, but not their reasons for doing so (e.g.: relative importance), students tend gather very specific information from the patients. By analyzing of their IW, we were able to explore how students prioritize the important information they have obtained from the patients.